Season 5 8Ball Chat - 11/04/03

omg! if this is all not a dream, maybe lauren is part of the covenant lol (i wish)....and if Rambaldi is still alive, that will be amazing! the liquid that made Rambaldi's friend (season 1) and the flower immortal, was cool...
I was doing some research on St. Aidan after this show and I got two more bits of interesting info. I'm afraid this is all from memory so some of the details may be slightly off.
St. Aidan was having a feast with a king, Oswin I think. The kings messenger comes in and tells the king that there is a pack of poor hungry people outside. Without a word the King picks up a large bowl of meat, which had just been blessed, and tells the messenger to give the food to the poor strangers. St. Aidan was so impressed with this Christian Act he blessed the kings arm that had made the gesture so it would never decay. The king was killed in battle a few years later, but his arm was on displayed for 900 years. It became known as the uncorruptable arm. I think that this has two interesting points in itself. First, Lazarey's hand (arm reference) was completely preserved in a box in the desert. Second Lazarey made a generous gift to a person he didn't even know.
Here's the other bit I found. St. Aidan, was taken unexpectedly by an unknown illness that killed him in 11 days. He went to a monestary to live his last days. When he died his head was balanced on one of his hands (hand reference) and a post supporting the outer wall. The building was burned twice after his death in untold events (maybe accident or attack), but the post he died leaning his head on was never burnt. It was later found that chippings of the post were useful for curing disease.
I hope that some of this helps you with your thinking on the latest news.
Keywords: the code, the key, the hand, Lazarey, St. Aidan, the hitman, "The Telling", the heist, the box, the dna, the D.S.R., the clone.

now that we've had perspective from this 8ball chat, many of the keywords make sense:

the code: either irina's special type of encryption that was used to code julia thorne's address in Rome, or the coded message telling syd where the hand was buried

the key: key to the flat in Rome?

the hand: obviously, lazarey's hand

lazarey: um, lazarey.

St. Aidan: lazarey's codename

the hitman: lauren! definitely an awesome and unexpected keyword!

"the telling": "il dire" in italian, the compilation of the 47 rambaldi artifacts that supposedly gave sloane the word "peace." does the fact that this is a keyword again mean that we'll hear what the real telling was? assuming that sloane is lying about "peace" and that the telling lead him to the "endgame" lindsay found out about.

the heist: ? a lot of things could be considered 'heists'

the box: the box containing...

the dna: of milo rambaldi!

the DSR: department of special research, who knew syd was the girl in the prophesy and who knew about her abduction (once she told kendall)

the clone: ????? is this just referring to the fact that allison was coming back? or is it something new?

so what is the heist? is the clone someone new? what will we find out about the telling? anyone?