As Long As She Can Remember

Great update!
Strange that Jack didn't react when he met her I thought that at least do something since Irina and Syd look very alike. Thanks for the PM and please post more soon. I wonder how long it's going to take Jack be for he understands that he just met his daughter.
Good chapte r:smiley:
The story continue fast. Syd met her Dad.I'm guessing that that lovely person that Syd met, was Jack :D
I like the flashes- her memories. They were also so sad :( It makes me can't wait for spy Family stuff :P
Thanks for PM

Ally :angelic:
great update!

but why is jack living in a hotel??

Hint- he is in Navada

Great update!
Strange that Jack didn't react when he met her I thought that at least do something since Irina and Syd look very alike. Thanks for the PM and please post more soon. I wonder how long it's going to take Jack be for he understands that he just met his daughter.

He believes that Sydney is dead, and hasn't seen her since she was 6 years old. In the next chapter we'll look at Jack's perspective on the situation.

I'm glad that you liked the update! Thanks for reading. I'll try and update soon, but it may be hard becasue I won't be home for most of the weekend. I would say expect an update by Sunday night.

~Andrea :angelic:
Hey, yes I know it's been a while, but I had this huge urge to write tonight, lol :P, so hopefully that will inspire to write another chapter (I know I'm very inconsistant, but that's just how I am). Anywho, the writing in red is from last chapter just to refresh your mind. Okay, well here it is. Hope ya like it :D!!!

She opened the door, and plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Hello, sir. Can I do something for you?” Sydney asked, as pleasantly as possible, hiding her Russian accent.

“Yes, you could! You could try and keep it down in there. Some people in this hotel are trying to get important work done!”

Sydney almost lost her temper, but she remained calm. She was not going to direct attention to herself.

“Oh, I’m quite sorry, sir. I didn’t realize that it was that loud. I’ll make sure that I turn it down.” Sydney smiled.

He didn’t return the gesture. His small eyes narrowed. He had grey hair, and had deep set eyes that looked dull, like the sparkle in them was lost years ago.

“Yes, you do that.” He turned away, and walked into the room right next door.

Sydney shut the door, and leaned against it, and muttered bastard under her breath, but what Sydney didn’t know was that it was quite rude to refer to your father in such a vulgar manner.

Chapter 3

Jack Bristow calmly opened the door to his hotel room, and made his way over to his bed. He sat on the edge, thinking, and tried to make sense of what he just saw. That woman in the room next door looked so familiar, but it couldn’t possibly be. It went against everything that he was told, and it didn’t make any sense, but the thought wouldn’t leave his mind. She had the face, the eyes, the hair. Everything about her was like his daughter; his dead daughter. How could this be happening? She died years ago. But what if she survived somehow? What if the woman in the room next door was her, with only a thin piece of wall separating father from daughter?

“Daddy, daddy, put me down, this instance!” Young Sydney Bristow ordered.

Sydney dug her small hands into the back of her father’s neck, not intending to actually harm him. Truthfully Jack barely felt anything, but she did have fairly strong hands for such a young girl. He yelped in pain for his daughter’s own personal amusement. Jack Bristow would do anything to make his daughter happy. It was like his personal mission in life; more important then any operation he had been assigned, while at work.

Sydney was utterly amazed that she could actually cause pain to such a big man, but nonetheless she believed she had caused harm to her father, and he was releasing her not because of his own accord, but because of her own strength, and that gave her a satisfaction like no other: to know that she was a strong little girl.

Sydney laughed. “Ha, I hurt you, daddy! I’m like a super-hero,” Sydney told her father in delight.

“Yes, you are,” Jack replied, as he carefully removed his daughter from his shoulders, and returned her to the safety of the ground. She was so light, but he knew inside her there was fiery, free, independent spirit waiting to be released. He could all ready see it in her eyes. She was so much like his wife. He smiled at the sheer thought. That could only ensure a good future for Sydney.

“Wow, daddy you are strong.” Sydney told her father as he set her on the ground; admiration reflecting through her eyes. Sydney had always admired her father to the point where she idolized him. She idolized both her parents, and wanted to grow to be just like them.

As this scene was playing out a woman stood in the corner, with a small smile. She regarded her loving husband and small daughter, as they joked and laughed with one another, not aware of her presence. Every time her husband saw his daughter an immediate smile took permanent residence on his face, and his eyes seemed to blaze with pride. It was like he glowed, and it pained her to know that one day she would have to take away that glow from him.

Irina and Sydney Derevko’s home

Irina sat idly on the red couch flipping through a magazine, but her mind wasn’t focusing on the mindless words that stared at her from the glossy pages. Her mind was somewhere else; somewhere she didn’t ever want it to go, but nonetheless it was there, and the wheels were defiantly turning.


Nevada, California

Jack got off from the bed; he felt very restless. He began to pace across the interior of the hotel room. He was usually very calm, and was able to remain so, but for once in his life he felt like he wasn’t in control of his own emotions. They were running wild through his body. It was an extremely uncomfortable and awkward experience for him. He couldn’t believe the emotions that this situation was arousing for him. He didn’t want to believe it.

Jack wasn’t a naïve man; at least he didn’t believe he was. This was the first time that he had begun to contradict himself. Was it possible that for some reason he had been lied to? Had the CIA told him something different than what actually occurred? He had so many unanswered questions, which also was a first for him. Had Sydney somehow truly survived? Because if she had so many things for Jack would no longer be the same, and somehow he would have to learn confront the predicament this would create.


Irina sat back calmly trying to think, and collect her thoughts. She couldn’t let this situation make her lose her sanity. It was the one thing that she still had to hang onto, well somewhat.

She pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear, and inhaled deep breathes. Somehow, possibly Sydney may be able to accomplish the task she had originally planned, but Irina doubted it. She had faith in her daughter, and she always would. Sydney always completed the tasks that she was sent out to do, but this one was different because for once in her life she didn’t know what she was walking it to and had no idea what to expect, and unfortunately Irina knew this wasn’t about faith. It was about destiny, and that was something Sydney couldn’t control, no matter how much Irina wished she could.


“5 o’clock, will this day ever end?” Sydney mumbled to herself.

She didn’t know what to do with herself. She felt utterly useless; an unusual sensation for her.
Within the last 5 minutes Sydney had sat on the couch, the bed, the floor, and then repeated the actions, but picked a different position each time. She was on the third round of the bed, and was impatiently sitting on the end of the mattress, bouncing her foot up and down; a habit she had developed over the years. She hummed a tune, while trying to concentrate on something, anything that would take her mind of the endless boredom that she was creating for herself. Her brain was drawing up a blank, though. She couldn’t even think of something to think about! How sad was that? It was like flipping through a blank book desperately looking for some sign that something had been written in the empty spaces. She didn’t know why she was feeling so anxious and irritable, but she was, and it was driving her insane. She assumed it was just the feeling of being alone.

Sydney had never felt truly alone in her life. Yes, she did feel something was missing from her life, but she had never in fact felt entirely alone. Her mother was always there for her. Now that Sydney really considered it she had never been left alone in her life. Her mother’s presence was always nearby or with her, whether it would be when Sydney needed somebody to talk to her, or Irina was simply there to pick her up when she fell down. It was constantly comforting just to be aware that your mother would be there for you no matter what the circumstance. Now, though, Sydney didn’t have the privilege to just call her mother up; not if she wanted t o accomplish what she set out to do.

“Ugh, I’m so bored. I’m pathetic!” Sydney groaned in frustration. She felt immature, but she couldn’t help. The small room was slowly killing her, and it didn’t help that the beautiful weather outside seemed to be taunting her.

“God, there must be something I can do,” Sydney said to herself, while scanning the room for something appealing and interesting to entertain herself with. She spotted a small sleek book sitting on the wooden table by the window.

She made her way over to the table, picked it up and skimmed through the contents inside. She sighed knowing that this would take her only mere minutes to complete, but at least it was something to take her mind of the emptiness that she was feeling inside.

“Great, crosswords; my favourite... This is going to be a long night,’ she said as she picked up a pen, and began filling in the absent letters right away.


House of Unknown…

The shrill sound of the phone interrupted her solitude. She regretfully picked it up, knowing that her son wasn’t about to. When she heard the voice on the other end she nearly dropped the phone in complete astonishment. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It had been sixteen years since that day, and there was no way that she expected to receive this call.

“Irina?” she asked in astonishment. This could only mean one thing.

There you go. Read and Reply!!

~Andrea :angelic:
The shrill sound of the phone interrupted her solitude. She regretfully picked it up, knowing that her son wasn’t about to. When she heard the voice on the other end she nearly dropped the phone in complete astonishment. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It had been 10 years since that day, and there was no way that she expected to receive this call.

“Irina?” she asked in astonishment. This could only mean one thing.
Who called her?? Awesome update :lol: Can't wait till next chapter.
Oooh.. cliffy!! Who'd she call?? Hmmm... has a son huh??

I just found this today, and it's fantastic... Great job!

Can I get a PM when you update??