Danger Lurks In All Corners Of Life

Disclaimer:You know where.

Danger Lurks In All Corners Of Life

Chapter 10

You see Sydney and Alice facing off Alice is still pointing the gun at Syd.

"You never liked me did you?"she asks.

Sydney looks at the woman in front of her"I never meant to hurt you,"she says.

Alice snorted"ya right,"she says."Megan,Jen and Matt should have been mine not yours."

Sydney glowers at her"just shows you stroke of luck my kids wont turn out to be psycho lunatics,"she says.

Alice glares at her and advances on Sydney"you know I thought there was something about you when we met at the bar the way he looked at you,"she says.

"Well I just have that charm,"Sydney says.

Alice lunged at her but Sydney sidestepped and Alice went flying past her.

Alice pointed her gun at Sydney but then you hear the click of a gun barrell.Sydney looks behind her she sees its Vaughn.

But then suddenly you hear a gunshot fired it catches Vaughn in the chest and then suddenly Sydney picks up her gun and fires at Alice and shoots her.

She rushes over to Vaughn she checks him over but breathes a sigh of relief when she finds he had a bullet proof vest on.

"Oh thank goodness,"she says.

"Always be prepared,"he says.

She smiles at him and leans down and kisses him on the lips."Agents Vaughn are you okay?"someone asks.

"Yes we're fine,"Sydney says.

He nods and moves on.


Two months later you see Sydney in the kitchen of their house.She's icing a cake.

Megan comes downstairs and smiles at her mother
"mommy,"she says.

"Hi baby happy birthday,"she says.

She hugs and kisses her on the cheek.

You see the whole full of screaming kids and mothers who were trying to quieten them.

Jack and Michael are watching them all from the barbecue"how does she do it?"Jack asks.

"I have no idea,"Michael says.

Sydney comes out bringing two plates of meat and sausages followed by her mother with the same.

"Dad can you handle this?"Sydney asks.

"Sure honey,"he says.

She grabs Michael's hand and leads him away and he smiles at her and she smiles back."What?"he asks.

Sydney looks at him and smiles"I have something to tell you,"she says.

He nods"what?"he asks.

"I'm pregnant again,"she says.He looks at her in shock"two months along possibly the night we were all back as a family."

He smiles at her"aaah I'm so happy,"he says.He twirls her around and then kisses her.


Hey I finally finished it.I'm doing a sequel so just hang on.

Please enjoy and review.
