And Forever

And Forever 21

Something was still bothering her though, she was sure that there was some small detail somewhere that she was missing that was important. By the time she got to her driveway, she still couldn’t figure out what it was. She got out of her car, gathered Annette from the back seat and went inside.

“Hey,” A voice from the living room welcomes her. “How did it go?”

Vaughn gets up from the couch and walks over to her and kisses the baby on the head.

“Fine. It went fine.”

She wasn’t quite sure why she doesn’t tell him what her mother told her.

Her instincts tell her not to.
Four days.

That’s how long he had been sitting in this damn chair. He was only able to keep track of the days because he knew that his daughter would be four days old.

Four days of sitting in the dark. No one had come into the room since he had woken up the first day. That he knew of, anyway. He has been drifting in and out of conciousness from the blood loss on from the wound on his head.

Suddenly for the first time in days, the door opens. Wincing from the sudden flash of light from the outside, he can’t see who walked in the door.

“Mr. Vaughn.” A voice he knows very well says loudly from behind him.

“You bastard.” Vaughn gasps out, cringing at the weakness in his voice.

The man laughs. “Well, I suppose I deserve that. But I had to double you, Vaughn. That was the only way to get close enough to your wife.”

“You touch her and I swear…”

He laughs again. “You swear what, Vaughn? You’re chained to a chair.” A sudden resounding snap echoes through out the room as he wrenches Vaughn’s hand back, breaking his wrist.

Unprepared, he screams.

He turns back to door, leaving it open longer than necessary as light glares into the room.

“Goodbye, Vaughn.”

She doubled over as pain shot through her head like a bolt of lightning.

“Syd?” Vaughn rushed over to her. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”

The pain suddenly went away as abruptly as it came and with Vaughn’s help, she stood up and he guided her to the couch. He sat down first and pulled her so she could sit right next to him, wrapping his right arm around her. She looked absently down at his lap and sees the glint of gold on his left hand.

All the sudden she could remember what had been bothering her before.

The memory of the day at the hospital come to her. The day that Vaughn left on the mission.

Vaughn seemed hesitant. Then he glanced down at his left hand his wife held tightly in hers. He carefully guided his hand out of hers and pulled his wedding band off. Sydney seemed to understand what he was doing, and opened her palm so that he could his place the ring there, and folding her hand back up so that she held it tightly in her palm.

“If I can’t be here then at least that part of me will.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. He kissed her softly and entertwined their hands on her stomach. He broke the kiss, got up looked at Eric and without another word, he walked out of the room.

Vaughn had given her his wedding band before he left. So where had he gotten this one?

Her instincts told her not to say anything just as her intstincts told her not to tell him what her mother had told her.

“Just a really bad headache. I’m going to go get some aspirin. I’ll be right back.”

He nodded and she went to the bathroom, discreetly grabbing her phone that was lying on a counter by the kitchen. Going into the bathroom, she closed the door quietly and turned on the sink to mask her voice on the phone.

She dialed her father and waited eagerly for him to answer.


“Dad!” Sydney rushed. “In about 30 seconds, I need you to page me.”

“What? Sydney are you—“

“Please, dad. I’ll explain everything, promise. Just call me, ok?”

“Ok, Sydney. Thirty seconds when you hang up.”

“Thanks.” She said, before hanging up the phone and leaving the bathroom.

“Everything ok?” Vaughn asked from the couch.

“Yeah,” she said softly, moving to the couch, setting her phone back on the counter on the way.

“Ok,” but before he could say anything more, her phone rang.

Vaughn frowned as Sydney went to answer it. “This late? Who would be calling this late?”

She sighed. “Don’t know. Probably Kendall. Hello?” she answered.

“Ok, Sydney. What is this about?”

“Oh hey dad.” She said, looking toward Vaughn.


“You want to see Annette?” she asked pointedly.

Jack seemed to get the point. “Bring her to Ops.”

“Ok. I’ll be right there.” She hung up the phone.

“Syd, Its ten o’clock at night. Why can’t he wait until morning?”

Sydney frowned, her suspicions growing. “He says that he is working late and could use a pick-me-up. I’ll be back soon, K?” she said already heading towards her daughter’s room.

“Do you want me to come?” he asked, following her.

“No, Michael. Its late. You have been working pretty hard. You should just rest. I’ll be back soon.”

And she was out the door.


He had fallen unconcious again after his ‘visitor’ and woken up to panic. A panic that wasn’t his. Because he wasn’t panicked, he was down right terrified and pissed off all at once.

He had never felt anything so strong before. He didn’t have long to deal with it though, because his world, once again, went black.

“Sydney what is going on?” Jack asked as she rushed into the office with a carrier holding his sleeping granddaughter.

“Dad.” She seemed to struggle with it for a second. “I th—think.” she couldn’t say it.

Jack grabbed the carrier, put it gently on his desk and guided his panicked daughter to a chair. “Sydney, calm down sweetheart, calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”

“Dad, I think that Vaughn is the double.”


And Forever 22

All Jack could do was stare at his near-hysterical daughter incredulously.

“Don’t look at me like that, dad.” She snapped. “Do you remember the day Vaughn left for the mission to Hong Kong?”

Jack just nodded.

“You remember that Vaughn gave me his wedding band before he left?” Jack nodded again. “Well, earlier, After I came back from seeing my mother, something was bothering me. Like there was something that I was missing. Then I saw the wedding band on Vaughn’s finger. But how could he have been wearing a wedding band when he left his with me . Between Vaughn leaving and giving birth to Annette, I forgot all about the ring. I must have dropped it or something.”

“Ok, but Sydney, that is hardly concrete proof that he is the double.” Jack reminded her softly.

“I know.” She admitted. “But when I came to talk to mom before I left, she told me something about ‘The Telling’…”

Jack cut her off. “That you and Vaughn can feel each other’s emotions. Yes I know.”

Now it was Sydney’s turn to stare at her father incredulously. “You know? How the hell do you know?”

“Your mother told me. I went to see her to. I knew that she was hiding something, but the only way that she would tell me what it was, was if I updated her on your pregnancy.”

Sydney sighed. “Well, anyway, before the ‘wedding ring’ detail clicked, a pain shot throught my head, dad. So far I have only been able to feel emotions but what if Vaughn’s emotions were so high, that he was in pain and I felt it?” She was starting to cry again and Jack went around his desk to comfort her.

“Ok, honey. If this is true, we’ll find him. But first, we should go to the hospital and see if maybe they found Vaughn’s ring. Just to be sure. Do you want to take Annette with us?”

Sydney shook her head. “No, I’ll call Will and see if she can stay there for the night. I don’t want her anywhere near that house if he is the double.”

A half hour later, after she had dropped Annette of at Will’s house, assuring him that they would explain everything later, her and Jack walked up to the reseptionionists desk.

“Hello. I’m Sydney Vaughn. I just gave birth to my daughter a few days ago and my husband lost his wedding band. I was wondering if it was found here.”

The woman looked between her and Jack. “This is my father, not my husband.” Sydney snapped. “Did some one find the ring? It had an inscription in it.”

The woman had the grace to blush at her mistake. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Vaughn. I’ll go check.”

“Thank you.”

A few minutes later she walked back in with something closed in her palm.

“Is this it?” she asked, holding the object out to Sydney. She took it and looked at the inside for the inscription.

She instantly found it. “S.A.B to M.C.V Oct. 1 ’03 Always” she whispered.

“Are you, ok, Mrs. Vaughn?” The nurse asked her, seeing her face pale.

She managed a tight smile “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”

Her and Jack turned around and left the hospital.

“I’ll have a full security team at your house as soon as I can.” Jack said. “Be careful, Sydney.”

Sydney nodded and got into her car.

She walked into the door fifteen minutes later and set her keys on the counter.

“Hey. Where’s Annette?” Vaughn asked coming up to kiss her lightly. She managed not to cringe when she kissing him back.

“I decided to leave her with my dad for the night. I thought we could use the night alone.” She whispered, going around him to the bedroom.

He smiled. “Hmm. Sounds good. But,” A sudden click behind her head made her freeze. “Don’t you think that you should tell Will that? When he called earlier, to ask what was going on, He seemed to think he was supposed to have Annette for the night.”

“Where the hell is my husband?” she demanded.

He laughed. “I don’t think that your in any position to demand anything. But I do want to know how you found out.”

“The wedding ring.” She said. She had to keep him talking long enough for the tactical team to get here, “Vaughn left his wedding ring with me before he left.”

He scoffed. “I did panic when I didn’t see it on his finger. I should have known that it would be what got me caught.”

“No sudden moves, Mrs. Vaughn. You wouldn’t want your daughter to live without both of her parents, now would you?”

“You have every intention of killing me any way” It wasn’t a question.

“Your right. I do.”

A shot went off.

More Panic.

He couldn’t handle it anymore.

But then, a sudden feeling of relief spread over him. It wasn’t strong, but it was there.

He smiled tightly through his blurry vision. He knew he had a concussion and had tried to stay awake, though he had fallen in and out of conciousness for the last few days. She’s ok. he thought, before he lost concioussness again.

A strangled cry from behind her made her open her eyes. In front of her stood Eric Weiss and a team of ten men behind him.

She turned aroud and looked down at her feet to see the double on the floor holding his left hand.

“Syd!” Eric rushed over. “Are you ok?”

Sydney nodded in a daze.

“Eric, Can you hand me your gun?”

Eric looked at her puzzled, but handed her the gun, and was startled when Sydney slammed the butt of it into the double’s hand.

“AH!” he screamed.

“Who the hell are you?”

He looked up at her but didn’t answer.

She slammed the gun down again.

“Answer me, dammit!”

When he didn’t, the gun went into his head and he was unconcious.

Eric looked at her. “So he is the double.” He asked quietly.

Sydney nodded. “Get him out of here.” She said to the men behind him.

“Sydney, you need to get some sleep. Don’t take this personally, but you look like hell.”

Sydney shook her head, breifly catching the clock in the microwave to see that it was 2:30 in the morning.

“No, Eric. He has been around for at least four days. Almost five. We need to find Vaughn.”

Eric nodded. “Ok.”

Sydney had been dozing on and off at Vaughn’s desk for the last hour when Will walked in with Annette.

“Syd, Eric explained everything when he called. Do you know where Mike is yet?”

Sydney shook her head. “No, but my dad is with the double at the moment.” She said, taking Annette from her carrier and holding her close.

Wil got the hint and shuddered, imaging all the things jack was doing to the double to get him to talk.

Sydney looked down at her daughter as the little girls eyes opened.

“Hey Annie. Hey, baby girl.” She cooed softly.

Will smiled at the site.

“What is that smile for?” Sydney asked.

Will shook his head. “It’s great to see you like this Sydney, It’s great to see you so happy.”

Sydney smile faltered a little bit.

“I’ll be even happier,” she said, looking down at her little girl. “When I have my husband back where he belongs.”

Last one for the night...

And Forever 23

He was still gone.

She had been sitting at his desk for…well she wasn’t quite sure how long. Eric and Will had both dropeed by periodically over the last hour but both could tell she wanted to be alone. Will had eventually just taken Annette home with him because Sydney refused to leave to ops center, just in case they had news.

It was finally starting to sink in that he was gone. That he had been gone for the last five days. Even Worse: She hadn’t known it until a few hours ago. He hadn’t even met his daughter yet.

That was when the tears started. Abruptly, someone grabbed her arm, gently stood her up, steered her to any empty conference room and embraced her.

Once her sobs had subsided, she looked into her father’s sypathetic but seemingly satisfied face.

“He told you, didn’t he dad? Where is Michael?”

“He’s still in Hong Kong, Sydney. A team has already been dispatched.”

“I want to be on the team.” The sadness had now been over-ridden by defiance.


“Dad, don’t you dare tell me that I can’t be on the team that brings him back. I felt him in pain, dad. You can’t know what its like to know that the person you love is in pain, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.”

Jack shook his head. “ Your right about one thing, Sydney. No one can I ever have the connection that you and Michael do. On more than one level. But I had a wife once and I still have my daughter. Which is why you need to stay in Los Angeles, Sydney. Your daughter needs you here . We’ll get him back. I promise.”

Tears gathered in Sydney’s eyes once more. “Dad, in the last hour or so, there has been nothing. I haven’t felt any emotions from him at all . He could be unconcious or…” she couldn’t, no, wouldn’t say the word. “So please, hurry and bring him back.”

“I will Sydney. I’ll call you the minute we get into LA.”

It had been eight hours. She had gotten Annette from Will’s house and had gone home to lay up against the head board on Vaughn’s side of the bed, Annette securely in her arms. She hadn’t beem able to sleep. It was ten o ‘clock in the morning and she had been up all night. Just thinking and talking to Annette. Telling her just what an amazing man her father was.

She jumped suddenly at the sound of the phone next to her. She snapped it up before the first ring even stopped.

“Is he home?” she asked frantically.

“ Yeah, Syd.” She heard Eric’s voice over the line. “Bring Annette to the Naval Hospital. It’s about damn time Vaughn met his new little girl.”
It was normally a ten minute drive to the Naval Hospital from their house.

She made it in five.

She jumed out of the car, unbuckled Annette from the backseat and rushed inside to the receptionists desk.

“Hi, I’m Sydney Vau..”

“Syd!” she heard behind her. Eric was waving over to her while he standed next to Jack and Will.
“In here!” He motioned to the room they were standing outside of.

Without a word to the three men in the hallway, she rushed into the room.

I.V.s were connected in his arms, his head was bandaged and their was a splint on his left wrist. but he was alive she thought.

“Are you Sydney Vaughn?” a doctor asked. Sydney hadn’t noticed her in the room.

“Yes. I’m sorry.” She said sheepishly, holding her free hand out to the woman.

The doctor, Kathleen Harmon, she saw from the nametag, took her hand and smiled. “Perfectly understandable, Mrs. Vaughn.”

“Oh, Sydney please.” She wasn’t sure why, but she had taken an instant liking to this woman. “Is he ok?”

She nodded. “He lost a lot of blood so we’re transfusing it.” She gestured to one the IV bags. “he also had a broken wrist. The break will take a longer time to heal, because, according to his chart, he broke the same arm a while ago.” Sydney nodded absently. “He was also mal-nourished from not having anything to eat or drink the last five days, but you’re husband will be just fine, Mrs. Vau..Sydney.”

Sydney smiled tightly. “Will he wake up soon?”

She smiled. “He should in the next few hours. Your daughter only looks a few days old. I’m assuming he hasn’t met her, yet?” she asked, gesturing to the baby in the carrier.

Sydney nodded. “ She’s five days old. He left when I was in labor with her.”

“Well, he’ll wake up, soon. I imagine he wants to meet his new daughter.” She smiled kindly.

“Thank you, Doctor Harmon.” Sydney whispered, her eyes back on Vaughn.

“Kathleen, please. If you need anything, let me know.”

Sydney nodded again and Kathleen left the room. Sydney sat in the chair next to his bed and sat the baby carrier on the floor next to her. She leaned over and took his right hand tightly in her own and glanced at the left hand with the splint on the wrist. She noted the absence of his wedding band and pulled it out of her pocket and slipped in on his finger, being careful not to jar his wrist.

She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it before laying her head down next to him and falling into a restless sleep.


I thank anyone who is still reading this fic. You are all awesome and I hope you liked this. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Sarah
that was all so terribly sad, but I'm glad he's still alive. thanks very much for even thinking about updating, it's a amazing story and I hope to see another update soon. anyhow thanks for the pm's.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>MORE MORE MORE!! </span>:jump:
I love this fic! :love:
That was so scary with Vaughn being cloned....I hope he wakes up soon! :thinking:
Amazing...still reading!! :lol:
Can't wait for more! :angelic:
Colly E. 🦋
Ok, Here is a brand new PM list.

colly e.
alias fan gillian
i'm an aliasaholic

Anyone who wants to be on it, or off of it, all you have to do is ask. :smiley:

Now, here is the next chapter!

And Forever 24

The light was too damn bright for his liking.

The sounds he heard next to him, however, overrode that. A woman’s soft voice and soft gurgles could be heard. He looked for the sources of the sounds and saw his beatiful wife cooeing at, who must have been, their daughter.


“Is that her?” he rasped painfully. His throat was so dry.

Sydney looked up sharply from the baby and saw the beautiful green eyes she loved so much.

She smiled and nodded, standing up. “Yes. Michael Vaughn, meet Annette Francine Vaughn. Your daughter.” She said softly, putting the baby in his arms.

“I was right.” He whispered, looking down at her. Sydney looked at him confusedly.

“She’s just as beautiful as her mother.” Sydney smiled widely and leaned down to kiss him.

They were still kissing a few moments later, so they didn’t hear the door open.

“Geez, you guys. Did you figure that since you have traumatized everyone at Ops, that you now have to traumatize your poor daughter, too?” Eric teased.

They broke apart, smiling.

“Just kidding.” He said, walking in with Will behind him.

“How are you, man?” Will asked.

Vaughn looked between his wife and daughter and despite the pain in his throat, he managed to say, “I’m great,” with a smile.

“Well, we just wanted to check and see if you were awake yet and see how you were. And to make sure that you didn’t go at it right in front of Annette.” Eric teased.

Sydney rolled her eyes. “Eric, can you give us a break. Geez. Give him some time to re-adjust to your clever sense of humor.” She said sarcastically.

“Yeah, Eric. What the hell kind of friend are you?” Vaughn said with a smile.

“Well, well, well. We have ourselves a couple of regular comedians right here, don’t we?” Eric said playfully. “Do you want us to take Annette so you guys can have some time alone?”

“No.” Vaughn said quickly. “She can stay.”

Will nodded knowingly. “Ok. We’ll come bye later. See you guys. Oh and try not to traumatize Annette.” He said, knowingly leaving before objects were thrown.
Sydney looked at Vaughn and noticed that he was still swallowing painfully.

“Do you want me to go get you some water?”

He nodded and smiled at her.

“K, You and Annette get to know eachother.”

He smiled widely at her and she leaned down to kiss him.

“I love you.” She whispered against his lips. He leaned his face to hers once more, kissing her.

“Me too.” He rasped.

“I’ll be right back with your water.”

He nodded and she turned to the door.

Once she was gone, he looked down at the baby in his arms.

“Hey, sweetie.” He whispered. “Daddy missed you, honey.” He continued talking to her despite the pain in his throat.

Sydney had opened the door by this point, but he hadn’t noticed, so she left it open just enough so she could see and hear into the room as he continued.

“And whatever mommy told you about me while I was gone is completely not true.”

She laughed lighty at this before she could stop herself.

“I think that mommy’s spying on us, Annie.” He said playfully.

She walked in and handed him his water. He drank it gratefully, his throat feeling much better.

“For your information, Mr. Vaughn,” She said with mock hurt in her voice and sitting on the edge of his bed. “I told her that I love you and her more than anything. And…That I missed you.” She said, the playfullnes in her voice had disappeared and she looked at him with all the love in her eyes that she could muster.

He didn’t take his eyes off of hers as he answered. “I missed you, too, Syd. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course. Anything.”

He hesitated before asking. “How did you know it wasn’t me?”

She sighed. “ Your wedding ring. He was wearing one and I remembered that you had left yours with me.” She said, gesuring to his left hand, where his ring was securely on his finger.

He nodded, but was surprised at what she said next.

“It took me too long, Vaughn.” She whispered tearfully.

He looked at her in disbelief. “Sydney, don’t you dare blame yourself.”

“Vaughn, he was here for five days. Five days that you weren’t there and I didn’t even know it…”

“Stop. Just stop. Come here.” He said and she helped him scoot over so she dould lay next to him. “Sydney, it was because of you that I’m back. Five days. That’s all. It could have been a hell of a lot longer. So please. I’m back. Don’t blame yourself for not figuring it out sooner.”

“There’s something you need to know.” She explained everything about ‘The Telling.’

He shook his head when she was done. “Man, our lives sound like a bad Sci-fi movie.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing.” She said, leaning up to kiss him.

“Me neither.” He said when they had broken away.

“So what happened exactly? How did you get caught?”

“The double. He ambushed me in the room where ‘The Telling’ was supposed to be. Nothing was there. He was behind me, knocked me out. But after that, I don’t remember an awful lot, Syd. I wa unconcious most of the time. Except…” he stopped, something was looming in the back of his mind.

“What?” she asked softly.

He shook his head, instantly regretting that move as white hot pain shot through it. He gasped and closed his eyes and Annette was removed from his arms and Sydney’s arms were suddenly around him.

“Hey, Its ok. Just take it easy.” Sydney whispered, holding him until the pain abated.

“I’m ok,” he gasped, opening his eyes. “Where’s Annette?” he asked.

“She’s in her carrier on the chair, Michael.”

She layed him back, ignoring the sudden pain in her head too. “Are you alright?”

He smiled. “I can feel that.”

She frowned. “What?”

“Your concern. And..relief.”

Sydney shook her head, smiling.

“Hey, Do ya think maybe I could hold Annette some more, I have five days to make up for.”

“Of course.” She said, gathering the baby and putting her back in Vaughn’s arms.

“She’s gorgeous, Syd. I’m sorry that I wasn’t…..”

“Vaughn.” She interrupted sternly. “Don’t you dare start blaming yourself for this. I think Eric and Will are right, We’ve been married to long. You’ve picked up my ‘self-guilt’ trait.”

Vaughn looked at her inquisitvely.

“I mean that in the nicest way, honey.” She said sweetly.

He smiled, refraining from shaking his head. “I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you, too.” She said. She kissed him once more and layed gently on his shoulder, listening as Vaughn started talking softly to Annette once more.

Listening to her husband’s patient voice, she was soon asleep.

And this time, it wasn’t restless.


So? What didja think? Hope you guys liked it! ~Sarah
AWWW!! thats so sweet!! vaughn is back and he's okay and they are like the sweetest thing EVER!!! i mean wow!! talk about the fluff!! i love it!! :P :smiley: post more soon!! :P ;)