Anne McCaffrey

Just wondering if anyone here had read any of her stuff? Shes written tons, my favorite is Pern (Got the new one for christmas! :jump: ) and I've also read some of the Acorna, the freedom series, the crystal ones...
Ahhh...our school library has loads of her books.. But it's a real ouzzler on which one to read first, and what to read after that. It also has loads of Mercedes Lackey books. I've read to of her books, but the one I wanted next wasn't in the library so I just kinda forgot about it..
For the Pern series, Dragonflight is first :smiley: Then Dragon Quest, the White Dragon...

That's the published order anyway. You could also read them in chronological...

Mercedes Lackey is awesome (y)
I'd go with the harper hall trilogy first, espically if you like Valdemar, they go Dragonsinger, Dragonsong, Dragondrums. Harpers are sorta like a mix of Bards and Heralds and the Harper hall is where they are trained. My Fav Anne McCaffery is Dragonsdawn. It has a touch more hard science-fic than most of the pern stuff.
I read the Dragonriders of Pern and Harper Hall trilogy. F'nor/Canth, Ruth, and Golanth & Zaranth are my all time favorites! And the Masterharper. ACK! I read The Skies of Pern (uh, that's the Golanth & Zaranth one.), and I found out what happened to all my favorites, and then something terrible happened to Golanth -- I almost cried. It was so depressing. Well, I hadn't read the Dragonrider trilogy, at the time, so my fav. was Robinton. If you don't know what happened, I won't tell you. I didn't know the series at the time and didn't know I'd picked up the latest book. It was shocking. But I still loved it, and reread it twice!
Ah you should read the rest! ;) They're so great

Golanth is great :rotflmao:

There's a new one coming out written by her son, I hope it's as good!