______ May he rest in peace (Harry Potter 5!!)

I still need to see this movie!

I love how all shippers are so different. They see a story in their own way(for their ship of course!) :lol:

But now is the time I'm thinking Arabella and Zsenya need to do a sequel...

btw, Cass, I happened upon an h/hr site while I was perusing sd-1's hp fan art thread. linkage to h/hr lots of h/hr's(sd-1) but there was also this nice h/g drawing.

Again, I just have to see this movie. I didn't want to at first but now I'm just dying too!

Another HP fic sounds fun; the yule ball's been on for like 6 months now! :blink:

I really should re-read those hp books. I think I've lost my first one, but hopefully I'll find it soon. I read GoF about 2 weeks ago, and it's still as awesome as ever. We've just gotta live through those tearful Sirius moments (and in GoF there's that whole chapter in Hogsmeade with him). ;)
ooo, haven't read GoF in a while, but I just finished PoA so I guess that's my next. *sniffle* :P

and yes! Arabella and Z NEED to do a sequel!!!! god I loved that fic. I should reread that too. I have it saved on my comp. :D

that's kewl you found all those H/Hr sites! There seem to be a lot more more for ya than when we started all this last summer, don't there sis?

oh and I had this idea for a new fic......I was gonna use it for my next fic....but I think I'm changing my mind....It could be like a HP chick flick fic! :lol: omg, that's too fun to say! muahahahah! sry. hyper. :D It could be called Mad Things Girls Do. teehee. I love when ron says that in book 5. :P whatdya think? it could include lots of the mad things our HP girls do and the funny reactions the guys have and lots of fluffy funny sutff and a happy ending and ....ok that's all I got. hooo, that candy had a lot of sugar in it...... :woot:
oi, geez, stupid board message just erased my long post *grumble grumble grumble* but neways, the gist of what I had writing was that I looked at the H/Hr links you and chels posted and it's funny how both our ships are kind of out on a limb but not...if that makes sense. you guys can back up your ship from here to china as well as we can! :P lol. guess that just goes back to what chels said about how we see the same story in our own way. :P
Hehe. Britt you're so hyper. :D

I can't find AtE at SQ. :( Does anyonew have the address?

And about the movie. I think there was a LOT more R/H but thats just me and my craziness. ;)
always welcome, cass ^_^ i found that site really interesting, especially the reasons that they are h/hr. it's so different to read a someone else's ship. s'all good, all good.

sounds like a very very funny idea britt! lots of crying and mentions of faucets would simply *have* to be included ;)

:eek: you can't find AtE! noooo! okay, i'll go and check for you. i've got most of my favorite chapters saved on my comp, but i'm going to re-read it, and will need to save everything this time around.
here's the link to it, btw. :sigh: sugarquill seems to have added so many fics! i read maybe 1 or 2 during spring break, but i've just been so fic deprived other than that! gahhh! must. read. fics.

guys, when i was clicking on the thread i went to the first page, and is it just me, or does it look like it's on drugs? :lol:
aghhhhhhhhh! it just erased my post again! :cuss: deep breath.

and yes! BRILLIANT! leaky faucet has to be in it! :P that would be fun.

on drugs? :lol: how so?

I've been fic deprived too. oo, do you guys remember reading the H/G fic Captive? and we all loved it? and the ending was terribly sad and she said she was going to write a sequel? we should look for that....I haven't been over there recently but that would be awesome if she's started it....
It is actually pretty neat to see how the other does see their ship in the book. Any suggestions on where to read some R/Hr or H/G ones? I would actually like to read those and see how you guys see it. I'm so glad everyone has been finding time to come on here now that summer is here! So great! :smiley:
Thanks Chelsea! I read a couple of their essays. Interesting, but still I am too attached to my own ship to see some of their points. But intersting to see their side. I just still love my ship though.

Thanks for the link to the Sirius wp too! Oh, how I miss him!
lol, yep. and that's a great wp. thanks for the link! :smiley: I'm still not all that happy with the casting for that though.....I just pictured Sirius to be more.....sexy? yea. Dirty, yes. but still sexy. :P
saw the movie yesterday. here's what i thought:
PoA… I can’t just sum it up in one quick “bloody brilliant” because it wasn’t. I can’t say it was good and I can’t say it was bad. I can’t really say anything to summarize the movie. I just can’t. It isn’t possible. I loved the beginning. When I watched the Aunt Marge blow up, it was really brilliant. Perfect in like every way down to the detail of Dudley just sitting there eating and watching that TV. Things that annoyed me: I wish Dudley had put on a little weight. Like just a bit to see he’d really grown in size, because he’s supposed to. They never clearly established the part of which form his uncle’s supposed to sign and why. And they never did say who Aunt Marge was.
So the beginning was just cool. The Knight Bus & Stan Shunkpike- amazing. This movie’s so much darker and you can really see it in the way Dan’s all acting like a misunderstood-teen wearing dark clothes and whatnot. They didn’t really establish exactly what went down in the Leaky Cauldron or how Hermione & Ron just randomly showed up. Ron’s dad annoys me. He doesn’t look like Mr. Weasley. Nor do any of the Weasley family, at that point, except for Ron. And what was up with Ron anyways? Throughout the whole movie it was like he was the dumb character? AND WHAT WAS FREAKING WITH HIS HAIR? I was about to kill it, because he was trying to do some messy look? Or was it a suave look? I don’t know, whatever it was, it looked bad. His clothes were all like weird too. I pictured him in handme-downs and stuff, not the same f***ing multi-colored sweater the entire movie! Okay, Anyways, I need to discuss the characters later. For now, we’ll proceed. The whole middle portion went by in a blur. What was with that chorus in the beginning? The train scene was too cool, with the dementor and everything. DUDE. Dementors are coo’. They just are. I so want one of them, it’s like, instant ice cream! All you need is milk and some sugar and a dementor! It would REVOLUTIONIZE Baskin Robbins’ 31 flavors, as we know it. And they could sooooo, take care of Laura for me this summer. Dude. There are just too many reasons this is my favorite book. Again, the middle all went by in a blur. The hippogriff scene was too amazing. Draco’s hair annoyed me. Draco as a whole annoyed me. I thought when he got slashed by the hippogriff it was played perfectly, but I mean, what about the rest of the movie? Why was he always crying? Is he supposed to be some sort of Faucet love interest? Speaking of leaky appliances, where was Faucet this movie? She’s SUPPOSED to be there. That’s like, the whole point of her appearing in 4th book as Harry’s crush. But, I guess I shouldn’t gripe about that too much, as 1- it <I>is</I> Faucet, and 2- there are more important plot lines that have missed appearing in the movie. The scenery is GORGEOUS. Like, *I* want to live at Hogwarts. But, the director needs to realize that this ISN’T an advertisement for future Hogwarts students and stop the freakin’ scenery shots every five seconds. They could have added the 2nd most important plot line that they left out which pissed me off instead of all the skies, lakes, trees, and, if we’re lucky, lone rag of a dementor. The fat lady and that glass singing? What was that about? She had never done that before, and yet again, had it been cut out, there would have been time for MORE IMPORTANT THINGS. The fat lady was just *creepy* in this movie. She seems more like the painting Violet (4th book) than the fat lady. The Great Hall also seemed to be not-so-Great in the scene where Sirius Black had slashed her painting and they were all the sleeping bags. Also, since when was Harry such a loner? I mean, Ron and Hermione seem to be there only for the occasional emotional support in extreme times every now and then. Otherwise it’s all this Harry kicking things, wearing black, being moody. But must restrain self from going on about Harry now, we’ll save that for later. Lupin. What a crash and burn story, right there. Halfway through the movie, it was just too painful to keep on watching him butcher my second favorite character that I just started to pretend he wasn’t in the scene. Like Harry, he learned the Patronus charm all by himself in my mind. Snape dressed like Neville’s grandmother was quite, quite funny. Soooo many things wrong with Lupin, it’s like, where to begin? On the train where out of cold dementor vibes he suddenly wakes up? Who’s he trying to be? Mark Darcy? The mustache annoys me. The hair annoys me. *Everything* about him annoys me. Down to his Mr. Roger sweaters & 30s records during Defense Against the Dark Arts Lessons. The way he looked more like a person with just REALLY REALLY bad teeth when he was a werewolf. Just. Everything. The middle AGAIN, was just a blur. It just went from scene to scene, barely registering what had happened in the last because they left out so much. They changed so much. It’s. different. And that’s irking me. In some way because I feel like I’ve missed something. I tried to watch the movie as a I’ve-never-read-the-books-point-of-view, but it just wasn’t possible. I kept thinking “well, I get this part, but what if you haven’t read the book?” It was complete mass chaos. Was it just me, or did the whomping willow seem a bit small? What about all those moments with Lupin in that weird outside-corridor thing? They’re supposed to be friends and all, but I mean, they never really established it. It was like one moment Harry had a lesson with Lupin in which he didn’t even say a word and the next moment their having tearful discussions about his parents. Also, why were the Slytherins in EVERY class with the Griffindors? I mean, since were they attached to the hip? Speaking of attached hips, what was with all the deliberate R/Hr shipperness that was SO put in by the director. I must restrain myself once more and put this aside for afterwards, though. I’ve saved the best for last. Sirius, humph. My favoritest character ever and the reason I love this book so much. I thought that the guy did a fair job. He really captured a lot of the fatherly & maniacal sense of Sirius, but not so much the mischief-maker Sirius. He did a decent, job, that’s all I can really say. Sirius is really supposed to look like a total hottie, which was just not pulled off, like, AT ALL, in the movie, but it was really okay because I’d rather not like the dirty fingernails and black teeth. Pettigrew? Bloody. Brilliant. Like *I* was feeling fulled repulsed when he went up to everyone because he just played the part so well. I was thinking “Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Get away. You smell. Ew. Ew. Ew…” It was just perfect. Did I forget to talk about Trelawney? It seems I did, I’ll just slip that in here, quick, well, she’s fantastic, as always. Emma Thompson did a wonderful job, and I really loved it. You completely feel like you’re in that stuffy tower with them waiting for class to end. Anyways, back to the amazingness that was the shrieking shack. It was all very quick and hurried explanation but it wasn’t till they got out of the tree did I realize “Hey, they left out the most important part- James & Pettigrew & Sirius becoming Animagi & why Moony had the shrieking shack in the first place. Or who had written the map for that matter and why Harry’s Patronus was a stag. And they didn’t put the knot in the tree, but Hermione screaming like a maniac while being whirled around by a tree was great. True good acting there, because it was even a little funny, I have to say. Sirius, ah, back to him. His dog didn’t really look like I thought it would be exactly. It looked really robotic. They left out the part about why Crookshanks was so keen on Scabbers as well. Sirius isn’t supposed to get hurt by Remus though when he’s an Animagus, and they completely missed that point. The lake scene was pretty cool but Harry needs to work on his passing out. That was weak. It looked very awkward. Very, very awkward. Awkard. Okay, and so the whole going back in time was so cool I loved that whole part. And I didn’t mind so much about the Firebolt coming in the end but they didn’t introduce Pig, and that was sad. It took me till today to realize what was bothering me so much about this movie. It was Christmas. They had some snow in there, but that’s like when you know it’s halfway in the book. And they left it out. So weird. Now, I can finally talk about some characters and actors. The 4 main ones and Malfoy’s hair, to be precise. Malfoy’s hair. ‘Nough said. Dumbledore- was he on viagra or something? He was some pseudo hyperactive- ADHD Dumbledore. I was expecting him to go “Yo, Harry, what’s up in da ‘hood?” any second. I miss the old one. Harry, was so much better in this movie than the last two. It didn’t even bother me that much about all of them wearing Muggle clothes. Harry wearing Muggle clothes bothered me, though. They decided to either dress him as a morning jogger in gray or black sweats or a darker Hermione the whole movie. It was just annoying. It was like he was some homeless man in all these Gray pullovers. And that jacket that he wore on the train scene and the very end one? The one with the striped going down the sleeves and no hood? I. HAVE. THAT. JACKET. That is just *weird*. Harry Potter is not supposed to wear jackets like that. Again, he did do the moody teen quite well and it WAS my favorite thing about the movie. Hermione was really cool in this movie. Like, really cool. She was definitely one of my favorite points of the movie. Ron, dear Ron, god, they made him look like an idiot. Siriusly, he was just the village idiot the whole movie. The spider scene was funny but they just made him look like the densest person on earth throughout the whole thing. All of the Hr/R moments that you could TELL the director put in there, like when Hermione grabbed his hand when Harry was on the hippogriff and Ron looked all “huh? Ohhhhh… okayyyy ::smug:: ” But you could also see that as a H/HR moment, I suppose, I just thought it was more obviously a HR/R moment. All little subtle things throughout. Now, in the book I’m strictly H/G, HR/R, but Ron just looked so stupid in this movie. Going to the actors to explain this a bit… Dan, Emma, and Rupert. In real life Rupert is definitely my favorite. Then Emma. Then Dan. My least favorite. So weird, because in the movie, it’s completely flipped. In real life Harry looks like such a fruit. Like Siriusly, whenever I see him he’s always wearing something I’d imagine he’d have borrowed from Emma and maybe even some of her blush? It’s just awful. He looks much more decent in the movie, but when I say “decent” I mean “normal”. Rupert’s just all cool off screen. He just is. Emma’s sorta “ehhh”. She and Dan, though… it’s like you see them, and then you see Rupert off to the side like a third leg. And that’s where I think we’re getting those H/Hr moment in the movie because Dan and Emma just have a lot more of a connection than Rupert. I feel like they’re closer off screen and on screen and Rupert/Ron is just a third leg. Now I’m trying to think of what I’ve missed. Because I know I have. I just don’t know what, yet. Okay, so overall I think this was the best HP movie yet because it was so much darker and better acted. The other 2 stuck to the plot a lot more and oh yeah, almost forgot! What was with McGonagall when Harry asked her? At first she was all McGonagall strict and then she was like his old buddy and pal patting him on the shoulder telling him “it’s okay”. Freakyyyyy. The Hermione punch was very very funny. Hilarious, I must even say. It wasn’t even a very good stage combat punch, but it was just a priceless moment. Back to how this movie was better than the other two, yeah, it was. It being my favorite book and the addition of Sirius definitely played a role in making it my favorite, but yeah, 3rd one’s the best out of the 3. But you must also realize, that I didn’t really like the other 2 movies. They had their merits and this one has it’s flaws but the scenes that I really liked in this one, just so far outstripped the other 2 movies. I really thought I was going to hate this movie when I first saw who was playing what and everything. I actually WASN’T GOING TO GO. But eventually, it was my favorite book and everyone was raving about it. I had to go. I’m pretty glad I did. I actually want to see it again, more so because just to see that I didn’t miss anything. So, that’s that. Oh yeah, last thing :lol: was it just me, or was that part at the very end of the lake scene where Sirius and Harry are being protected just the saddest part in the whole movie because he’s your favorite character and you know what’s to come? Completely a tearjerker for me, and feels that his death is more real now. :(
alias_fan said:
saw the movie yesterday. here's what i thought:
PoA… I can’t just sum it up in one quick “bloody brilliant” because it wasn’t. I can’t say it was good and I can’t say it was bad. I can’t really say anything to summarize the movie. I just can’t. It isn’t possible. I loved the beginning. When I watched the Aunt Marge blow up, it was really brilliant. Perfect in like every way down to the detail of Dudley just sitting there eating and watching that TV. Things that annoyed me: I wish Dudley had put on a little weight. Like just a bit to see he’d really grown in size, because he’s supposed to. They never clearly established the part of which form his uncle’s supposed to sign and why. And they never did say who Aunt Marge was.
So the beginning was just cool. The Knight Bus & Stan Shunkpike- amazing. This movie’s so much darker and you can really see it in the way Dan’s all acting like a misunderstood-teen wearing dark clothes and whatnot. They didn’t really establish exactly what went down in the Leaky Cauldron or how Hermione & Ron just randomly showed up. Ron’s dad annoys me. He doesn’t look like Mr. Weasley. Nor do any of the Weasley family, at that point, except for Ron. And what was up with Ron anyways? Throughout the whole movie it was like he was the dumb character? AND WHAT WAS FREAKING WITH HIS HAIR? I was about to kill it, because he was trying to do some messy look? Or was it a suave look? I don’t know, whatever it was, it looked bad. His clothes were all like weird too. I pictured him in handme-downs and stuff, not the same f***ing multi-colored sweater the entire movie! Okay, Anyways, I need to discuss the characters later. For now, we’ll proceed. The whole middle portion went by in a blur. What was with that chorus in the beginning? The train scene was too cool, with the dementor and everything. DUDE. Dementors are coo’. They just are. I so want one of them, it’s like, instant ice cream! All you need is milk and some sugar and a dementor! It would REVOLUTIONIZE Baskin Robbins’ 31 flavors, as we know it. And they could sooooo, take care of Laura for me this summer. Dude. There are just too many reasons this is my favorite book. Again, the middle all went by in a blur. The hippogriff scene was too amazing. Draco’s hair annoyed me. Draco as a whole annoyed me. I thought when he got slashed by the hippogriff it was played perfectly, but I mean, what about the rest of the movie? Why was he always crying? Is he supposed to be some sort of Faucet love interest? Speaking of leaky appliances, where was Faucet this movie? She’s SUPPOSED to be there. That’s like, the whole point of her appearing in 4th book as Harry’s crush. But, I guess I shouldn’t gripe about that too much, as 1- it <I>is</I> Faucet, and 2- there are more important plot lines that have missed appearing in the movie. The scenery is GORGEOUS. Like, *I* want to live at Hogwarts. But, the director needs to realize that this ISN’T an advertisement for future Hogwarts students and stop the freakin’ scenery shots every five seconds. They could have added the 2nd most important plot line that they left out which pissed me off instead of all the skies, lakes, trees, and, if we’re lucky, lone rag of a dementor. The fat lady and that glass singing? What was that about? She had never done that before, and yet again, had it been cut out, there would have been time for MORE IMPORTANT THINGS. The fat lady was just *creepy* in this movie. She seems more like the painting Violet (4th book) than the fat lady. The Great Hall also seemed to be not-so-Great in the scene where Sirius Black had slashed her painting and they were all the sleeping bags. Also, since when was Harry such a loner? I mean, Ron and Hermione seem to be there only for the occasional emotional support in extreme times every now and then. Otherwise it’s all this Harry kicking things, wearing black, being moody. But must restrain self from going on about Harry now, we’ll save that for later. Lupin. What a crash and burn story, right there. Halfway through the movie, it was just too painful to keep on watching him butcher my second favorite character that I just started to pretend he wasn’t in the scene. Like Harry, he learned the Patronus charm all by himself in my mind. Snape dressed like Neville’s grandmother was quite, quite funny. Soooo many things wrong with Lupin, it’s like, where to begin? On the train where out of cold dementor vibes he suddenly wakes up? Who’s he trying to be? Mark Darcy? The mustache annoys me. The hair annoys me. *Everything* about him annoys me. Down to his Mr. Roger sweaters & 30s records during Defense Against the Dark Arts Lessons. The way he looked more like a person with just REALLY REALLY bad teeth when he was a werewolf. Just. Everything. The middle AGAIN, was just a blur. It just went from scene to scene, barely registering what had happened in the last because they left out so much. They changed so much. It’s. different. And that’s irking me. In some way because I feel like I’ve missed something. I tried to watch the movie as a I’ve-never-read-the-books-point-of-view, but it just wasn’t possible. I kept thinking “well, I get this part, but what if you haven’t read the book?” It was complete mass chaos. Was it just me, or did the whomping willow seem a bit small? What about all those moments with Lupin in that weird outside-corridor thing? They’re supposed to be friends and all, but I mean, they never really established it. It was like one moment Harry had a lesson with Lupin in which he didn’t even say a word and the next moment their having tearful discussions about his parents. Also, why were the Slytherins in EVERY class with the Griffindors? I mean, since were they attached to the hip? Speaking of attached hips, what was with all the deliberate R/Hr shipperness that was SO put in by the director. I must restrain myself once more and put this aside for afterwards, though. I’ve saved the best for last. Sirius, humph. My favoritest character ever and the reason I love this book so much. I thought that the guy did a fair job. He really captured a lot of the fatherly & maniacal sense of Sirius, but not so much the mischief-maker Sirius. He did a decent, job, that’s all I can really say. Sirius is really supposed to look like a total hottie, which was just not pulled off, like, AT ALL, in the movie, but it was really okay because I’d rather not like the dirty fingernails and black teeth. Pettigrew? Bloody. Brilliant. Like *I* was feeling fulled repulsed when he went up to everyone because he just played the part so well. I was thinking “Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Get away. You smell. Ew. Ew. Ew…” It was just perfect. Did I forget to talk about Trelawney? It seems I did, I’ll just slip that in here, quick, well, she’s fantastic, as always. Emma Thompson did a wonderful job, and I really loved it. You completely feel like you’re in that stuffy tower with them waiting for class to end. Anyways, back to the amazingness that was the shrieking shack. It was all very quick and hurried explanation but it wasn’t till they got out of the tree did I realize “Hey, they left out the most important part- James & Pettigrew & Sirius becoming Animagi & why Moony had the shrieking shack in the first place. Or who had written the map for that matter and why Harry’s Patronus was a stag. And they didn’t put the knot in the tree, but Hermione screaming like a maniac while being whirled around by a tree was great. True good acting there, because it was even a little funny, I have to say. Sirius, ah, back to him. His dog didn’t really look like I thought it would be exactly. It looked really robotic. They left out the part about why Crookshanks was so keen on Scabbers as well. Sirius isn’t supposed to get hurt by Remus though when he’s an Animagus, and they completely missed that point. The lake scene was pretty cool but Harry needs to work on his passing out. That was weak. It looked very awkward. Very, very awkward. Awkard. Okay, and so the whole going back in time was so cool I loved that whole part. And I didn’t mind so much about the Firebolt coming in the end but they didn’t introduce Pig, and that was sad. It took me till today to realize what was bothering me so much about this movie. It was Christmas. They had some snow in there, but that’s like when you know it’s halfway in the book. And they left it out. So weird. Now, I can finally talk about some characters and actors. The 4 main ones and Malfoy’s hair, to be precise. Malfoy’s hair. ‘Nough said. Dumbledore- was he on viagra or something? He was some pseudo hyperactive- ADHD Dumbledore. I was expecting him to go “Yo, Harry, what’s up in da ‘hood?” any second. I miss the old one. Harry, was so much better in this movie than the last two. It didn’t even bother me that much about all of them wearing Muggle clothes. Harry wearing Muggle clothes bothered me, though. They decided to either dress him as a morning jogger in gray or black sweats or a darker Hermione the whole movie. It was just annoying. It was like he was some homeless man in all these Gray pullovers. And that jacket that he wore on the train scene and the very end one? The one with the striped going down the sleeves and no hood? I. HAVE. THAT. JACKET. That is just *weird*. Harry Potter is not supposed to wear jackets like that. Again, he did do the moody teen quite well and it WAS my favorite thing about the movie. Hermione was really cool in this movie. Like, really cool. She was definitely one of my favorite points of the movie. Ron, dear Ron, god, they made him look like an idiot. Siriusly, he was just the village idiot the whole movie. The spider scene was funny but they just made him look like the densest person on earth throughout the whole thing. All of the Hr/R moments that you could TELL the director put in there, like when Hermione grabbed his hand when Harry was on the hippogriff and Ron looked all “huh? Ohhhhh… okayyyy ::smug:: ” But you could also see that as a H/HR moment, I suppose, I just thought it was more obviously a HR/R moment. All little subtle things throughout. Now, in the book I’m strictly H/G, HR/R, but Ron just looked so stupid in this movie. Going to the actors to explain this a bit… Dan, Emma, and Rupert. In real life Rupert is definitely my favorite. Then Emma. Then Dan. My least favorite. So weird, because in the movie, it’s completely flipped. In real life Harry looks like such a fruit. Like Siriusly, whenever I see him he’s always wearing something I’d imagine he’d have borrowed from Emma and maybe even some of her blush? It’s just awful. He looks much more decent in the movie, but when I say “decent” I mean “normal”. Rupert’s just all cool off screen. He just is. Emma’s sorta “ehhh”. She and Dan, though… it’s like you see them, and then you see Rupert off to the side like a third leg. And that’s where I think we’re getting those H/Hr moment in the movie because Dan and Emma just have a lot more of a connection than Rupert. I feel like they’re closer off screen and on screen and Rupert/Ron is just a third leg. Now I’m trying to think of what I’ve missed. Because I know I have. I just don’t know what, yet. Okay, so overall I think this was the best HP movie yet because it was so much darker and better acted. The other 2 stuck to the plot a lot more and oh yeah, almost forgot! What was with McGonagall when Harry asked her? At first she was all McGonagall strict and then she was like his old buddy and pal patting him on the shoulder telling him “it’s okay”. Freakyyyyy. The Hermione punch was very very funny. Hilarious, I must even say. It wasn’t even a very good stage combat punch, but it was just a priceless moment. Back to how this movie was better than the other two, yeah, it was. It being my favorite book and the addition of Sirius definitely played a role in making it my favorite, but yeah, 3rd one’s the best out of the 3. But you must also realize, that I didn’t really like the other 2 movies. They had their merits and this one has it’s flaws but the scenes that I really liked in this one, just so far outstripped the other 2 movies. I really thought I was going to hate this movie when I first saw who was playing what and everything. I actually WASN’T GOING TO GO. But eventually, it was my favorite book and everyone was raving about it. I had to go. I’m pretty glad I did. I actually want to see it again, more so because just to see that I didn’t miss anything. So, that’s that. Oh yeah, last thing :lol: was it just me, or was that part at the very end of the lake scene where Sirius and Harry are being protected just the saddest part in the whole movie because he’s your favorite character and you know what’s to come? Completely a tearjerker for me, and feels that his death is more real now. :(
How long did it take you to write that?!? :jawdrop: