M MeVartan Cadet May 4, 2003 #1 I love seeing everyones banners in thier signatures and I'd love to have one too but I don't know the first step to making one if you would help me out It'd be greatly appriciated ... (minor typos)
I love seeing everyones banners in thier signatures and I'd love to have one too but I don't know the first step to making one if you would help me out It'd be greatly appriciated ... (minor typos)
lenkid Cadet May 4, 2003 #2 check out the signature request thread in the fan media forum. Someone will help you out there with one.
check out the signature request thread in the fan media forum. Someone will help you out there with one.
V VaughnFan13 Cadet May 4, 2003 #3 you can always ask someone to make you one in the fan media thread, just post what you want under the signature thread
you can always ask someone to make you one in the fan media thread, just post what you want under the signature thread