David Anders guest starring

I see David Anders guest starring in Grey's Anatomy. This is the episode that leads to Addison leaving for her own spin off show.

I wonder if Merrin Dungey got him to appear. It can't be a coincidence to have two Alias co-stars on at once.
I didn't notice David at first since he was accent-less and i wasn't expecting him.

I also wondered if Merrin had something to do with his apperance. I bet it was fun for the two of them to work together again!
I didn't recognize him at first either ... but it was good to have him on my tv-screen again ...

and Merrin was great ... hope the new show is picked up by ABC ;)
When they were doing the credits at the beginning of the show I caught his name right away. It was so weird seeing him without an accent! I was all freaked out because Francie and Sark were together, and no good can come of that, but then I had to keep telling myself they weren't Francie and Sark. It was all very confusing in my mind that night :confused: I liked seeing them together again, but I wasn't exactly impressed with Addison's new spin off. It seemed really rushed. They were introducing all these characters that I didn't know and focusing way too much on them. They should have eased into the show.
yay i was so happy wen i found oput merin was going to be on greys. and then all of a sudden i looked at the credits and i saw DAVID ANDERS! and i was likee nooo way! no frikin way! haha then i finally saw david anders and i was likee..wow him with no accent was pretty interesting.
I didn't notice him at first either, but when I did my mouth dropped! It was great seeing him again even if it was for a little while. I like him better with the accent, it makes him stand out more, IMO.
Yeah, I don't like him as much without the accent. Then again, I have always thought that men with accents are 10 times hotter than they should be!