Alias Lands On Lost Island Parts One to Four


by undone

Lost vrs Alias: good idea.

This story -has nothing whatsoever to do with any person and is
only based on the characters provided by the series...........

Alias Lands On Lost Island
Part One

From the ship in open waters Sidney has been tracked by a
device she does not know has been implanted in her large intestine.
It is an TGRF [TaG ReFerence tracking device] chip. It is made by
a firm called Kaaslean [pronounced Kas lee in]. A military helicopter
has landed dropping off the two new agents, her father, Sloan and
her sister with the baby. She has been at sea long enough to bear
the child helped by the crew on board. Her sister has an oxygen
tank, and plastic tubes for breathing. They hug, a backpack replaces
the oxygen tank.
"Thank God," she says, "you don't have to look like
"Sid," Sloan says, "look, we're near an island where there was
a crash. There were Rimbaldi artifacts on the flight. When we get
there, intel has told us of survivors who have landed."
Her father speaks,
"There are Others, they may be Rimbaldi followers"
Her sister starts to cough. They all look, she goes to shake the new
girl's hand. Since her brain is still mending from the cure her
hand opens to shake but her thumb does not go up. The agent looks at
"I'm al- right al- right." Smiles, cries, "There are [hesistatingly
spoken] others, a- gents, fact factio -n; it's easier to s- ay group.
Group Two, Rim Rim bal di --you [points] 'One' me [to herself] Two
Group. But still love you fact one!"
Marshal back at home cuts in,
"Mr. Sloan"
"Marshal go ahead."
"I've been doing research on the island. In the first world war
Group Two had convinced a coalition of American and Japanese
troops to go to the island for war games. Rehearsing for Russia
they went to play war games near where Kerensky's Provisional
Government was fighting the Soviets. The troops got involved,
brought down Kerensky, and kept the Revolution going."
"What was Group Two's motive?"
"In a footnote, it says that they were originally one group,
in the Rimbeau family line.
They wanted a foothold in the nobilities of Europe, and while
they started off fitting in with Christian nobility a faction
splintered off. They became atheist, and
wanted to get rid of the nobility and take control of Europe.
Unsuspecting nobility were infiltrated using religious zelots
when an independent, Rasputin, influenced the Tsarina, ruining
the Tsar's influence in running the country. The nobility
wanted to return stability to the country. After, Group Two
members killed him posing as nobility, intending to replace
"Before Group One could prevent it their next goal was
the Revolution and takeover. American and Japanese
troops were sent to prevent Group One's installation of
Kerensky's Provisional Government. They failed. Group Two
influenced the war in all governments, got billions from
deposed monarchies, using it in their bid to gain control
of Europe, destroy Chrisianity and Group One."
"Marshal, it's Sid, are you reading this?"
"Y...Yes, its an online article."
They all get a funny look on their faces.
"During the second world war Faction Two began to see
a threat to their interests in the use of Rimbeau
technology...they had a guy, something like Tesla...
sort of like Rimbaldi to DaVince."
"Marshal, thats code for Rimbaldi."
"Anyway, the Nazi's who were interested in mythology, were
tracking followers of Rimbeau-Rimbaldi and stole some of the
technology. They were intercepted before they could assemble it."
Sid's father,
"Perhaps we're not onto artifacts but Rimbaldi devices."
"Go up further to the sixties."
"From the sixties to the eighties military and espionage teams
of Russia, China and the U.S. alternately used the island. Sir, I
think this might be a more dangerous place than we thought.
In the nineties Rimbeau technocrats went on the island."
"Go, on."
"It, the article went off-line. But I managed to save it, I'm
pulling something from the background in the code. You click your
right mouse button go to source infrared image. Some
sort of facilities near the surface and some very deep below. No
pun but this is really deep...deepe..."
"Thank you Marshal."
Sid's sister points while looking into binnoculars. Sloan
speaks into a device in his palm to stop the ship. It is too
distant for anyone on the island to see. The group plans to
sail to it on a small boat painted black. They are all in

They all have night goggles. The survivor on the Lost
Island, the 'Crank Shaft' member, is on the shore stoned on the
drug hears something and stops singing...
"Saayd, Hugo
, what are you doing. Others?"
Sid's father knocks him out and leaves a large stick beside him.
The team move near the survivors' facility. The doctor goes in.
Sid and the new girl go in. Unseen by anyone, the doctor says,
"Locke, John, get the computer would you?"
Sid grunts in a deep voice, he nods his head
Hugo walks in and sees Sid go by but he thinks it's one of the
"Dude, you don't need to sneak the food. Ah, its the candy...Yup.
That's it!"
Sid motions to leave but takes pictures of the computers. The
baby outside cries. So as not to disturb the sleepy mother
Sid instinctively picks the baby up and calms it. They run when
the mother is roused. [Sid's baby is on board, her mind flashes to
her sister holding the baby, gun in hand, "coochie, coochie"]

Meanwhile the men get intel from Marshal when they see the Others.
"Pretty rough bunch," says the younger agent.
"Yes," says Sloan, "but something tells me they are just cover for
whoever is down deep."
"Marshal," says Sid's father, "was there a watermark on the article?"
"Yes, it's the pattern of the two triangles and circle in the middle."
"What's that," says the younger man.
Sloan relates: "It's a Masonic symbol and sometimes used as a code
for the Rimbaldi Group Two. Oh, remember Group One is the group that
believes in God, tradition as opposed Group Two anti-God. They believe
in Darwin through Marx. Nihilists."
"So," says Sid's father, "this is a Group Two facility no doubt
containing Rimbaldi devices."
"Yes, and," Sloan continues, "Since Marshal said it was occupied both by
espionage and military of several countries, Group Two is involved, with
The younger agent,
"I see, so they are working as personel of every country that's been here."
"You're learning fast."

Just then, Sindey breaks in.
"Marshal, Dad, can you hear me?"
"Sid, Marshal, how close is she?"
"She's on top of you."
They jump down. Just then her sister appears. She relates Sid's baby is
being cared for by the ship's personel. They go into one of the
facilities by way of an elevator. Finding the facility unoccupied
they go into rooms where some of the old islanders have stayed. There
is a picture of Sid's sister with two men one of whom looks
remarkably like an older version of Sark.
Sid's sister's mind flashes back to a time when Irinna is playing
with her when the older man walks in. Suddenly she is talking with an a
boy, who turns into Sark on the run from her. Then she sees Vaughn and
Sidney together. Following Vaughn, who motions to her the scene changes
to a rock concert. The fellow who plays for Crank Shaft on the island
is playing bass and winks at her. She smiles to her date who is Sark!
Hugo bumps into them and the 'messed up guy' pushes Hugo saying
"Come on Chewy, give us some breathing space!"
After the concert Locke is seen piling boxes into a truck in a
building across the street. Sid and Vaughn spot Sark in the crowd
he and Sid's sister run past the bass player signing autographs for
the girl who's will was kept from her and the girl who was after the
toy plane. Leaving Hugo and his former co-worker to watch. Shrugging
The scene ends with Sark and Vaughn posing for a picture with
Sloan watching at a distance, Sid's sister taking the picture. Her face,
"Say cheese please!"

Alias Lands On Lost Island

Part Two

Sid sees her sister staring at the monitor. There are voices
coming from a speaker. A monitor shows the remote 'village',
Hugo is talking to the woman he his infatuated with.
"Dad ,the're watching the survivors."
"How far away are you?"
"I think we are in the same underground chamber."
"Alright. Marshal is going to be watching. The boat has satillite
intel and is able tap the facilities."
"Mr. Sloan?"
"Go ahead."
"Ive downloaded the flight manifesto of the survivors' plane.
Matching it with the link listed by the online-intel the scared agent
sent us: there was a Richard Mazzini on board. His family line is
of some Order. The order goes by too many names to name just one.
Anyway, he could be Group One or Group. Let's see, there is an asterisk
beside his name. It seems his family was Group Two but his immediate
family never knew about the factions. In fact here is a facsimile of his
birth certificate."
"What is it?"
"John Locke."
"Philosopher?", asks Sid, "I studied him, he challenged the 'divine right'
of nobility to rule."
"It says he worked as some sort of supervisor. Did mostly joe jobs all his
Sid's father asks,
"joe jobs?"
"Those are jobs nobody else wants."
"Mr. should meet more regular people."
"At the moment I'm trying not to meet the bogeyman down here."
"Ok, great, I'll bring a basket. Too bad we don't have wine. Maybe they his
"Hugo, its just a first date."
"Right. Yippee!; he, dude, what happened to you?"
"I dunno, got hit on the head."
"Wow, go see the doc."
"Oh -ow! great man, thumbs up!"
"Who'se that."
"Dad, it's a montor, they're watching the crash victims."
"Arvin her, Sid, see how much of the island they see, and check for any
weapons antennae, anything military or espionage."
"Wait, Arvin," Sid's father says, "I'm getting a feed from the ship.They
can't quite make it out but there may be some old radar, camouflaged,
on one of the hillsides have to wait till daylight."
"Dad, Arvin, are you?"
"Right here, [speaking to someone on the ship] where's my Sis?"
She puts the picture in her backpack before presenting herself. Again
voices are heard but on the speaker.
"What are they doing?"
"Where's the kid?"
"He's alright."
"Is he still communicating with his father."
"Yes. They talked for about five minutes."
"Na, let them at it for a while. Build his hopes up. Let's see if he
comes back again."
"Human nature. If he thinks we stand in his way, he will keep coming
back. It's a comopetition. The longer it looks like it's just us verses
them, they will never figure out what we are really here for."
"Yes but why did it crash? Here of all places? And don't tell me again
it's merely coincidental. Commander, why are they here?"
"Comrade General, isn't there a faction member on the manifesto."
"He never knew he was of import; even his so-called father didn't detect
in him a hint of it. His so-called girl-friend she's one of ours. You
saw it on video stream."
"I do not trust coincidence. His faith in the fog. Our holographic
illusion worked. It showed he believes in some sort of fate. Fate is faith.
Godly belief or not he's closer to it than the rest. And, he's one of Them!"
"Love those bombs you people set up. As the projected fog rolls chases them
they go off, and these saps think it was some sort of mystery."
"And yet, the Eko, stood it down."
"One of our people?"
"Saayd says he found some footprints where you were", says the doctor.
"Oh, them, or us."
"He's not sure but he's tracking it."
"He's back."
"Look, whoever it was, they are pros. I couldn't find where they lead. It's
dark and tommorrow I'll pick up the scent again."

"Marshal," said Jack, "Is there some sort of person with military
"Yes, one Saayd...can't find a name. Iraqi. Special forces, in a footnote.
Jack, whoever put this site together almost seems to have travelled with
these people."
"Arvin, here, Marshal have someone do reverse lookup on the phone numbers of
the people in the manifesto." We need something more. Something is odd here.
A man named John Locke, after a fameous philosopher with far reaching
influence through the centuries. A Masonic eye is the watermark. An island
installation. Rimbaldi artifacts/devices we've not found yet. Perhaps this
was to lead us here."
Sid's sister speaks:
"Group group one two."
"Trap," says the new agent. "I think its a trap or something we must do,"
says the younger agent with the men.
"Go on."
"We'll, its too much coincidence, there are trained professionals in both
camps, a possible operative for one of the groups. A doctor for the crash
victims. That certainly is a good move for this project. A group of two-:
one group large, of regular untrained people and another with skills
equal to our own. I think Arvin is right there is something more than
Rimbaldi devices and arms here."
"Jack, what do you think?", asks Arvin.
"It smacks of something larger than just a group of Rimbaldi enthusiasts.
We are too far from anywhere for a war, some sort of Al Quida-like threat.
No government is here. I wonder, why are we here? Are we roped into
"I half expect Sark to show up," says the new girl.
When she says this Sid's sister turns herself around to look at the monitor.
Hugo and his date are talking in the moonlight. They all find beds in the
compound and wake up at six, eat food in tubes. Sid almost becomes nauseas.
She helps Nadia to feed herself. But she puts her off and does it herself.

Back at the survivors camp, they are waking. Michael has spent twenty minutes
talking to Walt. It is just surface chit chat as he is afraid to say anything
The doctor checks out the messed up guy, then Crankshaft needs a dressing.
The doctor notices his pupils are constricted but does not realize it is from
the drug.
Locke in the meantime is reading abook from the underground facility.

Sidney and the team are going through their bunker; taking stock of what tech
there is and intel on the computer. The computers are part of a private net
that Marshal says is connected to another island. It is also connected to the
U.S., Europe and China. However, he cannot hack in too far. He has sent by
material to the two new agents. By satillite to lap top both intel and
programs designed to allow hacking and filters to keep from being found,
and, programs mimicking their system so it does not look like anything is
being tapped into. That anonymity allows getting past the island's own
internal network.
However someone sees video of a helicopter on the boat, which cannot be
tracked to being near the island. It is father out to sea now. A woman
[Isabella R's character] is watching in a warehouse in China. A message is
being sent to the island from Russia and to the woman in China. And we
see someone speaking to Irinna in Russian. She says, she is glad Sid has had
her baby and gives orders for it's protection. Back in China a government
motorcade is seenleaving with diplomats. The warehouse is in the background.
A picture Mao haas a poster covering it that is falling and above it the
logo of some American company.

Alias Lands On Lost Island

Part Three

"Well hellow, sunshine!"
Arvin Sloan wakes up to a gun in his face.
As he moves off the smart bed that has a sensor sending messages to
the other facilities, he steps on a small square that looks like a
piece of paper. It is a sensor that alerts the team.
"Do you mind if I shave?"
The other just stares.
The bearded man the doctor backed down from is standing before him.
Suddenly he fell from a needle injected into his shoulder by Nadia
who just stares at him.
Sloan speaks into a palm device,
"Marshal, Sloan here."
"Sir, don't worry, I cut off the transmission to anywhere on the
"Then he must have come in without prompting. Alert the others, we
could have visitors."
"Jack here."
"Go ahead, how did you sleep."
"Bogeyman saw me go out."
"Bearded and bold."
"We have him confined. Oh, here put these glove on [to the younger male
agent]. Give Saddam a shave."
"With Dad."
"Arvin, there is a giant pole in the ground. It is a little odd and has
a vine wrapped around it."
"Marshal here. Jack, gang, holy moley."
Something would have to burrow deep to get to the end of this thing.
There seems to be some sort of energy coming from it I can sense it
vibrating. Could there be a power source? Wait, if I recall, reading
about Tesla last night he wanted to tap the earth below for free
energy. There would be no need for energy bills."
"No nu -kes, el -ec -tic."
"Nadia, I think is trying to tell us we would be free from alot of
expensive plants," said Arvin. "Group Two's control over society
gets governments to heavily invest in overly expensive projects that
that keep consumer prices up while keeping alternatives out of sight.
Like a vine covering the pole. Good thinking Nadia."
"Th -anks."
Sloan goes on about her but not in range of her:
"It seems her speech is coming along fine but her mental capacity is
gaining strength. Maybe this was just thing for her." He puts the
device back on to her, "Nadia how did you get here?"
"She can't say, we think a crew member helped her then went back."
"Alright Sid."

So, did your date go?", said Crankshaft.
"Oh, man, she's a babe. I've go that number in my head, lottery number, and
she's like, I'm into numerology. Thinks I'm interesting."
"Just a regular Casanova!", says the messed up guy.
"Well, who gets Kate-: you, Doc, or one of Them."
"You gotta point there sunshine, ya got a point. I just wish there
were more babes on the island to chose from."
"Why," says the policewoman, "do you think someone with an attitude
might show up?"
"You gotta attitude, sweet cheeks."
"Dude, I think she likes you."
"Hates me, shot me. Gun toting female cop and a mean ol ombre like
me, what a combo."
"Well, Well, its the philosophical-minister."
"You followed us?"
"Didn't need to, how did you get here."
"Hey, Hugo, giver her a kiss for me."
"I'm trying Dude, I'm trying. Oh- was that you sneaking candy
"No, why?"
Well, minister, you were wearing dark clothes yesterday, somebody
didn't want to be seen!"
"No. I wasn't in there."
"Doc, you?"
"Maybe, I might have just seemed to be stealthy. Although I heard
Michael mention Walt when he was at the computer. Almost as if he
was talking to Wa-lt!" He yells for Michael.
"Not again, Dude, I'm going to hold him down."
"Lean on him?"
"Yes, he could get killed."
Messed up guy throws a stick at Michael.
"What gives man."
"Your right."
Doctor asks,
"Who we talking..."
Lock joins in while carrying something with one of the others.
"Maybe he knows something we don't."
"Man, look, just let me see him."
"Alright, here's the baby. I thought someone was near the baby last
"I was hit on the head and Saayd, shh shh."
"Here, let me hold him."
"Saayd could only see the tracks so far in the moon light."
"I was on a..."
"Yes, Hugo," says Kate, "your in love and you can't keep it a
secret. Take it form me its like candy. The sugar gets you high but
its nasty when you come down."
Locke comes back, throws a towel over his shoulder after wiping his
"Seems to me we had visitors last night."
"That's right, they would have announced themselves wouln't they."

"Looks like they sense our presence, Jack," said the new agent.
"Yes. Sid, here take these binnoculars and I'll look this way. See,
There is a fire on a beach. They are looking down at Jin, his wife
and Saayd is moving inland in another direction. The Other's camp
is on another hillside but is empty.
"Sid, you go and see what there is, I am going to see this other
place. See, it's covered. Marshal, North NorthEast, from my
coordinates, what have we got?"
"There seems to be...wait. I'm getting a feed into their network."
"Arvin, didn't you say one of the ships we passed in the helicopter
had Russian letters."
"Yes, it could have been commercial with the cargo boxes on it. Wait,
I took a picture of it. Yes, boxes have Chinese characters on it."
"Could it be something else."
"I can get some encrypted data coming in. I'm going to have someone
else look at it. I'm finding several layers of images at the hillside
near where Jack is going. Jack, don't go there, I'm not sure what it is.
This probably the place that is the most important. Wait.
There is a round shape to this bunker. It allmost looks like an antennae.
Like a large array type. But it's the roof."
"What do you think?"
"The roof as a giant disk, novel can't be active. I think
simply needed a roof and used that as it."
"Strange," said Arvin.
"Look, Jack," Marshal warned, "there are some parts of the hillside in
this image are blank. I think there may be something our sights can't
see behind."
Just then a cry from where Sidney was goes out.
"Well well little lady. Oh-no!"
Sidney takes him out with one kick.
"Ok, I'm, getting out of here.

The intel is in Russian Cyrillic, he begins a program that he has
hacked into and has the mew agents begin to decipher the programs that
are decoding the data. There is a sequence of words that attract Nadia's
attention, when the new girl reads it loud. In it she recognizes
key patterns of speech her mother used when she was a child, whenever
any adults were present.
"Moth -er. Mother!"
The new agent asks,
"What does she mean?"
"Nadia's mother was an agent who fell off a roof to escape...we though
she died but --I think Nadia is recognizing something."
"She is sp -eak."
"She is speaking."
She nodds.
"Irina derevko is alive?", asks the agent, "Now I remember being told
about her." Some new data came in. It says something about antennae
and mountains in South America, Canada, and"
"Mine says something about weather patterns
"Don't know?"
"Nadia," says the young man, "What is it?"
"We -ther, dirup..tion. Alter. Alter."
"You mean antennae and weather. But antennae have to do with signals."
"I know what she's saying," the young female agent was saying. I
read about radiation microwaves beamed to the upper atmosphere. I
can't quit remember the whole thing."
"I'm here."
"What do you know about satillites and upper atmospheric disturbance?"
"Yes, heating the upper atmosphere would produce changes in the
weather but thats also a prophecy in a Rimbaldi's treatice.
That, if man could harness the wind and push it out into space it
would disturb cloud patterns."
"Well, without our technology, he could only think in terms of hot air
being blown into space. Hmmm...interesting theory..."
"Nadia thinks her mother is alive the intel sounded like her when I
read it out loud."
"Very good, my darling. Most people couldn't put all that together.
However, the must be someone who knew Irina and is using her speech
habits or way of writing."
Jack is back, followed by Sidney.
"Marshal, find out if there are any entrances to the hill side
facilities. We need to get in there and find out what is going on.
Ladies and Gentleman, this is Arvin Sloan, your captain speaking.
Were going to be in for some rough weather. So fasten your seat

Alias Lands On Lost Island

Part Four

Section One

Out of the blue a storm hits the island but only on one side.
Fog has developed and Locke watches from inside a lean-to on a
hillside. A flash of lightning is so wide it seems to be the width
of a tornado. It hits something on the hillside.

"Wow," Marshal exclaims.
sidney replies,
"I just was watching the feed your sending and lightning, the bolt
was as thick as miles. In fact. Let me run this back. No!"
"What is it, that's weird but then aga..."
"Sid, it came from the hillside, where Jack was going to go."
"Strange, are you saying its..."
"Coming from being produced there."

Locke is seen on the monitor walking up a hill Lightning hits a spot
near him collapsing a tree into cinder as it falls straight down.

"Jack," says the new girl, "are you still out there."
"About six feet from you someone is walking, divert him away from the
hillside. He could get killed."
Jack takes a tazer out and runs up behind him and zaps him. Locke
falls down on his knees his face landing in a depression. Jack pulls
him out and carries a few feet away sheltering him with branches and
runs before he comes to.

"Irina, the experiments have begun," said the agent in China."
"Very well," said Irina, "is there any word about Sidney."
"No but there was a signal from one of the facilities. There is no
word from the island that they are there."
"What do the Chinese want, buy?"
"They are monitoring the island. We hav so far managed to put a delay
of twenty minutes before the receive intel. So we can afford to
control what they see and hear. It won't be long before they hack into
the island's network and see immediate results."
"We have been watching the SatLight Two, the clouds have come only
fifty miles away."
"Yes, the atmosphere was heated up there. The islands below it are
experiencing drought conditions. Forcing clouds to form around the
the area."
"The Russians are very impressed. Congratulations. Our Comrades
are doing very well. Good day."
"Yes, thank you, we'll keep in touch."

Locke comes to. He thinks that lightning hit him. He lies
stunned looking up and notices he is under some branches. He figures
he just ended up there, that it is merely coincidental.
Sitting up by his arms extended, his palms flat on the ground
he tries to get up but can't. Too far away to cry out he is hoping
someone comes. Fortunately Saayd, tracking whoever hit Crankshaft
has seen him from a distance.
"Locke, what happened, you look like..."
His clothes were torn and Saayd too thought the llightning hit him.
"Saayd, can't...hmmmph...move my legs again."
"I'm going back to get help, we'll have to carry you in. We'll have
to strap you in."

"Dad, that guy you stunned, he's got help. That man is going to
help him."
"Yes, Sid, great, I took a picture of the one."
"We've got the other on video."
"I hear music."
"These people have cd's. They must have some young agents. It's
Crankshaft, I ran by them once. One of their members was giving
autographs. Wait. I recognize the man who is down, I don't know
where from!"
Arvin walks in, "Sid, I want you to do some quit sitting
See if you can't remember that incident where you saw
"Person. Seeing the man out there obviously prompted your memory."
"Marshal," says Sloan, "Tell me about the storm, the lightning,
I've never seen anything so intense. How was the storm reported in
"The folks here say there was nothing any newstation, anywhere
reported. Sir, this was an anomaly."
"Strange, I'll get back to you. Nadia, take this disk to her
[the new female agent]. It's about ancient Rimbaldi weather
predictions. Then pull some data from the net on satillites
and atmosphereic disruption. I have a hunch this is a test run.
Yet no evidence any Rimaldi devices are being used."
"Maybe, they don't need any for this," said Sidney.
"You could be right. I wonder, if this is a test run, could it work
on a larger scale--this time with Rimbaldi devices."
"A combination of modern and Rimbaldi devices."

Meanwhile, at a remote coordinate in a nuclear powered sub,
a marine spots the two boats. The sub travelled a distance of
a hundred miles. They spotted the boat the team was on before they
reached Sidney and her baby. The sub has been told to back out of
the area. There is a flag of the European Union painted on the
outside. Inside is a coalition of British, German and French

Alias Lands On Lost Island

Part Four

Section Two

It is night time. Disobeying commands the sub has surfaced
and has sent men and women in underwater gear to the other ship.
Boarding the ship, they have used suction cups to travell up its
steep side. Inside a group of sailors and agents are mostly
asleep. Having pulled out into deep waters they figured they did
not need to track incoming traffic near them.
Smoke bombs have been thrown into a room near where
a night guard is nodding off. He is awoken and is knocked out when
he goes to investigate.
Each sleeper has a smoke bomb thrown into their room filled with
tranquillizer. The scuba head gear stays on the invaders. Inside
one of the masks can be seen the face of Sark. Inside another is
"Irina, are you there. Yes, it's Sark, we're on board. Vaughn
is with me. The sub is under our command. Are you there?"
[Isabella R's character responds on the sub]
"Yes, Sark. Have the sub go to the ship but only far enough to see
it by periscope. Do not, do not interfere with it. See if it is
receiving or transmitting."
He motions to Vaughn, the continue the preparations.

Irina sends word to the facilities at the island that there is a
ship on the horizon. They send word back that a man is missing.
However, they as yet do not detect any new islanders.
That is because Marshal has video of every area that is being
scanned by the Others. All different views and changing weather
conditions that there are at present are videod and delayed to
take out any trace of the team.
