Broken Inside

Wow im shocked! I've had a crazy summer so I have let this go because I didn't think that many people really read this but WOW. I can't believe this, I'll start working again!
Chapter 10!

Sorry its been forever! It's been so crazy! So here is the next chapter. It kind of short but I think it says a lot. So please read and review!

“Vaughn, did you do all of this?”

“Yeah Syd, while you were sleeping. You don’t hate it do you”

Vaughn looked down nervously.

“Michael Vaughn! Come here!”

He put the tray down and like an obedient dog he climbed onto the bed next to her. She leaned over and kissed him fiercely, definitely not the reaction he was expecting.

“I can’t believe you would think that I would be mad a t you for doing this. I love everything! Well everything I can see from my bed”

He laughed and kissed her again.

“Want the grand tour?” He asked with a huge grin on his face

“After I eat”

“Why did I even ask, food always comes first with you”

“No, it always comes second, just after you”

He kissed her again, and finally they broke apart gasping for breath. He was about to kiss her again when she pushed him away. He looked up at her with concern

“I’m hungry!” She said reading his mind.

“But I thought I came first” Vaughn whined and gave her the puppy dog face.

“Okay you come first most of the time, this is not one of those times”

The two of them sat in bed eating breakfast together. Finally after Sydney and finished every single crumb on the tray was she ready to see what he had done to the house. Vaughn got up and went around to Syd’s side of the bed to help her get up. Once she got her balance he helped her walk around the place pointing out little things to her along the way. When she saw the picture of her, Will and Francie she started to sob.

“I thought they were all destroyed with my house” She said through the tears.

“Your dad had a picture. I don’t know how he got it but I asked him if he had pictures because I was decorating your house and he said that he did and this was one of them.”

“I can’t believe this”

She sunk to the floor and cried. Vaughn knew she needed to do this so he just stepped back and watched her grieve for her best friends. After about half and hour she looked at him.

“What else did you do?”

“Well I sampled some paint, come tell me what you think”

He helped her stand and walk over to the part of the wall that he had put paint on.

“Do you like any of these?”


“Sorry, I thought you might like some of these I guess I was wrong.”

“No, I don’t want paint on my walls.”

“Syd, what do you want?” Vaughn asked. “Want me to go get some wall paper samples?”

“No, I want pictures on my wall”

“Syd we can put pictures in frames and hang them on the wall after we paint or wall paper.”

“No Vaughn that’s not what I mean, I want all of these pictures in black and white and then I want to blow them up and have them all cover the wall. I want you and my dad, and my mom, and Eric, and Will and Francie on my walls. I want a wall of pictures. Then I want to paint the other three walls red, red for my heart that will never fully heal. I’ll put the missing pieces of my red heart on these walls.”

Vaughn stood there shocked, with no idea of where to even start with this idea.