Role Playing Game #2

Painted Alias

You couldn't beat me
OOC-Hey, heres the new thread for the RPG! We got to 325 pages fast! And, sorry to Sydney if you wanted to start this, but you werent on when we needed a new I went ahead and started it...keep posting!
Also, here is the updated cast list and whats been happening!

<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Master List</span>

Official Website - made by corrvine

Cast List:

Maximum three characters!!

Sydney Bristow 2300844 - Sydney
<maya> - Vaughn / Sloane
AugustSnow - Irina / Nadia
The_Other_Sydney - Lucy / Carly
SD6Agent24 - Marshall
Joyie - Sark
corrvine - Lauren / Andrea
Kathy - Will / Cassie / Johnny
lethargicLiz - Donovan
Don't_Frost_the_Pie515 - Weiss
zestyz - Roxy
fong_11 - Doug / McKennas Cole
Fizzy Lizzy - Kaci / Katya / Jack
SupaSwankVal - Francie

Did I miss anyone :blink: ?

Original Characters

Lucy: Sydney and Vaughn's 12 year old daughter, went through an aging process and is supposed to be two years old.
Roxy: Sark's exgirlfriend. Her brother is McKenas Cole. Head of K-Directorate
Carly: Works with Roxy, Head of K-Directorate
Cassie: Working with Sark
Kaci: Weiss' girlfriend, and Sark's younger sister
Doug: Works for the CIA, 18 years old. Michael Vaughn's brother, and is very smart
Andrea: Daughter of Lauren Reed and Julian Sark
Nadia: Sydney's sister, is evil and best friends with Roxy
Johnny: Jack's brother


Sydney Bristow 2300844 - Sydney
<maya> - Maya
AugustSnow - Peri
The_Other_Sydney - Ally
Joyie - Joyie
corrvine - Anna (aka Roelfje)
Don't_Frost_the_Pie515 - Michelle aka Shell
Kathy - Kathy
zestyz - Lindsay (aka Z)
SupaSwankVal - Val

Tell us your name and you can be added to the list!

Characters Not Taken:

-Allison (evil double)

You can also make up your own character if you like

Characters Not Played Often:



OOC: Out of character (when you say something as yourself)
BIC: Back in character

What's Going On: **UPDATED 23/O4/O4 - 4:OOpm**

While getting in a fight, Lucy, Sark, Sydney and Vaughn were all shot. They all survived, and are now in the hospital. Irina and Sark are working together to bring down the Covenant, and hoping to work with Roxy soon to help bring them down.Sydney and Vaughn are going to Santa Barbara soon, and it seems as though wedding bells are in the future.

Sark and Irina hatching a plan, Sark reveals that the leader of the Covenant is Vaughn. Vaughn deny's the accusation, saying that he is a double agent for the CIA w/Covenant, and he is the leader. Sydney believes him, and they take Lucy and go to a safe-house. Irina shows up, telling Sydney to listen to her as she tries to convince Sydney that Sark is telling the truth. She gives Sydney a thick package with supposed proof, but Sydney throws it into the fire. Irina leaves, hops into Lauren Reed's car and drives away. It seems as though Lauren is working for Irina also. Sydney, Lucy and Vaughn have left for the Grand-Canyon to escape the people trying to kill them. Sydney tells Vaughn that she will always love him nomatter what, and Vaughn tells her that he was on assignment to marry Lauren. Irina and Lauren enter the safe-house and find a disk on the ground. They enter it into a computer and it shows something amazing.

Vaughn, Sydney and Lucy fly to Paris to escape the people trying to track them. Irina calls Sydney to tell her that Lucy is a very special child. She tells her that Sydney isn't the one in the Prophesy - Lucy is! When Sydney tells Vaughn this, he says that he suspected it all along because of his work with the Covenant. The Covenant is after Lucy, but Irina is trying to get to her first.
It is found out that Roxy and Carly are the heads of K-Directorate, and that Carly's father is Geiger - the former head of SD-6! Everyone is trying to get Lauren's loyalties to lie with them. Roxy and Carly want to get Irina and Sark's loyalties also. Roxy reveals that she is a decendant of the Rambaldi blood line. Cassie, who is working for Sark is investigating Roxy secretly. She types her name into a computer and some interesting information pops up that has yet to be revealed. Irina calls Sydney to tell her that Lauren isn't using her real name, and she is about to reveal it when the battery dies. We find out that Lauren's loyalties lie with Irina. Irina has some sort of Endgame that no one knows about. Lauren tells Irina that she wants to put her daughter, Andrea through the aging process so that she can get Lucy to trust her. Irina agrees and contacts Kayta to get the syrum.
Sydney and Vaughn are planning their wedding, when Vaughn tells Sydney that he has to go for a five day business trip to resign as the Covenant leader. Sloane calls Sydney and tells her that Irina wants to kidnap Lucy to get her heart. He says that it is also a Rambaldi artifact, and that is why Irina wants to find Lucy.
Lauren reveals what was on the disk, it said that Vaughn's DNA was the other DNA in the Prophesy! Sark calls Irina saying that he has information about Vaughn. The Vaughn that is with Sydney now is not the real one - it is a genetic double! The real Vaughn has been held captive by the Covenant for over 3 years!
Irina calls Lucy, to see if she's safe as Sydney won't tell her. Lucy is scared because there is no one else in the strange room that she is in and she doens't know where she is. She tells Irina that she is in a strange hotel under room number 547. Irina finds her and takes her to a safe-house. Lucy runs away when Irina explains to her that she is "the one". Lucy wants to be sent away so that no one around her will be hurt. Sydney arrives at the safe-house and is worried. Irina calls her and tells her that Lucy is safe with her. Irina gets Lucy to go back to the safe-house only by picking her up and carrying her.
When Irina gets back to the safe-house, she completes the aging procedure on Andrea, Lauren's 1 year old girl. Andrea is now a thirteen year old and she saw strange things during the procedure. She saw the Rambaldi sign { <O> } 47 times and other things.
Lauren and Roxy become buisiness partners, and Lauren becomes part of the K-Directorate. What Roxy doesn't know is that she's really a double agent for Irina!
Sark's sister, Kaci comes to France, and she is dating Weiss. She and Sydney are friends, and when Sydney and Lucy get in a fight Kaci helps calm Lucy down. Sydney then tells Lucy about Vaughn being a double, and Lucy doesn't take the news well.

Lucy and Sydney come to an understanding. Lucy finds that she has a headache, and Lauren and Andrea give her some pain killers. Irina stops them from giving them to her, but it is too late because Lucy had some pain-killers when she was in the hospital. Irina says that the pain-killers can give brain damage to people that have been through the aging process, and if Lucy fell asleep then she would die the moment she woke up. The only way for Lucy to live is if Kayta, Irina's sister who performed the aging process on Lucy would give her some of her blood. Irina contacts Kayta and she comes, and Lucy is saved for the moment.

Both Lauren and Kaci are now working as double agents for Irina, working against the K-Directorate and Covenant.

Irina and Jack make contact through e-mail. Irina tells him about EvilVaughn, and that Sark told her that the clone is Simon Walker. Jack says that this is impossible, because he shot Simon Walker three times in the chest. Irina doesn't know what to make of this and waits until Sark gets more information. After this, Irina tells Sydney that she had an affair with Sloane while married to Jack, and that Sydney has a sister! Sydney is shocked by this.

Lucy runs away again, after getting in a fight with Lauren and Irina while Sydney is out. Lucy leaves the safe-house, and Andrea follows her. Lucy finds some money on the ground and goes to the airport. Andrea, still following her, confronts Lucy to convince her to come back to the safe-house. Lucy tells her that she's going and that Andrea should come with her. The two girls purchase tickets and are flying to Taipai. Sydney, Lauren and Irina are following Lucy and Andrea to the airport. They find out that the girls are going to Taipai. Lauren and Irina take Irina's private jet and Sydney takes a CIA plane.

Nadia is on the same plane as Andrea and Lucy. She calls Roxy, they're best friends and we find out that Nadia is Sydney's sister. Nadia is tailing the girls, and trys to get them to come with her so that she can kidnap them. The girls don't go, and Nadia runs away when she sees Sydney near Lucy. She follows Lucy and Sydney, and when Sydney's in the other room she kidaps Lucy by gun-point, and they're going to the airport.

Irina is talking to her twin sister, Katya by e-mail. Irina suddenly cuts out, and Katya worried about her finds her in Taipai and sees her unconcious. Katya leaves, finding danger there after seeing Irina is just unconcious and not dead. Irina wakes up once she leaves and we find that she was bluffing; she has another plan.

Lucy escapes from Nadia by jumping out of the car. Andrea finds Lucy, and contacts Irina. Irina finds them, but Lucy doesn't go with her. She says that she doesn't trust Irina because Sydney told her that Irina was going to kill her! Lucy and Andrea run to the airport; they're going to Rome. Sydney activates a tracker that she has on Lucy. Nadia also activates a tracker that she has on Lucy. Nadia turns around the car and follows them to the airport. They all land in Rome. Nadia puts on a disguise, and tries to get the girls to come with her. They don't buy it and run away. Nadia is getting frusterated. Sydney takes a plane and goes to rome, also.

Simon Walker, aka EvilVaughn is back from Madrid, and waiting in Julia Thorne's old apartment. Sydney is on guard, and is ready to shoot him. She asks him questions that only Vaughn would know, and he answers them perfectly. Sydney is satisfied for the moment.
Nadia makes plans to fly back to LA so that she can see Roxy. She lands, and Nadia and Roxy make plans.

Meanwhile, Lucy takes a shower in her and Andrea’s hotel in Rome and finds many trackers on her. She takes them off, unaware that Nadia has another tracker on her that can’t be found. Irina and Sydney talk on the phone, and Sydney is angry at her for lying to her about Vaughn being doubled. Irina tells her that she didn’t lie to her, Vaughn was doubled, but Sydney doesn’t believe it. Irina calls Lucy, and Lucy tells her that Nadia was following her. Irina tells her that if she sees Nadia again to tell her that “Sydney knows who she is”, that will get her to leave.

Katya e-mails Irina, she is angry at her for faking in the safe-house. Irina tells her that she had to, people were following her. She asks Katya if she knows where Nadia is.
Nadia also contacts Katya, not wanting her to tell Irina that she is back in LA. Irina contacts Lauren wanting to see Andrea for a checkup and to make sure that she has no side-effects from the aging process. Lucy calls Irina, wanting her to come to Rome.

Sydney and Lucy reunite, Sydney still believing that Simon is the real Vaughn. Sydney takes Lucy back to the apartment in Rome to reunite with her “father”.

Roxy sends an e-mail out to Nadia and Carly, her two best friends. She wants pay-back on Cassie, because she saw Sark cheating on her with Cassie. They agree, wishing to help their best-friend. Roxy contacts Simon as EvilVaughn, and it turns out that the two are in love. Roxy wants Nadia and Carly’s help to make the switch from Simon to the real Vaughn. Nadia wants to get payback on Sydney while she’s at it too, though the two have never met Nadia is jealous of Irina’s affections for Sydney.

Sloane calls Irina, wanting to know where his daughter is; he wants to meet Nadia! Irina doesn’t tell him, she doesn’t want Nadia to meet her father. Nadia is also wanting to meet Sloane, she e-mails Irina asking who her father is. Irina finally breaks down and tells Nadia that her father is a person named Arvin Sloane. Nadia tries calling him, but she can’t bring herself to talk to him. She asks Roxy is she’s ever heard of Sloane and Roxy tells her that her father is famous in the spy world!

Carly, Roxy and Nadia go in to rescue Simon, and replace him with the real Vaughn. They succeed, but they didn’t make the switch, so the real Vaughn is still being held captive! Roxy and Simon reunite. Irina takes Lucy away, and they go a Canadian safe-house.

*to Francie* *laughs a little* Thats okay, alot of people sometimes think I'm my mom, so I've hear worse...
The_Other_Sydney said:
OOC-Hey, heres the new thread for the RPG! We got to 325 pages fast! And, sorry to Sydney if you wanted to start this, but you werent on when we needed a new I went ahead and started it...keep posting!

*to Francie* *laughs a little* Thats okay, alot of people sometimes think I'm my mom, so I've hear worse...
Ok, well. I have to go get some milk and bread ib a few minutes. I'm starving.
Its a lot of stuff...just stuff that she said and what happened last night and I said pretty evil stuff we're both in bed...