Sci-Fi Amazing Kids

Hi All - I have been SciFi fan since I was eleven - I am now seventy seven and still have the hots for new films.

But I would like help as I am looking for a book or collection with a story that starts with children reared by animals and develops a theme of educating young in a way other than normal education. The result is the children soon leave their teachers behind and in fact set up a situation where they are unbeatable by ordinary humans - not that they are at war, just superior. so the title of the story or collection would be great.
In Jungle Book the child was reared by animals.
Could you give more on the specifics?
Did you read it or watch it?
What decade did it surface for you?
Do you recall any keywords unique to the story?
In Jungle Book the child was reared by animals.
Could you give more on the specifics?
Did you read it or watch it?
What decade did it surface for you?
Do you recall any keywords unique to the story?

I read the Jungle Book several times and watched all the films too. But it led me on to studying the life of Helen Keller and then several children raised by animals. It led me to write Animal Children – Superminds 13 which is about how we are programmed by language and our culture - I guess you have read Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein which really looks at the problem of language. Any way the story I read must have been in a collection as it is fairly short. I probably came across it in about the 1980's. I suppose the key word would have been education as the story was about how ordinary children became extraordinary through a special education.

By the way I love your inscription.