At last - I'm in e-formats ...

Patrick, good to see! Are you seeing publishers making the move towards digital formats or it is more of a reaction to customers requests?
Yes - and no. Some are now routinely going this route, others require a bit of prodding, or, as I have done, you shop around until you find an e-Publisher for your work. I don't think the paper book is dead, it will retain a place I think, but more and more people find an e-reader more convenient when travelling among other things, and the younger readers think this is the way you read things anyway.
Yes - and no. Some are now routinely going this route, others require a bit of prodding, or, as I have done, you shop around until you find an e-Publisher for your work. I don't think the paper book is dead, it will retain a place I think, but more and more people find an e-reader more convenient when travelling among other things, and the younger readers think this is the way you read things anyway.
I am part of the stalwarts that prefer physical books over ebooks. My wife is the same but my sister, who is older, recently got a Kindle and loves it. Between us we realize that part of our preferences is the so-called "digital divide" when it comes to online access. As a programmer I am online nearly 24/7 thanks to work, home, and my phone and my wife is not too far behind while my sister is not online at all. Myself & my wife both see reading as an escape from the digital world while my sister just loves the benefits the Kindle gives her.

I know it is just anecdotal but it is interesting when I talk with others about their preferences many fall into the same categories; those who are not online constantly like digital books while those who are online prefer physical books.

But, then, there is the latest generation of kids for whom a physical book is an archaic device. :(