Creative Imaginations Suggestion?


An Old Friend
It may take some work but it would be nice to see a 'Creative Imaginations' Links section as well as a Gallery section.

Sometimes I amaze someone...somewhere?:D
i'll just sticky the retail available products, merging threads together, like i did with the "craft type books" thread for now. if the available resources get too large and look cluttered, i will try and rearrange them if i can.

as for gallery, that would have to mean the boss creating a new section in the gallery area for artists original work, with a nice link in the creative forum to click straight through to it, although artists simply making a thread with a commentary and a live link to the image in the gallery wherever it is will suffice
yep, but as a new section with two active posters plus a walkthru by a newly published author, major alterations would be well down the line i feel.

after all, only admin can make major changes and as a former admin using vbulletin, i remember just how long it takes to add a simple tree forum to a site, let alone start changing or adding major things such as galleries and link pages!!!!

i think this forum is so specialised that the amount of material in it won't require major alteration for a while now.

if you pm the boss with all your bookmarks we could look at stickying a thread (although he might decide he is becoming a seearch engine or advertising board for the rest of the web :) ). but since the quantity of ones concerning art and writing will be low, you might as well go about posting/editing a thread or two in here with them and i'll rearrange, merge and sticky them for now. i only want to have about 4-5 stickies though, as it'll make variable posts slide off the page.
I was thinking more along the lines of adding categories to the existing sections like Ken did with BSG.
uh, where exactly? in the gallery section? you mean like i'd want a SG section too?

(and you must have some sort of instant messenger installed? this would make things so much easier since you are a major player on this site!)
Sorry, guys, I must've missed this thread before. :(

I have no objections to adding additional Links or Gallery sections. You two work it out what would make sense and how it should be presented and I'll put it on my construction list. :)
okay, but i have never dealt with galleries in vbulletin, so don't know anything about it whatsoever!

i'm more of an Image Shack hosting sort of person
You know how you made the sub gallery for BSG? Just do one named 'Creative Imaginations'
same for the Links page
skwirlinator said:
You know how you made the sub gallery for BSG? Just do one named 'Creative Imaginations'
same for the Links page
What kind of sub-categories would you want to see in there? And what kind of files?
In the Links you could leave it whole or split it into Writing Helper sites, Publisher Sites and even Member Offsite Galleries

In the Gallery, Since it would be member created art you could do many sub folders but it would be best to leave that open until there were enough submissions to warrant a sub folder. You would want to allow for Jpeg and Bmp or Gif. I don't know about Tiff because they tend to be BIG I believe. Some sub-folder ideas could be 'cifi', 'fantasy', worlds, creatures, ships, maps, weapons ....
I have many scifi magazines sites that post their story submission guidelines, that could be a sub folder too