Season 1 Danny Hecht's funeral scene


Sydney's Lover
There aren't too many ways to describe our show's Pilot episode.

Brilliant. Genius. Wonderful. Exceptional. Emotional. Ground-breaking.

Brilliant is my favorite one.

You have all seen this episode and if you're here it's probably because you're watching it again on DVD.

The reason I posted this message is Danny Hecht's funeral scene. Now that's just a tremendously directed moment. Sydney's tears. Francie's tears. The gray clouds in the sky. The great tune by Peter Gabriel called "Here Comes the Flood" - excellent choice for the entire scene.

If you have watched Alias during these last 3 years and watch this scene again, I dare you NOT to feel something while watching that scene.

Sydney Bristow is as real as a fictional character can be. We're all so emotionally connected to her.

So when we see what a beautiful person she is and we see her changing her message on her answering machine, at least I can't help but cry (and I'm a guy).

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>ANSWERING MACHINE: (Sydney) Hey, this is Sydney! (Danny) And this is Danny. I don't live here. (Sydney giggles) Leave me a message and I'll call you back! (Danny) Thank you. She meant to say "Thank you." (Beep.)
(She listens to Danny and swallows her tears. She hits record.)
SYDNEY: Hey, this is Sydney. Leave me a message... Thank you.</span>

The scene ends with Gabriel's final line for the song:

"Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."

I think this might be the show's most emotional scene ever. We see Sydney dealing with the worst thing anyone can experience: the death of a loved one. And it's as touching as a scene has ever been on this show. That might sound corny, but it's true. And this scene has got to be on my top 10 Alias scenes of all time. I love it.
I know, it was fantastic. I absolutely loved Sydney and Danny's love. In one episode you could see that their love was also a once in a lifetime. It wasn't over when he died either. She didn't move on in two seconds, it took her most of the whole first season, and I loved that. Cause that's more realistic than just moving right on completely. Sydney and Danny's love was real, and I loved it. They were precious.

it was! we did get to know her personality and could connect with her! The funeral was really realistic!

Amy Tippens hair stuck right out with all the black dresses and suits
I know! I loved that Amy's hair was what showed right through. But didn't you absolutely feel Sydney's love for Danny? Her tears, trailing down her face and hanging at her chin, she didn't wipe them away, she was too lost to.

You really felt the love, and the pain. Sydney lost her love. :(
ivand67 said:
There aren't too many ways to describe our show's Pilot episode.

Brilliant. Genius. Wonderful. Exceptional. Emotional. Ground-breaking.

Brilliant is my favorite one.

You have all seen this episode and if you're here it's probably because you're watching it again on DVD.

The reason I posted this message is Danny Hecht's funeral scene. Now that's just a tremendously directed moment. Sydney's tears. Francie's tears. The gray clouds in the sky. The great tune by Peter Gabriel called "Here Comes the Flood" - excellent choice for the entire scene.

If you have watched Alias during these last 3 years and watch this scene again, I dare you NOT to feel something while watching that scene.

Sydney Bristow is as real as a fictional character can be. We're all so emotionally connected to her.

So when we see what a beautiful person she is and we see her changing her message on her answering machine, at least I can't help but cry (and I'm a guy).

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>ANSWERING MACHINE: (Sydney) Hey, this is Sydney! (Danny) And this is Danny. I don't live here. (Sydney giggles) Leave me a message and I'll call you back! (Danny) Thank you. She meant to say "Thank you." (Beep.)
(She listens to Danny and swallows her tears. She hits record.)
SYDNEY: Hey, this is Sydney. Leave me a message... Thank you.</span>

The scene ends with Gabriel's final line for the song:

"Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry."

I think this might be the show's most emotional scene ever. We see Sydney dealing with the worst thing anyone can experience: the death of a loved one. And it's as touching as a scene has ever been on this show. That might sound corny, but it's true. And this scene has got to be on my top 10 Alias scenes of all time. I love it.
I finally got to see that ep earlier today on DVD (I'll be watching all of the first three seasons' eps in order, starting with "Truth Be Told") - the funeral scene, and what led up to it,
(Sydney's traumatic discovery of Danny's body in the bathroom after Sloane ordered his execution)
were poignant moments for Syd, and moving for the rest of us who watched.

Seeing how she felt about Danny throughout the episode, I can agree that Syd is indeed someone filled with inner beauty (emotionally and spiritually), especially in how she dealt with his death.
I have seen the premiere twice--just saw it again on TNT and I was kind of shocked at how intense Sydney's grief was for Danny compared to her grief over losing Vaughn. She doen't show anywhere near the grief for vaughn. Bummer.
Danny was her first loss, and the first cut's always the deepest. By the time Vaughn's death came around, I feel Sydney was just too cried out. Still, it would've been nice to have seen a little more emotion with Sydney for Vaughn, but I understand that she was just too in shock and too exhausted.
The scene and the music were definitely brought up together during one emotional moment ... it is definitely a great scene and believe I still cry over it ... its the beginning of our love of the show ... ;)