When it became a negative thing for the Mom. That’s why stay-at-home mothers are disappearing. For the average woman in the U.S.A., from middle class to poverty line, staying home would be a luxury they can’t afford. For these same women, having a child
and working pushes them further down the economic ladder.
Bosses don’t like pregnancies, they rarely hire pregnant women. There’s an actual website for these women, advice on hiding a pregnancy is offered there.
If you want college or even a secure life for your child, both parents work.
And btw, birth rates are dropping in the USA.
(Planet wide too, women view motherhood as a direct line to poverty)
US birth rates drop to lowest since 1987
Births in the US have dropped to their lowest rate in 30 years, marking a cultural shift as women delay motherhood, experts say.
Some 3.85 million babies were born in the US in 2017, the fewest since 1987, as births among women in their teens and 20s decreased.
Both the birth rate - the number of births per thousand - and fertility - a lifetime average forecast - fell.
Declining birth rates are common as countries become more developed.
The US fertility rate is lower than the UK's but the US still has a higher fertility rate than many other countries.
While births decreased among younger women in the US last year, it rose in women aged between 40 and 44.