Anti Makeup

i suppose so... i like my chapstick though... it smells like mint... i have another that smells like warm vanilla sugar
Aliasgirl47 said:
yeah a girl i know came up to me and said, " mandi you have really pretty eyes" and i was like okkk and then she told me again two more time and i was freaked out! i wonder what Matt thinks of my eyes...
LMAO!! There was this preppy who came up to me and said, ya know, you're really pretty, (insert a giggle and a weird face twitch) wanna hang out some time? (Insert me screaming and running off). Then there was this other time (and it still happens) where this guy just came up behind me and started petting my hair. He was like, wow, you're hair is so soft! and he started rubbing his face on it, so I backhanded him, LMAO! Sorta creepy, because now people walk up and brush against my hair when they walk behind me. (if I'm sittin down)
be that true... there is this one guy who wears makeup.... he's a model... he's also anorexic and does a bunch of bad stuff and left school to go to the hospital with the police... people say he's getting a drug test. i wouldn't be surprised if he came positive.
i am anti an overload of makeup but i think putting on makeup for parties and dances is fun! But i cant stand ppl just pounding their fave away with tons of foundation lipstick....yadayadayada if you get my point that just shows insecutrity
I LOVE Bonne Bell!! Though I haven't owned anything Bonne Bell since I was itty six or something. :(
I really should start up again!! :woot:
As far as lip gloss...LOL...I just recently had to attend this Mary Kay "party" thing, & ended up like $35 broker b/c I felt guilted into buying something!!Those Mary Kay people are tricky tricky!! But neways, I got Pink Pout lip gloss & some kind of lip liner....which I have NO CLUE as to how to put it it is stashed nicely in my "junk" drawer!! :D