Bothering You?

Ok so right now I'm really annoyed because I can't find my freakin mp3 player. I had it in my basement and now it is gone! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I need it on Monday.

Post what is bothering u right now so i don't feel so left out in the world of annoyance :thinking:

1) my mum's dragging me to go shopping <_<
2) i'm cold
3) i'm hungry but the kitchen is ALL the way on the other side of the house
4) I WANT ALIAS :cry:
my toe hurts and I'm not studying, why am I not studying? is it cuz my toe hurts? or is my toe hurting because I'm not studying? :Ponder:
it's bothering me ;)
its because your not studying thats why your toe hurts... :sideroll2:

topic wise: my trip tom got cancelled.. now what am i supposed to do for the day! that bothers me though...
lol, it's hurting more and more, must... go... study...
it got cancelled??? aww :hug: how bout you review tomorrow! :P

what bothers me is that I have an exam in 2 days and I haven't even started :blush:
ehm bothering me now.......ehm maybe the London trip in 5 days...that something really is going bad there.....ehm.....

pea&gee :hug:
blue_bird said:
^hihi, feel the pain of reviewing? :nonono: thanks. :lol: you should put some ice on my buddy!
come on, G! we could suffer together!!
ice? ooh, it's just a toe, it'll be alright :smiley: thanks!

kakan :hug:

distractions always bother me ;)