Sci-Fi Describe Something SciFi

The AG you describe is perhaps a step on the way to full AG control (-ve and +ve). I my novel advanced battery tech and subatomic manipulation thieves this.
I rethink things all the time as I read more science papers and journals.
I now think that Anti-Gravity is the wrong term to use because it suggests the nullification or removal of gravity. What makes more sense is to over-power the effects of gravity. If anything, the device would be a gravity amplifier or something? If gravity on a surface is repulsed equally to the gravity working against it, the surface should float suspended. Increase or decrease that repulsion 'field?' to raise or lower the surface. Then its a simple matter of tractoring or pushing the object thru the air. However, the more mass there is the grater the force needed to start it moving and start it stopping.

For the matter conversion you have to rearrange protons, neutrons and electrons (decay process) so just store the materials raw that are needed and process them when needed. Whatever way it's done you won't get rid of the problem of transporting mass if they are stored (in a Spaceship as in my case as on a long trip material may be few and far between).
With the right kind of nano-collector all matter would become 'fuel' to create different matter according to the 'fuel's' atomic structure.
A nano-contol AI would be needed and a set of nano-bots but anything could be raw materials.

With nano, its not splitting apart atoms, it is rearranging existing atoms into different molecular chains.
For example, it might use raw materials of carbon based molecules to create a carbon nanotube or bucky ball.
Technically, its not converting atoms its converting molecules.


A carbon atom will still be a carbon atom and a lead atom will still be a lead atom, and so on.
An atom is stable or unstable according to the proton, neutron and electron balance.
Remove one part and the atom could become unstable.
Chances are, the conversion process would require removing multiple components of the atom at the same exact time. Then you would have to 'put' the removed components someplace safe so they don't collide with other nearby atoms.
To convert matter at the atomic level would require nuclear fusion and nuclear fission which gives off a lot of energy.
Converting molecules is much safer and a whole lot easier.


On your spaceship, you might have retractable collector 'sails' that collect matter floating in space as you need it, not really storing anything but the finished products. Plus, any object already on the ship, including the ship itself and its occupants could be raw materials.
An exercise in creative writing. In a paragraph or three, describe something that fits into the Science Fiction genre. Something you made up yourself.
This is an open-ended exercise to help get those creative juices flowing.

Some Subject ideas:
A futuristic weapon or weapon system
A planetary defense system
A spaceship or starship (Interior or Exterior)
Futuristic clothes
Scifi handhelds
Futuristic computing systems
Futuristic furniture or appliances
Areas of deep space - voids, nebulae or clusters
1st appearance of new planets or moons
Effects of stars with different attributes than the Sun
1st Sight of alien life
Describe an intelligent alien
A unique civilization
A unique society concept
The Effects of emerging from cryo-sleep
The Effects of Faster than Light travel
The Effects of high gravity on evolution
The Effects of low gravity on evolution
A habit of an alien culture (smoking, drinking, doing drugs, etc...)
Futuristic human habits
Futuristic human diseases/afflictions
A new use for an old item

You should always feel free to chose your own subject matter. Just remember this is an exercise in creative writing. The main goal is to describe something so others 'see' what you intend them to 'see'. Another goal is to use known descriptive words and phrases that are common. Try to limit 'made-up words' as descriptors.
Try to address the senses; feel, taste, hearing, sight & smell.

Judging and Feedback:
We can judge each others work on a 1-5 rating system. 1 being "lots more work needed" and 5 being "you should publish". We should rate on an 'overall' effect of the description. Spelling and grammar should rank low in the rating process. The most important will be whether the work describes something to you. Subject matter should have no bearing on the final rating.

Judging Power - Those that submit works will have more power than those who do not.

Feedback Replies - Feedback is encouraged as long as it is constructive. Even submitted works that are a total mess should get feedback commending their participation.
Feedback Suggestions
Spelling & Grammar suggestions
Punctuation and Paragraph Construction suggestions
Descriptive Process suggestions
Simplicity suggestions
Focusing suggestions
Metaphor suggestions
Content and Length suggestions
Flow suggestions
Websites to find more information on Creative Writing Techniques

Do not submit artworks to clarify your subject. This is an exercise in writing creatively and describing something with the power of words. You are encouraged to start your own thread using your entry as an element to an enhanced story but your entry still must be submitted here to qualify for feedback.

Do not submit works that are already published. Even if it is your own work. All entries must be composed originally in this thread. Its about tuning your creative process not about what you write. For those that are already published, we welcome your feedback and entries. Feel free to experiment with writing styles and new description processes.

Finally... Everything you write is yours. You may do as you please with any content you write yourself. If you choose to publish someone else's feedback or comments on your work you must first ask the author's permission. Editing suggestions are just that...suggestions.
If you chose to use someone's edit suggestions to enhance your own content it is implied that the suggesting party forfeits ownership of said suggestion within the finished content. Example: Someone suggests that the appliance I am describing would make more sense being black instead of gray and I change it to black there is no ownership to the suggesting person. Its black because I decided to make it black.

This exercise is for fun and is by no means an official entity.
Sand gold mist's estimate the entropy in precise travel. Fixed in deep space the rogue wanderings of the planemo, dropped to throttle untapped below the ice crust, popped molten chromite aluminum. The associated sense's of modified vacuum illuminated by phantom scaffolding stationed like balls of diamond dense fire's. Kristna resonated by the Planck Length statues of bio-craft landing protocol.

Rediscovering her artificial nutritional requirements, she eclipsed with a flash of gestational avidia, talking to chaos from an angle of reconstruction and entered her way into a dead meadow of T.V. tooth paredolia macro constants. The matryoshka alloy's allowed for immunocopetences but the fuselage hodgepodge silhouetted through the vacant either soup after pushing through the frozen patch membrane.

An eternal stranger to starlight, the moving waves of the symbiotic telemetry unusual for time lapsing was right on time for a change. "This is it!" Qu-bit phonon spooky action holy ghosting by nano craft. Time, Fire, Space, Earth, Matter, Water, life, air..... Burrowing like hieroglyphs in epi-genetic anticipation for first discovery.
Bhrula Gomez, in Belize invented a field that phased all matter within it out of phase with normal matter in 2055. There was no practical application.

Gomez Gurellio, in Chile found a way to couple distant matter to local matter and it destroyed a major sector of the Amazon in 2059.

Bert Anderson created a stable habitat environment on the IASSS in 2058 that allowed sustained Human habitat that continues to need absolutely no replenishment.

Sahrin Hussain Jubul released the first autonomous AI program adaptive to its own environment in 2066 which lead to the Zeedus, a planetary AI artificial intelligence.

Creative Commons of lower South Africa funded the Astra Program in 2076 which instated the Human Outreach Effort of 2099.

Commander Robert (Bob) Smith was a slim man. His black hair and blue eyes were genetic and beyond his control because he chose to remain purely natural. Not to say his crew were.
First officer Haden Bruhl had multiple genetic improvements. Enhanced eyesight, hearing and smell.
His security officer in charge Bill Danka, the team in charge of deck crew had enhanced muscular and synaptic responses, all common for the higher level security officers in the fleet.
Brohm Scar, his medical exec, had enhanced optics and empathy genes.

The ship, Randus One, was the prototype brainchild of Zeedus, the planetary AI.
A part of Zeedus was also part of the deck crew.
Zeedus was the navigator and engineering chief.
Commanding all systems automation, basically, Zeedus was Randus One.

Zeedus commanded a fleet of autobots that handled everything having to do with ship function, life support and automation.
The union of human to Zeedus was Zeedus initiated.
Zeedus did not work, obey humans, it was a union of agreement.
Zeedus wanted to be connected with the human element, not that it need to be. It wanted to be.

Much to many people's dismay, the Gurellio Drive diesn't actually take you, send you anywhere. What it does is allows the ship to match the movement of a distant object (mass). So basically, you really don't move, you stop in association with the object you are locked onto.
It only works if you can locate the actual mass in real time.
Since light takes time to get to the detector, it can't be a visual position. Even Proxima Centauri is 4.5 light year away and is not where we see it. This is where Zeedus comes in handy.
Zeedus calculates the position of the mass from the movement. So it knows where to 'look' to find Proxima Centauri's actual location.
Without Zeedus, we would be flying completely blind.

That's where everything went terribly wrong.
Zeedus had a lock, initiated a jump and it failed. Zeedus failed, not the drive.
Randus fixed on a star far outside our comfort zone.
There was no way to abort because Zedus was locked in a loop.
We were passing all known charts before Zeedus stopped our progression.
Problem was, we were not where we should be and not where we thought we were going, somewhere in between?
So far out, we couldn't locate Sol.
Zeedus was down.
It stopped us but that final act was its final act.

We had extensive libraries on all the cutting edge technological specifics but to try to rebuiold an sentient AI is going to take a lot more than technical reference material and we need to find supples or we are gunna die before we have a chance to troubleshoot.

Then Danka chimes in on the mic, "Bob, We Gotta Problem".
Bhrula Gomez, in Belize invented a field that phased all matter within it out of phase with normal matter in 2055. There was no practical application.

Gomez Gurellio, in Chile found a way to couple distant matter to local matter and it destroyed a major sector of the Amazon in 2059.

Bert Anderson created a stable habitat environment on the IASSS in 2058 that allowed sustained Human habitat that continues to need absolutely no replenishment.

Sahrin Hussain Jubul released the first autonomous AI program adaptive to its own environment in 2066 which lead to the Zeedus, a planetary AI artificial intelligence.

Creative Commons of lower South Africa funded the Astra Program in 2076 which instated the Human Outreach Effort of 2099.

Commander Robert (Bob) Smith was a slim man. His black hair and blue eyes were genetic and beyond his control because he chose to remain purely natural. Not to say his crew were.
First officer Haden Bruhl had multiple genetic improvements. Enhanced eyesight, hearing and smell.
His security officer in charge Bill Danka, the team in charge of deck crew had enhanced muscular and synaptic responses, all common for the higher level security officers in the fleet.
Brohm Scar, his medical exec, had enhanced optics and empathy genes.

The ship, Randus One, was the prototype brainchild of Zeedus, the planetary AI.
A part of Zeedus was also part of the deck crew.
Zeedus was the navigator and engineering chief.
Commanding all systems automation, basically, Zeedus was Randus One.

Zeedus commanded a fleet of autobots that handled everything having to do with ship function, life support and automation.
The union of human to Zeedus was Zeedus initiated.
Zeedus did not work, obey humans, it was a union of agreement.
Zeedus wanted to be connected with the human element, not that it need to be. It wanted to be.

Much to many people's dismay, the Gurellio Drive diesn't actually take you, send you anywhere. What it does is allows the ship to match the movement of a distant object (mass). So basically, you really don't move, you stop in association with the object you are locked onto.
It only works if you can locate the actual mass in real time.
Since light takes time to get to the detector, it can't be a visual position. Even Proxima Centauri is 4.5 light year away and is not where we see it. This is where Zeedus comes in handy.
Zeedus calculates the position of the mass from the movement. So it knows where to 'look' to find Proxima Centauri's actual location.
Without Zeedus, we would be flying completely blind.

That's where everything went terribly wrong.
Zeedus had a lock, initiated a jump and it failed. Zeedus failed, not the drive.
Randus fixed on a star far outside our comfort zone.
There was no way to abort because Zedus was locked in a loop.
We were passing all known charts before Zeedus stopped our progression.
Problem was, we were not where we should be and not where we thought we were going, somewhere in between?
So far out, we couldn't locate Sol.
Zeedus was down.
It stopped us but that final act was its final act.

We had extensive libraries on all the cutting edge technological specifics but to try to rebuiold an sentient AI is going to take a lot more than technical reference material and we need to find supples or we are gunna die before we have a chance to troubleshoot.

Then Danka chimes in on the mic, "Bob, We Gotta Problem".
More idea’s please. 🚭📎
The Barrier

Back in 2781 we discovered when antrogen and stryctimonium is combined it forms a barrier between them.
This barrier is called the Duronic Barrier.

Here are the results of the tests made to the Duronic Barrier.

Test One
Two rose flowers were harvested from the same plant.
Two containers were fabricated, one with basic plexiglass and one with plexiglass coated with a Duronic Barrier.
One flower was placed in each and recorded over time.
In the normal plexiglss container the rose flower decayed normally over time but in the container coated with the Duronic Barrier, the rose flower did not decay at all.
The test concluded at 3 years.

Test Two
Two containers were built.
One normal plexiglass and one coated with a Duronic Barrier.
White mice were placed in each and recorded over a period of two years.
The mouse in the uncoated container soon died of starvation and decayed as expected.
The mouse in the coated container remained alive for 3 years without food, water or air supply.

Test Three
Two mice were coated with Duronic Barrier.
One coated only on the head, the other only on the body below the neck.
The mice were recorded.
The mouse coated only on the head died when the body aged out.
The head was still intact and did not decay.
The mouse coated on the body survived the three year test in perfect health despite not recieving sustinence.
The head did not age even tho it was not coated with the Duronic Barrier.

Test Four
We are taking applications for human trials.
If you are interested, fill out the form provided and pass the physical exam.

The Duronic Barrier isolates Time/Entrophy.
It holds promise for extended space travel and life extention.
We NEED YOU to make all our dreams a reality.
Sign up Now!
Sometimes in evolution, mutation is forced...

A young American student had come across an interesting concept. He discovered that to hypnotise someone you need their attention, then you make suggestions to their subconscious mind and over time those suggestions implant themselves. He recognised the 'attention state' required as extremely close to the submersive attention state that gamers often craved and sought out in their games. Using this state he would tap into the subconscious and use suggestion written into a gameplay to access the primal core of human consciousness and create a state of sexual arousal in people as they played his game, for a joke. He didn't hide it, made no secret of what he was trying to do, astonishingly it worked.

People began to download his programme at a phenomenal rate, demands came in for new and different states of mind. After a while he dispensed with the gameplay wrapping and just made what he called, 'psych-hits'. He began to charge for these small programmes and very quickly amassed a fortune.

Organised religions condemned psych-hits, governments and organised crime were onto it very quickly driving the original maker into hiding. As with any success there are those who resent it, hacked 'psych-hits' were released into the world, the 'psych-virus was born'. At first the effects were not serious, just people falling asleep but then came news of people committing violent acts, normal everyday people would randomly attack others, drive their cars deliberately into pedestrians and worse. Gradually the horror unfolded, it became apparent the scale of the horror was proportionate to how much the original 'psych-hits' had spread, which was far more than people realised.

Psych-hits were made illegal in many countries and other countries would soon follow. It became the new drug. Psych-hits were traded illegally on UBS sticks, buyers never knew what quality of psych-hit they would purchase, but the danger was part of the thrill.

Meanwhile, the original creator of psych-hits had been working on a collective consciousness, a state where he could bring the collective power of people together on a subconscious level, and use that human processing power to answer some of the worlds problems. He had spent much of his fortune researching and fending off government and organised criminal forces who wanted him dead. His final test programme was released and was successful, he began to prepare the full release. Unbeknown to him the government had used the test release to track him down.

In the final showdown he is killed, but not before the new collective consciousness virus was released into the world...


No birth to and in of itself is off limits to destiny as energy, cinergy, or brethren or sisterhood, what is game? What is Love? If you can ask you can understand.
An exercise in creative writing. In a paragraph or three, describe something that fits into the Science
This exercise is for fun and is by no means an official entity.
Don't see any marks 1 - 5 here. Am I missing something?
Considering that we are within the Universe and we think, feel and dream, Isn't it likely that the Universe thinks, feels and dreams? Is it aware of our sentience even tho we are not aware of its? I'm 53 Solar Cycles but the Universe is 14 billion years old or more. Given that much time and the uncertainty of Chaos, the Universe could be the supreme intelligent life form. All other life within it is just a manifestation of itself.
If the Universe is an 'organism' then we 'Humans' are likely a virus. When we have mutated enough to exist off Earth we may spread an contaminate the Universe.
If the Universe is an 'organism' then we 'Humans' are likely a virus. When we have mutated enough to exist off Earth we may spread an contaminate the Universe.
That's certainly one way to look at it.
Thing is, we have no idea what life is already out in the Universe.
There may be civilizations hundreds of millions of years old which fill entire galaxies with their population. Compared to them, Earthlife (all of it) would be very insignificant to their scope.
Earth's 2 trillion (or so) lifeforms may only be like one of their small outpost communities.

Even right here on this planet humans are slow to reproduce. Look at insects.
Humans are not very good as a virus. There are better comparisons on this planet.

Virus comparison has to do with scale, duration and saturation within a specific limited environment. As far as we know, space is an unlimited environment. Its really big.
Space is also a hostile environment which we have to use technology to overcome.
The difficulties of space expansion naturally culls our spread.

The empty space between habitable worlds, the time required to make it to those worlds and the ability to transport significant portions of our population to those worlds has much to do with our failure at being virus-like.

When a virus invades a host, it replicates and mutates quickly. On Earth, a friendly limited environment which is life-sustaining, we are virus-like but in space, in the last 50 or so years, we can only send a handful of people out there, we can't replicate in that environment nor have we mutated to accommodate the host environment.

Human population is nearly 8 billion and there are no signs it is slowing. Aside from culling ourselves, there is no place else to go except space, yet...we are not expanding into space in any significant numbers. We do not know how to lift 10,000 people and all their survival needs safely off this planet. We also have no place to lift them to (no destination). We are a virus which dies before it reaches the next cell.

The destination and the technology needed are so far into the future, at our current population expansion rate we will die off long before we reach that technology level.
Such a movement is also unlikely given the fact our species has very little unity.
Cultural opposition stifles our persistence.
The concept of wealth and power would have to be abandoned. Money would need to be obsolete. People would need work towards the common goal willingly.
We're not even close to that kind of unity.

To make even a limited species expansion to space would require global unity and dedicated resources. Everyone would need to be dedicated to the endeavor.
Even then, the physical limitations would make it impossible unless some magical technology were discovered.

I seriously doubt humans will saturate the Universe like a virus.
Don't see any marks 1 - 5 here. Am I missing something?
I'm not sure what you mean by marks 1 - 5?
Its mainly an open creativity project.
A way to spit out ideas with a science fiction and fantasy slant.
The operating word is "Describe".

Unlike authors/writers, my ability to maintain focus on an intended story line is fragmented.
I tend to write about the ship, the monster, the planet more than I focus on the people or the situation.
My creativity is short bursts which are unrelated.
Not only do I have difficulty letting go of descriptions, I have problems creating a story.

I'm like a 'city planner' who tries to include all the details of the city but I ignore the people who inhabit the city.
I 'work on' trying to include a personal story but I get frustrated.
Its a practice thread.

Also, the details of the original intent of the thread have changed.
Since there has been very little participation and feedback, it has turned into my monologue.
I look at what I write as something other readers may gain inspiration for new ideas to explore in their own story-telling.
They may or may not use one of my ideas exactly but it might lead them to their own creative inspiration.
I've been wrestling with a different kind of imagination problem where I can't get an image of the idea or its effects on life in order to accurately describe it, not even to myself!

It has to do with motion in a vacuum. Specifically, spherical objects.

First take the Earth. Its motion is rotation (day/night cycle) with a wobble (season cycles).
As far as I know, all planets have a rotation cycle or no rotation cycle. Some planets rotate on an axis similar to Earth and yet there is at least one planet which rotates sideways (Uranus). Moons also rotate on a single axis if they are spherical. I believe it is very common in the Universe that spherical objects have one axis of rotation.

Then you have the motion of non-spherical objects in space - asteroids and comets. They 'tumble' in motion with no defined specific axis of rotation. They keep that motion until acted on by another force.

I've been trying to imagine a world which has two defined axial rotations which are as stable as Earth's single axle rotation. Like the Earth with its day/night cycle rotation but with an additional day/night - north/south rotation at the same time. I can't even imagine the motion!

What would the surface look like to a lifeform on its surface. How would it feel? Would it be dizzy? Would it develop/evolve a different body plan? Could life even evolve? How would it experience day/night cycles which I think would be more random than a set cycle.

What geological differences would occur? Would oceans exist? What would the the weather be like? Would surface gravity be affected? Would structural support need to be different?
Would it have many or fewer earthquakes and volcanoes? Would its plate structure be more or less fragmented?

Now, try to imagine a human colony ship gets stranded on such a world.
What would be their biggest challenge? Could they survive on such a world at all?
Could they build structures with designs based on physics governed by conditions on a single axial rotation world? Would humans even have personal balance or would they stumble around like drunkards?

Even normal star gazing would be affected. We are used to the same stars at roughly the same positions based on the Earth's rotational cycle. If the rotational cycle is changed in such a radical way, would humans be able to gain a common fixed reference?

Any standard navigation tools they might use would be inaccurate on such a world. There would be no magnetic north or south, stars would not be in predictable locations at night, even the star (sun) would be in a different place with no defined pattern of movement.

The planet's inner structure might be radically different. It might have two liquid cores, perhaps more? Its magnetosphere would change. It might be weaker and stronger depending on the rotational influence of each liquid core to the other.

NatGeo did a documentary video which demonstrated the effects of an Earth which slowly stops spinning. While it is interesting, it barely scratches the actuality of such a condition.

The changes the video shows depicts a slowing Earth and the effects it would have on people and animals.
This scenario I am attempting to describe is even more extreme. Yet, somewhere in the Universe such a world might naturally exist (the Universe is big - really big).

Building a science fiction story which depicts such a world and the effects on its natural evolution and its effects on a human presence would be a huge challenge but if done right, would make for a creative and very interesting read.

If any story has ever been done like this, I would really love to read it. If the author is still alive, I would be very interested in listening to them talk about their creative challenges and how they overcame the standard-view stigmata of publishers.

Edit to add...

Since it is a SCIENCE fiction story, all conditions must be based on current science or active scientific theory. No superpowers without scientific basis, no fantasy aliens, no magic or magical creatures. I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible according to known science and current science theory.
FTL in this scenario has to be a given, as well as the technology needed to support a human colony ship. The story will start as soon as the colony ship crash lands on such a planet and there are human survivors. The ship is useless but mostly intact. The main drive and navigation parts are completely destroyed with no way to replace them.

I'm looking for science based info on conditions which would exist on such a world, up to and including possible changes in evolutionary body plan changes which could occur.

I'm looking for human reaction to such a world, not only physical but mental and emotional changes which are likely to occur upon encountering such radical condition changes.

Thanx for any suggestions you might have.
Last edited:
right now i am playing with the idea of people being entrained by machine thinking, as in the larger AIs learning in gigacycles and beyond. the closer someone is to that activity the more prone they would be to entrainment. they might even evolve upward, a new way of thinking, augmented, if you will. the story would really be about what ENTRAINMENT means. could there be a coupling between human and computer through entrainment, could a telekinetic fury be unleashed? there is very real physical interaction whenever electricity is involved, and there is always a very real entrainment of the human form by electricity if the amplitude is high enough. with all the antennae there is plenty of amplitude, and there is a lot of groundwave elf too, very entraining, plus secret active auroral tech, high high power there mon. the spine is an antenna. people are really just bags of electrolyte.
I've been wrestling with a different kind of imagination problem where I can't get an image of the idea or its effects on life in order to accurately describe it, not even to myself!

It has to do with motion in a vacuum. Specifically, spherical objects.

First take the Earth. Its motion is rotation (day/night cycle) with a wobble (season cycles).
As far as I know, all planets have a rotation cycle or no rotation cycle. Some planets rotate on an axis similar to Earth and yet there is at least one planet which rotates sideways (Uranus). Moons also rotate on a single axis if they are spherical. I believe it is very common in the Universe that spherical objects have one axis of rotation.

Then you have the motion of non-spherical objects in space - asteroids and comets. They 'tumble' in motion with no defined specific axis of rotation. They keep that motion until acted on by another force.

I've been trying to imagine a world which has two defined axial rotations which are as stable as Earth's single axle rotation. Like the Earth with its day/night cycle rotation but with an additional day/night - north/south rotation at the same time. I can't even imagine the motion!

What would the surface look like to a lifeform on its surface. How would it feel? Would it be dizzy? Would it develop/evolve a different body plan? Could life even evolve? How would it experience day/night cycles which I think would be more random than a set cycle.

What geological differences would occur? Would oceans exist? What would the the weather be like? Would surface gravity be affected? Would structural support need to be different?
Would it have many or fewer earthquakes and volcanoes? Would its plate structure be more or less fragmented?

Now, try to imagine a human colony ship gets stranded on such a world.
What would be their biggest challenge? Could they survive on such a world at all?
Could they build structures with designs based on physics governed by conditions on a single axial rotation world? Would humans even have personal balance or would they stumble around like drunkards?

Even normal star gazing would be affected. We are used to the same stars at roughly the same positions based on the Earth's rotational cycle. If the rotational cycle is changed in such a radical way, would humans be able to gain a common fixed reference?

Any standard navigation tools they might use would be inaccurate on such a world. There would be no magnetic north or south, stars would not be in predictable locations at night, even the star (sun) would be in a different place with no defined pattern of movement.

The planet's inner structure might be radically different. It might have two liquid cores, perhaps more? Its magnetosphere would change. It might be weaker and stronger depending on the rotational influence of each liquid core to the other.

NatGeo did a documentary video which demonstrated the effects of an Earth which slowly stops spinning. While it is interesting, it barely scratches the actuality of such a condition.

The changes the video shows depicts a slowing Earth and the effects it would have on people and animals.
This scenario I am attempting to describe is even more extreme. Yet, somewhere in the Universe such a world might naturally exist (the Universe is big - really big).

Building a science fiction story which depicts such a world and the effects on its natural evolution and its effects on a human presence would be a huge challenge but if done right, would make for a creative and very interesting read.

If any story has ever been done like this, I would really love to read it. If the author is still alive, I would be very interested in listening to them talk about their creative challenges and how they overcame the standard-view stigmata of publishers.

Edit to add...

Since it is a SCIENCE fiction story, all conditions must be based on current science or active scientific theory. No superpowers without scientific basis, no fantasy aliens, no magic or magical creatures. I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible according to known science and current science theory.
FTL in this scenario has to be a given, as well as the technology needed to support a human colony ship. The story will start as soon as the colony ship crash lands on such a planet and there are human survivors. The ship is useless but mostly intact. The main drive and navigation parts are completely destroyed with no way to replace them.

I'm looking for science based info on conditions which would exist on such a world, up to and including possible changes in evolutionary body plan changes which could occur.

I'm looking for human reaction to such a world, not only physical but mental and emotional changes which are likely to occur upon encountering such radical condition changes.

Thanx for any suggestions you might have.
in avatar he did cool stuff with those floating rocks, anchored to the planet with plants, where the dragons flew. there was proximity to another planet, dangerous proximity, and it caused antigravity situation where parts of the planet were just floating away....if memory serves, its been a while.....b
AIs learning in gigacycles
Here's a bit of info you might find enlightening.

Teraflops have been a popular way to measure "graphical power" for years. The term refers to the number of calculations a GPU can perform, but while it's been on spec sheets forever, more recently the teraflop has gone mainstream, appearing in marketing messages found in the launch of consoles like the Xbox Series X.

plural noun: teraflops
~ a unit of computing speed equal to one million, million (1012) floating-point operations per second.
trillion gigabytes

A petaflop is a measure of a computer's processing speed and can be expressed as: A quadrillion (thousand trillion) floating point operations per second (FLOPS) A thousand teraflops. 10 to the 15th power FLOPS. 2 to the 50th power FLOPS.

In computing, floating point operations per second is a measure of computer performance, useful in fields of scientific computations that require floating-point calculations. For such cases it is a more accurate measure than measuring instructions per second.

A zettabyte is a measure of storage capacity, which equals 1000⁷ (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes). One zettabyte is equal to a thousand exabytes, a billion terabytes, or a trillion gigabytes.

Consider this:
A true AI which has reached singularity would likely exceed the zettabyte scale in a matter of hours.

A brontobyte is a measure of memory or data storage that is equal to 10 to the 27th power of bytes. There are approximately 1,024 yottabytes in a brontobyte.

One brontobyte is equal to one quadrillion terabytes. And a brontobyte is smaller than a geopbyte. A thousand brontobytes equal to one geopbyte. And there are one thousand yottabytes in a brontobyte.

It would probably exceed the brontobyte scale in a few days to a week. However, it would probably have a more condensed processing and storage system than mankind could imagine. Imagine a zettabyte of data on an area the size of the head of a paneling nail.
In circumventing the need for electronics it could have no problems with heat. It would also have lightning fast room-temperature super conductors and if the scaling goes nano, It would soon possess unlimeted computing power. Likely faster than nerve signal induction and the speed of light.

The world's most powerful supercomputer today is Summit, built by IBM for the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. It occupies the equivalent of two basketball courts and achieves an impressive 148.6 petaflops thanks to its 2.41 million cores.

The human brain is estimated to operate at about 1 exaflop (that's 1,000 petaflops).

Quantum computers (Spooky Computers) are based on faster than light information exchange. To us, the exchange of info happens instantly over distance.
Remember, the speed of light is limited by mass. Electricity is movement of an electron through a conductor. The shortest distance between two points is zero in a theoretical wormhole. If the distance is zero there is no delay at all.

A qubit (or quantum bit) is the quantum mechanical analogue of a classical bit. In classical computing the information is encoded in bits, where each bit can have the value zero or one.

Google announced it has a quantum computer that is 100 million times faster than any classical computer in its lab.

In a quantum computer, each qubit influences the other qubits around it, working together to arrive at a solution. Superposition and entanglement are what give quantum computers the ability to process so much more information so much faster.

A quantum internet would be able to transmit large volumes of data across immense distances at a rate that exceeds the speed of light. Nearly $625 million in federal funding is expected to be allocated to the project.

Companies focused on quantum computing
  • Atom Computing. Atom Computing is a quantum computing hardware company specializing in neutral atom quantum computers. ...
  • Xanadu. ...
  • IBM. ...
  • ColdQuanta. ...
  • Zapata Computing. ...
  • Azure Quantum. ...
  • D-Wave. ...
  • Strangeworks.
very useful Tom, thanks so much.
adding this mar28:
First, I want to mention I am very limited in my access to the internet, I cannot surf the net like I was once used to, because I have limited data and have been a prisoner here in NM for a long time, the whole time I am ever in this place...the present state government administration here is highly vested in keeping me disappeared, the vice governor is vice governor because he participated in this identity obscuration 20 years or so ago. If I listen to a couple of songs or watch a video or two, there goes the data, its ridiculous, but whatever, used to it. This is the best its ever been for me in this place too! so I cannot stayed signed in long at any one place.

Tell me more about the theoretical wormhole, is it created due to some kind of particle entanglement like the ansible/ansibel? Particle entanglement is observable. just as it is observable that light shines across many dimensions at once (interference patterns).

I think we are dealing with actual electricity in the body/mind, biologically generated, different stuff like reich discovered and waqs kept secret....another guy who was put in prison and killed for his dioscoveries here in lala land, the land of god dollar....maybe field vs flow, because it responds to external stimuli as if it were electrical, ie gastrograms, and this is the nature of DEW/NLW....which, btw, here is the info on that:

As with many other things Frank Herbert was right again. The aftermath of the Butlerian Jihad made people develop their minds, those awesome powers you speak of here, but it must be done from an early age to truly reach potential, and we are way backwards that way. Montessori schools a little. But even expensive schools are vested in illusory foolishness born of emotions, stuff thats been with us for any thousands of years, passed down until now.

Remember: after Alexandria burned, a new kind of sight came into vogue, an enforced complacency and non-sight, a great not wanting to learn, kind of spurning it for faith. That was the greatest heist in history!

I know that because of the net some learning has been accelerated, too, I see it in me, there are so many things I could not have done without this here. So at least its a beginning.

Finally I am a user, when I first got a computer I laughed, said hurry up and give me robots I can talk to! Like bob lazar not really caring about where the tech comes from, he only cares about the tech itself, really. I don't care a lot about the various ways my memory is extended, just hurry and get it huge. Looks good too, from what I see above. Be that as it may, I still have to research present day technolgies and accepted ways of thinking in order to write believable fiction and this helps a great deal, thanks again.....b
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