Fantasy Conceptual Evolution


An Old Friend
As Skwirlinator I joined a shitpotfull of scifi & fantasy forums back in the day.
Speculative Evolution Aka: Conceptual Evolution was one such forum that explores
The possibilities of life's strange designs based on biological science.
I only had about 300 posts there but had to lay low because some of these people are like -

Here is the site: Speculative Evolution

Evolutionary Continuum
Share your ideas about future species and scenarios. This may also include scenarios involving futuristic species of human. Subforums: Anthropomundus, Postozoic

Alternative Evolution
Have you ever wondered what other paths could have taken through history? Discuss alternative biology topics, the most common being scenarios in which the dinosaurs survive. Subforums: Terra Alternativa, A Scientific Fantasy

The Habitable Zone
Share your thoughts on what sorts of strange and intriguing creatures might be found on other planets and moons as well as the different places they might live. Subforums: Snaiad, Recon (Roleplay), Nereus, Priapus Prime

Alternate Universes
In the vastness of the entire cosmos, the great multiverse in which our very universe is contained, there exists life on worlds where the rules are very different. The very fabric upon which all things are built can weave many forms of life, and here are the strangest. Subforums: Sheatheria

Cafe Cosmique
Back by popular demand. A place for your stories and musings. Subforums: Hall of Fame

Total Forum Posts: 251,203
Total Members: 1,137
