Budget films becoming bigger films - Dreamscape


Creative Writer
A small UK company has extended a short from 64mins to 90mins to gain prestige in its work in the movie - Dreamscape.

Shot in B&W it will be received by a limited audience, but breaking into the market means needs must.

Movie-maker Dan Fox has spent years filming Dreamscape in his home town of Neston and North Wales.

Through his company Chat Noir, Dan and his business partner Mark Ellingham have spent £5,000 writing, producing, directing and acting in Dreamscape.
Beginning in March 2005 with a small crew and 40 actors and extras, they have shot scenes locally, built their own special effects including a cyborg, and created stunning backgrounds, cityscapes and action scenes with computer generated imagery (CGI).

Dan now hopes to get the film distributed commercially.

Daniel Fox (dreamscape_themovie) on Myspace
Reminds me of that film 'madness in the first degree' where one bloke, Geoff Searle, spent two years filming in New York, Death valley and Hertfordshire to make a film single handed.

He did all the acting, directing production and promotion himself but it cost £75000.
Perhaps there's hope for HUNTRESS THE MOVIE yet? :wink:
A friend of mine wants to start making movies. He has access to a digicam, editing software, he can write (he hopes) but he is looking now for people to group with him and provide technical assistance, acting roles, etc.

When I showed him this, he couldn't believe the price it could be done for. But he will probably do them for less as everyone does when starting out. The ability to easily use CGI (well, that's a bold statement, but here I cover the power of modern computers and availability of off the shelf editing software) means that extra visuals can be created to make things look worth more than they cost.
The extended cut of Dreamscape is due to go off to US distributors in early September.

Check out trailers for the film on youtube:

or visit the film's official site.

Dan Fox
writer/director Dreamscape
We found out about the 1984 version long after we were into production. If you pop on IMDB you'll see there are several other Dreamscape's not including the Denis Quaid version and ours.

So far its cause no problems, other than it hitting the google searches before us...

However that is slowly changing as the film gets more publicity and a net following.
CoolSci-Fi.com Exclusive!!!!!

We're filming the last three pick-up shots of Dreamscape tomorrow the British weather permitting. Next week we'll be putting cut together, with last FX shots coming in through the week!

You read it here first!


Dan Fox

For a taste of what Dreamscape is really like as a film check out this exclusive 6 minute segment.

Played in Spain when the 64 minute version of Dreamscape's score won the Best Feature score award- as judged by the likes of David Arnold (Bond), John Debney (The Passion), Bruce Broughton (Lost in Space).

The sequence has been tightened for the final cut with some subtle re-working of the music-- but till the final edit is available- ENJOY!

Dan Fox
(writer/director- Dreamscape)
With a break in the weather this Saturday we were finally able to shoot the last pick-ups for Dreamscape!

Yes after 3 years and 6 months Dreamscape has wrapped!

Below is another behind the scene video- feel free to check it out and comment.



As Dreamscape's last two weeks of post shoot by please feel free to check out the third "making of" production diary.

As always any questions feel free to contact me here or via the website:


Dreamscape's a small movie and needs your supports so tell your friends!


As the last render in Cinema 4D for Dreamscape chugs away check out the fourth "making of" production diary detailing the filming of one of the action/fight sequences in the extended cut of the film.

As every contact me with any questions on the film


Check out the most up to date Dreamscape production diary, filmed on the last day of reshoots on the conference centre sequences.

Work on Dreamscape's sound and music mix was completed last week.
The final effect shots will be in the cut by Monday- meaning DVD screeners will then be heading off to the four corners of the globe to various distributors.
This is the end of several years hard work and hopefully just the start for Chat Noir Productions.
A new feature film is already in the works- a 1950s science fiction film set in the aftermath of the Second World War. more details to come over the next few months