A possible Beta Crutch?

Okay, so a long time ago, back when I was on a Dev team for an mmorpg, we were looking for a good theme to set on, and what kind of poly counts to aim for. While searching through tons and tons of websites, I came across Granado Espada. It's a beastly good looking mmorpg with a L2 style of art, but in a much diffrent setting. It use to only have a 1/3 finished spanish website, but it seems they have updated since those days long passed. Sign up for Nov. aimed beta!

I already signed up for it in roughly 2006. I really like the idea of being able to not only control your character, but 2 others as well. Kind of like Kingdom Hearts style.

Hopefully i'll be accepted, and it'll hold me over for HJ beta!
Ya same I signed up a few months back. It looks rather interesting, kinda interested to see the quest system and how steep of grind they are making in it.

I thought this game was never coming to America! You've really made my day WM! I've never kissed another man before, but I'm very tempted right now!


I feel so confused.:confused:

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