
:D its an update!!!! i loved it!!
i missed this story :(
please dont wait so long for the next update PLEASE!!!!
Oh come on...you can't leave us like that... it isn't right you hear me it just isn't right...

Can i please grab a PM

Loo : - )
Sorry that I didn't reply for such a long time. It's a great story. I really didn't think that Syd and Vaughn were Agents. Tense situation here.
But I'm sure you'll let them have their happily every after.
Hopefully you'll update soon.

Keep this good work up.
Love, Danuta
hey! :D
any chance of updating??????? :thinking:
i know i already said this put could i pwease have pm when you update? :thinking:
and by the way you're killing me over here!
because this one of my faviourte fics!!!
Pheonix 👅
Hey, this is my first ever fan fic, and i really have no idea if I am a good writer or not. So i've only written one chapter so far, in case its really terrible. Basically, Syd is an elementary school teacher and she is teaching Vaughn's kid. They meet in unusual circumstances and it goes on from there, k?PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, voice your opinion, bad or good, coz i dont know if i should continue it.Thanks lu ya's,KayA+Chapter 1. (It's really short sorry)Sitting behind a desk staring at the clock, Sydney Bristow, the first grade teacher at Daleford Elementary, sighed, a half content, half hopeful sigh. She had realised in her 4 years of teaching a class full of first graders, that this was the perfect time to sit back on wonder what she would do with her life. Of course she already had a job and a fairly steady relationship with a man she had been dating for a while. Quarter to 3, fifteen minutes left until she would be allowed to leave the school grounds, don’t get it wrong, she loved to teach these kids but by three o’clock she was usually exhausted. Remembering where she was, she shook her head back to reality and stared at the 22 children in front of her. She had wished all her life to one day be a mom, and have a loving husband and create a cosy little family, but at 23, her dreams had been crushed when she found out that it would be extremely hard for her to have children, if not impossible. That was when she took up teaching, so she could spend as much of her time as she could around children. Now, 4 years later she watched them all copying the handwriting from their books. As much as she believed that she had moved on from the idea of having children, a little part of her, would always crave for that part of her life. The sudden noise of the school bell awoke her once again from her daydream.“Ok kids, class dismissed,” she said while giving one of her breath taking smiles. The children stared at her, bewildered.“That means you are allowed to leave” she laughed as the kids began smiling at the revelation. They ran out of the room as fast as their little legs could carry them. She sat back down into her chair, she was sure she had some work left to do, for some reason she really did not want to go home, deep down she knew she did not want to see who was waiting for her there. Finally she found some Spelling quizzes that she could mark. She thought she was alone until she heard little footsteps walk up to the front of the room, she looked up to see a little boy with sandy blonde hair, and piercing green eyes.“Oh, Cameron, I didn’t know you were still here, I thought you had left” she said as she stared at the seemingly intense eyes, but eyes that were really soft and kind at the core.“I did, but I came back, my dad hasn’t picked me up yet”“ Ok, well do you want me to wait outside with you until he comes?”“Yes please, Ms. Bristow”She stood up from behind her desk and walked to the door with the little boy trailing from behind. Suddenly she felt a tug on her left hand and looked down to see Cameron had attached himself to her hand. She smiled and didn’t let go. Ok, thats it for chapter 1. Tell us what you think? Should there be a chapter 2?Thanks,Kay
very good so is one of the children the child of an agent?