Blood Will Tell (3/3)

Title: Blood Will Tell
Author: Helga Von Nutwimple
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Property of J.J. Abrams and other people.
Setting: Just after 4x14.
Summary: "It seems like my father likes having all his eggs where he can watch them hatch."


"Syd. Hey."

"Marshall." Sydney ran her hand through her hair, looked at the clock. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, sorry... kinda late, huh? I should totally be getting home, but... Allison Doren."

Every molecule in Sydney's body froze. "What about Allison Doren?"

"Oh, oh, Syd, don't freak, don't freak. She's still dead and stuff. I mean, as far as we know. It's just, the thing is, I was wondering, um, if you had any information about the technology that made her look like Francie? Something more than we have in the computers, 'cause of course I have all that stuff."


"Well, I mean, that -- y'know, the stuff they did to her. It rebuilt her into Francie, right? Rewrote her genetic code?"


"Well, I was thinking, 'cause I do that, y'know, when I'm driving, right? And I was driving home. And thinking. Y'know. What if you took that technology, and you used it on the same person? Like say I injected you or whatever the delivery method is, 'cause hi, our records on that totally blow, but say I injected you with Sydney. So your cells got all -- Sydneyfied."

Sydney sighed. "What would that accomplish?"

"Well, it would cure cancer, for one thing," Marshall chuckled. "Nothing important."

"It would -- what?"

"It'd cure everything, wouldn't it? I mean, basically it'd go through your body rewriting your genetic code with a fresh copy of your own genetic code. Heart disease, gone. Cancer, gone. I mean, if you had something genetic, well, that wouldn't help much, but... do you see what I mean? How huge this is? And I mean, how much like the bad guys is it to have this kind of technology and use it to steal stuff?"

"Why do you have a sudden interest in curing cancer?"

Marshall's eyes widened; he forced out a laugh. "Do I need a reason to want to cure cancer?"

"Marshall, there's something you're not telling me. Are you... sick?"

"Me? Noooo. No. Healthy as a horse. Just... y'know. Driving, and thinking. Like you do."

"I gave all my information on Allison Doren to the CIA. If I know it, you already know it."

Marshall deflated. "Oh. Okay. I was just, y'know. Checking."

"At two a.m."

"Yeah. Sorry, I had a lot of coffee, and I, well, you know me, caffeine -- whoo! So I'm gonna go. But thanks."

Sydney grinned. "Goodnight, Marshall."

"Goodnight, Syd."


"Marshall was behaving rather oddly this morning," Sloane remarked casually, staring at Jack. "He came babbling into my office wanting to know what I knew about the technology used on Alison Doren."

"Do you think this correlates to Vaughn's activities? Have he and Marshall been in contact?"

"I don't think so. Marshall seemed to believe that the technology used on Alison could be used to cure cancer. He intimated that the process could be modified to rejuvenate a human -- rewrite them with a fresh copy of their genetic code, eliminating all damage done to the bodily systems."

Not a single muscle on Jack's face moved. "That's an interesting hypothesis."

"He must, of course, be prevented from acquiring any more information."

"Yes, a cure for cancer," Jack drawled. "What a horrible catastrophe that would be."

"Jack, you know as well as I do that Marshall uses himself as a guinea pig when he is researching. I don't have to spell out the possible consequences of Marshall examining his own genetic code... or attempting to use such a device on himself."

"I see no reason why Marshall couldn't be provided with 'guinea pigs' when he reaches the human testing stage. The world is full of cancer patients willing to try any cure available."

"How humanitarian of you, Jack. Interesting."

"I see no reason to deny the world a great discovery when our secrecy is so easily maintained."

"Marshall is far from stupid, Jack."

Jack smiled. "You imply that Vaughn and I are not."

"And that known precedent is exactly why we must be more careful than ever."

"He suspects nothing."

"See that it stays that way. These are our families on the line. Nothing... nothing... is more important."


"So..." Nadia smiled, leaning against the doorframe. "Cured cancer yet?"

"Everybody knows about that, huh?" Marshall rolled down the table, picking up his soldering iron. "Yeah, it got kinda back-burnered. I'm up to my neck in tech requests. I think Sloane wants me to get divorced."

"Carrie isn't too happy about your late nights?"

"She's a sweetheart about it. But, y'know. Mitch can be a little handful -- she could really use my help. Especially since she thinks I work in I.T., y'know? Not quite as convincing an excuse as 'Honey, I'll be late, gotta save the world'."

"Any new pictures?"

"Oh, are you kidding? Always." Marshall thrust a digital camera at Nadia. "Haven't had time to transfer these over yet."

She advanced through the photos. "He's adorable. Is Carrie blonde?"

"Nope, nope. That's right, you never met her. She's awesome. Black hair, though. I wondered about that too, when he arrived, y'know -- Who else have you been having sushi with, honey? -- but turns out, the blonde's all me. Mom says I was blonde at his age. He'll grow out of it."

"How did you meet Carrie?"

"Uh, right after I joined the CIA. The real CIA, I mean, not SD-6. That was a crazy story, did you ever hear that story? It's cool."

Nadia sat down. "No, never. Am I interrupting you?"

"Interrupting? Heck no, I'm multitask man. Anyway, I was back at SD-6, and Syd and I had to go on a mission together. It was my first mission, y'know, but I was very cool. Anyway, after the mission, Syd and I are in separate cars 'cause I'm supposed to be extracted by the CIA, right? Only the CIA doesn't get me, these total creeps do. Tortured me, y'know? So I tell them I'll rewrite their evil software for them, right, only I'm totally stalling them and writing a copy of Pong. It was awesome. I was all 'Ha-ha!' and stuff." He nodded excitedly. "So then Syd had to wait, on the extraction thing. But later, y'know. Okay, that wasn't when I came to the CIA, I just wanted to tell that story 'cause it's badass."

Nadia grinned. "So when did you come to the CIA?"

"Later. It wasn't as cool. I mean, Syd was cool. I didn't really have coolness opportunities at that time. But I came to the CIA, and Carrie got assigned here. She liked Joni Mitchell."

"Love at first sight, huh?"

"Well, uh, kinda. I mean, she asked me out. We had sushi. But I had, y'know, sweating issues. So it really didn't go anywhere. And then, about a year later, she asked me out again. Said she couldn't stop thinking about me." He smirked. "Totally hot for the Flinkman."

"Back when Sydney was gone."

"Yeah, that sucked. I wrote a poem about it. Do you want to hear it? It's called, 'I've Lost My Keys'. Sydney's the keys. It's a metaphor."

"You really missed her."

"Well, yeah! She's Syd. It's like in the poem, y'know, with the keys. You never realize how important keys are until you lose them, y'know? And then, like a million times a day, you're all -- felgercarb, my keys, everything sucks now!"

Nadia bit back a smile. "Sounds like a good metaphor."

"Yeah, it was way better than the first one I wrote, about RAM? I mean, just as essential, but the whole computer doesn't work then so it really didn't go. Also, nothing rhymed."

"Marshall... would you mind if I printed out this one? It's so cute."

Marshall beamed. "Sure, no problem! Just stick the camera in the cradle on that printer over there, do you see it? Yeah, and push the green button. You need a frame? I have extra."

"That's okay. I have one in mind for it." Nadia picked up the printout, grinned. "It'll be nice to have something on my desk a little cuter than security briefings."

"Well, I've got more, if you want 'em. There's this really cute one of him in the bathtub, with his hair in these little shampoo devil-horns? I mean, you could just die."

"Hey, Nadia. You ready for lunch?" Weiss asked, sticking his head through the doorway.

"Definitely." Nadia shot an apologetic look at Marshall. "We'll talk later?"

"Sure, yeah! And I'll read you that poem!"

"Looking forward to it," Nadia grinned.


Weiss lay on his back on the blanket, staring up at the clouds. "So what's up with the spontaneous picnic? You just feel the need to see the sky, or just couldn't take another day of cafeteria slop?"

"I wanted to show you something," Nadia said, reaching into her handbag. She passed him a photograph.

"Hey, Mitchell Flinkman. Cute kid. Why do you have this?"

"Because I also have this." She passed him another photo.

"Whoa, Irina Derevko. Oh my God, is that a little Nadia? 'Cause I can totally see your nipples."

"I don't know who the child in the picture is. It could be me, or Sydney, or... someone else entirely."

"Your family gets weirder by the day. So why am I looking at cute babies? You tryin' to tell me something? I don't think we have enough time left on our lunch break, but if you're not busy later..."

"Look at the babies," Nadia interrupted. "Really look at them."

"Sorry, Nadia. Dude here. All babies look alike to me."

"Not this much alike."

Weiss sighed. "Okay. Arvin Sloane's your dad, and that would make me paranoid as hell too. But all babies look like Winston Churchill. What are you trying to tell me here... that Carrie's really Elena Derevko?"

"No, no... I thought about it, but she's too young."

"Oh, my God, you're actually being serious about this. Sweetie, I've met Carrie. She's this... she used to cry at her terminal for no reason, okay? She calls Marshall 'pookie bear', for crying out loud."

"Oh? And what did Lauren Reed call Vaughn?"

"Nadia. Seriously. Pa-ra-noid. I'm telling you right now, you could hold Mystery Baby up against any other baby, and you'd see the massive Churchill resemblance. Obviously this picture's bothering you, Marshall happens to spam the office with pictures of his kid..."

"I have seen other babies before, Eric."

"Geez, Nadia, what are you going to do? Offer to babysit the kid and take DNA samples?"

Weiss froze at Nadia's face. "Oh, felgercarb, I was kidding! Kidding!"


"Carrie... come on!"

"No, Marshall. I'm sorry, but that's final." Carrie reached across the bathtub for the baby wash. "I'm not letting Arvin Sloane's freaky daughter babysit our child. How did you get in contact with Nadia, anyway?"

"I ran into her at the Burger King, we started talking. I've missed the old crew, Carrie. Syd, Vaughn, Dixon, Weiss. Y'know."

"So call them, invite them over for dinner. Do I really have to remind you that you ate eggs with Sark? This is no different."

"It's totally different. Nadia's sweet, Sark's a psychopath. I'd say that's a large difference."

"No, Marshall. Why are you so gung-ho about a babysitter all of a sudden, anyway?"

"Well, I just... I thought... I mean, y'know, I thought we could use a break. Have some..." Marshall dropped his voice. "Y'know... alone time."

Carrie whipped around from the bathtub, furious. "Is that what this is about?"

"Carrie, Carrie... no ightingfay in front of the itchellmay..."

"I'm tired, Marshall. You go off to work and play with servers all day. My job never stops. I'm chasing him around the house, I do all the cleaning, I do all the cooking... I'm tired!"

"Sweetie, I get that, I really do. Hence the babysitter, right? I was thinking we could both use a night off."

"So you can get laid."

"Well, y'know... I kinda thought that came with the whole 'married' package..."

"Oh, did you! Hello, Marshall, I was in labor when we got married. Then I had a kid... I don't know if you've noticed, but that hurts! And then... you know what? You know what? You bathe him."

"Carrie... Carrie, I didn't mean..."

"You are such a... such a man! I can't even look at you right now."

The bathroom door slammed, and Marshall sighed, leaning over the bathtub to rinse out Mitchell's hair.

"It's okay, Mitch. Mommy and Daddy aren't really mad at each other. And don't... don't get the wrong idea from that, okay? Women are to be respected, and not to be used as sexual objects." Marshall sighed, pouring water over Mitchell's hair. "No matter how insanely long it's been."


Vaughn's lips trailed down her stomach, lingering at her bellybutton. Sydney giggled.

Vaughn grinned. "Not the reaction I was going for."

"Sorry. Ticklish."

He moved to the scar at her hip, pressed his lips against it.

"Vaughn... not there."

He propped himself up on an elbow. "You know, if you want me to go straight for the gold..."

"It's not that. It's just... not there."

His brow furrowed. "Does it hurt?"

"No. No, it's just... I don't like to think about it. And it's hard, y'know, not to think about it, when Michael Vaughn, Sex God, has his Sex God lips on it."

"Well, you certainly know how to kiss my ego all better."

"It's nothing against you. It's just... a reminder. Of everything they took from me. And that sends my mind into bad places..."

Vaughn grimaced. "Yeah, I can imagine. That's mental space I like to avoid myself."

"I've totally ruined the moment, haven't I?"

"Eh... you want some toast?"

"I take that as a yes."

"Well, you know what they say about the aphrodisiac properties of toast..."

She laughed. "Vaughn, there are no aphrodisiac properties of toast."

"Yeah, well." He rolled to the edge of the bed, picked up the phone. "When we're done? There's gonna be a nationwide bread shortage."

She cocked an eyebrow playfully. "What about jelly?"

"Mmm, sure, we can use that too. What flavor should I have room service send up?"

"Maybe room service isn't the best idea," Sydney frowned.

Vaughn hung up the phone. "Do you think you were tracked coming here?"

"I don't think so. But I work for Arvin Sloane. So..."

"Marshall scanned you for bugs, right?"

"Yeah, but... I mean, I could hardly bring in the sexy underwear and have him scan it without raising suspicions."

"And his blood pressure."

"Aw, c'mon. Marshall's so over his crush on me."

"I think at this point, Marshall could get excited by a particularly curvy spoon."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, he hasn't come out and said anything... but he's made some comments. I kinda get the impression that saying 'I Do' gave Carrie a permanent headache."

"Well, that sucks."

Vaughn shrugged. "Hormones, I guess. She was all over him before."

"That's hard to imagine." Sydney blushed. "I mean, not that he's unattractive or anything. He's just... Marshall."

"Remind me again why we're talking about Marshall Flinkman when you're wearing the sexy underwear?"

Sydney grinned as he climbed across the bed. "What about the toast?"

"Screw the toast," Vaughn growled.


"Hey, Nadia, have you seen my..." Weiss paused, shirt in hand, staring at the screen of her laptop. "Oh Nadia, geez."

"I'm just curious," Nadia protested, moving the mouse to scroll through Carrie's personnel file.

"You're not curious, you're obsessed. You're cute when you're curious. You're still cute when you're obsessed, but kinda scary too. I prefer the straight cute, it makes me worry less that you're gonna get shot again."

"Eric, look. There is something about that picture, okay? When I showed it to Jack, he got all... weird."

"Oh, how could you tell? Eyebrow went up a tenth of a millimeter?"

"Don't make fun." Nadia turned back to her screen, pouting slightly.

"I'm not making fun. It's just... Jack would have a million reasons to get weird over that photograph. I mean, no offense, but your Mom? Not really winning any wife-of-the-year awards."

Nadia's lips compressed. "I'm aware of that."

"She cheated on him with Sloane. His best friend. I mean... I wouldn't be dancing a jig if I found out you were doin' it with Vaughn." Weiss slid his hands around her waist, kissed her neck. "You're not doin' it with Vaughn, are you? I know he's got the whole chiseled thing, but..."

Nadia laughed. "I think Sydney has 'doin' it with Vaughn' completely taken care of. It's just... don't you think it's weird? I mean, my and Sydney's mother killed Vaughn's father, after he took me to the orphanage. Me, Sydney, Vaughn, all interrelated. It shouldn't happen, not by chance alone... and then he was randomly assigned to be her handler? My father recruited Sydney into SD-6, knowing Jack didn't want her there. It seems like... it seems like my father likes having all his eggs where he can watch them hatch."

"Well, we'd better not be related," Weiss chuckled against her neck. "Cause what we just did? Illegal in all 50, I think."

"I don't understand how Dixon and Marshall fit in."

"Dixon's a badass, Marshall's a brainiac. Sloane may push nepotism to the extreme, but maybe sometimes he just hires people 'cause they're good."

"Eric... do you know why Vaughn went rogue?" She watched his face. "You do, don't you?"

"I have an idea," he admitted. "Seriously can't share, though. Best friend confidentiality."

"But if you knew something that would say my crazy theory wasn't so crazy, you'd nod, right now, wouldn't you?"

"Look, Nadia. You're right. The whole inbreeding thing... it's creepy, I'll give you that, but... look, okay. Vaughn's thing... it has nothing to do with your thing."

"You're lying. You're the worst liar ever."

"Okay! It may, tangentially, have a tiny thing to do with your thing. But nothing significant."

She glared. Weiss caved.

"Fine. Fine. You don't mention this to another living soul, okay?"

"You know that I won't."

"Vaughn thinks his dad may be alive. He found this old diary... it had entries in it past the date that Vaughn's dad was supposed to be dead."

Nadia blinked. "Vaughn's father... the one that took me to the orphanage... the one who knows more about my history with my mother than possibly anyone on the planet... is alive, and you didn't think that was significant?"

"Not to your whole freakish Carrie-is-evil theory!"

"Vaughn went rogue to find him? His father?"

"That's my guess. He didn't exactly clear it with me first. And no, before you ask, I haven't had any contact with Vaughn since he took off."

"But Sydney probably has."

"Nadia... I said, not another living soul." Weiss shrugged his shirt on. "And will you lay off Carrie, please?"

"Their child looks nothing like her, Eric." Nadia paged to another tab, and appeared on her screen. "Look at these."

"Nadia... I married them, okay? I still have my certificate from the Church of Mammals around here somewhere. She was very pregnant, and very in labor. I mean, if you said the kid wasn't Marshall's, I could maybe go for a ride on that train. But it's very hard to fake a baby popping out of your hoo-hoo. What, you think their baby was switched at birth or something?"

"No. The child obviously looks like Marshall. He just doesn't look like Carrie."

"So he favors his dad. It happens. Me? I look just like my Dad. Freaky clones. Hey, maybe you should start a big conspiracy theory about that."

"You said you weren't going to make fun."

"Of this? I am. Because it's crazy, Nadia. With all the massive wacky we've got going on? You don't need to get sidetracked." Weiss kissed the back of her neck. "Unless it's me doing the sidetracking... which I am very good at..."

"Eric..." Nadia laughed, arching her neck beneath his lips. "You can't just get me off-topic with sex."

"Can I at least try?"

"Oh... I suppose."


"Interesting book," the man said.

"I'm certainly enjoying it," Vaughn replied smoothly, lowering the novel and handing it over. "It's signed by the author."

The other man opened it, read the flyleaf. "This must be very valuable."

"What do you know about my father?"

"A book like this... you should take better care of it."

"I'm sick of playing games. I got you people what you wanted. What do you know about my father?"

"How much do you know about... Rambaldi?"

Vaughn sighed. "More than I ever wanted to. God, this is a Rambaldi thing?"

"You are aware that there are those who seek to resurrect him."

"Prophecies, crazy people with tattoos, yes -- I'm aware. What does this have to do with my father?"

"Your father went to great lengths to protect the children in the Rambaldi prophecies from being used by Rambaldi's followers. Project Christmas..."

"Whoa-whoa. I thought Project Christmas was a thing where they trained kids to be spies?"

"Making them effective spies was merely a side-effect. Their protection was the ultimate objective. The Project was tested first, of course, on a smaller scale. One child. It proved to be remarkably successful."

"So, what, I need to find this kid?"

"I don't believe Marcus Dixon will be difficult for you to locate, Mr. Vaughn."

"Wait a minute..."

"He is irrelevant. I merely bring him up because you need to understand how large-scale, how integrated into your existence this is."

"Project Christmas had lots of kids in it. Allison Doren. She's not in the prophecies."

"No. She was part of the control group. Gifted, talented children who showed promise were also included. They needed to learn if the children in the prophecy had abilities above and beyond their natural gifts. You were also part of the control group. Your father was afraid you would become a secondary target."

"My name was nowhere on that list."

"How charmingly naive that you assume there was one list, or one project... or that those children were all listed by their real names."

"Marshall. Marshall Flinkman. What about Marshall Flinkman?"

"Never heard of him."

"You're telling me everyone Sloane recruited for SD-6 was part of some super-secret genius project except the biggest genius?"

The man leaned forward, suddenly interested. "Tell me more about Mr. Flinkman."

"Why don't you start telling me something about my father."

"Your father protected all the children in the prophecy, Mr. Vaughn. If you wish to trace his whereabouts after his supposed death, I suggest you trace the whereabouts of those children."

"How am I supposed to do that? You just said the list was incomplete."

"If only you had access to another major player in Project Christmas..."

"Jack Bristow. You mean Jack Bristow, don't you?"

The man smiled. "I doubt you'll find him cooperative. Mr. Bristow goes to... great lengths... to ensure his daughter's safety."

Suddenly, the man rocked backwards, a bloom of red appearing on his chest; he crumpled to the ground.

"He's right, Vaughn," Jack said casually, wiping the silencer with a rag. "I do."
Title: The Heir
Author: Helga Von Nutwimple
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Property of J.J. Abrams and other people.
Setting: Season 4, after the events of "Blood Will Tell"
Summary:"It seems like my father likes having all his eggs where he can watch them hatch."


"Your father is dead," Jack continued solemnly. "You are being played."

"Funny -- I'm staring at a dead body, and I'm not feeling so inclined to believe you."

"Get in the car."

"Really don't feel like a --"

Jack leaned down, pulling the corpse's arm roughly towards him. With a swift movement of his thumb, he rubbed off the makeup to reveal the Rambaldi tattoo beneath. "Get in the car."

Glaring, Vaughn slid into the backseat ofthe dark sedan, Jack following. The two men stared at each other for a long moment.

"Hate me if you like," Jack snapped. "But I just stopped you from ruining your father's life's work. He died protecting the children that man was about to use you to find."

"You think I'm stupid?"

"On occasions like this? In fact, I do."

"I wouldn't have let anything happen to Sydney."

"Sydney is my primary, but not my only concern. Do you have any idea what might have happened to Marshall, had I not intervened?"

"Marshall's in this too?"

Jack sighed in impatience. "You fed Marshall's name -- Marshall's full name -- to a Rambaldi follower intent on finding the missing children from Project Christmas. Marshall isn't a part of this, but with one slip, you made him one."

"How was I supposed to know? Secrets and clues and... if you'd just told us about the real purpose of Project Christmas..."

"No one knows better than you or I how close the enemy can get."

Vaughn turned away, staring out the window. "How am I supposed to protect Sydney if I don't even know what I'm protecting her against?"

"If I knew everyone she needed to be protected against, they would already be dead."

Vaughn said nothing, and Jack's mouth compressed.

"Do you think I like having my only daughter do what she does, know the things she knows? Do you think I wanted her forged into a weapon? If there were any other way to keep my daughter safe,you canrest assured that I would have taken it."

"This is the part where you ask me not to tell Sydney any of this, right?"

"I am merely asking you to consider how Sydney would handle the information, and the danger it would cause her."

Vaughn grimaced, and Jack's face softened a fraction.

"I am almost certain thatBill Vaughnis, indeed, dead. But if there is the most remote chance that he is not... I will find him. I have resources you don't have, channels that I may move in without comment. Go back to APO, go back to my daughter, and let me handle this."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because my daughter loves you. Whether I like it or not, your well-being has become central to her happiness."


The tinny MIDI theme to "Star Trek: The Next Generation" echoed through the parking garage, and Marshall scrambled for his cellphone pocket.


"There is a laser sight pointed at the back of your head," Sark said casually, "And I'm not the one holding it. I don't think I need to tell you that this call cannot be traced."

Marshall closed his eyes, took a deep breath. "Kinda figured."

"I confess, you've piqued my interest. I rather thought you were one of the good guys."

"I am one of the good guys."

"So tell me, what is the purpose of this little conference? While I enjoyed our breakfast together, I can't say I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level."

"I need information. I'm prepared to trade."

"Well, that's very interesting."

"Allison Doren. The technology used to turn her into Francie."

"Sydney destroyed that technology, I'm afraid."

"She can't have gotten everything. Notes, schematics, data...?"

"Many brilliant minds have tried to resume that project."

"Yeah, well." Marshall swallowed hard. "They weren't me."

"Am I to assume that, should I provide you with this information, you would be offering me a copy of the finished product?"

"You wouldn't want it. I'm modifying it. It could only be used to heal people."

"Heal people?" Sark went quiet for a moment. "You plan to modify it to reverse-engineer human beings, then?"

"I'm using it for good."

"Ah, yes. Very commendable. I'd still like a copy. You're assuming we bad guys don't get sick."

"I'm not giving you the means to..."

"Mr. Flinkman, what do you plan to do with this device? Hoard it, only offer its lifesaving properties to those of whom you approve? That would, truly, be playing God. Or do you plan to release it, offer it to the public? I assure you, hospitals will not be running ethics tests on patients before curing them."

"That..." Marshall stared out at the emptiness of the garage. "That makes icky sense."

"You're a man of logic, Mr. Flinkman. Unlock your car before you return to work."


"Gregor's dead. We found his body in the alley where he was assigned to meet Agent Vaughn."

Elena Derevko swore, pushing herself back from her desk. "And who was the white knight riding to Michael Vaughn's rescue this time? My idiot sister, or my idiot brother-in-law?"

"It would appear to have been your... brother-in-law."

"Marvelous. Did he obtain any useful information before getting himself killed?"

"One name. It may mean nothing. Marshall Flinkman."

Elena laughed, harsh and bitter. "We've tested Marshall Flinkman."

"Agent Vaughn referred to him as 'the biggest genius'..."

"That avenue has been explored, Pieter." Elena sighed, rubbing her temples. "Give up on Michael Vaughn for the moment. We'll find another way in."


"Heeey, mousy mousy," Marshall whispered, reaching into the shoebox and pulling out one of the mice inside. "I'm gonna have to stick you with a needle -- I'm sorry. But hey, if this works, it's gonna completely undo all the stuff the other humans with needles did to you. So... don't be mad, okay?"

The needle slid into the mouse's back; it made a high, shrill noise.

"Sorry... sorry..." Marshall eased the mouse into a separate shoebox, sighing. "I wouldn't be doing this to you, but... it's for Mr. Bristow. You'd like him. He's very cool. Although maybe mice aren't that into that. But hey -- I got us Cheetos!"


"You know, you're conditioning me to fear picnics," Weiss sighed, unwrapping his sandwich. "Whaddya got?"

"The results of Mitchell Flinkman's paternity test."

"Nadia... how in the hell did you... what did you do, go through their trash?" Weiss' face fell. "You went through their trash."

"Carrie is not Mitchell's mother."

"How do you know you didn't scan the wrong Kleenex? And can I just say, how gross?"

"I used blood."

It took Weiss a minute, and then his whole body grimaced. "Oh --nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty..."

"The test was 99.999% certain that Marshall was Mitchell's father."

"Nadia, you scanned the wrong... ugh... thing, okay? There's no way that Marshall could be the father and Carrie could not be the mother."

Nadia pressed on. "I ran my DNA against Mitchell's."

"Nadia, my God!"

"My DNA was a closer match to Mitchell's than Carrie's was."

"Sweetie, look, you screwed the test up..."

"Eric, let me finish," Nadia sighed. "I wondered that myself. So I ran a differential analysis. I used other family members."

"You have gone completely insane..."

"My fatherwas no closer than Carrie," Nadia interrupted. "But Eric -- these are Sydney's results."

Weiss caught the paper she tossed at him, his eyes widening as he scanned it. "Nadia... this can't be right. Syd..."

"It's true, Eric. Sydney is Mitchell Flinkman's mother."
Title: Red Herring
Author: Helga Von Nutwimple
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Property of J.J. Abrams and other people.
Setting: Season 4, after the events of "Blood Will Tell" and "The Heir".
Summary:"It seems like my father likes having all his eggs where he can watch them hatch."


"Nadia, that is completely impos..." Weiss froze, horror growing on his face.

"Eric. Eric. What do you know?"

"Oh my God," Weiss muttered, turning to her in dismay. "Nadia -- when Sydney was missing, those two years Syd was gone? Someone extracted her eggs. She's still got the scar. We found the test tubes, we thought we'd destroyed them all..."

"While Sydney was gone. Which was when Carrie got pregnant, right?"

"But Nadia... why Marshall? Why Mitchell? They took those eggs for a specific purpose...Syd's the Chosen One or whatever. The Covenant was going to fertilize them with Rambaldi DNA out of a cube-thing."

Nadia furrowed her brow. "Rambaldi DNA?"

"Yeah, there was a prophecy. Rambaldi was supposed to be resurrected by Rambaldi's DNA combining with the Chosen One or something. But we nuked the eggs."

"Not all of them, apparently."

"My God, Nadia... what are you going to tell Syd? And Marshall? And hell... Carrie? Maybe she doesn't even know! This is gonna... well, this is probably going to destroy their marriage, you know that, right? And Syd... Syd and Vaughn... awkward..."

"I can't not tell them. Sydney's a mother, Eric."

"Well, Nadia, not to... I mean... Sydney was the one who took a flamethrower to a whole batch of little Sydneys..."

"That's different."

"Well, we can't just... this is huge. Life-changing, massive, gargantuan..."

"I get that, Eric. I'm not going to blurt it out at lunch."

"Um... don't hit me, okay? But, uh... do you think your Dad already knows this?"

"You think my father's involved?"

"Well, no offense, but he is kinda the Rambaldi guy to end all Rambaldi guys. Not that I think he would do something ooky to fulfill a Rambaldi prophecy, except that he tortured you with that green fluid, and..."

Nadia's lips compressed into a fine line. "I'll see what I can find out."


"Hey, Marshall... what's up?"

"Hey, Syd... you got a few minutes?"

"Marshall, my God. You look... how long has it been since you slept?"

"Um... a while." He grinned up at her sheepishly. "Pretty much running on Red Bull. But, hey, worth it, 'cause... my box of dying mice? Is now my box of happy, cheeto-eating mice. Which is what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm gonna test it on myself, thought it'd go better with supervision."

Sydney frowned. "You're testing it on yourself? Marshall, that doesn't sound safe."

"Actually... I'm one of the better test subjects available." He rubbed his eyes with his palm. "This thing basically resets you, right? Which is why I'm good. Never had braces, haven't had my tonsils out, that kinda stuff -- they didn't even have to pull my wisdom teeth. I have a large jaw. So... I'm looking at one radical decircumcision, which, the way things are going, my wife will never notice..."

"Marshall? You're -- you're loopy. Shouldn't you at least get some sleep first?"

"Kinda a time-is-of-the-essence thing, Syd." Marshall blinked, forcing his eyelids open. "Already taken me too long."

"Someone is sick," Sydney sighed. "Marshall, who are you doing this for?"

"Fine, Syd. It's my Uncle Ned, okay? Look, if you knew him... he doesn't have much time left..."

"Marshall, it's okay. I think it's sweet." Shetook a chair, smiling at him reassuringly. "I'll watch. What... what do I do?"

Marshall sighed in relief. "Well, the mice... the mice didn't make any noise during the process. I mean, they did their little squeaky ow-noise when I stuck the needle in... that was it. So I'm thinking this doesn't hurt... but then, cancer cells don't have their own pain receptors. So the foreskin thing... that could suck. Sensitive area, y'know? Especially since the process is accelerated. But the pain factor, that's something I need to know, 'cause my Uncle Ned... it's gonna be worse for him. So, that's where you come in."

"I don't like this."

"Yeah, I'm not so thrilled about it either, Syd, but... important, right? Okay this..." he tappeda syringe. "This is Morphine. If the pain gets really bad, I probably won't be able to inject myself. Hoping it won't come to that, but, well. And if you do have to give it to me, just, y'know... keep an eye on me. Make sure my respiration's okay, that stuff. Mice metabolisms are way faster than humans, but this should go pretty fast, all the same."

"I really don't like this." Sydney pulled the morphine syringe towards her. "You must really love your Uncle Ned."

"Yeah, Syd." He shot her a sweet, sleepy smile. "I really do."

Sydney tapped the syringe. "Ready when you are."

"Well, okay," Marshall sighed, rolling up his sleeve. "Here goes nothing."

Sydney watched as the needle slid into his arm, flinching in sympathy as Marshall winced. He removed the syringe, setting it down on the countertop.

"How's it feel?"

"Nothing, so far," Marshall smiled. "Heck, maybe it has a pain-killer built in. That'd be kinda sweet, huh?"

"Wait a minute... Marshall, you don't know?"

"Don't have to understand every ingredient to make a recipe, Syd." He blinked sharply. "Oh, okay, major twinge. Apparently spoke too soon with the... ow!"

She held up the morphine syringe, and Marshall shook his head.

"Not that big of a wuss, Syd. Just, y'know, saying that... ow... little bit on the... whoa." He pasted on a smile. "My Uncle Ned's a total badass, he probably won't even flinch when I... geez!"

"Is it... your... um... is it your, uh..."

He sucked in air through his teeth. "Kinda all over, actually. Maybe it's just... renewing damage, y'know? I mean... oh... I'm a lot older than those mice, probably have a... mmph... scars and stuff, and normal wear and tear and... oh, holy felgercarb... I... okay, Syd, don't judge me, but uh, thinkin' that..."

Sydney watched him, amusement and concern warring on her face. "Morphine time?"

"Not... yet. I mean geez, Carrie did labor,of course she had an epidural but... oh God... I mean, that's still... an unpleasant process... so, I mean, um..." He looked up at her apologetically. "Syd, I have no idea what I'm saying."

"Marshall, let's take you down to the doctors, okay? They can give you stuff for the pain and watch you and..."

"No!" he hissed fiercely. "Syd, no. I can't do that. This needs to stay quiet, I... oh s***... I just can't. Just... Syd, could you do me a favor and put your hand over my mouth? And maybe, uh, find me something to... bite down on, or..."

Sydney stood. "I'm giving you the morphine. Now."

The relief on his face was palpable. "Yeah, okay, if you insist."

Sydney tapped the syringe, turning around to face him... before going ghostly pale.

"Marshall. Something is... something is happening to your face."

"Huh? Syd, if you... could give me that... that would be awesome, and..."

"Marshall, something is happening to your face! What DNA did you use?"

"Mine! Syd, please... the morphine, 'cause I'm seriously..."Marshall scrubbed at his tears with his fist. "Really rather... skip the part where I... scream like a little girl..."

"Marshall, something is going wrong. How do I make this stop?"

"Can't... make it... stop. Syd... please?"

She brandished the syringe. "What if this makes it worse?"

"Syd... Syd, I'm gonna..."

Marshall's head rolled to the side, his body going slack in the chair.

Sydney lunged for the phone.


"I don't understand," Dixon muttered, staring through the window of the ward. "You said Marshall injected himself with his own DNA."

"That's what he told me," Sydney whispered. "But Dixon, his face..."

"He's changing into someone else."

"That's what it looked like to me. Oh, God... I'm gonna throw up."

"Did he get the samples mixed up?"

"How could he get the samples mixed up? He had him, and a bunch of mice. He's not changing into a mouse."

"So someone tampered with it."

"Why would anyone want Marshall to look like someone else? It doesn't make any sense..."

"Unless someone didn't want him to finish this project."

"He was trying to cure his Uncle Ned's cancer, for God's sake! Who..."

They whirled at the sound of footsteps; Sloane was headed straight for them, his face a mask of fury.

"The rest of the team is on their way. The minute they arrive, we're locking down APO and we're keeping it locked. Dixon, I've pulled your children out of school. Carrie is picking them up."

Dixon blinked. "You did what?"

"But Carrie doesn't know..." Sydney protested.

"Carrie knows. I need everyone focused. Today is going to be... weird."

"Weird?" Sydney hissed. "I swear to God, if you had anything to do with what's happening to Marshall, I am gonna..."

"Sydney, you don't understand the situation. If you spend the day having emotional reactions, we are..."

"Emotional reactions? My friend could be dying in there!"

"Marshall is not going to die. He's been through this process before. And Sydney... he will have to go through it again."

Sydney grabbed Sloane by the lapels, smashing him into the wall. "You start talking right now, you son of a b****! There is no amount of pain that I could..."

A quiet voice behind her. "Let him go, Sydney."

Sydney's hands fell away from Sloane, trembling. She didn't turn around. "No. No. You're dead."

"Irina," Dixon choked.

"We obviously have a lot to talk about..." Sloane began, cutting off at Sydney's incredulous look of fury.

Pounding footsteps down the hallway, the boom of Weiss's "What the hell is happening to..."

Followed by Nadia's soft, bewildered: "Mom?"


"I know this is very... confusing for everyone," Irina began, pacing in front of the screens. "But I will try to explain as best I can. When my sisters and I were young, our father was approached by the followers of Rambaldi. You understand that back then, the technologies that exist now were not in use. The followers of Rambaldi were working off texts, prophecies, mythology. They believed that I was the Chosen One, and that my sister, Elena, was the Passenger."

"As you can imagine, they were not forthcoming with my father about the true nature of Rambaldi's prophecies. We were raised to believe that we were part of a glorious destiny, a future of light, peace and love." Irina smiled bitterly. "We were raised to believe that anyone who opposed the Rambaldi agenda was evil, a force of darkness... and we were trained to deal with them accordingly. The CIA was a major threat to the Rambaldi agenda, and I was assigned to infiltrate it."

She met Jack's eyes, looked away. "It wasn't until later that I learned of the true nature of Rambaldi's prophecies, the darkness, what those involved would have to suffer, the outcome. And I realized that the prophecies referred not to me, but to my children. I realized that I would have to beat the followers of Rambaldi at their own game, working from within the organization. I asked Sloane for help, but could not reveal to him everything I knew."

"I have worked for years to halt the progress of Rambaldi's followers. Stealing artifacts, obfuscating texts, knowing that if the lifespan of the children in the prophecy could play out without interference, the window of opportunity would close. I've taken some desperate measures to accomplish this... and sometimes, I have failed."

"Mom," Sydney interrupted, "I'm sorry, but... what does this have to do with Marshall?"

"Marshall is currently reverting back to hisoriginal genetic state," Sloane sighed. "Thereaction he initiated on himself is undoing an earlier one. We designed Marshall's form to allow this process to happen if it became necessary... but he can't go back."

"Marshall's DNA was modified when he was a baby," Jack continued. "To hide him. Marshall's current appearance was chosen because of its relation to the one he would have taken naturally. Marshall is in such severe pain because he is growing... it is the equivalent ofa second puberty, at excruciating speed and with a phenomenal expenditure of calories. He can grow, but he cannot shrink without extreme surgery."

"He's the Heir of Rambaldi," Nadia whispered in horror. "He's the one whose DNA was supposed to be combined with the Chosen One..."

"But the cube," Sydney stammered. "There was no Heir of Rambaldi, there was a cube..."

"The cube was a decoy, a red herring." Irina said flatly. "Rambaldi's DNA was passed down through generations, to be fulfilled in the Heir. The child of the Heir and the Chosen One would become the vessel of Rambaldi's resurrection."

"But," Sloane said, "There is a time limit. If the Vessel could be hidden, allowed to mature past the window of opportunity... then the prophecies fall apart. There would no longer be any danger to the ones named in the prophecies."

"I..." Sydney swallowed, shaking her head in confusion. "I'm supposed to... have a kid with Marshall?"

"You already have," Sloane said quietly. "Mitchell Flinkman is your son."

"That's... that's impossible. That's impossible. That's..."

"Syd..." Nadia sighed, "It's true."

Sydney whirled on her. "You knew about this?"

"Look, Syd," Weiss said, "I can vouch for Nadia. She just figured it out. I mean, an hour ago, we were having the 'how do we tell her' discussion."

"It was the picture, Sydney," Nadia said, turning appealing eyes on her. "The picture I asked you about, of our mother with a baby? All those pictures Marshall e-mailed us... the resemblance..."

"And you wanted Marshall at SD-6," Irina snapped, glaring at Sloane.

"I had no way to anticipate this turn of events, Irina. And the window of opportunity has almost closed. I'd say my plan has worked rather well."

"Your... plan?" Sydney sputtered. "To make me a mother without my knowledge... to hide my child from me?"

"It was better than the alternative," Jack said flatly.

Sydney's face fell. "Oh, Dad. You too?"

"All of Rambaldi's followers know that you are the Chosen One, Sydney," Irina stated flatly. "You would have found yourself in the position I occupied for years. Believe me when I say you don't want to be there."

There was a tap at the glass windows; one of the nurses. Sloane nodded to her.

Sydney barely noticed. "How could you think I..."

She trailed off, glaring at the doorway. "What in the hell is he doing here?"

The nurse pushed a wheelchair, containing the drugged and blanket-covered form of Julian Sark.

"Is he involved in this?" Sydney screeched. "Is he the one who..."

Sark raised his head up, looking around the room with sleep-fuddled interest.

"You bastard," Sydney swore. "I should have known you were behind this!"

Sark blinked at her in confusion.

"Sydney, sit down," Jack commanded, turning to face Sark. "Marshall... how are you feeling?"