AWalkerBit.Me Ultimate Fan Quiz #1


Just a few easy ones to get started.

  1. In opening scene of Days Gone Bye, how many acres are for sale?
  2. What is Rick's Patrol Car #?
  3. What road does he park on when he goes to get gas?
  4. How much is the price on diesel per gallon?
  5. What time was the clock stopped at in the hospital room?
  6. How did Rick kill his very first Walker?
To reply with the answers, either click on "Message" in my profile info to the left, or click on this link:

Remember, I will keep a running total of all answers. The most CORRECT answers at the end will be the winner. The deadline for this quiz is only 2 days. Tuesday at 4PM EST it will close and be locked. Archived until The Walking Dead Resumes.

Good luck to all, have fun. (y)