A little shameless self-promotion ...

My latest book is due to be published in November by Hallmark Press. It is titled "The enemy is within!" and is a sequel to "Out of Time" but can be read on its own. The cover art is nearing completion and will form the basis of the marketing blurb, and I will hopefully be able to post it here when it is done.

The latest work follows the ongoing story of the three young men snatched by accident from their own time period and propelled into the future where they discover that they are able to contribute a surprising amount in practical terms while also dealing with their own need to catch up on the knowledge gap. I conceived the idea during one of those "I wonder?" moments when I realised that I had skills my children don't have because they did not need to learn them due to technological aids and advances. Looking back I realised that my grandparents had known and done things which might be useful in the future - but the knowledge and skills have been all but lost in just two generations. Coupled with that is the changing attitudes toward getting things done - all to often now we hear "can't do that - its too dangerous" or words to that effect. Anything, in fact, to avoid doing something our grandparents thought natural.

OK, so that's the background - Out of Time is available on Amazon or through a bookshop and The enemy is within! will be on sale through them and through any bookshop as well. I hope that some of you will give it a try!
Sounds a bit like intergalactic plumbers taking over the world!

Okay, maybe not. My parents said when they were kids, tradesmen were affordable and had skills. Now we're held to ransom by tradesmen to do the simplest of tasks!

But to imagine a time when suddenly the world would be in need of those tradesmen, and in a world not post apocalyptic where skills have to be relearnt, but instead a higher technology where skills need to be refound from nowhere. A different slant I've not heard before.
Patrick, congratulations on the publication! When the covert art is available, we'd love to see it. When the Amazon links become available, feel free to update this thread with them.

With the holiday season coming up, any chance fans would be able to purchase an autographed copy? :D
As soon as the cover art is sent to me I would love to post it here so you can see it and comment on it. I think there will be a way for Cool Sci-Fi fans to get there hands on autographed copies, I'll just have to work out a plan with the publisher. But it should be doable!

Plumbers taking over is a lot less scary than the fact that we are currently governed by over qualified and over paid filing clerks who now infest every state institution and service and no nothing at all about the functions they are supposedly providing and managing! Believe me I worked for these clkowns for long enough to know that they are the real danger to the future of our society.

The cover art for my new book entitled "The enemy is within!" arrived today by e-mail. The file is huge and just made it into my mailbox. :)
Kevin, the artist is Derek G Snell, based in Cape Town. He is a commercial artist and does some fine art as well, but this is his first cover design and I'm rather pleased with it - so is my publisher. The original is on board and done in acrylics measuring 19 x 11 inches. He has tried to capture some of the key components of the story in the images and I think he's managed it quite successfully.
Kevin, the artist is Derek G Snell, based in Cape Town. He is a commercial artist and does some fine art as well, but this is his first cover design and I'm rather pleased with it - so is my publisher. The original is on board and done in acrylics measuring 19 x 11 inches. He has tried to capture some of the key components of the story in the images and I think he's managed it quite successfully.
Thanks for the background on the artist. :cool: I did a Google search on "Derek G Snell" to see if I could find anything about him to give a link (I believe in 'A friend of a friend of Cool Sci-Fi is a friend of Cool Sci-Fi as well.' ;)) but could not find anything.

I took a look on Amazon and The Enemy is Within is not listed yet. For those interested, here's the Amazon link for Patrick's first book, Out of Time.
If I can discover what his business or trading name is and his web address I'll post it. Thanks for the addition of the link Kevin, I'll post a note when the book is available.
Well, the book is finally in print! I have received my advance copies yesterday and I hope that it will actually appear on the various vendors sites in the next week or so. There is almost a sense of relief on the one hand - but a large dose of anxious anticipation now as I await the first sales! I do hope that everyone who tries it enjoys it.

Book 3 is taking shape already!