Season 5 An era is ending

Your A Genius Elizibeth Farrel! in another spoler thing, i read something, (I cant say on here) that would probably make her and her father not speak. it was about the black papers!
Maybe they mean that the Lauren/Syd/Vaughn spy triangle era is ending? It could also mean, the letters represent other letters, or they might be mixed up.
Or it could just mean that the era of "bad" Alias is ending. :lol: JJ said they were going back to S1 style for S4 (which I for one am soooo :woot: about!).
"an era is ending"...

the era in which the show sucked is now ending? i hope so.

If it's an anigram....I got one!

"An Era Is Ending" = "Irina and Genes"

maybe more of irina's family comes to town?
That's brilliant! You're a genius therealmrsvaughn! I was able to find Irina, but nothing more. Maybe we'll meet the third Derevko sister.