
Just wanted to post to say that I am reading; very slowly, but I am reading! Since I'm so far behind, I decided to restart from the beginning.
Here it is and it is loonng.

It had been four days since their falling out and nothing had changed between them. No words had been exchanged between them since that night.
Wearing a relaxed expression, he walked down the crowded hallway and went into the computer lab.
“Nick, why aren’t you in the cafeteria having a lunch like a normal student?” Harrison asked as he put his messenger bag in his office. “And get out of my seat.” He knocked Nick’s feet off his desk.
“What’s wrong with you?” Nick asked while sitting down on the table next to Harrison’s desk.
“I’ve been having a bad week and on top of all of that, Ky is sick,” he took out his rank book.
“So that’s why she wasn’t here yesterday and today,” Nick said.
“Pretty much. And when she gets sick, she gets..SICK.”
“I can only imagine.”
“This sucks because Valentine’s Day is the day after tomorrow and I was planning on flying to Los Angeles tonight to surprise Joey.”
“Ah, planning a little romantic evening-ok, I’m just going to stop right there because I’m about to get a really gross image of you and my sister,” he grimaced.
“Smart Move.”
“Thanks. Couldn’t someone else take care of Ky?” He pointed at himself.
Harrison began laughing and then slowly, he caught his breath when he realized that Nick was being serious. “No. You are the last person she wants to talk to.”
“Like she’s not pissed off at you,” he said in a sarcastic tone. “Whatever the hell happened between you two, it must have been HUGE.”
“True, but unlike you, she’s actually communicating to me,” he handed Nick a small piece of paper.
Nick read it out loud, “Harrison, get some chicken soup, chocolate chip ice cream and some tissues. And if Nick talks to you, give him a punch in the face for me. Ky.” He crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. “Well, I guess you’re staying home tonight.”
“Looks like,” Harrison said sounding a bit disappointed. “Wait, you couldn’t take care of her anyway. Tonight is the very last football game of the season and of your high school career.”
“Oh yeah,” he said with a goofy smile,” I almost forgot and coach would have been pissed off too. Hey, you can ask Anna. She’s the only person that Ky still likes.”
“You’re right, why I didn’t think about that earlier?”
“Because I’m a genius and she’s her only friend.”
“You’re not wrong there. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome and there’s the bell,” Nick slid off the table and sat down

Drowsily, Ky rolled over to her right and pulled a couple of tissues from a pale blue cardboard box. Sitting up, she noticed her reflection off the television screen before feeling hot tears of fatigue stream down her face. She dabbed the tears with one tissue and dipped another in cold glass of water on the side table neighboring the pullout sofa bed. Disposing of the tear drenched tissue; she closed her eyes and placed the cold, damped tissue on her burning eyelids. The cool sensation soothed her eyelids and her full lips formed into a small, closed mouth smile. Opening her mouth, she took a deep breath and blew her nose. She had blown her nose with such strength, that she had disturbed her equilibrium and helplessly, she fell backwards onto the bed. Just then, the medication she had taken earlier began taking its effect on her and slowly, she fell into unconsciousness.

Hours later, she awoke to find a cool washcloth on top of her forehead. From her position, she heard a high pitched whistling coming from the kitchen. When she tried to speak, she irritated her sore throat. She made another attempt but she could only manage to whisper.
“Anna?” She asked in a raspy whisper.
Abruptly, the whistling stopped and she heard footsteps headed her way.
“Hey, you’re up,” Nick walked in with a coffee mug in his hands.
Scowling, said, “What are you doing here? Where’s Anna?” She took the washcloth off her forehead and placed it in the bowl on the side table.
“Hey Ms. Paranoid, ease up on the questions cause you’re killing your throat.” He put the mug on the side table and dragged the armchair closer to the sofa bed.
She knew that he was right but she continued speaking as she sat up. “I don’t want you here. Where’s Anna?”
“First, I know you don’t but tough, because I’m all you got and secondly, she’s spending the weekend up North with her family and she couldn’t get out of it,” he leaned over her and grabbed a pillow. “And you really need to stop talking,” he placed the pillow against the back of the sofa bed.
Resting her back on the pillow, she ignored his suggestion and said, “Well I can take care of myself.”
“No,” he held the coffee mug in front of her, “you can’t. When I came here, you were completely out of it and why did you have a wet tissue on your face?”
Reluctantly, she accepted the mug. “My eyes were burning like hell.”
Lightly, he touched her forehead with his hand. “I think your fever’s gone down.”
“When did you become a doctor?” She said before taking a sip of her tea. Closing her eyes, she savored the tea’s sweet flavor and a small smile came across her face as she felt the warm beverage soothe her sore throat. “How did you know that I liked honey in my tea?”
“You told me.”
“That night when we went to Fenway.”
“You remembered that?”
“Yeah, I was listening to you.”
“Really, because I remember during dinner you spent half the time looking at my breasts,” she said before taking another sip.
“You noticed that?”
“Of course I did. Although I must admit, ogling me while intently listening is very impressive.”
“Thank you. Besides, it’s not my fault that you wore that low cut top and that you have very, very nice boobs.”
“You sure know how to make a girl feel better,” she was sarcastic. She shifted uncomfortably.
He titled his head to the side as he looked at her and said, “Why do you always get like that?”
“Like what?”
“All weird and uneasy.”
“I have my reasons.”
“One of them being?”
“Why do you want to know so badly?”
“Because it’s obviously something that makes you uncomfortable.”
Keeping her eyes on him, she drank from her mug. “You’re not wrong,” she informed him.
“You’re still not answering my question. What are you afraid of?” Unexpectedly, she looked down at her tea and then back at him. That’s when he realized what she feared. “You’re afraid of what I might say or think about you.” She simply looked at him. “I didn’t know that you valued my opinion that much.”
“Well, I do.”
“That’s nice to know. “Ky, I’m not going to tease or judge you.”
“Why not? I’ve done it to you.”
“Yeah but, it was what I needed to hear. You have to know that you can tell me anything.”
She saw the sincerity in his dark eyes and brought the coffee mug down to her lap. “I like the way I look. I’m just not used to having a guy…feel the same way.”
“Man, Chris really was an idiot.”
“Nick this isn’t about him.” She said as she placed her mug on the side table.
Already knowing the answer to his own question he asked, “Really? In all the time that you knew him, did he ever say or do any of the things that I’ve done for you?”
She lightly shook her head, “No.”
“That’s what I thought.” He moved from the arm chair and sat on the bed. “If he really loved you, then he wouldn’t have treated you the way that he did. He wouldn’t have led you on and then push you away for all those years. Now, I’m not saying that I haven’t made my mistakes when it comes to you. But the difference is, I’m not afraid to admit them and unlike him, I learn from my mistakes.
Ky, he didn’t just break your heart; he shattered it. On top of that, he stabbed you in the back by hiding the truth from you and personally, I think it was intentional. I would never do that to you,” he shifted closer to her and rested his hand on her knee.
Her eyes stared at his hand and she made no effort to remove it. She avoided making eye contact until she finished speaking. “How do you know that? How can you say that with such conviction?”
“Because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I never thought that I could feel-experience something so powerful and not be afraid. My feelings for you are real and every word that I’ve said to you, I’ve meant.” He took his hand off her knee and cupped the side of her face. “And I would die, if it meant that you would never have to feel pain or suffer another heartache ever again. If the price is my life, then it is something that I will gladly pay. All that matters, is your happiness - because you’re everything to me.”

With watery eyes, she gazed at Nick, the man that just proclaimed his everlasting love to her, without actually saying the four letter word. Tenderly, she guided his palm to her mouth and softly kissed his hand. As she pressed her lips against his smooth skin, she closed her eyes felt two drops of joy cascade down her face.
His mobile phone rang and she opened her eyes to his luminous smile. He ignored his phone and continued to stare at her with adoring eyes. She gave him a smile of her own when he began caressing her face; she was loved and cherished the moment.

With hesitation, Nick said, “I should get that and yet, I really don’t want to.”
“You should,” she gave his hand another kiss and reluctantly released it.
Groaning, he went to over to the archway that led into he kitchen and turned his head and said, “I won’t be long.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
He put his hand over his heart and said, “You have no idea how great that makes me feel.” He flashed another smile before stepping into the kitchen.

“Nick, where the f*** are you?!” Keith yelled into his phone.
“Well hello to you too,” Nick replied as he unscrewed the top of thermos and poured the chicken soup into an empty pot.
“The game is in less than two hours and Coach Keller is pissed off! Where are you?!”
Placing the pot on the oven, he turned on the heat and answered, “I’m at Harrison’s taking care of Ky.”
“You’re missing the very last game that you’ll ever play in high school, for HER?!” Keith didn’t break his stride as he pushed the door to the locker room open.
“Hey, don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.” He grabbed a ladle and a spoon from the drying rack.
“Oh you must be f***ing kidding me! Dude, do your hear yourself? Do you know what you’re actually doing?” He threw his gym bag in front of his locker.
“Yep and nothing will change my mind.”
“Ya know, I thought getting you baked that night would get her off your case, but I guess I was wrong.”
Nick leaned against the counter to keep his balance, he was livid. “You planned to get me wasted?!”
“Well it was for your own good. Why are you wasting all your time on her?!”
Nick moved to the back door to make sure that she wasn’t in hearing distance of their conversation. He said, “Because I love her.”
“Bulls***. You just want to f-.”
“Keith, I’m in love with her,” he was adamant. “What I don’t get is, why are trying so hard to keep us apart?”
“You really wanna know why?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Because she’s a f***ing Gook!”
Clenching his jaw, Nick controlled his anger and went over to the boiling soup. Turning off the burner, he lowered his voice and finally spoke. “You are so lucky that I’m not there right now.”
“Why? Because you’d throw away almost nineteen years of friendship by kicking my ass,” Keith laughed at the thought. “You’re too much of a p***y to do that.”
“No. I wouldn’t kick your ass because I’m not that kind. And as far I know we don’t have a friendship. Don’t talk to me, don’t call me, and don’t even send me a freaking e-mail because you are nothing to me. I have to make one thing clear - you stay from her, because if you even look at her I will do more than hurt you. Have a great game,” he turned off his mobile phone and set it on the counter.
He took the ladle and filled an empty oversized mug with chicken soup. Cautiously, he held the warm mug and returned to the living room.
The opening credits to Sex and the City were on television when he crossed past through the archway into the living room. Sitting down, he glanced at the television and then back at her.
“I didn’t know you were a fan,” he sat on the edge of his seat.
“It was one of the best shows on television. I have all the seasons on DVD.” She looked at the mug in his hand. “You made me soup?”
“Felicia did, but it was my idea.”
Reaching for the mug, she said, “That was sweet of you.” He moved it away from her grasp. “What are you doing?”
“I wanna feed you.”
“Cause I wanna take care of you.”
“But I can feed myself.”
“I know that, I do. Ky, just let me do this for you,” he asked.
She tilted her head to side and said, “Ok.”
“Oh I am so wearing you down,” he said with a smug smile before feeding her.

After she had finished the soup, Nick went into the kitchen bringing the mug and spoon with him. From the living room, she could hear the faucet running. Fixing her tousled hair, she quickly peeked into the kitchen to make sure that he was preoccupied. Suddenly, she clutched her stomach and groaned in great agony. Her abdomen muscles twisted causing her to call out for him.
“Ky, lie down” he ran to her side and placed a hand on her face. “What’s wrong?”
She spoke through her teeth, “Really… bad… cramps.”
“Do you have a heating pad?”
“No… and…how do you know about that?” She felt her muscles slowly unclenching.
“I do have an older sister.” His tone was a bit defensive.
Exhaling in relief, she answered, “I’m fine. And I’m not PMSing, it’s my stomach. I haven’t been able to eat a lot without getting cramps.”
“Then why did you eat the soup?”
“Because I didn’t want to be rude and I’m hungry and-I’m about to get another cramp!”
He joined her on the bed and occupied the vacant spot next to her. Without asking, he slid his hands under her pajama top and massaged her stomach, easing her pain. She gently covered her hands with his. Their eyes locked as she experienced two more cramps and with his touch, she bared through the pain. When he felt her muscles relax, he removed his hands.
His spoke with a hint of hesitation. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah…because of you.”
“It was the first thing that came to mind.”
“It was what I needed,” she touched his arm. “Thank you.”
His eyes traveled to the digital cable box. “It’s getting late. I should get going,” he began to move away.
“Don’t,” she gripped his hand. “Stay.”
Letting her words register into his mind, he looked directly into her eyes. “You want me to spend the night?”
“Well..not in that way. Just…sleep next to me. I don’t want to be alone.” Her words were genuine.
“For tonight?”
“Anymore. So, will you stay with me?” She intertwined her fingers with his and used her thumb to stroke his palm.
This gesture sent shivers down his spine. The silence between them let him fathom her request; the woman he loved, finally admitted to needing him. He wanted the moment to last forever.
He took a minute to choose his next choice of words. “Can I hold you?”
“Is that the deal breaker for you?”
She grinned, “Me too. But you have to keep your clothes on.”
Nodding, he said, “I can live with that.” Smiling, he slid under blanket and released a small sigh of delight when she pressed her body next to his, rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. Wrapping his arm around her torso, he stared back at her.
“Nick, aren’t you afraid of getting sick?” She asked him.
“I’ll risk it.”
“I know that you missed your very last football game for this.”
“How did you know?”
“It was on the school’s channel. Why did you all of this for me?”
“Well, the day you kicked me out, you said that sorry wasn’t enough. I thought doing this…would be.”
Holding back her tears, she nestled her head under his chin and put her hand over his heart.
He took in her intoxicating scent and kissed the crown of her head. “Night.” He closed his eyes.
“Goodnight,” she kept her hand over his heart, knowing that it belonged to her and only her.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :love: Nick! *sigh* :love: I think i'm just gonna be like :love: for a while.....




Nick read it out loud, “Harrison, get some chicken soup, chocolate chip ice cream and some tissues. And if Nick talks to you, give him a punch in the face for me. Ky.” He crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. “Well, I guess you’re staying home tonight.”

:lol: so much for communicating! It's more like a to do list. :lol: but whatever pleases them. :lol:

“No,” he held the coffee mug in front of her, “you can’t. When I came here, you were completely out of it and why did you have a wet tissue on your face?”

ew, wet tissue. It makes me think of the world moist and moist is just such a ... bleh word. :lol: ;)

“Yeah, I was listening to you.”
“Really, because I remember during dinner you spent half the time looking at my breasts,” she said before taking another sip.
“You noticed that?”
“Of course I did. Although I must admit, ogling me while intently listening is very impressive.”

:lol: teehee! :love: that's so cute. I didn't know you could ogle and listen at the same time! :P

“Because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I never thought that I could feel-experience something so powerful and not be afraid. My feelings for you are real and every word that I’ve said to you, I’ve meant.” He took his hand off her knee and cupped the side of her face. “And I would die, if it meant that you would never have to feel pain or suffer another heartache ever again. If the price is my life, then it is something that I will gladly pay. All that matters, is your happiness - because you’re everything to me.”

awwww :love: *sigh* that's just so... romantic. ^_^

He took a minute to choose his next choice of words. “Can I hold you?”

awww :love:

Keith is a racist bastard that deserves to die and burn in hell!


:angelic: ^_^

love the update. ^_^
--mandy :angelic:
Awww...I just adore this update. Nick was so sweet to her. I love that he got to take care of her and that she let him. I hope he's really done being a jerk now. And it was so cute when she asked him to stay. When she said she didn't want to be alone anymore.


So how's the next update coming along? I'm really curious to see how Nick acts once they are back in school. It's a lot easier to be all sweet and caring toward her when it's just the two of them. I know he stood up to Keith, but I still want to see how he handles the whole school. And Ky too, cuz she's always been on her own, and having Nick now will be different for her.

I'm just so excited for what comes next.

mellybelly said:
Awww...I just adore this update. Nick was so sweet to her. I love that he got to take care of her and that she let him. I hope he's really done being a jerk now. And it was so cute when she asked him to stay. When she said she didn't want to be alone anymore.


So how's the next update coming along? I'm really curious to see how Nick acts once they are back in school. It's a lot easier to be all sweet and caring toward her when it's just the two of them. I know he stood up to Keith, but I still want to see how he handles the whole school. And Ky too, cuz she's always been on her own, and having Nick now will be different for her.

I'm just so excited for what comes next.


Keep in mind that she was sick and probably medicated lol I just think that it's funny how she's gone from rejecting him a million times, hitting him, and now she's snuggling with him.

There will be a scene with them in school, but it won't be soon, sorry. I have other things in mind for the next two chapters. Thanks mellybelly, hope 413 and mandy for replying and being so supportive!
What do you mean by reminding me she's medicated?

*sad face*


That doesn't mean that she wasn't really letting him in right? Cuz...dont' do that to me.


I was having a good day.

And now it's all going away.

I don't want it to go away. (you didn't make it go away, it was already going away, this would just really make it go away)

I just want some fluffiness. And I like the way you do fluffiness. It's not sickening, it's just cute.

*burries face*

Please don't take them away from me.
mellybelly said:
What do you mean by reminding me she's medicated?

*sad face*


That doesn't mean that she wasn't really letting him in right? Cuz...dont' do that to me.


I was having a good day.

And now it's all going away.

I don't want it to go away. (you didn't make it go away, it was already going away, this would just really make it go away)

I just want some fluffiness. And I like the way you do fluffiness. It's not sickening, it's just cute.

*burries face*

Please don't take them away from me.

Hun, calm down. I just thought it was funny that she how easily she gave into him because she was sick and what girl doesn't like to be taken care of by a hot and sweet guy? I'm not going to take that away, she wasn't acting but she was a bit influenced. Come on, I try to milk that cow whenever I'm sick lol I hope that you don't view "Damaged" as a whole as fluff because that's not what I'm trying to do with this novel.
I do not at all think of this as a fluff piece. *shakes head* I just meant that him taking care of her was a nice bit of fluff and I enjoyed it.

I have recently come to discover that I'm not as into fluff as I once thought I was. I like to have my couple together, but I like from them to have challenges. It really gets boring to just sit and read fluff when there is no plot and you really can't write all fluff and have a plot at the same time.

So again I ask...how's the next installment coming along?
mellybelly said:
I do not at all think of this as a fluff piece. *shakes head* I just meant that him taking care of her was a nice bit of fluff and I enjoyed it.

I have recently come to discover that I'm not as into fluff as I once thought I was. I like to have my couple together, but I like from them to have challenges. It really gets boring to just sit and read fluff when there is no plot and you really can't write all fluff and have a plot at the same time.

So again I ask...how's the next installment coming along?

It's nice to know that you don't think of this as a fluff piece. Honestly, and please don't be mad but I haven't started the next installment b/c I've started to write a one part romance/angst fic. "Torrid Surrender" but the next update should be this weekend.
*eyes light up*

A new fic?

You'll be posting it here right?

If I get something new to read from you, I don't mind waiting longer for a Damaged update.
i'm so sorry for not replying in ages. i have been at boarding school and i cant get on to allalias there so i have to read it in massive chuncks when i get home which isnt often.
i am loving it so much. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
im here 4 the next 4 weeks so ill b able to read any new posts that you put up.

moi xx
Actually, it'll be a month on Wednesday. i'm sorry for not updating sooner but I've just been distracted with my birthday passing, my dear Red Sox and other things. I am working on the update right now. Hopefully, it'll be up tomorrow.
Just wanted to make sure you knew it was past tomorrow.

It was your birthday?!? When? I feel so awful. I got you nothing. I wish you no happy birthday. Did you have a good day?
My birthday was all right, I had ice cream cake lol Here's the update!

The next morning, Nick was awoken by the enticing scent of hash browns, pancakes and scrambled eggs. Sleepily, he lifted his head and turned an ear to the kitchen where he heard low hissing of eggs sizzling against a cast iron frying pan. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and felt the soft cotton sheets underneath his bare legs. Puzzled, he stared at the undershirt and boxers that he wore. Looking for an explanation, he stood up and headed for the kitchen.

The moment he laid eyes on her, he leaned against the refrigerator and wore a small smile as watched her. Dressed in a snug Red Sox’s jersey, and a pair of red hip-hugging sweat pants, she silently watched the pancake batter simmer. Her black hair was tied in a messy ponytail, her plump lips were dry, her skin was flawless and he knew that she hadn’t showered; she was beautiful.

Holding back her smile, she turned her head to him. “Good morning.” He simply folded his burly arms. “What?” She put down the spatula.
“I just like watching you,” he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Resting her arms on top of his she kept her eyes on her pancake to distract herself. “I’m feeling better.”
“I know, your throat doesn’t sound as gravely like it did yesterday. Though I gotta admit,” he whispered into her ear, “it was pretty sexy.”
Lowering down the oven burner, she flipped the pancake and said, “Stop trying to humor me, ok?”
“I’m not,” he sniffed her hair. “Even knowing that your lips were germ infested I still had to fight off the urge to kiss you..actually I always do but yesterday was just…torture.”
“You are sick. Even I wouldn’t have kissed me,” she turned off the burner and leaned against him. He was silent. “Nick?” She looked up at him.
He shook his head. “Sorry, I just had the image of Ky-on-Ky action in my head and let me tell you it is HOT.” He winked at her and she chuckled. “Speaking of kissing; I’ve been wondering when that’ll happen…not that I’m rushing you or anything. It’s just-I mean, can you blame me for feeling a bit anxious?”
Lightly shaking her head, Ky said, “No and believe me, I really do appreciate how patient you’ve been,” she turned around and linked her arms behind his neck. His arms remained around her waist. “But my first kiss was out of guilt. I just want everything to be right when it happens.”
He dropped his shoulders. “Well, could you at least give me a timetable?”
“Nick,” she held his face in her hands. “We’ll know when it’s right. Trust me.”
He believed every word that she spoke. “You know I do,” he kissed her forehead.
“Now put some pants on or you’re not gonna have any breakfast,” she playfully hit his chest before grabbing a plate from the drying rack.
“I wasn’t the one that took them off and the next time you strip me of my clothing, make sure that I’m awake,” he grinned.
Flipping the pancake onto the plate, she replied, “Your breakfast is getting cold.”
“That’s right,” he turned towards the living room, “avoid the subject.” Feeling a bit bold and flirtatious, he gave her butt a slap. He immediately regretted his action when he saw the look of complete shock on her face.
“What the hell was that?!”
Stuttering, he said, “W-w-what are you talking about?” He laughed nervously.
“Nick, you just slapped my ass,” she set her jaw and scowled.
“I know and I’m sorry! We were hugging and you were pressed all up against me and I got caught up in the moment and did I mention how I have the utmost for you? Please don’t be mad,” he brought his hands together.
Her harden expression faded. “You were wrong.”
“I was and I am SO sorry.”
She touched his shoulder. “All is forgiven.”
“Really?” She nodded. “I’ll go change.” As he was about to walk away, she reached out and smack his backside. With his mouth open, he stared at her.
“Now we’re even,” she gave him a playful smile before giving him a stern look. “But if you ever try that again, I’ll be the last thing that you’ll ever touch, understand?”
Rubbing his behind, he replied, “Yes Mistress Ky,” he went into the living room.

After changing into a fresh pair of pajama bottoms, he joined on her the sofa bed and ate his breakfast as they watched the last two seasons of Sex and the City. Until yesterday, he had only heard of the show through Joey but he had never once seen a single episode. Now, after viewing all the seasons, he understood why the series was so successful. The actresses were talented, the storylines were interesting, and the dialogue was smart and real. Everything that he had known about the female gender was wrong and because the show, he was beginning to finally understand the opposite sex.
Lying on her side, she quietly watched him as he stared blankly at the closing credits on the screen. Turning her face to him, she said his name.
“I’m sorry,” his smile had a hint of embarrassment.
“I guess you and Harrison have something in common. Although you two are probably the only straight men that like the show…well, at least that I know of.” He simply nodded and stared past her. “Hey,” she touched his face and his eyes met with hers. “What are you thinking about?”
Taking his hand into hers, their fingers intertwined and he moved closer to her. Their faces were mere inches apart. “I need to ask you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“Why won’t have you sex until you’re married?”
Pensively, she looked at him before replying. “I knew that question would come up. I made the decision when I was ten.”
“You were ten?”
“Because Harrison would tell me about the handful of pregnant girls that would dropout of school. If I were in their situation, where had choose between motherhood, adoption or abortion, I honestly don’t know what I’d do. So, I figured that the only way that I could prevent myself from being in that dilemma was to not have sex until I was married. Then there’s AIDS, HIV, and STDs. I see and hear everything that goes in our school and I don’t want to be like them. I’m not ready for the emotional aspect that sex has and how it can complicate things.
And, I want my future husband to experience everything that I have to offer, my heart, my soul, my mind and most importantly, my body. I guess you can call me a romantic but I want the first guy that I lay with, to be the last.” Letting go of his hand, she ran her fingers through his hair and rested her hand on his face.
He didn’t think that it was possible, but he fell deeper in love with her. Kissing her palm, he held her hand once again. “You are so amazing.”
“For what?”
“For just being you. I respect and admire your reasons for waiting. And I don’t need our lips to meet; to know that I want you to be my first and... last.”

Her dry voluptuous lips parted releasing a gentle sigh and her eyes were wet with emotion. Gazing into his eyes, she curled her lips into a closed mouth smile holding back her whimpers of joy. She tightened her grip and enjoyed the silence.
Sleepily, he lifted his head and turned an ear to the kitchen where he heard low hissing of eggs sizzling against a cast iron frying pan
How'd he know it was cast iron? Do they sound different than a regular frying pan? I've never noticed the difference. :lol:

“I just like watching you,” he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
:love: That is my all time favorite gesture. I don't know why, but it makes me melt everytime. *sigh*

He shook his head. “Sorry, I just had the image of Ky-on-Ky action in my head and let me tell you it is HOT.”
Okay, I'm sorry, but eww. What does on in guys heads that makes this sound sexy. To me the thought of two guys kissing each other (even more so the same guy kissing himself...I'm not even gonna think about how it's not possible) does not turn me on. Yet I know that guys are turned on by the thought of two girls. I just don't get it.

So, I figured that the only way that I could prevent myself from being in that dilemma was to not have sex until I was married. Then there’s AIDS, HIV, and STDs. I see and hear everything that goes in our school and I don’t want to be like them. I’m not ready for the emotional aspect that sex has and how it can complicate things.
I absolutely love that she's thought that all out. So many people don't. Makes me like her even more.

And, I want my future husband to experience everything that I have to offer, my heart, my soul, my mind and most importantly, my body. I guess you can call me a romantic but I want the first guy that I lay with, to be the last.”
That was an absolutely perfect way to describe that. I mean perfect.

“For just being you. I respect and admire your reasons for waiting. And I don’t need our lips to meet; to know that I want you to be my first and... last.”
:cloud9: I simply adore Nick when he's like this.

Melly really liked this update. She did. She did. She's floating in happy land now.