I'M BACK! And EXCELLENT chapter Kewii! Still rather annoyed at myself... <_< Bad self... BAD! GAH! Hope I die.... No, that was a joke. I want to live. Please.

As for Ron, yes we have. look at any of my chapters. brief, but still there.

And maybe I understood wrong, but Alex, I had the impression that I was annoyed at Harry, not exactly hating him here.

And very interesting... This chapter does walk Alex into a corner, but a very interesting corner! Very good.... very good indeed...
Dumbledore opened the doors to the new headquarters of the Order to find that most of the seats around the enormous table had been filled. He took his spot and looked to his right. He took a mental head count, “Harry, Anna, Amanda (missing), Annie (missing), Alex (missing), Fae, Boris, Mei, Molly, Lupin, Sirius, and Moody. Where are the four that are missing?”

He stood up and said, “Let’s start, shall we? I feel that it is appropriate to introduce our new members who are joining us from around the world. First, from China, we have Wong Mei Hwa.” She stood up and smiled at everyone. She didn’t look completely Asian, but might have been partially Asian. “Next, from Russia, we have Boris Ivanov.” Boris, following Mei’s lead, stood up. “Lastly, from our French neighbors in the south, we have Fae Martine.” When she stood up, she seemed to do it with the same attitude as that of Fleur Delacour who was a fellow countrywoman visiting Hogwarts a few years ago for the Triwizard Tournament. “Lastly, we have an American named Alex Chang, who is not here at the moment. It is evident that the one to fill Voldemort’s shoes will try to strike on the international level and that is why I’ve asked these four to come here.” At the sound of Voldemort’s name, Molly looked down and shivered. “Now for the first order of business, we’ve been tracking a suspected associate of Malfoy’s by the name of Leah West. As you probably know, she is the daughter of Amanda. We hoped that she would lead us to Malfoy himself, but so far, we haven’t had any luck in finding Malfoy himself.”

Suddenly, the doors flung open and everyone turned to look at who it was. “Alex,” Dumbledore said. “What’s wrong?” Alex was panting so hard, he could barely get his message out of his mouth.

“Malfoy!” Alex managed to say. “Amanda, Annie, fell into trap.”

“Where are they?” Mad-Eye Moody asked quickly. He felt guilty that he cared more about finding Malfoy than the safety of Amanda and Annie.

“Windsor Castle,” Alex said. “I found them because the tap we placed in the new phone lines picked up a conversation between Leah and Amanda, and Draco and Annie.”

“Let’s go!” Harry ordered getting up from his chair. Ironically, being the youngest of everyone there, he was the one giving an order.

“No,” Sirius said. “This could be bait, trying to lure members of the Order there. We need a plan of attack.”

“How about this?” Lupin asked suggesting a plan.

At Windsor Castle, Leah’s hand holding her wand began to tremble as she continued sobbing.
“My god, woman,” a voice from the shadows said. “Don’t you have the courage to kill your own mother? She was the one who lied to you after all.”

Leah turned to the shadows and said, “Of course.”

“Uh uh, Leah,” the voice said. Then he stepped out into the open and said, “Rule number one, never turn your back against your hostages. It gives them time to attack. We’ll have to train you better, so for now, Gela!” With a flick of the wand in Leah’s direction, Leah instantly froze. Waving his wand at Amanda and Annie, he said, “Astringite!” Something shot out from his wand and wrapped itself around Amanda and Annie until they could not move. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is the Order?”

Amanda and Annie did not answer. Draco said, “Silence is not an option. Adstringite!” Knowing that he couldn’t magically get the truth from them, because they must have countermeasures against such things for members of the Order, he tightened the bindings around them. Amanda and Annie cringed at the feeling of the constriction becoming stronger. “Magnificent, isn’t it? It’s quite elementary, I’ll tighten this until you give me an answer or until you suffocate. There are others who can give me this information. I’ll ask you again, where is the Order?”
“Right behind you,” Leslie said. Draco spun around and saw that Sirius was standing there with Harry, Mad-Eye, and Lupin.

“Well, nice of you to join us,” Draco said. “You’ve come right on time to see these two members of your precious order murdered. Avada…”

Before Draco could finished that spell, Mad-Eye and Sirius yelled, “Accio wands.” Draco’s and Leslie’s wands flew out of their hands and into the hands of Mad-Eye and Sirius.

Draco seeing that he was not defenseless, said, “Until next time my friends, until next time.” With that, he disapparated along with Leslie, leaving the Order and a frozen Leah.”

“Are you alright?” Harry asked Amanda and Annie.

“Yeah, but these things are a bit tight,” Amanda replied.

“Oh, right,” Sirius said. “Laxate.” The bindings loosened and Amanda and Annie were soon free. “As for Leah…”

“Wait!” Amanda said. “Don’t unfreeze her, she might disapperate.”

“That’s right,” Annie said. “We should question her to see what she knows about Malfoy and his plans.”

“And I need to tell her the truth,” Amanda thought.

edited: Anna NOT missing, thanks to one_halliwell_sister for pointing it out
great job! i especially loved the order meeting. ^_^

still confused between leah/leslie!!! when you said, "Now for the first order of business, we’ve been tracking a suspected associate of Malfoy’s by the name of Leah West. As you probably know, she is the daughter of Amanda. We hoped that she would lead us to Malfoy himself, but so far, we haven’t had any luck in finding Malfoy himself.” you meant that they thought leah was working with malfoy. you weren't tihkning of lynn or leslie, right?

ahhh!!! too many l-names! :(
Alias Anna said:
great job! i especially loved the order meeting. ^_^

still confused between leah/leslie!!! when you said, "Now for the first order of business, we’ve been tracking a suspected associate of Malfoy’s by the name of Leah West. As you probably know, she is the daughter of Amanda. We hoped that she would lead us to Malfoy himself, but so far, we haven’t had any luck in finding Malfoy himself.” you meant that they thought leah was working with malfoy. you weren't tihkning of lynn or leslie, right?

ahhh!!! too many l-names! :(

thanks. i honestly am lost with you, so yeah, i could have sworn that Amanda's daughter was in an alliance with Malfoy, but I may be wrong. can someone help us out?
Leslie is working with Malfoy, Leah didn't know she was helping him by getting Amanda. She thought she was working with the Ministry. Maybe that helps.

Anyway, as said else where, I loved the entry! And yeah, the new order thing is really cool! Just one thing: They said ANNA was missing. Why? Didn I miss something? :thinking:

I'll start writing tomorrow. It will *hopefully* be up soon!
new chapter, hope its okay...

Anna paced the room nervously. Where was she? She had known Annie for years, and yet, what did she know about her?

Anna sat down on the living room sofa. It seemed as time wore on, the more Annie distanced herself. The more she thought about it the more suspicious it seemed. Annie went out constantly, coming back dirty and often hurt, and yet Anna never knew the reason. Annie would give some lame excuse and Anna would accept it, not wanting to pry. Perhaps she was afraid of prying. Annie often would often know strange information about Dark Wizards, and then there were the private meetings with Dumbledore and Harry.

Anna shook her head, as if to shake of her suspicions.

“But that’s the problem!” Anna said aloud, “I don’t ask. I don’t know!” She let out an angry noise.

Then there was Harry. Anna felt her anger rising. When the Order had been restarted, Harry had tried to limit her involvement. And whatever she actually got to do was never anything that had to do with Annie or Harry himself.

Anna got up and began to pace again, her face now screwed up, her irritation rising quickly.

They had some secret! Her boyfriend and best friend, they knew something she did not. Did they think it was okay to treat her like this? Malfoy was HER relative! If anyone knew about him, it would be her! Angrily she banged her palm against the coffee table. It stung horribly, yet she hit it again and again.

“No,” she said in a quietly, her voice shaking slightly, “No!”

Furiously she crossed to a chair that held her cloak and wrapped it around her. Her mind cried for her to listen reason, but she was beyond reason now. Anna looked around the room quickly, and then with a crack, she was gone.


“That’s right,” Annie said. “We should question her to see what she knows about Malfoy and his plans.”

“And I need to tell her the truth,” Amanda thought.

“Yes,” Sirius said, reaching out to touch Amanda’s arm, “Good idea, we should question her. Perhaps… Amanda should do it.”

Moody looked at Sirius, clearly surprised, “Amanda, she…”

“Leah is her daughter, she may be able to…”

“Leah hates Amanda, Sirius! The reason Amanda is here in the first place…”

“But they need to…”

“Give me the wand,” Annie said quietly.

“What?” said the other three.

“Malfoy’s wand, give it here!”

“Why?” growled Moody, his magical eye rolling around wildly.

“I’m going to find him.”

“You are not…” Sirius began.

“I am, and I need the wand.”

“You can’t.”

“I can.”

“Fine,” Sirius sighed, handing over the wand.

“What are you doing?” screeched Mad-Eye, “Annie, do you seriously think you can fight him? He got you in a trap!”

“I could have gotten out, all I needed when you came…”

“Don’t be a bloody idiot!”

Amanda sighed and sat down on a plain wooden chair.

“At least take someone with you,” said Sirius to Annie, looking worriedly at Amanda.

“No! If I…” started Annie.

“I’m coming with you!” Mad-Eye screeched again.

“Over my dead body! I…”

“That could be arranged!”

They faced each other, both glaring at the other, both looking as if they wanted to chop the other to pieces.

“This is my fight,” Annie whispered, “I have to do this. I HAVE to. Are you listening to me?” She asked, temper rising.

Mad-Eye grunted, “You’re not- You’re just a girl!” he growled.

Annie gasped and looked at Moody menacingly, “This is what I have to do. If it was my choice…” she paused, “It’s what I meant to do. It’s what Dumbledore wants me to do. Its what I have to do!” Annie shook her head, “I don’t want anyone else hurt. I’m going alone. And don’t send ANYONE after me. If you do…” she glared at Moody again, “I have to go.” And with that, Annie was gone.

“Stupid girl.”

Sirius was too busy talking quietly with Anna to hear.

“Mad-Eye,” he said, “You go back to the Order, and report what has happened. I’ll stay with Amanda to talk to Leah.”

Moody nodded sharply and disapparated, leaving Sirius and Amanda with Leah.


Harry entered his London flat, slightly disgruntled, and very tired. First a long and harsh auror training session, and then an Order meeting… At lease Amanda and Annie were safe. He knew that much, thanks to Moody. Or at least Amanda was. He shook his, thinking of Annie. He wondered how much longer it would take her to get herself killed.

He kicked off his shoes and entered his small living room, eager to lie down and watch a soap on his Muggle television. As soon as he entered, however, he knew he would not be enjoying a quiet evening at home. Anna was pacing, her hair wild and her cloak billowing behind her.

“Anna!” he asked, a little confused, “Is something wrong?”

“Does your GIRLFRIEND need an excuse to visit you?” she yelled, her eyes bright and flashing.

“Um, no. It’s just, I- I wasn’t expecting…”

“And there IS something wrong!” she screamed, “Do you want to know what? I bet you can guess. No? Well it has to do with your little secret!”

“What? I…”

“Thought you could keep a secret? You and Annie? You, Annie, and Dumbledore? All the people I trust? Hmm?”

“You know?”

“No! Don’t you get it! That’s the problem! You know some secret, or something, and because of your STUPID secret I’ve nearly lost a best friend and barely know my boyfriend!”

“Well, Auror training…”

“Don’t give me that bull!” she was seething, “You- You both keep pulling away! Protecting me? Is that what you’re trying to do? Because I don’t need to be protected! I’m an adult now, not a little kid!”

“I know,” he looked at her with pleading eyes, “And it’s not just that, the secret, I can’t…”

“If you love me, Mr. Potter, you will tell me that secret! You’ve always said you’d trust me with your life, so why can’t you trust me with this?” Harry could tell she was near tears.

“I love you, and I trust you with all my heart, I do! But Dumbledore- Anna, I am sworn to secrecy!”

“Well then, if Dumbledore says so! We all must listen to Dumbledore!” she said, hitting her palm against the couch.

Anna’s voice was icy cold. Harry looked at Anna solemnly. Though she was angry as hell, she was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He reached out for her hand but she pulled away.

“I will find out. Whether you tell me, or someone else does!”

“Anna, I!”

“I’m not going to live like this! Not anymore! I AM going to find out what you’re hiding!”

Before Harry could reply, Anna disapparated, leaving Harry alone. Quickly, Harry crossed the room to a Wizarding phone. He picked up the receiver and said quietly into it, “Dumbledore, Hogwarts School”. Within a few seconds he could hear a voice on the other end.

“Hello, Dumbledore speaking!” Said the Headmaster at the other end.

“Anna- She knows. Well not knows, knows” Harry babbled, “She has started to suspect.”

“Harry, I told you not to. I warned the risk of having a relationship.” Dumbledore said gravely, “I told you how it would endanger everything! The Wizarding World, your friends, yourself! Harry,” Dumbledore said sadly, “I warned you, and now it will happen.”

“I know…” Harry felt the fool. He knew his burden. Yet he loved Anna so much he had thought… but no. Dumbledore was right. He never should have gotten involved with her. And yet…

“There is nothing we can do now besides tell her what she wants to know.”

“All of it?”

“No, just the first Prophecy. You may tell her who and what Annie is but… no more. The second prophecy, you must not tell her. You must never tell anyone! Only Annie, you and I shall know. Understood? But she may know the first.”

“Yes, Headmaster.”

“Terribly sorry to leave in a rush but there is a certain member of the Order, Alex. I believe you met him. Very nice young chap.”

“Yes, I’ve met him. Good Night, Headmaster,” Harry said heavily, dropping the receiver down on its hood once he was done. This would not be easy. What he had to do. If only he could contact Annie…


“Where were you?” Draco screamed angrily, “When they came, all you did is stand! Useless little…”

“You didn’t exactly help yourself!” Leslie replied, “So pull-lease stop blaming me!”

“It was your plan! YOUR bloody plan for revenge. ‘We’ll get two in one!’ you said, ‘Kill two birds with one stone.’ ‘I have it all planed out!’ you said. And yet your bloody plan failed and we have no birds and no stone!”

Draco sat down on one of the old armchairs of the room, causing dust to rise into the air, and Leslie to cough.

“If it wasn’t for me…”

“I would have the Prophecy, the Chosen One, and the Order in the palm of my hand!” Draco fumed.

Leslie tossed her hair and began reading a book she had pulled off the shelf.

“Listen to me!” screeched Draco, “We are wand less, have lost our hide out, and now have the whole bloody Order searching for us! There is no doubt in my mind they will find us within a day or two.”

“So get your bloody followers to get you a place to stay and a wand!”

Draco smiled slyly, “Hurry back.”


“Hurry back, love. I’ll be waiting.”

“Fine,” Leslie said through clenched teeth, “Fine idea. Except for there’s one little flaw. My cover is blown! How am I supposed to get wands without being seen?”

“That’s your problem, love. Not mine.”

so yesh.... :smiley:
wow i'm angry :lol: but understandablt. :mellow: glad i'm being told the truth, though *sniff* i can get very angry... and evil... :sly:

annie, you keep raising the stakes with your chapter lenght! how can anybody be expected to write that lnog every time?! :D
whoever is supposed to go after Annie (one_halliwell_sister) deserves a strike. she did not say that she needed an extension to post her post and it's been 4-5 days already...
Harry found himself unable to approach Anna quite yet.

So, the next day, with Annie still out and about somewhere, he set off for Auror training. Dumbldore was there, and so were all of his normal coworkers, but something didn’t feel right.

Lynn and another of his cooworkers, Norman, immediately smiled and waved when he entered the large hall where the training sessions took place. Dumbledore guestured for all of them (including the seven or so other trainees) to take seats around the hall like they always did. Dumbledore stood up front and quickly conjured a chalkboard. He turned to face it for a moment, flicked his wand briefly, then turned to face his pupils once more. With a heavy sigh that Harry thought would never end, Dumbledore spun his wand in his hands.

“Rules… of Engagement,” Dumbledore said solemnly. Harry Summoned a quill and some parchment. He wrote his title, then looked up expectantly. It was only then that he actually read what Dumbledore had written on the board. His stomach dropped.

“After various events, the heads of the Auror department and I have decided that we have need for a new set of rules for trainees,” he began. “Thus, we have laid out this code. Once I’m through, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.” He began to pace slowly, looking at some of the trainees in turn. His gaze fell on Harry. “’Statement number one: you are not to become involved romantically with anyone also training to be an Auror.’” Harry sighed happily. Anna wasn’t an Auror, or training to be one. “’Statement number two: you also are not to become romantically involved with anyone not training to be an Auror.’ That means, with no exceptions, you are forbidden to have romantic relationships.” Harry found himself frozen, quill poised to take notes, but unable to do so. “Let’s go on, shall we? ‘Statement number three: you are never to disclose any information with anyone not training to be an Auror, unless you have specific permission from Albus Dumbledore,’ me.” So he could still tell Anna about the first prophecy. “’Statement number four: you are not to hide anything from Albus Dumbledore, if asked, and if refused, you may become subject to Severus Snape’s truth serum.’” Lynn shifted uncomfortably. “Statement number five: you are not to agree to take on any additional work or training outside of Auror training while you are still learning here.’ That minimizes the many distractions that we find ourselves dealing with.” Norman flinched. “‘Statement number six: you are not to practice dueling. You may duel for protection, but not for practice unless you are here, in this very room, or in a room approved for training by Albus Dumbledore,’ me.” Somebody behind Harry grumbled quietly. “And finally, ‘Statement number seven: you are not to leave Auror training until it is complete.’ You may, once you have finished, train for a different job, but while you are a trainee, you must stay with Auror training. Now, I would strongly discourage leaving your life as an Auror. We need each and every one of you here, working with the Ministry in the Auror deparment.” Somebody to Harry’s right moaned softly. “Now. Questions?”

Lynn raised her hand. “Yes?” Dumbledore said, looking at her over his spectacles.

“So these rules only apply during training? Once we’ve completed it, we can have romantic relationships and such?” Dumbledore nodded.

“Any other questions?”

The room was silent.

“Then you may put away your paper, go get out your wands, and find a partner.”


Annie took a deep breath, focused her mind on her desired location, and Apparated. Malfoy was standing, on his feet, his back to her, facing a large fireplace.

“I was wondering what was taking you so long?” he said softly, and turned. Annie clutched his wand in her hand. He was not at all surprised to see her, but she was ready for this.

“We have some issues to settle,” she exclaimed through gritted teeth. He laughed harshly.

“Yes? Do we? And how will we do that? Your not going to use an Unforgivable Curse on me, are you? Oh wait, no, you’re too much of a law-abiding citizen to do that…” he trailed off significantly. Annie’s hands shook, but she kept her voice as steady as she could.

“First of all, where is Leslie? And who else are you working with?” Annie demanded. Draco raised his eyebrows. So much like Anna does, Annie thought suddenly. Yes, this was Anna’s cousin.

“Well, I couldn’t tell you that, now could I?”

“We’ll just have to see about-“

There was a crack, and a woman Annie immediately recognized to be Leslie Apparated into the room.

“Oh, Draco!” she gushed, and lept on him. Throwing her arms around him, she began sobbing quietly. Draco sat with Leslie clinging to him on his lap. He glanced at Annie, who took a step backwards into the shadows, amused.

“What is it, love?” he sighed.

“It’s – over!” she choked out. Draco looked concerned.

“Tell me what you mean!”

“Oh, Draco, it’s simply aweful! That evil man, Dumbledore has forbidden Auror trainees to have romantic relationships! What will we do?”

Draco replied evenly, “We’ll keep it a secret." He kissed her lightly on the forehead, but she pulled away.

“That’s just it! They’ll use a truth serum on me and they’ll find out, all about- about you, about me, about us-“

Draco pushed her to the side of him, placing her on her back and then silenced her with a passionate kiss. Annie made a strange noise in her throat. This was odd. So one of Harry’s Auror mates was spying on them all? This wouldn’t do. This must be who Harry assumed was Lynn, but really it was only a masquarade.

Draco pulled back a few minutes later. “We can’t put a spell on you,” he muttered. “So we’ll just have to end this here and now: leave Auror training, Leslie.” He smiled, almost achieving kindness in his face. Annie was surprised.

Leslie, or Lynn, only began sobbing again. “But I’m bound! I can’t leave until the training is complete! Oh, I’ll kill Dumbledore!” Draco stood up and began angrily pacing the floor. Annie shrank back as far as she could. She knew he hadn’t forgotten she was there, but Leslie had a wand, even if Draco didn’t.

“Then- then…” Draco thought hard for a solution. With all of his plotting and scheming, he couldn’t find something to do at that moment. Annie grinned inwardly. This is what he needs: something he can’t fix. “Lynn. We’re going to have to end it then.” He turned to her and helped her to her feet. She covered her face and kept on sobbing as Draco pulled her into a hug. He did look truly sorry for a moment. Annie’s smile faded. The poor girl. After a few moments, she pulled away, and Disapparated faster than Annie had ever seen anyone leave. Draco turned to face the fire again, arms folded.

Annie walked quietly up behind him.

“So,” she said quietly, when she was nearly close enough to whisper in her ear. Draco jumped, but recovered quickly. Whirling to face her, he immediately was his old self, as if he’d forgotten Lynn already.

A smirk was on his face. “Well, well, well,” he said. He laughed and sat back on his couch. Annie sat on the couch across from him. He stared hard at her and laughed again.

“What are you planning, Draco?” Annie nearly yelled.

“I’m not planning anything,” he said, mock surprise in his face. “Me? Planning something? Honestly… it’s your very own Dumbledore who is planning things…” He laughed again and ran his fingers through his hair. Annie jumped to her feet and pointed her wand at him.

“What are you talking about?!”

“Didn’t you hear? Dumbledore’s forbidden relationships for Auror trainees.”

Annie suddenly realized what he meant. Harry. Anna. She gasped.

“How- did you set this up?”

Draco shook his head. “No! They did this all on their own. To themselves! Ha! My poor, dear cousin, she’ll come running to me any day now…”

“Anna wouldn’t come to you. She hates you.”

“And that’s what you think. I know how Anna works. In fact, I know where she is and what she’s feeling right now. In fact, I think… oh, yes, she’s suffering right now. I would go to her if I were you.”

Annie immediately felt torn. She wanted to finish with Draco, but her best friend needed her. What to do? Draco could sense this going on in Annie’s head.

“How do you know she’s suffering?” Annie said at last, quickly losing ground.

“I have a little connection with her. A blood tie, I believe… I know everything about her, as she does about me.”

“She’s known where you are all this time?!”

“No, no! I couldn’t have that. I’ve cast spells, so she can’t find me. Believe me, she’s tried…” he chuckled.

“Why didn’t she tell me?” Draco shrugged.

“Maybe… she’s not as close to you as you’d think. Maybe there’s more to her than you know,” Draco said, still smirking. He had hit a soft spot. Sure, Annie knew that she’d been slightly distant with her friend, but this?

With an angry scream she pointed her wand at Draco once more. “You- this isn’t over, Draco. I’m only leaving because I have to. I’ll be back for you, and even if you leave, I will find you.” With another crack she Disapparated.


Anna was lying on her bed, her face stained with tears. Wherever Draco was, he was happy. That couldn’t be good.

She turned herself so that she was lying on her stomach, facing away from her headboard. She glanced across the room. Her eyes immediately settled on a picture of her and Harry. A lone tear trailed down her face. She wasn’t going to burst into tears again; she’d already done that enough times that day. Still, her eyes would leak sadness for a while…

She’d had enough of all of this. She hadn’t seen Harry since she’d left him at his apartment the day before. She wanted badly to talk to him, but part of her wanted to make him sorry for being secretive. She stayed put. But… was she ready to talk to him? No. That much she knew. She walked to her little desk and composed a short note to whoever found it. Laying neatly on her bed, she picked up her cloak and her wand and Disapparated.

Moments later, Annie arrived with a crack downstairs. “Anna? Hello?” She quickly loped up the steps. Her eyes found the note.

To whoever finds this first-

I’ve had enough of this. I need some time. Don’t come after me, or you
will be sorry.


Annie collapsed on the bed. She had been too late.

A crack reached her ears. “Anna? Annie?” It was Harry.

“Harry, come here,” Annie called. Presently he was standing beside her. He looked worn. Auror training must have been taxing that day.

“What is it? Where’s Anna?” he asked, looking as though he might burst. Annie handed him the note and looked away. He read it, then sat sadly on the bed next to Annie. Looking around the room, he saw that same picture of him and Anna. She looked so happy. What had he done? He had to tell Annie about the Rules of Engagement, though.

“Annie, there’s something I have to tell you,” he said unhappily. After he’d explained, he could see that sadness crossed Annie’s face. He mentioned their fight from the day before and what it had been about.

“Harry, you can’t blame yourself only. It’s me, too. We’ve both been doing this to her,” she admitted quietly.

“I need her- I mean, I need to see her,” Harry said quickly. “Let’s find her. Right now!”

Annie shook her head. “She needs some time. She’ll come back. I think.” They shared a glance. Annie patted his shoulder.

“Until then…” Harry couldn’t find words. What could he do until then? Wait?

Annie sighed. Come back, Anna, she thought. Please.
now, witness that we (annie and i) have fixed the L-problem. you see, annie forgot htat the evil girl's name is lynn, and renamed :smiley:blush:smiley: her leslie. to clarify this, the girl who works at harry's auror place is the SAME PERSON who is secretly working with draco and has something against amanda and is/was romanticallly involved w/ draco.

now, leah is a COMPLETELY DIFFERNT PERSON. she is amanda's daughter who thinks/thought she escaped from azkaban. she is NOT evil (at the moment).

oooh i *accidently* made draco single again. ooh, anniiiee! :whistle:
probably busy wiht school. someone should go by Friday (Kewii...i believe it's your turn). I'll try to post an entry by Sept. 21, but no guarantees. if everyone is too busy with school, we should think about whether or not we want this to continue. senior year is gonna be pretty hectic for me, so this might work cuz i only have to post like once every three weeks. plus i write another fan fic, so, we'll see.