Boook help!


Hello everyone.

I was wondering if someone could help me.

Years ago (mid 1990s) I read a wonderful Sci-Fi book the title of which I have forgotten.

It was set in a planet called "ROSARIA", and in it, the characters lived in small communities and had these crystals which helped them to remember things.

I think they had been stranded on the planet as they were fleeing from Earth, though I'm not entirely sure.

Has anyone else read this book?

Can anyone give me the title? I would love to re-read it but the Internet is not being helpful at all.

Thank you all in advance.

I also remember that the communities they lived in had some sort of a house-mother type figure. Perhaps it was called a house mother, but I'm not entirely sure.

Dunno about "wonderful" but the only thing that comes to mind is Woman on the Edge of Time, and that's more utopian/dystopian and a bit of a nightmare.
Thank you Tim. But that is not it unfortunately. The one you mention is set on Earth. The one I read was set on a planet named Rosaria.

But thank you for your help! :)