Before the Boy Who Lived

Hey! I finally got around to posting a HP fic of mine. I want to know what you think, be honest, I can take it. ;)
Rating: PG? PG-13? Stop it with the hard questions.
Basics: It takes place when Harry's parents started at Hogwarts. Since we don't know very much about their time there, most is my imagination (save us) and there are some new characters (the most obvious of which is the main character). Hope you like it. Sorry in advance about the longness of chapters.

Chapter 1
Parents looked around nervously. Some cried, hugging their small children almost to the point of suffocation. AlexBennet stayed close to her mother. Her twin, Cat, however, thrived on the brink of new independence. She gazed around Platform 9 3/4 at the people with whom she would be spending the next 7 years.

"Five minutes, witches and wizards!" the conductor, dressed in scarlet to match the steam engine, patrolled the platform. A bellboy, also scarlet-clad, took Alex and Cat's trunks.

"You two better be getting on," their father said. Always a serious man, he seemed more solemn than usual. Her mother was on the brink of tears. "You don't want to miss the train to your first year of school."

Alex burst into tears. "Bye, Mum and Dad."

Cat, while she loved her parents, had always been prevented by her independent and stubborn streak from getting to know them as well as Alex had. She regretted it, now especially leaving almost all year for school, but she had to admit to herself that she was glad to be out on her own. As much on her own as she could be going to a boarding school. Kissing her parents goodbye, Cat dragged her sister to the train.

They were greeted by the usual double-take that always followed the girls' entrance to the room. Cat was too accustomed to this to notice. She and Alex had identical faces, both obviously beautiful even at the age of 11, and both were insanely intelligent, having studied magic up to the fourth level before entering witchcraft school this year. The similarities ended there. Alex was quiet, cautious, blonde and blue-eyed, loved reading, and enjoyed the subjects of Herbology, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, and Divination over the others. In complete contrast to Alex, Cat had dark hair and eyes, athletic (she was one of the few female Beaters), brave to the point of recklessness, and excelled at Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Charms. Pushing past the staring students, they entered a compartment with two other girls, about their age.

"Hi," said Cat, always the more outgoing of the two. "Is anyone sitting there?," she asked the two girls, gesturing to the empty spots on the benches lining three of the walls.

"No, sit down, please." The black girl on Cat's left said, smiling. Alex took that spot, whereas Cat sat next to the other girl, a redhead with remarkably bright green eyes.

"I'm Cat," she said, smiling at the other girls. "I'm a first-year." The train was pulling out of the station through a beautiful countryside.

"Paris," said the black girl.

"Lily," was the redhead. "We're both going to be first-years too."

Paris glanced between Cat and Alex. "Twins?"

Alex spoke for the first time. "How can you tell? I'm Alex."

They all launched into stories of their backgrounds. Lily was Muggle-born, with an older sister named Petunia, a Muggle. Paris was the only child of two Aurors, working in the same department as Cat and Alex's parents. This discussion, along with visions of what Hogwarts will be like, continued through lunch and into the sunset.

A knock echoed on the compartment door. Cat got up to open it, allowing four young boys to enter. The apparent leaders, two black haired boys, addressed Cat, the closest to the door. "Do you have the Evening Prophet?"

The girls glanced around at each other. "No, sorry."

Cat, curious as to why four boys would be inspired to read the paper, asked, "Why?"

The long black-haired boy, who had introduced himself as Sirius Black, replied, "There was another Death Eater attack. Two people dead."

Cat still standing from opening the door, leaning against the wall fot support. She had seen what Death Eaters can do. "Who?," she asked, praying to God that it was not someone she knew.

"Some people by the name of Timothy and Jennifer Bennet."

Alex spoke up. "Sorry?" Cat, looking at her, could tell that she merely thought she had heard wrong. Cat agreed; it couldn't possibly her parents.

"The Bennets. Killed in broad daylight, somewhere abouts Diagon Alley."

Cat closed her eyes and slid to the floor.

"What? Did you know them?," the boy who called himself James Potter asked.

Cat snapped, green eyes full of disgust. Cat heard her distantly yelling at him, but her ears were still echoing with Sirius's words. Timothy and Jennifer Bennet...Death Eaters...

"Oi! Was it you looking for the paper?" A voice sounded out in the hall.

"Yea." Sirius took the paper. "Thanks."

"Cat..." his voice seemed so far away. "Did you want-"

Cat snatched the paper from his outstretched hands. She opened her eyes, the glittering Dark Mark and two portraits of her parents staring back at her. She saw the headline, but couldn't make out the words. She didn't want to. Barely heard over Lily's row with James, Cat muttered "thank you." She looked up at Alex refusing the paper from the blonde boy called Remus, sobbing on Paris's shoulder.

The next few hours passed quickly. Isolated from the world, Cat barely saw, barely heard the boys leave. She unconciously changed into her uniform, only noticing when Lily pointed it out that she was putting her pants on backward.

The train pulled into Hogsmeade station about 7:00. Cat didn't want to leave; she just wanted to remain in the compartment, still on the floor, probably the last place she would ever be happy. They had barely stopped when a black-haired witch entered the compartment. Her eyes looked so sad, Cat couldn't keep contact.

"Alexandria? Catarina?" It wasn't a question. She looked between the two girls. "Please come with me."

Alex looked back, eyes begging Paris to come with her, knowing all the while that she couldn't. They climbed into a carriage in the front of the lengthly line. She jump when she suddenly noticed the creatures pulling them. Horses? No- horse-like. They had leathery skin clinging to their skeleton, wings formed from the same flesh, and fangs below they're all-white eyes. Nice first thing to see of Hogwarts. This is starting out great, eh? As she closed the door, she caught a whiff of the horse's rancid smell.

The witch did not speak the whole ride. Cat doubted she could be heard anyway over Alex's sobbing. She didn't understand why she was not. Maybe she hadn't realized the finality of it. Maybe she wasn't sad at all. No. That's not it. I loved them. But inside, she remembered that she had been in fact grateful to leave them.

Absorbed in her own confusion, Cat followed the witch, who she now knew to be Professor McGonagall, though she couldn't remember how she learned it. Not noticing the majestic castle she was being led through, Cat wasn't even brought back out of her thoughts by a gargoyle springing to life to reveal a ever-spirling staircase.

She heard her name called, but it didn't register. She didn't really feel like "Catarina Bennet" anymore. A hand on her shoulder brought her to the room she hadn't realized she was in. A ruby-and-gold phoenix stared at her.

"Catarina, Alexandria, I assume you know already what I am going to tell you." Cat forced herself to pay attention to the man speaking, who she recognized as Albus Dumbledore, the noted Headmaster.

"Yes, sir." Her voice sounded so small and unsure. Alex obviously didn't trust herself to speak. "I want to know what happened, sir."

Dumbledore looked surprised at this almost-random statement, but disappointed at Alex's response. "I don't. Her blue eyes had stopped crying and looked into Dumbledore's. "Tell her, but I want to go straight to the Sorting. I don't want to know; I don't think I can handle the details."

Dumbledore sighed. Obviously, he thought it better that she knew. "Very well, Alexandria. Professor Flitwick is instructing the students not to talk about the incident, so you will not have to deal with questions."

"Thank you, sir."

"Minerva, take Miss Bennet- Alexandria- to meet the other first-years for Sorting. I imagine they will be arriving soon. I will escort Catarina downstairs once she knows."

Cat meant to smile encouragingly at her sister as Professor McGonagall led her out, but her facial muscles didn't seem to want to move.

"I think your sister is wrong in not learning the truth," Dumbledore began. "Though you both are showing maturity beyond the expected: you wanting to learn the whole story, Alexandria knowing her limits." He lifted a newspaper off the desk. "Forgive me for being so blunt about it, Miss Bennet, but I would not be so if I didn't believe that you could take it in that manner. Your parents went to Diagon Alley shortly after dropping you and Alexandria off at the train. They had bought these-" he produced two brown paper packages, one with the address 'Catarina Bennet, Hogwarts', the other bearing 'Alexandria Bennet, Hogwarts.' With a trembling hand she took them. They must have been sent here. Dumbledore's next statement confirmed her theory.

"They were just leaving the post office to the Leaky Cauldron when they were ambushed by five Death Eaters. The Combustion Curse completely destoryed their bodies, save for these." Fearing he would pull out bones this time, Cat looked away. Instead, Dumbledore pulled out a small envelope.

"Just some things that didn't, well, disintegrate." He looked at Cat concernedly, checking how she was holding up. Not wanting to appear weak, she straightened and said, "Thank you for telling me." Her attempt to sound normal failed. Cat's voice sounded so different, weak. She was sure she was dying.

A very short professor, who Cat assumed as Flitwick, came into the office as Dumbledore and Cat were leaving. "Wait a moment, Catarina. Let's Sort you before you go."

Putting down the packages, Cat but a tattered and faded hat on her head. Only concerned on getting down to give Alex her package, Cat didn't even listen to the voice speaking in her ear. She jumped fantastically when it yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!!"

Ending there. Sorry about the length. R/R Be honest! ^_^
Thanks guys. I feel so loved. ^_^ don't cry... :( I didn't mean it to be that sad... -_- Sorry.

I'll try to update soon, but it takes me forever to type these long chapters. haha
I've already written it though. It's just not typed. Oh well- I'll try to break up chapters. Here's the next one BTW.

Chapter 2

The Great hall was beautiful; the ceiling was dotted with stars, enchanted to look like the sky above. Cat was sad she couldn't fully enjoy it; Mom would have loved to see this. The four huge tables spanning the length of the Hall fall silent as Dumbledore walked in. Cat could feel the burn of about 300 eyes on her. He directed her to the farthest table on the right, where she noticed Lily, Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter already sitting. To her dismay, Alex and Paris weren't there, but at the middle right table, which by the blue tablecloth Cat assumed as Ravenclaw.

Lily scooted her chair over, allowing Cat to sit between her and Sirius. "Saved you a seat." Her weak smile and failure to make eye contact bothered Cat.

"Thanks." Her attempt to smile yet again failed. "Who are the other first years?"

"Well, the four guys from the train," Lily nodded to Peter, James, Remus, and Sirius, who were at the moment laughing into their plates on some immature joke James had made. "Then these two-" she pointed to two girls totally absorbed in conversation. Cat wondered whether they had even noticed the new person sitting at the table. "-are Nicole and Jamie. Nice crowd, eh?"

"Yea. Seven years with them makes it seem so much better too." Though she didn't really feel like talking, the silence was unsettling.

A collective gasp arose from first-years around the Hall as the shining platters in the center of each Table filled with food.

"So…" After people had begun to finish their dinner, James attempted to create conversation outside of his three friends. "What are you families like?" Lily's eyes burned with a green fire again. Not wanting to again hear Lily's opinion on how insensitive Hames was, Cat excused herself to give Alex her package.

The entirety of the Ravenclaw Table turned as one to the girl who looked so much like their newest housemate. Whispers of "Is that the other sister?" and "She doesn't look sad…" stuck out among their general thoughts of how a Gryffindor dared to sit at their Table.

"Cat- I said I didn't want to know," Alex cried, her eyes getting misty again.

"I know." She put the three packages on the empty place setting between them. Alex cautiously took hers, as though worried it might explode.

"It feels like a book," she observed.

"Yea- mine too." Cat felt the weight of her package for the first time. Alex began, with the same cautiousness from when she first picked up the package, to open hers. Not wanting to open such a personal item in the presence of so many people unknown to her, Cat kept hers in her lap.

"Oh no…" Alex had begun crying again. Cat picked up the book and read the title: The Rosetta Stone and Other Egyptian Hieroglyphics. "Mom knew I loved them…" Waiting for Alex to compose herself (this took a while), Cat wondered what her own book was.

"Well…w-what's in the envelope?" Pulling her hair from her face, Alex's still-moist eyes turned to the smallest of the three parcels. She watched apprehensively as Cat opened the clasp, and let out a scream of surprise and sorrow when she saw the contents, glittering as brightly as the platters, which were now devoid of food.

"Their rings…mom's necklace." Alex picked up the two wedding rings. The necklace and earrings their mother always wore were there too: a simple long thin rectangle of obsidian descending into her chest mounted on a fine silver chain, with matching earrings of the same style.

"Cat you take these," Alex pushed the necklace and earrings toward her. She had stopped crying; now she, like Cat, had found the realm of pain where tears didn't come anymore. "Your ears are pierced." She gave a watery smile. "You'll look just like her, wearing those.

"You keep the rings." Cat was surprised- normally they would not be so agreeable to each other. "Well, I'm going to finish dinner. See you tomorrow."

After she put on the necklace and exchanged her studs for the dangling obsidian earrings, Cat took her unopened package. "Love you," she said before realizing the thought had even crossed her mind. Suddenly wishing she had said that before she had gotten on the train this morning, Cat hurried back to the Gryffindor Table.

Silence greeted her back at the Gryffindor Table, save the few rustlings of a hurriedly stuffed away newspaper. Lily and James weren't arguing; but neither were they talking to each other or making eye contact.

"Cat?" Nicole asked, sounding uncertain, as if expecting her to bust into tears. "I heard about your parents, I'm so sorry." A murmur of assent went around the Table.

"You'll always have family here," said Remus.

Cat broke into the first true smile, just as the desserts came up on the platters. After the last of them had disappeared, either back through the Table or into the students, older students, as Cat learned were called 'prefects', yelled from the end of each Table.

"First years! Come up front with me! Gryffindors! Follow me!" A boy of about 15 called at them from the end of the Gryffindor Table nearest the doors.

"Cat! Wait!" Sirius ran up to her. "You forgot this!" He held up the parcel from her parents.

"Oh, you're the best. Thanks so much." He grinned. His pale eyes and great smile temporarily mesmerized Cat. He walked with her, Lily, and James; the latter two were staying as far across from each other in the corridors as possible, Sirius and Cat making a sort of barrier between them. She didn't talk much on the journey, determined to remember the labyrinth of corridors and secret passageways they went through. They were just halfway up the fifth of seven flights of marble stairs when the floor shifted, knocking the students off balance.

"What was that?," Cat asked, her arm gripped by Sirius, in order to prevent her from toppling into the stairwell below ("That would be a rough drop").

"Hurry everyone- the staircase is switching!," the prefect yelled.

Sirius, James, Cat, Lily, and the prefect were the only ones to make it to the top before the staircase began to rotate. Screaming giggles filled the stairwell as the other 50 or so Gryffindors docked at a landing opposite them.

"It should switch back soon! Stay on the staircase!" The prefect was unable to hide his amusement. "You four, the entrance to the common room is through that painting." A portrait of a rather large woman in a pink frilly dress hung on the end of a long corridor. "The password is 'Remembrall.' Girls' dormitories are to the left, boys' to the right. Your trunks are already there. I'm going to wait here for the, um, unfortunate."

Walking past a dozen suits of armor on each side, the four stood back as the portrait swumg forward at the password to reveal a small hole. Cat went first with the package, then Lily, Sirius, and James.

"Wow…" The Gryffindor common room was beautifully furnished in oak, scarlet, and gold; a strong fire burning in the fireplace. Cat sank into the nearest couch, realizing how tired she was. Lily sat beside her, asking, "Are you going to open the parcel?"

Halfway across the room, Sirius and James stopped out of curiosity to see what was underneath the paper. Ripping through several layers of the think brown paper, the back of a black book was revealed. One more rip allowed the heavy book to fall to the floor, the title About Animagi shining on the cover.

"Dad…" Cat felt the past few hours of pent up sadness come out. This book recalled so many memories of her father, from whom Cat got her love for Transfiguration, turning into a hawk, his Animagus creature.

Hurrying to the dormitories so they wouldn't see her crying, Cat whispered a hurried "Goodnight" and bolted up the stairs just as the rest of the Gryffindors came in.

Nicole, Jamie, and Lily followed up the stairs shortly after her escape.

"Cat?," came Nicole's uneasy voice for the second time that night. Lying in bed, fully dressed with her mother's earrings and necklace on, and clutched her father's book, Cat didn't answer.
one_halliwell_sister said:
OMG! This is super good! (and super sad, it makes me want to cry, its just so meaningful). I love it. Really.
Sure you do... ;) :P

I'm getting such positive feedback, it almost makes me suspicious... :Ph34r: Glad to hear you like it. ^_^ I'm working on its sequel (Here Without You) now; this story fills almost an entire notebook so it'll be a while until I get around to typing it.

:gasp: I got THREE READERS!!! :thud:
o good amanda!

do you want me to be mean? i have one mean-ish comment... sorta... :blink: just in the book it seemed that james and sirius were less friendly with the girls but i dunno. i really like it. it's a good break from all the hp stuff to some james (and cat/alex stuff).
amanda2pt0 said:
one_halliwell_sister said:
OMG! This is super good! (and super sad, it makes me want to cry, its just so meaningful). I love it. Really.
Sure you do... ;) :P

I'm getting such positive feedback, it almost makes me suspicious... :Ph34r: Glad to hear you like it. ^_^ I'm working on its sequel (Here Without You) now; this story fills almost an entire notebook so it'll be a while until I get around to typing it.

:gasp: I got THREE READERS!!! :thud:
No, I really do!
:Ph34r: So don't shot me! :Ph34r:
(y) (y)
Two thumbs up. Post more soon or all get mean (jk)
Seriously though, its very good ^_^
Ok I'm hoping i can give you back some constructive comments right now.
So here i go.

I like the idea of a pre-trio hogwarts story. They're great because anything can happen.
However just because it is before the trio doesn't mean that we can ignore cannon. For example we know that Lily didn't really like James, at least in 5th year (Snapes Worst Memory). So I would suggest trying to work that in. Also First Years aren't on their qidditch teams, so just make sure you make it clear that Alex plays Beater when she plays for fun. Not for the school.
As well,
Sirius and James were known to be pranksters, I would try to bring this in a little more. Comments such as Mischievous grins and whatnot.

I think it is fairly unlikely anyone on the train would have known about Alex and Cat's parents death before they reached the school.
Everyone was on the train when it happened.

There's only one other comment I'm going to make. Watch out for the Mary Sue Characters. There is no such thing as a perfect person, don't let them be. Give them a character flaw, such as a hot temper that makes them freak out every so often. Or the tendency to be annoying. Just something so people can better relate to them.

I think you could have a good story if you really work at it. Don't be afraid to try something different or make your characters do something stupid. because people will love them more for it.
Does this mean I have a beta-writer?! :D

1) I'm getting to the Lily and James part. This is only the second chapter, don't kill me yet. :hide:

2) Cat is a Beater yes, but she won't be on the Gryffindor team for quite a while. You'll see why soon. ;)

3) Good point about Sirius and James. :goes off to add more mischief:

4) I probably should have made it more clear with the news of their parents death; it was in the evening paper, which some kids had subscriptions to, like Hermione did. Sorry about that, I should have explained that better but didn't notice. :(

5) I assume you're talking about Cat with the 'Mary-Jane' character stereotype. I'm getting to the flaw. ;)

Thanks for your suggestions! Seriously, I need them. Don't be afraid to point out all the crappy or confusing parts, I appreciate the criticism. :smiley:
I just have one last tip for you then
check out the forums at

everyone there is big on fanfiction and offer a lot of great tips.

And I'm really glad to see that you're mature enought to take criticism, its a good sign of good things to come from your writing.
Kewii said:
I just have one last tip for you then
check out the forums at

everyone there is big on fanfiction and offer a lot of great tips.

And I'm really glad to see that you're mature enought to take criticism, its a good sign of good things to come from your writing.
Thank you. ^_^ I'm glad to hear that I'm mature- not something I get very often. haha Just kidding. :P I've been to the Sugar Quill, and I love it. Harry Potter Fan Fic nirvana. Thank you for your help- and please feel free to continue to in the future- I truly do appreciate it. ^_^

Annie: lol It'll be up tonight. ;)
Chapter 3

Lily opened the curtains surrounding Cat’s bed. “Cat...we need to go down to breakfast. We’re getting our schedules this morning before our first class.”

Cat already knew this, lying awake all night listening to their whispered conversations. Grudgingly, she pulled her hair sticking to her tear-streaked face and went to go take a shower. She guessed it was about 700, their first class beginning at 830. Barely noticing what she was doing, she dressed in her black uniform robes, somehow embroidered overnight with the Gryffindor crest: a scarlet shield with a golden lion. A red and gold tie completed the ensemble.

Shocked that they eventually remembered where to go, the four girls, followed shortly thereafter by the four Gryffindor first-year boys, entered the Great Hall. Heads of Households (in their case, McGonagall) were passing out schedules.

“Bennet, Catarina.” Cat went up to get hers, suddenly very aware of her still red-rimmed eyes.

“Black, Sirius,” was the next name called, followed eventually by “Evans, Lily,” “Galin, Jamie,” “Lupin, Remus,” “Pettigrew, Peter,” “Potter, James,” and “Watt, Nicole.”

“First is History of Magic, doubled with the Slytherins.” Remus had compared everyone’s schedules, which were all identical.


“Shut up, Bennet,” Sirius laughed. “Nice attitude to start off the year.”

“She has her reasons, Black.” Lily snapped, but not with the same ferosity as she did to James.

In an attempt to stave off danger, Remus hurriedly asked in a louder-than-necessary voice, “Where’s Binns’s room? We’d better leave now, or we’ll be late.” Peter’s watery eyes looked very nervous at the last statement. Cat had the distinct impression of a timid mouse when she looked at him.

“Why now?” James looked at his watch. “We have thirty minutes until class starts.”

“But we shouldn’t risk being late to our first class.” Lily now turned her indignation back onto James. “Especially when you will likely find some upper classman you think you can challenge, Potter.”

“So you want to walk with me then.” Sirius, Remus, and Cat laughed at this; Peter was confused.

“I neither said nor thought that. You’ll get hopelessly lost on your own- what a nice scene that would be in front of the Slytherins.”

“So you doubt my dueling skills, eh? You think you’d recognize and know the talent already.”

She laughed maliciously. “I know you well enough to know that you’ll lose before even taking out your wand.”

“Let’s go...” Remus, Peter, Nicole, and Jamie steered the laughing Sirius and Cat out of the Hall, away from the agruing two, who were now drawing a small but curious crowd. “They’ll catch up eventually...”
Professor Binns turned out to be a seriously wrinkled, near-sighted old wizard.

“I wonder if I touch him, he’ll turn to dust.” Sirius said only loud enough for the other Gryffindors to hear, looking curiously at the obviously ancient man. Only when they started laughing did the Slytherins notice their entrance. About 10 in total, they didn’t look like a particularly pleasant group. One boy, pale with long greasy black hair and somewhat separated from the group, turned completely around to face them. His eyes met with those of James.

“James!” Cat moaned as she ran into him when he stopped midway through the aisle to their seats. “What are you looking at?”

Sirius stopped to look as well. The three boys glared at each other with a sort of predetermined loathing. By now, the whole of the Slytherin and Gryffindor first-years were watching apprehensively, save Peter (“What? What happened?”)

After several moments of the deadlock stare, Remus said, “This is ridiculous.”

“I don’t know,” Cat whispered. “That guy is kinda creepy.”

“I feel like an idiot standing here.”

“Oh, we don’t want that. Remus can’t stand looking stupid,” Cat mocked, laughing. Remus gave acompained his rolling eyes with a slight smile. She threw her shoulder into Sirius’s side, causing him and James to go forcefully into the amphitheater-style seating after Remus and Peter.

As soon as they sat down, Professor Binns began role call, many of the names pronounced wrongly, and with his slow pattern of speech taking forever. “Snape, Severus,” turned out to be James’s greasy-haired enemy. At Snape’s name being called, Sirius let out a sound eerily like a growl. Cat scooted her chair closer to Lily, who was sitting on her other side.
“Bennet...Bennet...wake up class is over...” Bzzt

“ARGH!!! Cat sat straight up in her chair, an action unnoticed by the students leaving Professor Binns’s classroom. “What’d you do that for?,” she asked, examining the clean burn hole in the shoulder of her robes.

“Taser charm. I figured that would wake you up,” Sirius followed her out of the classroom where the girls where already waiting. Once he had quelled his laughter, he apologized for the burn in her robes, even though it “was pretty funny.”

“No worries,” she said, grinning as the eight descended into the dungeon area, where Potions was being held. “Reparo,” she muttered, pointing her wand at the hole. Threads wound from the singed and severed ends, reweaving the robe.

“Wicked...” Nicole had seized the back of her robes for examination. No trace of Sirius’s Taser Charm was left. “How long have you been studying magic?”

“Since I was five. I was tutored every Wednesday night.”

“Miss Bennet?” A man Cat assumed as either their professor a Muggle movie villan, came up to her. “Was that magic I just saw you perform in the hallway?”

Curious as to how he already knew her name, she replied was an uncertainty more fitting of her sister, “Yes...”

“When you address me, you will use ‘sir.’ No magic is allowed in the corridors, Miss Bennet. Detention tonight will help you master the concept, I’m sure.”

“I...” Cat began indignantly, but Lily stepped painfully on her foot. “Yes, sir.

“What made him hate you like that already?” James looked at Cat curiously. “He just saw you.”

“What made you hate Snape like that?” Lily countered. “Kind of hypocritical to judge Professor Grendel like that.”

“So you’re defending him now?”

“When I open the door, I expect you to come in!” Professor Grendel poked head with its slicked back brown hair and slightly scarred face out of the dungeon door. Cat honestly had no idea what she did to make him hate her so, but she did know that the next two hour session would be hell.

Next one should be up soon I'm on a typing frenzy today. :cool:
Parent's are kicking me off early...but here's a teaser, not just for this next chapter either. ;)

<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div onClick="openClose('4d5026d132e623a3f12c03f35998a3f2')" style="font-weight: bold">Click For Spoiler</div><div id="4d5026d132e623a3f12c03f35998a3f2" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->Walking slowly as James and Sirius tipped over random trash cans, Cat felt the weight of the past two days catch up to her, making her ever more sure that her life was cursed. (Foreshadowing ;) )<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->