B believer02 Cadet Sep 20, 2009 #1 Hey check out this scifi animated short video on youtube the other day [youtube]wQKsaN7Jey8[/youtube]
Hey check out this scifi animated short video on youtube the other day [youtube]wQKsaN7Jey8[/youtube]
Starbeast from Planet X Benevolent Galaxy Being Sep 20, 2009 #2 That was very cool! Good animation and it was very amusing. Great discovery.
J Journey Cadet Sep 25, 2009 #3 hahha! Oh lord! My greatest fear confirmed!!!! Where's my crucifix??? Damn extra-terrestial disrespect for the fabric of time and space! Dah! Personas non grata!
hahha! Oh lord! My greatest fear confirmed!!!! Where's my crucifix??? Damn extra-terrestial disrespect for the fabric of time and space! Dah! Personas non grata!