A Life Like That

Chapter 15: Old Times

“So you believe Irina Derevko is in fact alive?” Kendall asked.

“Yes, sir, I do,” Sydney answered.

After landing in L.A., Sydney and company went back to the CIA headquarters, bringing Lombardi with them, and filled in Kendall and Chase with what they discovered. The first topic of discussion involved Lombardi the most and what he 'needed' to accomplish in regards to finishing piecing together Rambaldi's clues and discovering who Death was. After that was granted to the old man and settled...then came the topic of Irina's status; whether she was in fact alive and kicking and running the Covenant.

Kendall ran his hand over his head and sighed. “Unbelievable.”

Chase leaned forward and folded her hands together. “So what you’re telling us, Agent Bristow, is that a terrorist that we thought was dead is in fact alive and presumably running the terrorist group known as the Covenant?”

Sydney nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

Chase leaned back and looked over at Jennifer who was standing in the far side of the room keeping out of the conversation. Jennifer caught the look the Director was giving her and only shrugged.

“So what exactly do you want to do?” Kendall asked Sydney.

“We could infiltrate the Covenant. Find out once and for all who their boss is, if it is Irina,” she answered.

“And how do you suppose you pull that off?” Chase asked.

Sydney looked at her team, Michael, Nadia, Jack and even Jennifer, then turned back to Chase and offered her a smile. “We’ll pull it off,” she assured her. “Just like old times.”


Eric slowly buttoned up his shirt careful not to move his should too much as Nadia walked in the hospital room. “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he answered. “Just peachy.”

Nadia walked up to Eric and helped him finish buttoning the shirt. “Look, I know you don’t like the assignment that Chase gave you…”

“I asked to come back because I feel fine,” he interrupted. “I can help out and instead she gives me a baby sitting job.”

Nadia offered him a smile. “That’s why I asked to stay behind with you so we can both look after Lombardi.”

Eric rolled his eyes. “This is a rookie’s job.”

“You’re still not entirely healed.”

Eric sighed. “I know.”

“Look…it’s just until Sydney and the others get what they need,” Nadia assured him. “Then you can go back to getting shot out in the field again.”

Eric smiled warmly at her and she wrapped her arms around his chest hugging him.


Sydney positioned herself in between Michael and Jennifer in the small van as her father gave them the objective once more and reviewed the mission. It was simple; confirm Irina’s status; and the bonus was gathering any Intel the Covenant had that the CIA did not. When Jack was finished, they began to suit up in their commando gear.

“Can I ask a question?” Jennifer piped up.

“Must you?” Sydney retorted.

Jennifer ignored her. “How exactly can we get to Irina Derevko?” When the trio stopped what they were doing, Jennifer noticed their looks and went on. “I mean, if they’re as powerful and resourceful as you all say, then there’s no way we can get to her just storming in there.”

For a moment, no one said a word. They all looked at one another realizing they were rushing this too quickly. “She’s right,” Michael final said.

“How else can we get inside and accomplish this without being compromised?” Jack asked.

“Me,” Sydney spoke up.

Jennifer looked from Sydney, to Michael and Jack, then back to her, clearly confused. “Excuse me?”

“Me,” Sydney repeated. “Irina thinks I’m dead.”

Michael shook his head. “You don’t know that for sure.”

“No…I am sure of it. Irina doesn’t know who Jennifer is which can get us in there and confirm that Irina controls the Covenant operations which will allow you two to gather whatever Intel you possibly can.”

Jack pondered the thought before nodded his head in approval. “Yes…that could work to our benefit.”

“I don’t like it,” Michael responded.

“Maybe not,” Sydney said, “but this is our best shot.”

Jennifer nodded. “And our only,” she finished for Sydney.

Michael reluctantly agreed. “How are you two going to get inside?”

Sydney shrugged. “Well…I could get captured.”

“Jennifer can pose as a guard and ‘catch you’ as you’re trying to sneak in the building,” Jack suggested. “But it has to be convincing.”

“How do you purpose we make it convincing?” Michael asked him.

Before Jack could answer, an idea came to Jennifer. She turned towards Sydney and punched her hard in the jaw, knocking her to the ground and out cold. Jennifer grabbed her hand and rubbed it while catching the looks that Michael and Jack were giving her. “What?” Jennifer asked innocently.


Irina sat at her desk staring at nothing in particular. She felt a man’s presence behind her and she smiled softly. He was standing behind her at the window looking out on the city below. Even though there was not enough light near the man to reveal his identity, Irina knew who he was.

“My nightmares haven’t gone away,” she told him.

The man muttered something that Irina couldn’t make out. Still, she did not turn around to see his face or his bodily expressions that could so easily gave away his thoughts.

“The nightmares of Sydney drowning,” Irina continued. Still the man said nothing nor did he move. “She survived the explosion, but not the flooding.”

This time the man did move; over to Irina to where now he was standing over her desk, but she did not look up. “You honestly believe Sydney Bristow is dead?” he asked.

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Because... you are alive.”

Irina smiled and looked up at him. “Rambaldi’s gift’s,” she commented. “You of all people should know that, Arvin.”

Sloane nodded and smiled. “A gift to you perhaps but… for how long?”

Irina stood up standing toe to toe with Arvin Sloane, her eyes flashing in anger. “Rambaldi prophesized that I would control the horizon and become immortal.”

“That was the same thing his text promised myself too and look at me now,” he shot back. To add the effects to his words, he moved his hands towards an object on her desk. Irina watched as his had literally went through the object. “You know what this is Irina,” Sloane said looking back up at her. “This is you doubting yourself because I am dead. And why…?”

Irina swallowed hard finding her mouth to be abnormally dry. “Because it wasn’t meant to be.”

Sloane nodded. “At least… not by Rambaldi.”

Irina slowly nodding remembering what Julian had told her over the phone. That his little spy had informed him that Milo Rambaldi had never existed. There was never anyone named Rambaldi and that meant that his work was never properly claimed. And what that meant to all of Rambaldi’s followers, such as Irina and even Sloane, was that Rambaldi’s visions and works were all just a fake. But...nothing was offically proven right or wrong...yet.

Irina thoughts dissolved as she heard voices coming from outside her office. She blinked several times and finally realized that Sloane had disappeared. I must have been daydreaming the whole conversation, she thought. Just as she thought that, the door burst open and in stepped a blond woman as she threw a brunette on the ground, who was unconscious. Irina wanted to scream at the woman for forcing herself in her office, but her eyes never left the brunette. And the blond woman noticed this.

“She was caught trying to sneak in,” the blond woman informed Irina as the brunette was slowly coming to.

“Who is she?” Irina asked quietly.

The blond woman shrugged and lifted her leg as her foot touched the brunette, turning her over laying on her back to reveal her features.

Irina’s eyes widened in surprise and joy. “Sydney?”


-No, Death is NOT Vaughn...don't worry about that. However, he IS someone very close and important to Sydney and that will mean something

-No, Julian and Jennifer do NOT have a child together. I personally find that disgusting only because Jennifer CANNOT stand Julian. Julian has something over her head which is causing Jennifer to walk on egg shells

-Not only does Jennifer have one secret involving the secret word 'She' [which for all you know could be a pet, Irina or a code name] Jennifer also has a HUGE secret which will take a huge and DEADLY toll on Sydney and those she cares about the most.

-In the coming chapters, Jennifer will be getting closer and closer to finding out the truth about Sloane's murder [i.e. Sydney is in for some serious trouble]

-'Death' will be revealed and there will be a CHARACTER DEATH.

-This is my LAST Alias fic, so I'm trying to make this one count
Chapter 16: Crash and Burn

Michael helped Jack climb threw the broken window making sure neither of them made any noise. Once Jack hit the floor, he pulled out a small flashlight and looked around the room. “Okay,” Jack whispered. “Start looking.”

Michael nodded and wondered away from Jack. As he searched the room, his thoughts wondered to Sydney. He was starting to get the feeling that she was pushing him away from her. Michael kept telling himself that she only needed space, but every time he would give it to her, something terrible would happen. It seemed that Sydney was more concerned about stopping her mother and Rambaldi’s prophecy then she was in him or her family. As Michael began searching through the file cabinet drawers, it also weighed heavily on is mind that Sydney had asked for Sark first when she escaped from Cuba. Sark and not him.

Michael frowned as a label on a file caught his attention. ‘Bristow’; Case #224987. Michael pulled the file out and closed the drawer as he grabbed the flashlight and held it over his should and leafed through the contents. After reading a few lines, he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. “Oh boy,” he muttered.


Sydney groaned and sat up holding her jaw. She looked around, then up at Irina. “Where am I?” she asked while standing up.

“You’re not going to say hello to your mother?” Irina replied snidely.

Sydney straightened herself and her clothes out while she was standing in between Jennifer and Irina. “No, I’m not,” she snapped at her mother. “You almost killed me.”

“You were the one who pulled the trigger,” Irina reminded her.

“And you were the one who would’ve killed millions of innocent people,” Sydney shot back.”

“As I recall, Sydney…you killed an innocent man.”

Sydney’s face hardened and she took a step towards Irina. As a result, Jennifer reached behind her back and grabbed her gun that was tucked away but she kept it there, watching the two women closely.

“Arvin Sloane was hardly innocent,” Sydney snapped. She was so focused on her mother and her anger that she didn’t realize what she said until she had said it. She felt Jennifer move behind her and the tension in the room became unbearable.

Despite the fact that Irina had no idea who she was, and that Sydney had just ratted herself out, Jennifer’s whole world seemed to spin around her as her grip on the gun tightened. “You killed him?” she whispered. Jennifer’s eyes never left Sydney’s as the brunette slowly turned around. Looking like a dear caught in headlights, Sydney said nothing. She didn’t deny it, didn’t argue it. Nothing. Jennifer was seeing red.

“He wasn’t even armed,” Irina informed Jennifer, unable to stop herself from smiling, while her gaze was still on her daughter.

Sydney ignored Irina and held out her hand innocently to Jennifer. “Jennifer…” she said softly.

It was the wrong choice. In one swift motion Jennifer drew her gun and cocked the hammer as Sydney took a step back. Even Irina backed down, surprised by the change of action.

“You killed him!” Jennifer shouted. “He was defenseless and your murdered him!”

Sydney looked at Jennifer confused as she raised her hands. “Why are you taking this so personal?”

Jennifer’s eyes flashed and for a brief moment, she looked almost inhuman. “It is frackin personal!” she yelled. “He was my father!”

Both Sydney and Irina stopped breathing as they watched Jennifer’s eyes fill with tears. When Irina realized she wasn’t breathing, she sucked in a deep breath and uttered the four words her and Sydney were unable to process. “He was a father?”

Jennifer chuckled, but she was not amused. “Yeah, he was,” she answered softly. “He was a caring man with a heart bigger than you’ll ever know.” Jennifer’s eyes found Sydney’s. “Or maybe you would seeing as he bled all over you.”


Jennifer caught Irina reaching for something on her desk…a gun. “Don’t,” she warned her as she pointed the weapon at her. Irina stood still for a moment, not challenging her but Sydney saw it in her eyes... the fearlessness When Irina went for the gun anyways, a single shot rang out as Jennifer fired her weapon and the bullet hit its target. Sydney took advantage and wrestled Jennifer to the ground successfully getting the weapon away from her. Jennifer didn’t go down easily though as she punched Sydney again and threw her off of her. Jennifer recovered quicker and kicked Sydney in the stomach then grabbed her by the hair, lifting her to her feet. Sydney gathered her strength and punched Jennifer in the gut causing Jennifer to release her. Sydney then hit Jennifer across the face causing her to stumble.

“Please,” Sydney said catching her breath. “Don’t do this.”

Jennifer grinned at Sydney, wrapped up in her blinding anger. “Don’t do what?” she teased as she grabbed Irina’s gun from the desk. “Kill you?” she said raising the gun.

Sydney moved just as the weapon fired, hitting the wall behind her. Jennifer threw the gun to the floor and grabbed Sydney by the shirt and slammed her against the wall. She then attempted to punch her but Sydney blocked the blow and delivered her own.

As Sydney and Jennifer continued to fight each other, Irina regained consciousness and stood up grasping the side of her stomach. She lifted up her shirt and saw the blood drying as the wound was already fully healed. Irina looked back at her daughter and Jennifer fighting then slowly backed away, making her escape.

Sydney gained the upper hand and slammed Jennifer’s head into the wall but was too slow to follow up as Jennifer bent down and charged like a bull ramming her shoulder into Sydney’s stomach and her back into Irina’s desk. Unbeknownst to either woman, Michael and Jack had entered. Acting quickly, Michael shot Jennifer with a tranq dart rendering her unconscious as Sydney caught her breath and wiped the blood from her mouth.

“What the hell happened?” Michael asked her while handing her a rag to stop the bleeding from an open wound on her forehead.

Sydney panted and looked over at Jennifer on the floor, her father kneeling over her tending to her wounds. Sydney said nothing however as she looked around the room finally realizing that Irina was gone. In a sudden wave of fury she threw the rag down and stormed out of the office.
I can't beleive that Irina didn't shoot JEnnifer unless Jennifer is Irina's other daughter which in case would be Sydney's half sister.

I just found something out that was so ironic I just had to post it

The actor who plays Will in Alias is actually marrying the actor that I used for the character of Jennifer in this story, Jennifer Esposito.

I never knew this, so how ironic is that?!?
Chapter 17: When the Truth Comes Out

Sydney sat still as Michael used a damp wet cloth to finish wiping up the dried blood from her forehead. “I still can’t believe that Jennifer is Sloane’s daughter,” Sydney muttered.

Michael placed the cloth back in the bowl and rinsed it off. “No one knew, Sydney.”

Sydney shook her head. “Yeah, I know…but still.”

“Her last name is different…” Michael went on.

“I should have known,” Sydney whispered. “She was so involved in that case…I should’ve seen it.”

“You’re not a prophet, Sydney.” Michael said softly, dumping the bloody water down the drain.

“Yeah…I’m not Rambaldi.”

Michael nodded. “Yeah…assuming Milo Rambaldi is real.”

Before Sydney could say anything, the doorbell rang. Sighing, Michael gave Sydney a look causing her to giggle, as Michael opened the door. Seeing who was standing there on the porch, Michael immediately regretted it. “Jennifer?”

Jennifer stepped forward, with the two other officers behind her. “Don’t make this hard, Michael.” Michael shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “Where’s Sydney?”


Pushing her way past Michael, Jennifer walked in the house and into the kitchen where Sydney was. Both women stopped and locked eyes while the two officers positioned themselves behind Jennifer.

“Jennifer,” Sydney said softly.

“You know why I’m here,” Jennifer said shortly. Holding her gaze with Sydney, Jennifer nodded her head shortly and one of the officers stepped forward, handcuffs in his hands.

“Sydney Bristow,” Jennifer began. “You are under arrest for the murder of Arvin Sloane. You have the right to remain silent. You also have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, then one shall be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them for you?”

“Yes.” Sydney answered while looking eyes with Michael as the officer grabbed Sydney’s arm and handcuffed her hands, leading her out of the house. As Jennifer was leaving, Michael grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Let go of me.”

Michael released her. “You can’t keep Sydney there. You know we’ll get her released.”

Jennifer turned her head to look at him and smiled weakly. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

Michael frowned. “What does that mean?”

Instead of answering…Jennifer walked out to the car.

Sydney never knew the time it took to book someone into jail. It was a long and lengthy process…one that aggravated her to no end. After they had thrown her into her own private cell, the only thing Sydney could do was relive the whole scene with Jennifer finding out the truth. Sydney was so oblivious to everything at that time. She focused all her hate on her mother and what Sydney had gone through, and still was going through, just to have a normal life. She was cursed with this ‘immortality’. Sydney took a deep breath and buried her head in her hands as she heard noises coming from outside the cell. Within seconds, Sydney heard the bar door opening and closing. Lifting her head up, Sydney came face to face with Jennifer. Without saying a word, Jennifer placed the few papers in a file she had in her hand on Sydney’s bed then leaned back against the wall folding her arms across her chest. Sydney glanced at the papers then back at Jennifer.

“What are those?” Sydney asked her softly.

Jennifer stood there for a moment, as if she were searching for the words that Sydney needed to hear. “Why did you kill him?”

Sydney leaned back on the bed, her back hitting the cold stone wall. “Sloane isn’t what you think.”

“So now you know what I think?”

“I know how you feel.”

“You don’t know felgercarb,” Jennifer snapped.

“Despite the cold hard fact that he was your blood…you have no idea the kind of man he really was.”

Jennifer raised her eyebrows. “Oh yeah? The enlighten me.”

"Then tell us," Michael said.

"Ah," Smith grinned at him. Michael crossed his arms, wanting to hit the guy. "The agents I can name won't just kill me if I talk. They will kill you. They will kill your family, your loved ones. The people you care most about. The agents are good people, whose boss has turned their heart into stone, and taken away their free will.”


Irina stepped forward and Sloane turned to her as the doors closed once more, giving them privacy. "This couldn't have come at a worse time," she said.

"Agreed." Sloane turned around and moved the blinds slightly to see Sydney talking to Lauren, Marshall and Julian. "She needs to be taken care of. She is the only one who can stop us from fulfilling Rambaldi's endgame."

"And how exactly do you propose we do that?" Irina asked

Sloane turned back to her. "There is a meeting between The Covenant and SD-6. I'll send Sydney, Julian and Lauren to retrieve the last piece from the Covenant, and you leak the Intel to the CIA. When the time comes...I want Agent Bristow terminated."

“Sloane tried to have me killed...”

"Why does he want us dead?" Sydney asked. Julian looked at her, unsure of how to answer.

"Well, first we have to determine that he really does what us dead" Julian offered.

Just as the reached a red light, bullets started flying and shattered the back window. Both Sydney and Julian ducked down to avoid getting hit.

"Ok," Julian breathed. "I think he does in fact want us dead."

Sydney raised her eyebrows. "Really? You reached that conclusion all by yourself?" Julian gave Sydney a look as she reached in the glove-box and pulled out a hand gun. "You have to lose them," Sydney said.

"It's rush hour, Sydney," Julian reminded her. "Exactly how do expect me to do that?"

"Just go!" Sydney shouted. Julian obeyed. Slamming on the gas the car launched forward into on-coming traffic. Julian sat back up and jerked the car to the left, just missing other cars. The Chevy pulled out and followed Julian close behind.

“…one more than one occasion.”

Just as Julian was about to look back, he caught a glimpse up ahead of several other cars blocking their way. He slammed on the brakes, but nothing happened. "Oh felgercarb..."


He looked at Sydney, and then saw armed men coming from the side of them. Both he and Sydney unbuckled their seat belts as the men started firing their guns. Pieces of the glass in Julian's car shattered as the car hit the parked BMW's to block them in, smashing in Julian's car. He quickly sat up and took control of the car again. "Son of a bitch!" He looked over at Sydney, who looked paled and pissed. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill, Sloane. This is a new frackin car!"

As Sydney was going to reply, the Chevy rammed into them, now smashing up the back end of the car. Julian tried to maintain control as the car started to swerve. The Chevy hit them again and Sydney's eyes widened. "Julian!" He grabbed Sydney and pulled her down, and used his body to shield her as their car smashed into the entrance of a mall. Several shoppers screamed and ran for their lives, while others looked on in awe. Julian's car burned rubber as it skidded to a stop, smashing into a clothing store. The driver of the Chevy cut the wheel too much and the truck lost control and smashed into the wall.

Julian and Sydney slowly got up and looked around. Julian tried opening the door, and when it wouldn't budge, he used his body weight to force it open. Helping Sydney out, he looked around at the damage they had created. Shoppers were poking their head out of stores and hiding places when they first crashed into the mall.

“He tortured my friends…the people I care most about.”

“Well Marshall,” Sloane said, looking at his watch. “It’s past that time.” Sloane turned to Marshall and frowned. “I guess Sydney and Julian won’t be saving you after all.”

Marshall swallowed hard, feeling the lump and the stinging in his throat, knowing full well what was about to happen. His friends had failed him, and he was going to die. Not like this, he shook his head, not like this! Sweat poured down from Marshall’s forehead and Sloane looked at him, ashamed to even glance at him. Sloane turned to one the agents standing behind him. “Take care of Mr. Flinkman, will you?”

The agent nodded, and as Sloane walked away, the agent raised his gun. Sloane heard a loud ‘bag’ and Marshall felt a sharp pain in his heart…

“Believe me when I tell you that Sloane got what he deserved and if I could do it all over again…I would.”

Sloane ran down the hallway searching for the exit desperately. Out of breath, Sloane swore as he reached a dead-end. He quickly turned around as he saw Sydney slowly approaching him with her gun raised and her expression set.

“Sydney,” he pleaded.

“Don’t,” Sydney snapped. “You manipulated me. You used and tortured my friends. You had a bounty on my head, and you lied to me.”

Sloane watched as Sydney stopped, inches from him, as her finger squeezed the trigger a little tighter. “Sydney,” Sloane said cautiously. “You are not a murderer. You couldn’t kill me.”

“Wrong,” Sydney said. “You made me a murderer. I think it’s fitting, don’t you? Anticlimactic in a way.”

Sloane shook his head. “There are so many things that you don’t understand,” he whispered.

“I don’t care. I only care that you pay dearly for your crimes and all the pain you caused for those who ever came to know you.”

Sloane shook his head. “Well…I am sorry Sydney.”

With one rapid motion, Sloane reached into his coat and Sydney’s finger pulled on the trigger all the way down, shooting Sloane in the chest. Sloane looked at his chest as the blood came rushing from his wound. Sydney’s harden expression stayed glued to Sloane as he fell backwards.

Neither said anything for the moment. Jennifer’s mind was reeling from everything Sydney had told her, trying to determine if it was all lies or in fact the truth. Just as Jennifer was about to address Sydney, her cell phone rang. Snatching it from her pocket she flipped the phone open. “What?” she snapped.

“Detective,” a man’s voice cracked over the speaker. “You need to come down here. There’s been an incident.”

“What kind of incident?” Jennifer questioned.

“It’s that guy from Italy,” he responded.

“Lombardi?” Jennifer asked. Hearing the name, Sydney sat forward and raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah…he was killed.”

Jennifer closed her eyes and sighed, closing the phone. “What?” Sydney asked. “What happened?”

Jennifer shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Lombardi was killed…”


“We don’t know that yet… I said ‘killed’,” Jennifer said while opening the bars and stepping outside.

Sydney walked up to the bars as Jennifer closed them. “You have to let me out of here!”

Jennifer’s eyes flashed in anger. “I don’t have to do anything, Bristow.”

Sydney watched as Jennifer stormed off and she slumped back on the bed as he eyes slowly moved over to the file on the bed.
Sloane definitely deserved to be killed!!!!
-I wonder who killed Lombardi!! :Ponder:
Can't wait to find out more!!
-Thanks for the pm!!