Check out Brandon Scott's short stories!


Editor of Sci-Fi Bloggers
All right, if you read my introduction post, you probably saw this coming, but again, I'm only delivering content that I feel people will find interesting.

Every Friday, Sci-Fi Bloggers has a segment called Friday Fiction. One of the key writers involved is a guy named Brandon Scott, who has written a number of short stories that I feel are worth checking out (and it's not just because I work with him, as there are plenty of writers I work with who I would not necessarily endorse (can't tell if I should've used "whom" there)). The post two weeks ago about "Wartime Stories has a list of all of those leading up to the present one, "Echoes - Part One." Here's the list, for anyone who'd like to give it a go. All of the stories are completely free to read. They're all copyrighted, and they're all (at least to my knowledge) original.

Brandon actually has this style that really gets to me for some reason. It isn't particularly emotional, rather cold and unsettling. You almost get the impression that, although he puts care into the world he's creating, he doesn't give a damn what happens to those within it (almost like a Nihilistic God, if you will). Again, I urge you to give the stories a try, as I've found few other authors like him. And just saying, they get progressively better. "Wartime Stories" and "Echoes - Part One" are the best so far in terms of quality, at least in my opinion. I actually found that people on Reddit enjoyed "The Calm" the most, but that may just be because more people came across it.