

Mommy, can I please have a snow plough?
<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Confessions</span>

Author: Me! Laur.
Disclaimer: I dont own any of the characters, sadly.. I am not trying to steal anyone's story or words so dont sue me.
Summary: Vaughn is in a car crash and is in a coma. It will change his relationship with Sydney forever. It is a 1/1 fic.

This is my second attempt at writing a fic :thinking:..

She lay awake in bed. Thinking. The T.V. was operating, but she was lost in her thoughts. Only a week ago, Vaughn had shot his wife. That was the night she and Vaughn kissed. She thought it had been right then, but now that she had reflected on the situation that he had put her in, he had betrayed her. He married the person he didn’t really love, and didn’t even regret it. He had caused her so much pain. She couldn’t forgive him for that. He had made her miserable. Forgiving and trusting him was the last thing she could do.

She lost two years of her life. It destroyed her life. One day her soul mate was with her and only her, and the next, he was married to another woman. It took him months to get over her “death.” He escaped everything. He ran out of the country. She couldn’t forgive him. The man that she loved had died to her, but, on top of that, she had to watch the man she loved go home to her.

Even now that his wife was dead, it still didn’t change how much pain he had put her through. It still had happened. She had no one. Nothing. No shoulder to cry on; no one to look forward to coming home to; no one’s arms to fall into. Her own father betrayed her as well. The men in her life that she had loved had all betrayed her.


He was driving back from work on the bad roads. He was tired and was lost in his thoughts about the woman he loved. He rounded a corner and was steering his car to exit the highway. As he was going around the ramp to the next road, his car suddenly took a sharp turn to the left. The car was uncontrollable because of the big patch of ice he was driving over. The front of the car was headed for the ditch. Trying to maintain control, he frantically turned the steering wheel to the right, but it was too late. The car hit the guard rail and rolled over into the ditch. It all happened so fast. That was the last thing he saw before everything went black.


“Breaking news! There has been a severe car crash on Route 10. One victim; male. Serious injuries,” she heard the news anchor say. This pulled Sydney out of her thoughts. She looked up at the screen to see a black BMW; the car was upside down in a ditch and covered in flames. Vaughn drove a BMW. Sydney convinced herself that Vaughn wouldn’t be out this late and that she shouldn’t worry about it. She reached for the TV remote and turned off the TV, rolled over on her bed, and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Ring! Ring! She reached her hand over and hit the snooze button on her alarm, but the ringing did not stop. It was her cell phone. She opened her eyes slowly and glanced over at the clock. 2:00 AM. Who was calling at two in the morning? Ring! Ring! She reached over and felt around on her night stand and finally found her cell phone. She flipped the cover open and said groggily, “Hello?”

“Ms. Bristow?” A man’s voice said. She had never heard this voice before. “This is Agent Collins from the CIA. We have been asked for you to go to the Emergency Room in the Stafford Naval Hospital immediately. Agent Vaughn has been in a car crash and has been critically injured.”

The car on TV; it had been Vaughn’s. She tried to hold back tears. “Okay. Thank you,” she mumbled and hung up, just before breaking down. She pulled herself together minutes later, and put on a pair of comfortable jeans and sweater because she figured she would be there for a while. Thoughts raced through her head. ‘Will he survive? Will he die? Will I get to talk to him? Is he conscious?’ She ran out of her house and jumped into her car. The roads were icy. That day there had been snow, then freezing rain. There were many cars scattered along the edges of the road. Her vision was blurry, and the roads were icy, which spelled disaster. It seemed like it took years to drive to the hospital.

The sky was dark. No one was out. She passed by a few night clubs that were filled with people, but that was it. She pulled around a twisty road that lead to the hospital parking lot. That road was more likely to cause accidents than any other roads. She pulled into a parking spot, barely inside of the lines. Quickly, she slammed the door shut and ran into the E.R. front desk.

The woman sitting in front of her was chewing a piece of gum loudly and had too much makeup on. “What room is Michael Vaughn in?!” she said, almost screaming.

“He’s in the O.R.,” she said, barely paying attention.

“When will he be out?” She said, frustrated. It was obvious that she had been crying. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot.

“I don’t know.” she said, only concentrating on the computer screen. “Wait there,” she said, pointing to a small room with chairs against the wall, still not making eye contact.

Sydney went to the room where the lady had pointed towards, upset that she had not given her more details on his condition. She picked up a magazine that was on a table next to her, and opened it to somewhere in the middle. While skimming through the magazine, the words didn’t even register in her mind. She was thinking of Vaughn. Sydney didn’t have to wait long, when a man in a long white coat over a pair of green scrubs walked in.

“Are you here for Mr. Vaughn?” he asked.

She jumped up, closed the magazine, and put it down all at the same time. “Yes, h-how is he?” she asked quietly, as tears formed in her eyes. Again. She refused to cry. Not now. She had to be strong.

“Mr. Vaughn was in a serious car accident. His injuries are severe.” Within seconds, tears streamed down her face.

“Is he ok? I… I mean, is he alive?”

“Yes,” the doctor said. Sydney let out a sigh of relief.

“But I must warn you, he isn’t conscious. There is just one problem.”

“What?” she stuttered, not knowing what was coming next.

“He is in a coma and is not likely to come out of it.”

It hit her like a brick wall. Vaughn was in a coma. He probably wasn’t going to come out of it. More tears ran down her face. She couldn’t talk to him anymore; she couldn’t go to work with him; he couldn’t hug her and comfort her when she needed it.

“I’m sorry.” The doctor said, before turning to leave.

“Wait!” she said between sobs. He turned back to her. “Can I see him?”

“Follow me.” He said before turning back once again. She followed him down hallways. Everything was a blur to her, but she managed to follow him until he stopped in front of a big, brown door. There was a clipboard in next to the door, of which the doctor grabbed before swinging the door open to reveal Vaughn, white as a ghost, in a hospital bed.

“Vaughn!” She yelled, before running over to his bedside and collapsing on the floor. She took his pale hand in hers. He had cuts and scrapes all over his face and arms, and patches of white gauze covering deeper wounds.

The doctor flipped through some papers on the clipboard and announced, “It looks like he is going to survive, but it is even more unlikely that he will pull out of the coma. I’ll leave you alone.”

“Thanks.” She stuttered, before turning her attention to Vaughn.

“Vaughn! I’m so sorry! You’re going to be okay! You have to be. I won’t be able to go on without you!” she said to the near-lifeless Vaughn. He looked peaceful, like he didn’t have a worry in the world. The heart monitor was rhythmically beeping; keeping track of his heart beat. Beep… beep… beep…

“I can’t lose you… I can’t… I can’t… I won’t...” she drifted off, before breaking down crying. She didn’t know for how long she was crying. She climbed up on his bed and cuddled up next to him, wrapping her left arm around his, and placing her right one over his chest.

“I wont,” she said, before sleep took over her weak body.


Everything was dark to him. He couldn’t tell where he was, all he could do was listen. He heard paramedics, doctors, then finally Sydney.

”I can’t lose you… I can’t… I can’t… I won’t…”

He wanted to say to her that he was alright, but he knew she couldn’t hear him. “Syd! You haven’t lost me. I’m here!” he wanted to tell her, even though he knew it was impossible. She was crying, and it broke his heart that he couldn’t do anything. He felt a warm body against his.

“I wont…” she muttered.

Vaughn hurt everywhere. He knew that his car had fallen into the ditch, and that he couldn’t wake up, but he could hear things around him and feel when people touch him. He didn’t know why this was, but he didn’t mind hearing Sydney’s voice. It just made him miserable that he couldn’t comfort her when she needed it, or even talk to her. He loved her and needed to tell her that. Even if it was the last thing he did. He had gone too long without telling her those three simple words.


Sydney sat next to him for the next few weeks. She hadn’t been out of the room at all; except to go home and clean up. She stayed by his bedside, didn’t go to work, or talk to anyone. It was like she was trapped in the room with Vaughn. Many of Vaughn’s visitors, including his mother and Weiss, tried to get her to go home and get back to her life, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t leave Vaughn.

It took this near-fatal accident for her true feelings for him to be found. She knew she loved him, but she never realized how much. If Vaughn died, she would die. She couldn’t have any reason to live. Nothing. Not work, not friends, nothing. She would give up hope on life.

Vaughn didn’t move for three weeks. Sydney talked to him as if he could hear her. Told him what has happened in her life; told him her feelings about things; talked to him about Francie and Will, and how she missed them.

“Vaughn, you don’t know how much you mean to me. You are the reason why I am here today. You have saved my life in so many ways. It took this for me to realize this, and I am so sorry that I never told you this before. I am so sorry, Vaughn.” She told him while running her fingers through his messy hair. She grabbed his right hand in both of hers. She could have sworn that he reacted to this action and squeezed her hand the tiniest bit. But, no. He couldn’t have, she reminded herself.

Sydney decided that she should go home, take a shower and change her clothes. She grabbed her coat and sat on the edge of his bed once again. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going home. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She whispered in his ear before she got up to go.

All of a sudden, there was a sporadic beeping from the heart rate monitor and lines were going everywhere. Just then, the steady beeping turned into one, long beep. The line that usually moved up and down with his heart beat was now a flat line. She panicked and raced out the door.

“Doctor! We need a doctor in here! Please!" she pleaded. A man in a white coat rushed into the room, followed by Sydney. Several nurses came running in soon after. Sydney took her place by his bed, that was now lying down flat. She took hold of his hand as tears made their way down her cheek. “I love you, Vaughn. You can’t leave me. You’ll be okay. Stay with me, Vaughn!” she said to him before she was pushed out of the way by another doctor.

“Clear!” one of the doctors yelled. There was a shocking noise, and the ring of the monitor didn’t change. The sound of the machine pierced through the air. She thought she was dreaming. By then, she was standing near the wall, away from the doctors, hands covering her mouth, trying to stop the sobs. This didn’t work though. It seemed like a bad dream. A nightmare. Everything was blurry.

“Clear!” the same doctor yelled before she heard the shocking noise. This time, there was the steady beep… beep… beep… The doctors stepped back from the bed and Sydney rushed forward to his bed. She sobbed some more, and was relieved that he was still alive. She hugged him again and whispered, “I love you, Vaughn, I love you so much. I always have… Vaughn I can’t tell you how much I love you.” She continued to sob by him, but she was interrupted by the doctor telling her that he would go and give her some privacy. Sydney was relieved that he was going so that she could be alone with him again.


Sydney had told him all about her childhood, and things that happened when SD-6 was still around. She told him about her first kiss, and how she missed Will and Francie. He learned so much about her during this time. Most of the time when she talked to him, she was crying. He felt so bad that he couldn’t tell her it was alright.

“Vaughn, you don’t know how much you mean to me. You are the reason why I am here today. You have saved my life in so many ways. It took this for me to realize this, and I am so sorry that I never told you this before. I am so sorry, Vaughn.”

This was the one thing he needed to respond to. He needed to. He had to. Vaughn tried with all of his strength to talk to her, but he couldn’t. His body felt like it was paralyzed, which it was.

Two hands grabbed his. Automatically he knew it was Sydney’s. Vaughn concentrated on his right hand. He tried to move it with all of his heart. Then, he felt his hand tighten slightly around hers. It felt like he had accomplished so much; just to squeeze her hand.

Vaughn noticed that she had gotten up and gone somewhere. He didn’t want her to go anywhere. He wanted her right next to him. Then, she came back and sat down. “I’m going home. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He felt her arms tighten around his body, and then she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

After Sydney got up, he felt weird. Like everything was spinning. He couldn’t see, but he knew something was happening. His body felt like it was flying, then, there was a round, white light ahead of him in the darkness. His body was drawn to the light. The familiar sound of the steady beeping that had filled the room was now one long beep. There was a figure now standing in the middle of the white light. As he drew closer, he noticed it was his father. “I love you Vaughn. You can’t leave me. You’ll be okay. Stay with me, Vaughn!” No. He couldn’t die. He had to stay with Sydney.

“Clear!” he heard a faint voice yell, then he felt like he had just been electrocuted. He continued to be pulled toward the light, and his father. “Clear!” the same male voice yelled again. He felt the familiar surge of electricity fill his body.

This time, the white light was no longer in front of him. He was back with Sydney. He felt so relieved that he could stay here with her. But his father, he could have gone with him. He told himself over and over again that it was a hallucination, but he couldn’t believe it. Vaughn felt almost guilty for not going with him, but that feeling quickly disappeared when he heard Sydney’s voice.

“I love you Vaughn, I love you so much. I always have… Vaughn I can’t tell you how much I love you” He wanted to tell her so much that he loved her too. That he had the same feelings for her. That he wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.

It was like a big wall blocking him from her; from everything. He needed to break down this wall that stood in front of him. This wall had made his life miserable for the last 3 weeks.


She sat by Vaughn's bed day and night. Occasionally, she would go downstairs to the café for a drink and food, but she wasn’t hungry at all. She couldn’t keep her mind off of him. If he woke up, she wanted to be there. She wanted to be the person he saw first. Not some doctor. Her. Even if the absolute worst thing happened, she wanted to be there. She didn’t want him to go alone.

Sydney was a wreck. She had dark circles under her eyes, which looked like she had black eyes. Her hair was uncombed, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, and her clothes were wrinkled. She wasn’t just physically a wreck, but emotionally, too. All she could think about was if he never came out of the coma.

Vaughn didn’t look much better. Most of his cuts and bruises were healed, but he still had gashes on his face. Sydney looked at Vaughn’s face. It looked so peaceful. His worry lines that crossed his forehead all the time weren’t there for the first time that she had ever seen.

She placed her hand on his cheek and rubbed his face with her thumb. His eyes squeezed together shut. Sydney jumped out of her all-too-familiar chair and stood next to his bed. His eyes seemed to open a little. They did. “Vaughn!” she nearly yelled, “Are you awake? Vaughn!?”

“Mmm?” he said, still waking up from his four month long ‘sleep’. “Syd?” he whispered, looking into her eyes.

“Don’t talk. I’m here.” She said, concerned that it would be bad for him. She knew that he most likely wouldn’t listen to her.

What he said next took Sydney by surprise. “Syd.. I love you. I have gone too long without telling you that. Even before, I regret never telling you those three words that mean so much. I love you so much, Syd. I really do. Never question that.” Thoughts raced through her mind. She knew she loved him, but she couldn’t talk. The only thing she could do was let the tears come.

She cuddled next to him, remembering what it was like to have him there. She had missed this more than anything. To her, then, it was like nothing ever happened. Lauren never existed. Finally, the words came to her. The words she had been trying to get out for a while. This was how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. With Vaughn and no one else. She wouldn’t let anything come between that. Not ever. This was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

(A/N: This part confused some people, so this is going back to see things from his POV, like I have done with the whole fic. By the way, the only knowlege of this stuff is from ER so if I have this stuff totally off.. :P)

He felt a warm, familiar hand on his cheek. Suddenly, he didn’t feel trapped anymore. He felt as if he could move again. Vaughn tried to open his eyes. He could. He opened them the slightest bit. Everything was bright. Bright and white. It was so bright that he had to close his eyes for a second again before opening them again. “Vaughn!” he heard Sydney say in a very excited voice. “Are you awake? Vaughn?!” she said again.

“Mmm?” he groaned, liking the fact that he could talk again. “Syd?” He managed to say.

This is it. I have to tell her. There is no better time then now.

“Don’t talk… I’m here,” Sydney said, quietly.

Vaughn, knowing that she was probably right not to, didn’t listen.

“Syd… I love you. I have gone too long without telling you that. Even before, I regret never telling you those three words that mean so much. I love you so much, Syd. I really do. Never question that.” he whispered.

Vaughn noticed that a single tear made its way down her cheek. He raised his hand and wiped it away with his thumb. Sydney for the second time curled up by his side. This time she was in his arms. Before falling asleep, she whispered, “I love you too, Vaughn. I always have.”


Yeah. It was really crappy, so feel free to tell me that 'cause I already know! Please comment and feel free to speak your mind about this fic! Anyways, there might be a sequel, but only if you guys like it...

Thank you to my beta's Sherilyn and JuJu! :smiley: Another thank you to everyone who supported me with this fic!!

:hide: 🍅

Yeah. It was really crappy, so feel free to tell me that 'cause I already know! Please comment and feel free to speak your mind about this fic! Anyways, there might be a sequel, but only if you guys like it...

yeah it was crappy and bad and 🍅
happy? :P

:rolleyes: are you out of your mind? It was great!!!!
and u know that! :whip:
silly mugat!
exeptionnally no quoting (yeah i c u :jump: lol), Harry Potter is airing :blush:


Sci :watsup:

p.s: :stupid:
It was a 1/1 piece
Sorry :P

Thanks for commenting!! *dances*
I was (n) all day 'cause I thought everyone hated it..
Still am.. but yeah :smiley:
ok this is the... 4th time i've read this?

but still.

and i swear, can you PUH-LEEZ make it into a fic?
like more than a 1/1?

coz it's too good for you too not!

*gets down on hands and knees and begs*

luv JuJu :harp:
Oh no. She's begging.

FIIINE! This is easier to write than MTB, so i gueeeeesss sooooo..

*runs to JuJu for ideas*

Maybe a *few* more chapters :smiley:

:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times

luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
Bubbles said:

:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
i'm sorry i just felt the need to say everything five times
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:
luv JuJu :harp:

lol lol lol lol lol

youre funny i told you! yet again youre making me laugh :P

Vaughnlover15 said:
tears. in my eyes reading this!
i think you know i loved it.


quite the opposite reaction than i expected...

*dances around*

DUDE! like two pages.. ALREADY!?!? haha sorry spazzy-lauren over here..

vaughnshoney-sure thing
Wha? continuing?? *sigh* oh well.. sure.. haha

i wont be updating it for a while though.. i havent even STARTED writing!!!

AHHH!!!!! attacked by hugs! hey.. cant complain ;) :P