Beyond The Horizon

Part 3

“Irina, there are speedboats heading for the ship.”

“Spasibo! Tell the pilot to get the helo ready.” She turned off the intercom.

“What boats,” growled Jack?

“Prophet 5,” answered Irina. “We don’t have anytime now. We’ve got to leave.”

“WHY,” roared Jack, determined to hear her reason?

“I told you. Prophet 5 wants Sydney and Isabelle.” She bit her lip, wondering how to tell them the awful truth. “Jack, go get Renee and Kelly. We all must get off the ship now. I’ll tell you more when we get to shore.”

“Wait a minute; no one is going anywhere until I know exactly why Sydney and the baby are in danger.”

“Because both Renee and Vaughn were genetically altered as well as their neuron pathways were enhanced when they were children. Sydney was born already genetically altered. Isabelle is the product of Sydney and Vaughn’s union.” She looked at Sydney. “How it was done I’ll tell you later. Bill Vaughn and Renee’s father, Luc, were paid by Prophet 5 to test their children with the formula. Then Muller disappeared, taking the formula with him. He destroyed all of the serum before leaving.”

“You are the head of Prophet 5,” Jack was angry.

“No. We’ve got to hurry.”

“Irina,” the Captain interrupted again. “Those boats are a twenty minutes away.”

“Jack…Prophet 5 is government-run by the US, China, Russia, England and Japan. We have got to hurry.”

Jack stared at her, as did Sydney. The implications were vast and it explained a few things including Vaughn’s murder. Without a word, Jack turned and ran out of the cabin. Irina flew about the room, packing a few items up including, to Sydney’s astonishment, the placenta and cord, which she put into a container. That container was put into a small cooler bag. She pulled out some blankets and a pillow. Carrying the container in one hand and the rest in her left, she nodded to Sydney.

“Follow me,” Irina hurried down the corridor, returning the same way she and Jack had come when they landed.

As they went down the stairs, the helo’s engines were whining at full power ready to leave. Jack was helping Renee and Kelly into the rear seat, strapping himself in as Irina helped Sydney and the baby into the seat next to Jack. She jumped into the co-pilot’s seat, strapped herself in, and pulled on the headphones.

Punching the pilot on the arm, she screamed, “GO!”

The helicopter moved off toward the front of the ship, away from the boats, which were coming up fast from the rear. It kept going, keeping the ship between it and the boats until it was a mile away. The pilot pulled back on the stick and the helo moved up and to the right. Looking back, Jack saw the boats getting closer to the ship, but, of course, it was too late.

Jack looked at his wife…or was she? She was an amazingly manipulative woman and his emotions were in conflict with what he thought she was doing here with Sydney. Was she using Sydney and the baby to gain her endgame’s finish….a genetic formula for what? He felt something nudge his knee. He looked up. Irina had headphones for him. She motioned for him to put them on immediately.

As soon as he did, he heard “I need Marshall. Can you reach him for me?”


“In order to escape, we need satellite cameras to go off line for thirty minutes.”

Jack frowned, “Now look here Irina.”

“Jack, I am not lying to you: Sydney and the baby, our daughter and grandchild, are in immense danger. We have to escape and land where no one can find us, at least for a few hours. There is no time to argue. Give me Marshall’s personal number.”

The seriousness of her voice made him decide in her favor. He wrote down the number and handed it to her. Irina smiled, turned, and opened her sat phone.

Marshall was shaving when he heard his cell go off. Being he was on call, he always had it with him. “Hello?”

“Marshall Flinkman?”

“Yes?” The voice sounded familiar to him.

“This is Irina Derevko. We need your help immediately. Do you have your laptop?”

“Always…wait why are you c…calling m…me? Wh…where are you?”

“Marshall, Sydney is with me and her father. She’s just had her baby. We are in desperate need to escape the Prophet 5 who is after her.”

Marshall blinked a few times. “A girl?”

“Yes…can you help?”

“Doing wh…what?”

“We want you to disable some satellites for us for thirty minutes. If I give you the numbers, can you do it from home?”

“I think so, but…”

“Marshall, this is Jack. Do it! Sydney and the baby are depending on you.”

Marshall gulped. His face only half shaved he ran to the dining room, opened his laptop, and opened the program needed. “OK….kay, give me the numbers.”

Irina gave him the information. “How long?”

“S…stay on line.” Marshall was imputing the numbers as he spoke. “H…hitting enter now…”

He watched the computer at work. He was APO’s genius nerd when it came to computers although he liked what Rachel, the new girl, was able to do. He was hoping to get her transferred to his office. She would be a fantastic edition to R and D. “D…done!” He grinned, watching the satellites go down one by one. “It will take those in charge thirty minutes to fix anyway. B…by the way, wh…whose s…satellites are they?”

“Can it be traced back to you?” It was Jack, who asked the question.


“Then don’t worry. We’ll fill you in when and…if we get back. Meanwhile say nothing and don’t work hard, if they ask you, to bring the US satellites back on line.”

“H…holy h…hollyh…hocks!” Marshall shut his computer off. Jack broke the connection a moment before. Sweat poured off Marshall’s face.

Thousands of miles away, the helicopter turned northward. It crossed over land within minutes. Lights ahead told him there was a city close. Irina was busy talking into the mic. She motioned to the pilot, pointing toward something in the distance. Jack who sat behind her could not see. The copter landed on a roof. Jack saw the red cross just before they landed. It was a hospital. Irina told the truth, she was getting Sydney to one as promised.

He glanced at Sydney who looked a bit ill, but she held Isabelle tight to her. She would not give up her child.

“Jack, help Sydney down. The pilot is going to be here for only a few minutes. Hurry, there’s a doctor and nurse waiting. Hand the headset to Renee!”

Renee adjusted them on her head. “Renee, you must not be found either. Prophet 5 is interested in you also. Do you know why?” Irina asked. Renee shook her head. “Because,” continued Irina, “your father took money to let them do to you what they did to Vaughn. You must not fall into their hands. Can you also take care of Kelly?”

Renee nodded, instantly knowing what Irina wanted. “I’ll be happy to…”

Irina handed her the headphones so she could talk to the pilot. “Call on Sydney’s cell. We’ll be with her from now on and let me know where you are.” Irina slipped out of the helo, motioning it to leave.

Jack was with Sydney when Irina entered the room assigned to her. The doctor and nurse were checking Isabelle and another nurse was attending to Sydney. Jack gripped Irina’s arm. He was not sure about her reasons for kidnapping Sydney and the so-called stimulated hypnosis. All he cared about now was that Sydney was all right and that Isabelle was healthy.

“Irina, I think you have some explaining to do…this time in detail!” Jack growled.

She said nothing, watching the doctor finish with the baby. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up sign. Isabelle was healthy and there were no anomalies or visible problems. The nurse finished with Sydney who now wore a gown. The doctor put the baby into her arms, smiled at Irina, and left with the nurses. The room was quiet. Sydney’s eyes closed and she fell to sleep. It had been a very tiring day and it did not seem to be over.

“Irina…” Jack was still angry. “You have a lot of explaining to do. I want to hear it now. Start with where the hell are we?” He pulled her outside the room, not wanting Sydney to hear their conversation.

“We need privacy, Jack. I’m not talking in a hallway.” She looked around and saw a storage room across the hall and down a few feet. “Let’s go in here.” She pulled him inside, locking the door behind her. No one saw them. Glancing about she made sure there was no other entryway or security camera.

Jack repeated his question. “Where are we?”

“Near a mid-size city in Bulgaria…one you probably never seen. This is one of two hospitals in the city. I help maintain it for my employees when they are in need of
Medical help.”

Jack’s eyebrows rose and he stared. “You own the hospital?”

“Well…let’s say I support the staff and they see to it that it’s available to me at any time.”

“Okay, we’re in Bulgaria…somewhere on the coast. What makes you think Prophet 5 won’t find us?”

“They won’t for a while. Sydney will have time to recuperate some of her strength. It’s important for her and Isabelle.”

Jack persisted. “Why won’t they find us?”

“They won’t look for us to be in the obvious place. This city is a secondary headquarters for Prophet 5. They work for Russia from here and their servers are located about ten blocks from the hospital.”

Jack’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Clever. Still, it’s dangerous…”

Irina nodded, but smiled. “Would you look for your prey ten blocks away when you know she has the world to hide in?” She rubbed the side of her face. She glanced at him and then turned to stare curiously at his worn face. “Jack, why would you think I could ever hurt my daughter and grandchild?”

“Irina…” he hesitated meeting her gaze with some little embarrassment. “I was angry that you didn’t inform me. You know I would protect her and the baby at any cost. I might have helped you…”

“Jack, be truthful. I was interrogating her in such a way that you would not have signed on to do. Sydney probably does not remember consciously what she saw, but in her sub conscious, she did. That little extra something you programmed her with made the difference of why she lied.”

“Then now what…you try again?”

She shook her head wearily. “You took care of that during the Project Christmas training.” She walked to the door. “I’m tired and want to sleep.

“And now tell me about what Prophet 5 is after.”

I just found this story and I love it. I'm a huge Irina fan, and I love the way you've tried to fix the mess that is season five. Please add me to your PM list!
Whoa, what a fast-paced chapter! I was a little lost, but probably only because I missed most of season five. Can't wait for the next installation!
Thanks everyone.
I just read that April 19th has been set for the return of Alias with a 2 hour event.
I will be posting on Monday as I'll be gone most of Sunday which is when I thought I'd post Part 4. Some of you probably don't know, but most of my stories deal with Irina and Jack. Click on my name and it will take you to my profile and the topics posted.

AN: This part is a little racy and tad above PG-13, but not RC-17.

Part 4

“And now tell me about what Prophet 5 is after.”

“I believe they want Sydney and Isabelle to use as guinea pigs. They want to find out just what was in the serum was that was injected.” She shuddered. “They’ll try to duplicate the formula.”

“Do they know about you…your connection to this mysterious and, if you don’t mind me saying so, ridiculous history?” He stared at her. “What do you think the formula was for that they want so desperately?”

“A longer life…and a higher intelligence.” Irina said. “The formula supposedly enhances everything genetically that is passed on to child from the parents.”

“And the enhanced neuron pathways too?”

She nodded. “I suppose they will take them where they can measure electronically the brain’s ability to think…to watch right side and left-side activity.”

“You wouldn’t do it yourself, would you, in order to get a ‘leg’ up on Prophet 5?” Jack did not trust Irina not to take advantage of the fact she was Sydney’s mother. He knew Irina loved Sydney as much as he did, but that wouldn’t stop her from reaching her endgame. Damn her and whatever it was she was looking for in their daughter.

She stared at him thoughtfully and then shook her head.


“Vaughn is her father. As he passed on the enhanced genetics, it makes Isabelle valuable.”

“Do they know about you?” He asked again.

She inclined her head. “No!” She stepped closer to him. “I’ve always been able to keep myself out of their hands. They lost track of the experiment as well as the pregnant woman involved. Papa even forgot, as he was not present when Mama was injected. I grew up, went to school, and recruited by Khasinau for KGB.

“I went to US to marry you. Purges and upheavals continued with each new Secretary exorcising his prerogatives to cleanse any department, including the KGB and it’s own R&D department. Many of the scientists there were relocated in Siberia and others were killed. I escaped KGB’s interference while I was in Kashmir prison. Old records burned, lost, or destroyed. The experiment forgotten, at least I thought so.

“At the same time, the other countries involved in Prophet 5 were embroiled in other projects: space exploration, oceans, and greenhouse effects…scientists working intently on problems more pressing. When they extracted me in ’81 and sent me to Kashmir, no one knew where I was except a few KGB officials who wanted other information. They thought I was a traitor.”

Jack reached out and gripped her right wrist, pulling her closer. “What suddenly kicked the group into action again?’

“…a certain amount of stability in the world, even if for only a brief time, when all five nations were not involved in greater things. Their own DSRs or whatever they called them, became alerted to Rambaldi again when those artifacts were stolen, collected, or bought and his ideas and formulas became objects of interest.” She tried to pull away, but he held her tight and close.

“How did they find out about Sydney?”

“The picture in the manuscript she found and the Prophecy. Word got out and soon the five nations made their connections again. They began making plans to obtain Sydney or to put her away somewhere safe.”

“Safe from whom?” He snapped.

“…from other interested nations and criminal organizations who were not a part of Prophet 5, such as Germany, France, Canada and Argentina as well as The Covenant.” She paused. “Jack, there are a lot of people out there that know about the Prophet 5 and what it is looking for now. Some may not know Sydney is a target, but they will. She won’t be safe nor will Isabelle. We have to hide…disappear…and leave no trace.”

He frowned. “Why haven’t you been targeted?”

“Because no one suspected I was the original project. I, myself, didn’t learn what happened until the interest in Sydney and Vaughn came to my attention and why.”
“Jack, we have to make sure they don’t find us. I think even you are in danger.”

“How about Nadia?”

“She’s safer with Sloane, Jack. As long as they believe she’s his daughter, they won’t touch her. As much as it hurts to leave her, we have to let her be his.”

“Irina,” he said hoarsely, “she’s our daughter. I haven’t even acknowledged that to her. I’m her father.” There was sadness in his voice.

Irina reached up and kissed him. “I know and I’m sorry. However, we have to give her the chance to recover and live. It’s too risky now to involve her.”

“So we must disappear?”

She nodded. “We can’t trust anyone, once they come out in the open or leak our names and pictures. Even you will become suspect if we vanish. You have to be with us.” Irina pleaded. She then noticed how tired Jack was.

They stood together in the storage room, silence surrounding them. Neither spoke as each wrapped themselves in remembrance of their past passion. They had to put some plan in place to escape.

“Jack, we have to find a way.” Irina’s words sharply entered the silence. “It will be almost impossible, especially these days with all the electronic gadgetry…computers, satellites, PDA, GPS...moya boje, they are endless.”

He sighed, dropping his hands away from her back. “How long are we safe here?”

“A few days maybe, but I don’t really know. I can’t guarantee our safety here for long.”

“We both need some sleep. Is there a room here we can use. Sydney needs her sleep for whatever we have to face.”

Irina went to the door, looked out, and then opened it, motioning him to follow. “I’ll ask.”

Jack waited by the desk as Irina spoke to the nurse, who nodded and pointed to the intersecting hallway. Irina smiled and took Jack by the arm. “Come on, there’s a semi-private room that is not in use or needed down around the corner.”

Irina stopped before a door and pushed it open. Jack followed and as the door closed behind him, she turned and putting her right hand on his face, kissed him lightly on the lips. “Sweetheart, I’ve loved you since we met. I loved you more every day we were together.”

He stared at her and instantly knew that this time she told the truth. He could see it on her face and in her eyes. He took her chin in his left hand and kissed her on the side he struck earlier. “I’m sorry about this.” He touched her face. He straightened, saying, “Then tell me how you could possibly do what you did and still love me.”

She walked to the window and looked out, not talking right away. “Jack, I loved you for all the right reasons: you were good, kind, and loyal. You were strong and a caring father. I did not love you because you were CIA. That part of you was my job. The KGB was an enemy of CIA and vice versa.”

“You killed men I knew and more. When I found out…” he paused, joining her, and gripped her shoulders, pulling her to face him. “…my world crashed and burned. I hated you more than anyone should have too!

“I left our six-year old Sydney, who had nothing to do with your acts, in the care of nannies. She only knew you were dead. They jailed me two days later, because they believed I was collaborating with you. The only reason they released me from prison was that I promised to train Sydney in the Project Christmas protocols. She was our first test subject. Even then I…I didn’t give her the love she deserved. Your acts devastated the two of us in ways you cannot imagine.”

“It was my job!” She growled, turning away. “I wasn’t so lucky in Kashmir. I was raped and beaten.” Tears fell down her face. “My country’s leaders thought I too was a traitor, yet I did everything they ordered me to do.”

“Why didn’t you get in touch with me? There were ways.” He stepped up behind her.

“They sent me to Central City on the edge of the Urals. I spent ten years working for the KGB until it disbanded in 1991. I had no way to contact you. The city was totally cut off from any outside influence.” She looked out the window toward the city. She pulled his arms around her. “I love you, Jack, and I will until I die, no matter what you think.”

Jack stared at her face reflected in the window. He believed her and yet… “Tell me why you didn’t tell me about Nadia when you did have the chance.”

“The KGB took her. I had to track down the men who were responsible. I killed them all after interrogating them. None could tell me where she was exactly.”

“I could have helped. I would have helped, especially knowing I had another child.” His eyes didn’t leave hers.

“I know, but I was caught up with Rambaldi again. I came across several artifacts and a manuscript. Arvin instilled the desire in me to know more about the man. Then I ran across Mueller. He was trying to get backing to build a model of the machine. I took him to my headquarters in Taipei.”

“I know the story.” Jack turned her, enfolding her in his arms. “Irina, I’m sorry I hit you, but you are the most exasperatingly manipulative, secretive, and fascinating woman…” he paused, “…and for some crazy reason, I still love you.” He sighed. “I’m tired and I think we need some sleep.” He pulled her chin up and kissed her hard.

Irina gasped as she felt herself give in to the moment. She dropped her head on his shoulder, tears forming in her eyes. God, she missed him. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered.

“Me too!”

“And I’m sorry about…everything.” She stopped. “I do love you, Jack.” She felt him reach down and in a moment, she was in his arms.

“In spite of everything I know about you, I love you too!” He kissed her again. “I’ve missed you more than I can say.” He stopped at the bed. “I need you, Irina. We may not have much more time left.”

“Yes, Jack.” She whispered. “Take off my clothes.” Those were ritual words she used when she was Laura Bristow, so many years ago.

He didn’t hesitate. His hands were pulling her jacket off almost before she finished. Tossing it on the bed, he began unbuttoning her blouse, removing it and dropping it on the jacket. He leaned down and kissed the flesh above the cups holding the breasts he knew so well. He moved behind her and unsnapping the hooks, let it bra fall, kissing her on the neck as he moved around her taut body. Jack nuzzled her under her left ear kissing the area under her jaw line. He finished by taking her face in his and kissed her gently. Irina closed her eyes and tilted her chin.

He looked at her breasts.

“Well…” She whispered, opening her eyes, and watching him.

He bent down and kissed the right, sucking at the nipple, while massaging the left and then tweaking its nipple. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as a pleasurable heat began building between her thighs and up her torso. His lips found the left breast. He sucked and pulled, eliciting a small moan from between her lips. His hands moved to her black leather pants. He unbuttoned the waist; then he slowly pulled the zipper down. He stood for a moment looking at her.

”God, you are as beautiful as the day we met.” He took her head between his two hands, crushing his mouth over hers, sucking at her tongue, and dominating her lips. He could feel the heat in her and in him.

Finished, he ran his hands over her body. He could feel the thin scars on her back, reminders of the beatings she took in Kashmir and, more recently, in Camp Harris. He thought no more about them as his hands reached the top of her pants. He kneeled and as he pulled them down off her hips, his mouth never strayed from her torso. She gasped. Jack knew all of her erotic spots. He never forgot them.

She moaned. “Hurry, moya boje, hurry.”

He saw she was wearing red bikini panties. He kissed her through them. They were wet…with her. He pulled them down to the floor…and kissed her flesh.

“Take your clothes off. Hurry,” she cried.

Jack picked her up and laid her on the bed furthest from the door. He looked at her, smiling. “You are so adorable when you want sex.”

“What?” She growled. “Stop frackin around. Get those clothes off.”

He was still smiling as he removed his jacket, shirt, pants, and boxers. He grinned. “Like what you see?”

“Jaaaackkk!” She panted. “I need you…now!”

TBC :cloud9:

Moya boje – My God.
Great chapters,both! Good explanation of project Five.Sex before dying? or in death threat. Juicy scenes with Jack and Irina and they really love each other,still,sweet.