As Long As She Can Remember

As Long As She Can Remember

Rating- I don't know, considering I haven't wrote the whole thing yet, but I would say only like PG, possibly PG-13 at parts

Disclaimer- Phew, I wish I owned this amazing show!

Genre- S/V, and Spy Fam

Description- Sydney and Irina Derevko are mother and daughter, trying to bring forth the work of a 15th century prophet, Milo Rambaldi. Sydney has lived this life for as long as she can remember, but she feels something is missing, like her mother is keeping something from her. Will Sydney risk everything that she has ever known to uncover the deep secrets that have been kept from her?

I've started this a long time ago, and I just saw it today when I was going through all of the stuff I've written. I realized that there are a lot of different, interesting things that I could do with this, so I decided that I would post the first chapter to see what people think of it. Plus, I am desparatly waiting for season 5 to start back up again, so I need something to take my mind off the fact that Alias is not on right now :P. So read and reply :D!!

Chapter 1

Sixteen Years Ago

Irina Derevko kneeled down slowly and observed her young daughter. She looked so small; so frail. Like at any moment she could be shattered like glass. Irina took her six year old daughter’s hands into her own, and brushed away a small, trickling tear that was making its way down her precious face.

“Sydney, don’t cry; you’re fine now.” Irina tried to calm her daughter down.

“But why did we have to leave daddy?” Sydney asked, while trying to tranquil her frantic wailing.

“Because it had to be done,” Irina stated, in a simple manner. Tears were beginning to form in her own eyes, but she had to be strong; for Sydney’s sake, if not her own. She didn’t want her daughter to grow up like this: without a father figure. She wanted her daughter to know what a real family was, but Irina couldn’t bare to leave her daughter behind. She had to bring her. Without her daughter half her heart would be left in Los Angeles.


Jack Bristow observed his surroundings. There was a car in the water, his car. His wife and daughter were gone. Police tape was enclosed around a small patch on the bridge where they were killed, blue and red flashing lights could be seen in all directions, and police officers walked back and forth talking into their walkie-talkies. While coming back from the movies Sydney and Laura had been hit and killed. He let his face fall into his hand, and began to cry. They were gone forever, but what he didn’t know was that Sydney and Laura’s ghosts would soon come back to haunt him once again.


Russia, Sydney and Irina Derevko’s Home

Sydney Bristow poured two steaming cups of coffee and set them gently on the table. She silently waited for her mother at the small kitchen table. They had some serious business to discuss this morning. Sydney looked around their spacious kitchen as she waited. She couldn’t remember a time where it hadn’t been just her and her mother. She briefly remembered a time where she had a father, but her mother had told her to disregard that small part of her life, and that’s what she did. She erased it from her mind. It was now just a fragment of her memory, one that meant nothing to her!

Sydney and her mother had been trying to bring forth the work of Rambaldi since as long as she could remember. They were extremely motivated and would stop at nothing to reach their goal, and that is what the two women had to discuss today at breakfast.

Sydney looked up and saw her mother walking down the hallway, while pulling a silky rode around her delicate frame.

“Good morning, sweetheart.”

“Morning, Mom. I made breakfast,” Sydney told her, pointing to the piles of fresh fruit, and warm pancakes.

“I can see that.”

“Mom, we need to talk.”

“I agree,” Irina said, as she sat down. She raised the cup to her lips, and waited for the warm liquid to spread warmth to the rest of her body. She slowly sat the mug down, and looked up to meet her daughter’s brown eyes that were so much like her father’s. Sometimes it even pained her to even look into her daughter’s eyes.

“We need the other twenty-four Rambaldi artifacts,” Sydney said, getting right down to the point.

Irina carefully observed her daughter. There was a certain determination reflecting through her eyes, much like her own.

“I agree, Sydney, but operations like this need delicate care.”

“I understand that, but we’re wasting precious time. Why don’t we just raid the stupid place, get the artifacts, and get the hell out of there?”

“It’s not that simple,” Irina stated.

“Mom, if anyone can do it we can.”

“I agree, but you must be patient,” Irina told her eager daughter.

Sydney sighed in frustration. First of all, Sydney didn’t like being told what to do, and second of all, she didn’t like waiting. It drove her nuts! It just wasn’t in Sydney Derevko’s nature. She gave her mom one final glare and walked upstairs to her room.

Her room was reflected her personality perfectly; very simple, classy, but at the same time it showed a hint of sadness. Sydney flopped down on to her bed. She was tired of her mom wanting to take everything one step at a time. What was she so scared? There must be something, and Sydney was going to find out for herself.


Irina slowly rose from the kitchen table, and rested her hands against the kitchen counter. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. She didn’t know what to do. If she went to retrieve the artifacts Sydney might have to come face to face with her father, and that was something she never wanted to put Sydney and Jack through. She knew that it would painfully break Jack’s heart to know that not only had his wife survived, but also his precious baby daughter.

Irina knew that Jack was aware that she had survived the crash and was working for the KGB, but now was rogue. What Jack didn’t know was that Sydney was alive and well, very well. He was told that she truly had been killed because there was no way that Irina would be able to take Sydney back to Russia; it would be too dangerous for her at such a young age.


“Mom, I’ll be right back. I’m just going to the store,” Sydney yelled out.

“Okay,” Irina yelled back.

Sydney quickly pushed her suitcase and gear out the door. She wasn’t going to the store; she was going to Nevada, California. She wouldn’t be back until she had single handily stole all 24 Rambaldi artifacts.


The plane landed gracefully. It was 7:30 at night, and Sydney body felt like it weighed three times her normal weight. She pushed some hair out of her face, and patiently waited for her suitcase to come around on the conveyer belt. Once it did Sydney eagerly grabbed it, and was off to sleep at a hotel.

She walked down the streets of Nevada. The sky was beginning to lose it brightness, and was turning into a dark blue sky, and Sydney was beginning to feel chilly without the warm, bright sun. She had on a short, black t-shirt and jeans. She hugged herself tightly, while she made her way to the warm hotel. People exited small cafes; their diners now complete. Children played on their drive-ways; their parents watching them close by. Everything was so perfect- so normal. Sydney never felt that she had lived a normal childhood. Parts of it she couldn’t even recall. Till the age of about six everything seemed foggy. She tried piecing bits and pieces together, like a puzzle, but seems pieces still didn’t fit. She remembered long summer nights of sitting outside on a big white porch, with her family, that included a Mom and Dad. Sydney loved her mom, no doubt about it, but she always felt that she was missing something in her life. She wanted to know what it felt like to be part of a real family. Not a family that consisted of murder and terror, but for Sydney that was all she ever knew, and now she was on a mission to complete the work that she and her mother had been trying to accomplish for as long as she could remember.

Irina frantically ran around her house, calling out her daughter’s name, but she knew there would be no response. After an hour Irina realized that Sydney wasn’t coming back, and she knew exactly where her daughter was headed. What was she doing to do? Her daughter was probably in Nevada right now. What if she somehow ran into Jack? Irina lowered herself into a stool, and tried to slow her rapid heartbeat. Her daughter was gone, and she could be putting her own emotions at risk.


Sydney placed her luggage on the cream coloured, carpeted carpet, and did a quick sweep of the room. There was a double bed in the corner, with a small end table with a lamp sitting on top of it. The TV faced the bed, with a long dresser next to it. The place wasn't amazing, but staying in an over-the-top hotel would make her an easier target if anyone was looking for her.

She lazily made her way over to the bed, and fell back onto the hard mattress. She looked out into the dark empty world, as it started back at her. Sydney knew that she needed to make up some type of game plan, so she could successfully get in and out of the CIA, without any problems. She would prove to her mother that this wasn’t as complicated as she made it. Sydney was an expert spy; this would be a piece of cake, no problems at all. Those Rambaldi artifacts were as good as hers already.
This is a very interesting start! I wonder how Sydney is going to get in the CIA and steal the artifacts and meeting Jack and Vaughn!
There are a lot of ands in my sentence :lol:
If Irina wants to prevent Sydney from meeting his father then she has to do something very quickly because she doesn't have a lot of time left before her

Please PM me when you post more

I'm like freakin determined to get something up by tonight, so bare with me people, lol :D . I'm writing right now, so hopefully I'll have it updated and ready to go by Lost tonight.

~Andrea :angelic:
YES, I got it done tonight. I'm so happy, lol :D. Anyway, I'm going to try and send the PMs out, but I know there has been a few problems with them, but lets hope this works. Hope you guys like the chapter.

Chapter 2

“You’re being silly. We’re just going to play dollies. Don’t be such a baby,” a young girl sternly told her friend. “You can be Sally,” she said, indicating to the old, dirty doll that was very warn out, to the point of none use.

Two women sat off to the side, observing their young children, as they played contently. They sipped lemonade, while talking in hushed voices.

“Sally, I like your dress. Where did you get it?” the little girl said in an abnormally high voice, imitating the doll.

At that point the two fathers made an entrance.

“Kids, come ‘ere. We’re going to have our lunch now.”

The two children quickly disregarded their toys, and made their way over to their parents. Tiny sandwiches sat on a platter, with a side of cheese and fresh vegetables. The children quickly dug in, while the adults continued with their conversation. Children played, friends shared opinions, and friendly laughter echoed through the yard.

Sydney quickly sat up in bed, panting. They were back. They always came back. Every year around the end of September Sydney would have these fantasies about these people, only which two of them she could identify: herself, and her mother. The other four people were a mystery to her.

Sydney swung her legs out of the bed, and sat on the edge trying to her calm her hysterical breathing. She reached for the water that sat on the nightstand, and took a few quick gulps. Reassuring herself that it was just a dream, and that it didn’t mean anything.

Who are those people? Why do I always see them? Sydney thought to herself.

Everything looked so familiar, but she couldn’t tell fact from fiction. Everything seemed so foggy- so distant, like a mirage; almost as if all her answers were in reaching distant, but some type of imaginary wall was blocking her from getting the answers she so desperately wanted.


“One, two, three, four, five…” Irina whispered out loud, as she counted the small dots that covered the top of her ceiling in her bedroom. She was lying down in bed, helplessly, knowing that there was nothing she could do now.

Her daughter was going to have to face her demons sooner or later. Of course they would painful, they would sting, and they would leave her in a state of utter betrayal and hurt, but it was something that needed to be done. She had to lean the truth for herself. If this was the way it was meant to be, then Irina would leave it that way. Let fate run its course…


Finally, around 3 o’clock in the morning Sydney was able to catch a few much needed hours of sleep, but was rudely awakened by the shrill ringing of the phone next to her bed.

She lazily flung her hand around trying to find the phone.

“Hello,” she mumbled into the receiver.

“Good morning, Miss. Jones you asked for a wake up call at five this morning,” a painfully cherry voice responded.

“Oh, yes, yes, I did. Well, thank- you.” Sydney heard the click, and then the dial tone. She repeated the action, and slowly lifted herself out of the bed.

“This should be an exciting day,” Sydney said out loud, sarcastically.

Today she planned on keeping a low profile; making sure that her mother was not coming after her, and nobody suspected anything. You could say that it was just Sydney being her normal paranoid self.

She went through her regular morning routine. She set one mug on the small table by the window, and started making coffee. She picked up the phone, and quickly dialed room service. She couldn’t be bothered with going to the hotel’s restaurant. In fact, the less she did the better it would be.

Approximately ten minutes later, breakfast was delivered to her room. Sydney felt a pang of sadness when she saw the lonely cup of steaming coffee; usually it would be accompanied by another, her mother’s. Sydney quickly pushed that intruding thought out of her mind. Right now she was mad at her mom. Yes, it was immature to be “mad” at your mom at her age, but truthfully her mother was just being her usual over protective self, and Sydney was tired of it. It was time she took maters into her own hands. Although Sydney was disappointed and upset with her mother there was a small part of her that wished she was sharing her breakfast with her mom right now. It would be a lot more enjoyable, that’s for sure. Sydney smiled to herself, as she recalled childhood memories that she shared with her mom.

“Mommy, mommy, look what I can do,” young Sydney called to her mother.

Irina slowly looked up from her book, and regarded her small child with a look of amusement. Sydney was expertly hanging upside down from a sturdy tree branch.

Irina shook her head. “Sweetheart, get down from there before you break your neck.”

Irina laughed.

Sydney gripped the tree branch with her small hands, and skillfully swung her legs around, and landed straight on the ground.

“Aren’t I talented, mommy?” Sydney asked her mother, as she climbed into her lap.

“You are very talented, Sydney,” Irina cooed, as she began to tickle her daughter.

Sydney squealed with excitement. “Mommy, mommy, stop, that tickles,” Sydney cried.

Suddenly, Sydney became very serious. Her eyes welled up with tears,

“Where’s daddy, mommy? I missed when he tickled me. I want my daddy!”

Irina, also, became very serious, and regarded her daughter with a very stern face. She looked right into her eyes, and said, “Sydney, you no longer have a father. I need you to remember and understand that, okay?”

Sydney didn’t respond right away, but eventually nodded in agreement.

“Now, you go and play.”

“But I miss my old dolly, Sally…”

Sydney suddenly sat up straight. Sally? Why did that seem so familiar? What significance did it have? Sydney contemplated the idea of Sally the doll, but couldn’t place where she had heard it. It slipped her mind.


It was early afternoon, and Sydney was beginning to become anxious. She wasn’t a person that enjoyed sitting up in a drafty hotel room, so she decided that an afternoon workout wouldn’t be too bad. She would normally go for a run, but because of the circumstances she decided that it would be best if she just stayed indoors.

Sydney inserted a CD into the CD player that was in the hotel room. Immediately, loud music was blaring throughout the whole room. Sydney decided that she would start off with a few simple kicks. She was just about to lift her leg to start when she heard banging at the door. Without delay she stopped, and her senses were put into full alert.

Who the hell would that be?

Sydney quickly retrieved her gun from her bag, and loaded it. She was taking no risks. There was too much at stack. The banging on the door persisted.

Sydney slowly crept towards the door, trying to make as little noise as possible, although it probably wouldn’t be heard anyway with the loud music. She finally reached the door, and looked through the small peephole. There was a man on the other end of the door. A man that looked somewhat familiar, but again, Sydney couldn’t exactly place where she had seen him before. She lowered her gun. He posed no threat to her. She slid the gun across the room, shielding it from her guest’s eyes.

She opened the door, and plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Hello, sir. Can I do something for you?” Sydney asked, as pleasantly as possible, hiding her Russian accent.

“Yes, you could! You could try and keep it down in there. Some people in this hotel are trying to get important work done!”

Sydney almost lost her temper, but she remained calm. She was not going to direct attention to herself.

“Oh, I’m quite sorry, sir. I didn’t realize that it was that loud. I’ll make sure that I turn it down.” Sydney smiled.

He didn’t return the gesture. His small eyes narrowed. He had grey hair, and had deep set eyes that looked dull, like the sparkle in them was lost years ago.

“Yes, you do that.” He turned away, and walked into the room right next door.

Sydney shut the door, and leaned against it, and muttered bastard under her breath, but what Sydney didn’t know was that it was quite rude to refer to your father in such a vulgar manner.

I know some of this may seem confusing now, but it will start to get very interesting. Thanks for reading :hug:

~Andrea :angelic: