Bush Quotes

I think it's great to see quotes like this. It just goes to show that even the top most people, can make mistakes too!
(You're very right, Spygurl001!)
~chanel :redhair:
Sorry if this is already posted:

"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'" - G W B

(entrepreneur is a French word)

BTW, freedom of speech only allows you to express your opinions on your own website.... not mine. I'm giving you freedom of speech here, but that is not something that I have to give. However, I do have limits, such as not flaming (personal attacks) other members. Since Bush is a public figure, you can make fun of him - just don't swear and we should be fine :smiley:
what? its a french word, and he said they didn't have it? gosh. watever. and thank you charlie for saying we can have freedom of speech on this website :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
"What is life choices about?"
—Bush, speaking to student athletes

"The more money they have in their more pockets — in their pockets, the more likely it is that somebody will find work."
Source: Federal Document Clearing House, "George W. Bush Delivers Remarks to the GOP Resort from the Greenbriar Resort," Feb. 9, 2003

"What is your ambitions?"
—Bush, speaking at the Parkview Arts and Science Magnet School

"And, most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with us."
--Bush, introducing Alma Powell, wife of Secretary of State Colin Powell

(ok Syd B Jen G, maybe he was nervous)

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein and his willingness to terrorize himself."

"And as I said in my State of the Union, the idea is to see that a car born today—I mean, a child born today will be driving a car, as his or her first car, which will be powered by hydrogen and pollution-free."

"I should have clarified it by my statement. I just clarified it by my—not should have—I just."
—Bush, trying to clarify a statement

Oh yeah, and just so I'm not plagerizing, i found all the quotes i posted before from different sites. its not like a go to his speeches and write down what he says... :P