Politics Black Holes are not really Black Holes


An Old Friend
I am not a scientist. I do pay attention to science news and read periodicals.

According to the information that is currently popular a BLACK HOLE is a super-massive point in space that the gravity from such mass pulls everything, including light into it. BLACK HOLES are said to have an Event Horizon that is the point at which light can no longer escape its gravity. A Singularity is a Point. A Point is something with only one dimension. The BLACK HOLE initially has the mass of a very large star that collapses under its own gravity due to mass. It collapses to a single point that is excessively heavy. That gravity then gathers other mass and the point continues to collapse getting stronger and more massive but smaller and smaller.

My biggest problem with BLACK HOLES is the nomenclature. BLACK is a description of color that referes to its appearance because light cannot escape to reflect onto your detector. HOLE describes an absence. If anything, they should be called Clear Points.
Nothing falls INTO a Black Hole (Clear Point). Mass falls ONTO the point singularity. There is actually something there to which everything is absorbed. That something is a mass point of one dimension.

There is not just one Event Horizon for a Black Hole (Clear Point). The So-Called event horizon refers to the place away from the Point at which the gravity is so strong that light cannot escape. I reason that there are many Event Horizons. Event implies that something has changed. The commonly referred Event Horizon is but one change that is influenced by the singularity point. (Singularity point is redundant. A point is a singularity). Some of the disregarded Event Horizons are:

* The horizon of overall influence to space-time as a whole.
Space-Time is warped by mass from gravity. A ripple effect is transmitted across space-time as masses interact with other masses. A super-massive singularity (Clear Point) perturbs the balance of space-time changing the placement of nearby gravity wells. Those changes then affect other gravity wells across space-time. Essentially moving all mass in space-time closer to the singularity. The First Event Horizon might be hundreds or even thousands of light years in circumference spherically. Any observer within this first Event Horizon might not even notice the change because all of their surrounding space-time is displaced evenly from their relativity.
* The horizon of macro influence to nearby masses.
Anyone that cares to look can see pictures of stars that are being absorbed by a Clear Point (Black Hole).
Those pictures depict the star being consumed in a fiery spiral of death. The fact that you can see the fiery spiral indicates that matter is outside the So-Called Event Horizon but the singularity has certainly caused a change in the mass you see. That influence on mass is also within a horizon event.

* The horizon of wavelength disturbance.
This is the established Event Horizon that everyone seems to refer to. This is the point at which the mass properties of photons are affected by the singularity's gravity well. At this point no photons can escape the gravity, no reflection can be released of any surface so no spectrum reaches your detector. With no spectrum there is no color. The absence of color is clear. Thus the reason I refer to this singularity as a CLEAR Point.
* The horizon of atomic bonding release.
Somewhere between the Wavelength Horizon and the singularity, the gravity breaks apart the bonds of atoms. This is known as spaghettification. This concept is described very effectively by Dr N.D.Tyson.
The horizon begins at the very first tug on the atomic bonds of a mass and exists in duration until every atom is pulled apart. This 'noodling' horizon is not the last horizon of the singularity.

* The horizon of force disruptions.
At this horizon the forces that affect atomic components are effected. Lepton, Muon & Quark spins are disturbed. Atoms no longer exist as a structure.
* The horizon of quantum duality dissipation.
This horizon marks the edge where quantum properties break down. Duality is forced to combine and dissipates.
* The horizon of Singularity.
Horizon is an incorrect term for this. A singularity or Point is a single dimension. What that means is there is no spacial features. There is no surface because a surface implies spacial coordinates. A point has no outer rim. It keeps diminishing to infinity. A perfect mass singularity will keep compressing as long as mass is being added.

In this topic I have made some radical assumptions. In the following replies I will attempt to clarify my reasoning so my ideas have some resemblance to sense. The concept of a singularity can be hard to get your head around.


What is a hole?
A hole is a void surrounded by a structure. Lets call that structure a Wall.

Zero Wall Hole:
A void without a wall would be a perfect vacuum. In the world of Reality, a perfect vacuum without a wall cannot exist. There will always be an edge where the vacuum is rendered imperfect by some kind of structure. That is the wall.
There are samples of
Zero Wall Holes: Ideas, Emotions, Beliefs, Assumptions, Decisions, Intuition and so on. Not the source of those but the essence itself. Essentially they are something made of nothing confined by no structure.

Single Wall Hole:
A single wall hole is a void with one wall around it. The wall confines the void creating the hole. In Reality, we encounter single wall holes all around us.
Samples of a
Single Wall Hole: Open tubes, Open tunnels and basket balls. Basket Balls? Yup, a basket ball is an example of a single wall hole because there is a void with a single wall around it. There is just no opening. A washer is also a single wall hole. The one wall only needs to exist no matter the length or width of it. A door opening or frame is a single wall hole.

A Two Wall Hole:
Holes with two walls surround us as well. A cup, a tub and a bucket are examples of two wall holes. One wall encloses one end of the other wall. It doesn't have to be round like a bucket because bins are rectangular but are only open on one end. Any open container is an example of a Two Wall Hole.

Three Wall Hole:
A three wall hole is a void surrounded by three walls. There is a side, a top and a bottom. Again we are surrounded in reality by three wall holes. A hollow cube is a three wall hole. So are enclosed cylinders and any closed container. It doesn't matter if there is something in the container, the container itself is a Three Wall Hole.

Holes with more than Three Walls may exist but I have no reference for them. I am sure there are conceptual depictions of higher dimensions that can example them but for reality of our references They do not exist. IMO

The Hole in the term Black Hole implies there is a confined void there. A mass singularity is not a void. The Singularity is also not a structure it is a dimension. A single dimension.
Lets go there... This calls for a new reply to discuss the concept of what a point is. This actually keeps me awake at night trying to visualize what it really means.

Looking at the Concept of One Dimension

We live in a Three Dimensional Reality. Those dimensions are length width and depth. We perceive a Zero Dimension but those perceptions are not what we refer to as reality. Sound is an example of a Zero Dimension. Sound is the effect of wave propagation just like light. Sound results when matter is vibrated at a frequency of wave propagation. Light is detected when matter is receptive to wave propagation at ranged frequencies. Heat is a Zero Dimension because heat is the vibration of matter resulting in temperature ranges of energy. Heat is movement or vibration of matter.

Two Dimensions is referred to as length and width but that is misleading. Ask anyone for a Two Dimensional example and they will say an Image. But what is an image? An image created on the surface of matter has length, width AND depth. Depth you say?
When you draw a line on a paper with a pencil you are depositing a layer of graphite upon the surface of the paper. The depth of that graphite comprises the image. Even tho the depth is minute it is still a depth. Okay, what about a projected image? When light strikes a surface it heats the surface. The surface reflects different wavelengths at different temperatures ever so minutely. Those temperatures change the height and depths of the surface as heat expands the matter, absorbing or reflecting the light in a prism of colors. The image is essentially a bump map of 3 dimensions that we perceive as flat. An image that is projected onto nothing does not exist until it reflects from a surface.

Okay, Now lets look at One Dimension:

One dimension is a point. It is not a ball or a dot, it is a point that reduces to infinity. Wow, Tom, that is a bunch of felgercarb because science can't decide if there is an infinity. Now lets look at a point.

Take a circle and place a dot inside the exact center of that circle. Now magnify it. When the dot appears to be the exact same size as the starting circle place a new dot in the exact center inside that dot. Now magnify again and repeat that process until no new dot can be placed in the center. If limitations of technology for magnification are ignored the process can go on forever. Now zoom back out to the original circle. This can give you a grasp of what a point is but only from a single view.
Rotate the original circle so its view is of the edge. Draw an exact duplicate of the first circle from that view and perform the same process as before. The point in the exact center of that is 1 dimensional. Now, turn that drawing over vertically and repeat the process, turn it in any way by any arc and repeat that process. The center point is always at the same place no matter the angle of view or the arc of the angle. Soon your circle will become a solid sphere with a single point at its center no matter the magnification.

When a Mass Singularity occurs as a Clear Point (Black Hole), matter is compressed to one dimension. It doesn't get bigger as it compresses more matter it gets smaller as the compression approaches the singularity of a point. The range of change (Event Horizons {plural}) extend over a greater distance but the singularity continues to reduce down to a point, an infinitesimal point. Implying a point to infinity. As that process continues energy is released back into the surrounding Universe at such a great velocity it exceeds the gravitational forces creating the singularity.


That energy is not what we see as a jet. What we see in the image above is the energy as it affects matter in surrounding space. Matter is basically just condensed energy. There is an Event Horizon for the expulsion of the matter-energy conversion. That horizon is the reversal of the point at the limit of the singularity. Nature effectively limits infinity.

Now, Lets think on this concept and expand the mass of the singularity to encompass all the mass in the Universe. The entire Universe becomes a mass singularity. The Matter-Energy Conversion Event Horizon is exceeded to the point where no release is possible. The energy builds within the singularity until it explodes in a Big Bang and the energy coalesces into matter creating a new dynamic Universe.

Thank you for reading
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