All Things English!

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I read the rules in Randomness thread and i decided that it would b better to have an English thread rather than chattin bout England in that one! So here it is...! :)
Ok, so this is where we talk all things english, hmmm? I live here and ain't got a clue what to say! ;)

P.S Out of curiosity why was the random threads closed, space?

Anyway, all things English, lets see....ah, a good old English cooked Breakfast, yum! :D
Me too, I'm proud to be a Brit, now there's a question...which do you say, I'm fEnglish or I'm British? ;)
Well, I say English mostly, however, you know that census that everyone had to fill in, well you weren't allowed to put Enlgish, you had to put British! ;)
So you English, where bout?
hello english people!
ok something about
i got it!
hows everyone doing with their ENGLISH exams
oh and smegz, don't go to any trouble bout the sig. but i luv you anyway fordoing it
^_^ Hey RF, I see ya at the bottom of the screen, ^_^ I made you a sig by the way, a felgercarb one though!
So what's your fave Englisg thing?
Hey peeps! all things English, hmmmm let me see, ive got another exam on thurs, played tennis 2day and Wimbleodn is on soon! English tennis grand slam! hehe!
Hey, Loz, I'm looking forward to Wimbeldon, Henman and Rudeski :up:
Thats sucks I had two that died a few years ago, and I got one now, oops are we getting into the random talk, so let's say "My English Hamster", although technically it's Russian! :lol:
I'm going to England this summer. I'm gonna stay with an English family for three days. I'm nervous about that :unsure:
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