Cool Sci-Fi -- Upcoming Changes...


Code Monkey
Staff member
Just an FYI that as we prepare for the planned upgrade of Cool Sci-Fi from vBulletin 3.x to vBulletin 4.x we are starting to cut back on some of the hacks & add-ons. The intention is that since the vB 3.x versions of those hacks & add-ons are not compatible with vB 4.x, by turning off some of them now we can do the planned upgrade with a minimal amount of 3rd party code to worry about. After the upgrade we'll then update the hacks & add-ons in question.

Of course this is also a good chance to gauge what hacks & add-ons are most used; if nobody notices the ones turned off then it lets us know which ones we need to take into account with the upgrade. :D