Season 4 Descriptive Episode 4.04 Summary - Ice

Season 4: Episode 4 - "Ice"
Summary by superintelligentone aka SIO

The scene opens in an indoor bazaar in Algeria. A bearded, moustached Caucasian man wearing a baseball ball nervously says to each western looking person that he sees, “My bird is missing.” The man is an American in his mid 30s named Derek Modell. Agent Weiss, dressed as a tourist, walks up from behind to stop him from acting so conspicuously, and corrects him “It's ‘I've lost my canary’ and try telling it to the woman in the café upstairs.” Modell looks upward and then rushes off to the meeting, leaving Weiss shaking his head at how the man ‘sticks out like a sore thumb.’ Modell bumps into pedestrians as he threads his way through the crowd. We see him pass by Vaughn, also posing as a tourist dressed in casual clothing, looking at a vendor’s wares. Modell heads up to the staircase up to the second floor. He spots the casually dressed Sydney sitting at a table, drinking a cup of espresso. He sits down across the table from her and looks around nervously before he says “I, uh ... I've lost my canary.” Sydney responds with the counter phrase “You should have clipped its wings.” Modell sighs in relief, crosses his arms together and shivers a little bit, saying “It's weird. Are you cold? I'm kind of cold. It's probably nerves. It’s not like I’ve ever stol...” A waiter arrives to refill Sydney’s cup and asks in Arabic “Anything for your friend?” Sydney replies in Arabic “No thanks.” We see that the waiter is Dixon dressed in a kaftan, vest and kufi Islamic cap. Dixon walks away to serve other customs and continue watching for trouble. Modell asks “Now … Can I see my money?” Sydney replies “As soon as you show me the weapon.” Modell is uncomfortable and evasive as he says “Umm. Yeah. Funny thing about that. The weapon … might take a little while. (The) only way I could smuggle it out ...” He leans forward and says quietly “I swallowed it.”

The scene cuts to Vaughn at his post downstairs, watching for signs of trouble in the marketplace. As he turns, Vaughn’s attention is drawn to a blonde woman dressed in western style clothes, whose’s back is towards him, browsing at the stall across from him. He stares in disbelief at the possibility that this Lauren. When the woman finally turns, we see that she isn’t Lauren at all. The tension leaves his body and Vaughn lets out a sigh of relief. As the woman leaves, Vaughn attention is drawn to a Caucasian man, who has walked past her from another stall. Observing that the man is not acting like a tourist, Vaughn radios a warning to Sydney.

Upstairs at the café, Sydney hears through her com link Vaughn warning “Uh, we have company ... Single white male downstairs in the back.” Noticing the concerned expression on Sydney’s face, Modell asks “What's wrong?” Syd looks at him and says accusingly “You didn't follow our safety protocols, did you?” Modell is indignant at her suggestion, saying “What? Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?” Sydney replies coldly “You were followed.” Modell whips his head around, looking for the threat, thinking that she meant the danger was already upon them. Sydney turns her head to her left and spots a blonde Caucasian man on the other side of a wrought iron divider outside of the café examining some rugs. Syd warns “I've got a second white male (sighted).” Dixon hears the com message and radios back “I see another two ... Strike that, three more.” Sydney coms back “Going to plan B.” Modell asks “What's plan B?” Sydney gets up, grabs Modell by the hand and leads him away, saying “Come on!” Two of the men that Dixon spotted see them hurrying away and chasing after them. Sydney and Modell head down a staircase. Outside, Weiss starts up his van and speeds off to the extraction point. Back inside, Dixon grabs some sort of staff and trips the two men as they run by him. The men fall to the floor which enables Dixon to club them. As Sydney and Modell emerge at the bottom of the staircase, she urges him “Come on, come on.” The man that Vaughn identified spots them running away and draws the pistol that he had hidden under his left arm. As he is about to shoot, Vaughn bashes him in the face with a metal skillet from one of the vendors. Syd and Modell are hurrying, weaving through the crowd when the main blonde man that Sydney had identified tackles Modell into one of the stalls. Sydney looks for a weapon to use and then whacks the thug in the face with a skillet. She reaches down and helps Modell back to his feet. He groans and says “I can't make it. Helping him along, Syd insists “You don't have a choice.” Outside, Weiss honks the horn twice to get a pedestrian out of the way as the van turns a corner and skids to a stop. Inside the bazaar, Dixon radios the team “Anybody have a ‘twenty’ on the last guy?”

Sydney and Modell are walking quickly toward the exit, with him clutching his abdomen. Suddenly Modell’s left leg breaks off at mid calf with a loud crack as he is walking. He drops to the ground in shock. Sydney looks down, noticing that the leg and Modell are not bleeding at the injury site. Modell rolls onto his back and gasps, reaching down towards his injury in horror. Sydney stares at him in shock momentarily, then she stoops down to try to help him. Vaughn rushes up and says “Come on!” Syd and Vaughn each lift Modell under the arms and drag him backward toward the van. Weiss opens the back doors of the van, awaiting for them. As they drag Modell near the van, the last of the thugs appears and takes aim with a pistol. Dixon spots the thug and tries to knock his gun hand away. Dixon hits the man’s arm a moment too late, so the bullet strikes Modell in the head. His entire body shatters into tiny frozen pieces that shower everywhere, including Vaughn, Weiss and Sydney. They brush off the fragments and then exchange astonished looks.

Sometime later, it is daytime in Los Angeles. An elevator door opens and we see that Vaughn has an exhausted look on his face. He sighs and then exits. As he is walking down the corridor, we hear Sydney’s voice call out “Hey” to him. We see Syd, who is wearing glasses, coming out of the secret entrance to the APO in the subway Electrical Room. Vaughn turns towards Sydney and replies “Hey.” He smiles as she approaches. Sydney smiles back as she approaches, but then her expression changes to one of concern as she says “God, you look awful.” Vaughn chuckles “Thank you ... Good morning.” Syd studies his appearance intently and then asks in a serious tone “You all right?” Vaughn considers for an moments and then nods affirmatively “Yeah ... you know ...” He turns and they walk together down the hallway. Vaughn takes a deep breath before saying “It’s not every day you see a guy shatter into a million pieces.” Sydney accepts his explanation by saying “Yeah.”

A short time later in his office, Sloane is holding a briefing of the team. He informs them “Two weeks ago, the CIA was contacted by an American expatriate named Derek Modell. Mr. Modell, for reasons more pecuniary (monetary) than patriotic, stole a sample of a new biological agent from an arms dealer in Montenegro. He called it ‘Ice 5', and offered it to the Agency for ten thousand dollars.” Jack continues “As you know, Mr. Modell failed to comply with any number of safety protocols we'd outlined, and he was followed and killed before the exchange could be completed.” Weiss interjects “Killed? He exploded like a frozen pinata.” Sloane continues “We believe his death was caused by this biological agent he was transporting.” Sydney says “You're saying this stuff turned Modell into a human popsicle.” Marshall raises his right hand anxiously, as if he were a student in a classroom, as he offers “Uh ... If I may, I might be able to ... if you're all curious ... elucidate.” Marshall slips on a protective latex glove then stands up and explains “Well we know that this guy, Modell, he swallowed the sample to smuggle it out, kind of like a drug mule.” Reaching into a plastic specimen bag for the metal vial inside, Marshall continues “Based on some tests, we found the sample in this medical container. It was found in the van mixed with the ...” Weiss interjects “Chunks.” Marshall regretfully admits “Yeah ... Chunks.” He then continues “This was not meant to be swallowed. It probably started leaking as soon as it got into his stomach. And then, when he was tackled, bam, complete rupture, instant O.D.. Seeking clarification, Nadia asks “When you say instant O.D., you mean it instantly froze him?” Marshall corrects her, saying “Well, not exactly. It didn't really freeze him as much as freeze-dry him. It crystallized him in seconds.” Vaughn adds “So the mission was a bust.” Weiss cracks “So to speak.” Sloane resumes “Now this man, Derek Modell, spent the last nine months as a relief worker at the Hospital Sava in Montenegro. He believed that Ice 5 was being covertly developed there by a man named Fintan Keene. Dixon comments “I haven't heard that name in a while.” Sloane puts a photo of Keene up on the screen and says “That's because Mr. Keene claims to have gone legitimate.” Sydney comments sarcastically “Seems to be all the rage among evil geniuses.” Sloane disregards her barb and continues “Fintan Keene is wanted by just about everybody, but he's protected. He runs his arms and drug op out of Montenegro, taking advantage of its political instability.” Dixon asks “You want us to take down Keene?” Jack shakes his head ‘no’ and says “The director simply wants us to obtain a viable sample of Ice 5.” Sloane hands Syd a file folder and says “So, Sydney, we're sending you into Montenegro as a relief worker from the UK branch of Omnifam. I want you to understand this is not a tactical mission. We go in, obtain the Ice 5, and come out. I don't want anyone else getting this before we do. That's all. Good luck.” The briefing ends.

The next scene has Vaughn pouring himself some coffee in the break room. Jack walks in and as he reaches for the coffee pot, asks “Is there something on your mind, Agent Vaughn?” Vaughn eyes shifts around and replies “No, not really.” Jack sips his coffee, but his eyes are fixed on Vaughn’s. Seeing that Jack is unconvinced, Vaughn sighs and admits “I'm not sleeping very well.” Jack pauses for a moment, then nods and says “It's Lauren, isn't it?” Vaughn pauses again, then confesses “I think I see her sometimes, or … I thought I saw her … in the market in Algeria.” We see in in Vaughn’s expression that he is looking for help from Jack as he asks “That ever happen with you?” Jack replies with a sarcastic deadpan “Do I have visions of Lauren?” Vaughn responds with an equally sarcastic deadpan “I don't know many people who killed the woman they were married to. I was just wondering if that's what happens.” Jack replies simply “It did ... Now it doesn't.” Jack turns and walks away, leaving him to deal with his problem alone.

Sometime later at her house, Sydney tells Nadia “I'm taking the last of the toothpaste” and puts it in her suitcase for the trip. Nadia is seated, reading a magazine in front of the fireplace as she replies “It's okay. I'm going to the store later.” Sydney has a small smile on her face as she admits “Do you know how excited I am that I'm not the only one going to the store?” Sydney is happy at having her sister Nadia living with her. Nadia comes to Sydney’s bedroom and asks “You need anything (from the store)? Syd replies “No, I'm good. Thanks” as she folds clothes to pack into her suitcase. Nadia looks over to the dresser table and notices the pile of photographs on. Hesitantly, she asks Sydney “You mind if I...?” Syd sees what she means, so she replies “No ... go ahead.” Nadia picks up the photos and asks “Are these our mother?” Sydney explains “There was a fire. I lost all the pictures I had of her, so I asked my dad if he had any, and he found those ... The only ones he hadn't thrown out.” Nadia shows Sydney a photo of a young Irina holding a baby, and asks “Is this you?” Syd replies “I don't know who the baby is.” Nadia replies wistfully “I've never seen pictures of her like this. Just the official stuff ... I haven’t seen much.” The doorbell rings, so Sydney says “It's Vaughn” and grabs her suitcase. Nadia smiles and says “Be safe.” The sisters exchange kisses on the cheek. Sydney smiles back warmly and replies “You too.” Syd heads out of the bedroom and then we hear the front door open and close as we see Nadia studying the picture of Irina holding the baby.

Sometime later, it is early morning in Montenegro at the Hospital Sava. Inside, Nurse Kiera Keene is briefing Sydney, who’s cover story is that she’s the new Omnifam relief worker, as they walk through the busy corridor. Kiera is wearing a white lab coat, with a stethoscope over her neck. Sydney disguise is conservative looking. She is wearing black plastic frame glasses, has her hair up in a bun, is dressed in a turtle neck sweater under a tweed jacket. Kiera says to Sydney with an Irish brogue “I hope you're not squeamish. From time to time they send me a squeamish one. It never ends well.” Sydney replies in a Scottish accent “I'm not squeamish, though most of my work with Omnifam has been administrative.” Keira replies “We'll fix that, have you patching folks up in no time.” Sydney asks her “You're a doctor?” The nurse replies “Nurse by training.” She smiles as she adds “Doctor, janitor, and babysitter by default.” Sydney smiles back and says “Sounds overwhelming.” Nurse Kiera jokes “Nothing a bit of Bushmills (Irish Whiskey) and a few Hail Mary's can't cure.” Syd chuckles as she passes Dixon who is filling out a form on a clipboard at the nurse’s station. Dixon is dressed in a blue pullover sweater and snapfront cap. He says to his com link “Phoenix is in play.” Vaughn replies from some old hotel room, “Copy that.” He is sitting at a desk, in front of a laptop computer and small portable satellite dish. Dixon complains “I know it's too risky, but I wish she was wearing a transmitter.” Vaughn radios back “She will, once they trust her. Besides, it'll give you a chance to brush up on some of your old-school tricks.” Dixon playfully objects “Hey, a little respect for your elders!”

Sometime later, Sydney is filling out in some hospital paperwork, and listening in on Nurse Kiera’s cellphone call. Kiera says to the person on the other end of the phone “No, I'm not happy. You promised we'd have the test tube kits two days ago and we're still waiting.” She hands Sydney a lab coat to wear, and makes a proposal to the person on the phone “ Tell you what. Our cafeteria locked into about twenty crates of fresh strawberries. You have my kits here by dawn tomorrow and ... I'll cut you in for half the fruit. Kiera hands a pair of latex gloves to Syd and continues “Yeah, fresh as in ...” Seeing that Syd is going to put the gloves into her pocket, Kiera signals her that she should wear them by waving her hand and wiggling her fingers. Kiera continues “Not old or frozen. You're amazing. Thank you.” She hangs up the phone and says to Syd, “Okay then.” Sydney has only the right hand glove on as Keira leads her on to their morning rounds.

Out in the hallway, Sydney finishes putting on her left glove as Nurse Kiera advises “There's more work than we can do, so you'll need to pace yourself. Be quick, but don't hurry. I've gone through nine relief workers in the past six weeks. I'd hate to lose another.” Syd assures her “Don't worry, I'll be fine.” Kiera smiles and says “That, madame, is what they all say. Let's find out.”

They enter a patient’s room where Kiera shows Syd an unconscious older man with a very bad skin condition, saying “Poor old guy suffers from psoriatic arthropathy. He needs to be greased from head to toe.” She grabs a tub of ointment and drops it into Sydney's hands. Kiera leaves Syd to perform that the unpleasant task with “Welcome aboard.” Sydney takes a deep breath and then sets off to work.

Back at the APO, Marshall is showing the metal vial that was inside Modell and says to Nadia “There's no way I'd eat this. No way at all. My kid would. Mitchell. He will eat anything. He's already been to the emergency room twice.” Marshall points the amused Nadia to a series of photos of baby Mitchell that he keeps by his computer workstation. Marshall continues “He swallowed a quarter, and a car. Not a real car... it's huge.” Nadia is smiling as she is examining the pictures and says “He's beautiful!” Marshall is a proud, first-time father who truly loves his son. He says “Thanks. I've got a million of these pictures. I probably should update them.” Seeing Nadia paying particular attention to a photo Mitchell and him, Marshall says “Oh, you like that one? There's a cute story behind that one.” Weiss enters the room reading some papers and teases him “I'll warn you right now. Nadia's immune to your cute baby story charm.” Nadia smiles “Oh, I'm not so sure.” Weiss looks surprised (since he considers that he closer to her than anyone outside of her family.) He is momentarily at a loss for words, then says “Uh, do you have any weaponizing scenarios for Ice 5?” Marshall replies “The three obvious forms are liquid, powder, and gas, but it really depends on a few things.” Nadia adds “Difficulty of manufacturing, stability, intended use.” Marshall smiles at her display of intelligence and says “Right! I mean, is it designed for an evil empire that wants to dump it in the water supply and freeze-dry an entire city, or you know, maybe for just one crazy assassin guy? Put a couple drops on a hollow-tipped bullet.” He mimes a gunman shooting. Weiss interrupts “Either way, it's a hot ticket. We should target major players: governments, large terrorist cells.” Nadia jumps in “Then offer it for sale ourselves. See who might be shopping for designer bioweapons.” Weiss says “Right. I'll put a list together” and starts to walk away. But when he is behind Nadia, Weiss turns to mouth "You're married!" to Marshall, which she notices. Marshall’s eyes widen and the smile leaves his face at the realisation that he was being too charming with Nadia!

Back at the Hospital Sava, Sydney is searching inside the cabinets of a supply room. She moves on to examine the contents of a shelf, and notices another door that is locked. Syd uses her lock picks and is about to open the door, but she hears someone coming. She quickly picks up a box of syringes and heads for the exit just as Kiera enters. Nurse Kiera demands “What are you doing in here?” Sydney explains “We're almost out of syringes. I was searching for a purchase order.” Before Kiera can say anything, they hear a commotion in the corridor. They both enter the hall and see a man dressed in army fatigues laying on a gurney, shouting something in Serbo-Croatian in distressed tones, with his two companions trying to calm him. The nurse rushes to aid and calm the man, saying in his language “I'm trying to help you.” We see that his face has been badly injured, showing obvious signs of gangrene. Kiera shouts in Serbo-Croatian “I need you to breathe. Breathe.” Sydney asks “What can I do?” The nurse replies “Prayers never hurt” as she cuts away the whimpering man’s left sleeve. Pulling the sleeve away, we see the frozen stump of his left forearm. Kiera has a look of recognition that it was what she suspected. Syd asks “What happened to him?” The nurse pushes the gurney and says “I don't know.” The soldier who came with the patient tells her in Serbo-Croatian “It was an accident, Miss. Our jeep was hit. Yegor was carrying the container...” Kiera scolds him “Quiet. I can see what happened.” Sydney asks her “What's he saying?” The nurse quickly relies “Car accident.” Sydney undoubtably understands the language, but she pretends that she doesn’t.

As the gurney rounds a corner, Sydney notices a soldier on patrol who is carrying an AK-47 in the ready position looking at the gurney in concern. Nurse Kiera walks up to a keypad next to security door, swipes her pass card across the reader and then keys in the access number. Sydney takes note of the code and then starts to push the gurney so she can gain access to the secure area. Kiera steps in front of her, saying with a smile “We can handle it from here.” Syd offers “I don't mind helping.” The smile leaves the nurse’s face as she warns “If you want to last here, you'll do as I say. Get back to that supply room and finish what you were doing. This area's off-limits.” Another soldier holding an AK-47 assault rifle inside the secure area, looks on as the gurney passes.

It is nighttime back at the APO, where we see Nadia working on her computer. Jack stops by her desk with his research and informs her “You can eliminate both the KCL and the African Global Party from your list of potential Ice 5 buyers. It's out of their league. Everyone else seems good.” Jack sets the folder of research on her desk and turns to leave, but Nadia stops him to ask “ Jack, I was wondering if you knew who this baby is.” She hands him the picture of young Irina holding the mystery baby. Jack looks at it and says in a serious, almost accusatory tone “Where did you get this?” Nadia is taken aback by his tone and says “Oh, it's Sydney's.” Jack asks in a gentler tone “She gave this to you?” Nadia explains “I found it. I was hoping you might be able to tell me who...” Jack cuts her off, saying “There's nothing to tell” using the same gentle tone. Weiss walks in and senses the tension. He clears his throat to let them know he’s there, then says “Sorry to, uh, interrupt. We got the uplink from Montenegro.” Jack walks away, leaving Weiss and Nadia to exchange uncomfortable expressions.

A short time later in the conference room, Jack, Sloane, Weiss and Nadia are listening to Vaughn and Dixon’s report from their hotel room via the com uplink. Vaughn tells “A soldier came in with the same frozen symptoms we saw in Algeria. He was taken to a secure wing of the hospital by a nurse named Kiera MacLaine. That M-A-C, capital L A-I-N-E. She said she was from Glasgow.” Weiss writes down the name and then leaves to do research on her. Jack asks “Is MacLaine embedded with Keene?” Vaughn replies “We don't know yet, but Sydney said MacLaine definitely recognized the effects of Ice 5. She's still at the hospital trying to learn more.” Dixon adds “There's a strong military presence at the hospital, but it seems to be in support of the staff, nothing we can't handle.” Weiss returns with a computer printout of his research, saying “Okay, MacLaine seems to be clean. Registered nurse, no criminal record. For the last nine years, she's worked for relief agencies around the world.” A picture of Nurse MacLaine and her biography appears on the conference room screen. Nadia adds “We know Keene gives cash to the hospital. Maybe she takes care of his men in exchange.” Sloane asks “What do you know about the secure wing?” Dixon replies “We think it's the research lab. Blueprints indicate several interconnected rooms and a large ward.” Vaughn adds “The entrance is protected by a swipe card and a keypad. We already have the access code, but we need that card, which we'll get off MacLaine.”

After the conference ends, we see Vaughn getting punched in the face by Dixon in their Montenegro hotel room. Vaughn complains “Come on, man. It's got to look real. Do it again.” Dixon objects, saying “Vaughn, I hit you.” Vaughn criticises “Yeah, like a girl. Just hit me again. Come on.” Dixon hesitates, then punches him in the face a second time, this time drawing blood from a cut over Vaughn’s right eyebrow. Vaughn’s not quite satisfied with his injuries and requests “One more time. You can do better than that. Come on.” Dixon punches Vaughn in the face a third time.

A short time later at the hospital, we see Nurse Kiera preparing to start her shift. She gets her stethoscope and begins her rounds when she hears a male patient/Vaughn complain “Ow, damn it! Watch it!” The nurse sees Sydney treating a ‘clergyman’, Father Michael/Vaughn in the corridor. Kiera scolds her “What are you doing?” and pushes her aside to tend him herself. Kiera apologises “Sorry, Father” for the apparently rough treatment from the new helper, Sydney. Syd protests “I was just trying to help.” The nurse tells Father Michael/Vaughn, “Let me take a look at that.” Sydney says to her “Maybe I should watch, see how you do it.” Leaning forward, Syd reaches towards the cut and says “I was going to sew it shut right there.” Vaughn uses the cover provided by Syd’s distraction to reach into Kiera’s pocket and steal her pass card. Vaughn winces in pain from Sydney touching his wound and says angrily “Ow! Stop that!” Syd replies meekly “Sorry.” Losing patience with Sydney’s mistakes, the nurse angrily sends her away, saying “Go! I'll look after him.” Kiera says to Father Michael/Vaughn “Sorry. She's new. A bit eager.”

Further down the corridor, Sydney walks with the pass card in her right hand. As a lunch box carrying Dixon walks past her coming from the opposite direction, she discreetly palms the card into his right hand.

As Nurse Kiera is cleaning Vaughn’s wound, she says “I can't help noticing the fine cologne you're wearing, father. (It’s) Glenlivet, if I'm not mistaken.” She smiles as she says that because she is kidding him for having the aroma of Glenlivet Scotch whiskey on him. Father Michael/Vaughn smiles and replies “Is it that bad?” Kiera smiles warmly and says “Not at all.” A patient in the busy corridor accidentally bumps into her which causes her to drop a gauze pad, so she says “Come on. I'll finish up in the office.”

Somewhere else in the hospital, Dixon enters a sleeping patient’s room and draws the privacy curtain of the vacant adjoining bed. He opens his lunch box and takes out the false bottom, uncovering the scanning device below. Dixon inserts Kiera’s pass card into the scanner. The device’s display indicates “Scanning”, then moments later “Writing” and “Complete.”

Inside Kiera’s office, the nurse is cleaning Vaughn’s wound with a gauze bandage as she says “That's a pretty nasty cut. You mind telling me how you got it?” Father Michael/Vaughn deadpans “Somebody didn't like my last sermon.” Kiera continues working on treating the injury as she says “Well, I've known a priest or two.” Father Michael/Vaughn interrupts “That sounds rather ominous.” The nurse continues “But none that get into bar fights.” Father Michael/Vaughn replies “Well, I see my reputation precedes me. I'm Father Michael LaCott. I'm new here at Saint Cyrus.” The nurse smiles and introduces herself “Kiera MacLaine. Good to know you ... I think.” Father Michael/Vaughn invites his parishioner “I should also mention I hear confession every weekday from four to six at Tavern Nikolai.” Kiera smiles broadly and says “Why does that not surprise me?” The ‘priest’ asks “When's the last time you went to confession, Kiera MacLaine?” The comment puts her into a pensive mood and then she says “I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel.” Father Michael/Vaughn asks innocently “About what?” Kiera says “A flirty priest!” That brings a small smile to his face and he relies sincerely “I assure you my intentions are honourable ... Mostly.” They exchange little smiles.

Dixon exits the patient’s room and heads down the corridor. Dixon and Sydney perform another discreet passing of the pass card as they pass each other.

Back inside Kiera’s office, Father Michael/Vaughn says to the nurse “You're not what I expected.” Kiera replies “Is that your way of saying, ‘What's a nice Catholic girl doing in a hell-hole like this?’” As she applies small adhesive bandages to the cut, she smiles and says “Same as you. I was sent here for my sins.” Unexpectedly, Fintan Keene calls out “It's not that bad” and enters the room, with two soldiers taking guard positions at the door. Kiera gets a serious expression on her face and says “Fintan. What are you doing here?” Keene replies sarcastically “Well, it's nice to see you too.” Turning to the ‘priest’ Keene tells him “She's not real happy with me of late, Father.” Father Michael/Vaughn nods and then asks “I see. You two are married?” Keene replies “No. Your good book would frown upon that, wouldn't it?” The ‘priest’ contemplates the cryptic statement and Kiera has an uncomfortable expression.

We see Sydney at the security door swipe her duplicate pass card into the card reader and key in the number 6398841. The lights on top of the access pad switches from red to green and we hear the door unlock. Syd opens the door and enters the restricted area.

Back inside her office, Nurse Kiera is telling Keene in a corner of the room with an annoyed tone of voice “We had an agreement.” Keene says in a conciliatory tone “We do. But one of my men had a wee accident. I thought I'd spin by, pay my respects.” Vaughn is eavesdropping, but tries not to be noticed by them. Keene notes “You treated him right. So, how's he doing?” The nurse replies “I think you know.” The implication is that he’s seen similar occurrences before and knows the results of exposure to Ice 5. Keene chides her “You should be nicer to your big brother.” Keene raises his voice to include the ‘priest’ into the conversation “Isn't that what the Bible says?” Father Michael/Vaughn replies sarcastically “What, I look like some kind of an expert?” Keene then assures his sister “Don't worry, Kiera. I'll be out of your way soon enough.” Kiera has worried expression and then her brother turns to leave. Keene gives a little nod to the ‘priest’ before he leaves the room followed by the two soldiers. Seeing that she is still standing across the room with a disturbed expression on her face even after Keene has left, Father Michael/Vaughn breaks the tension by saying “Your brother seems like a nice enough guy. What's he do?” Kiera replies cryptically “You must be new here” as she walks back towards him.

Inside the restricted area, we see Sydney enter a darkened lab and flip on the switch on the wall, turning on the lights. She searches through various drawers and takes a photo with her cell phone camera.

The scene cuts to Fintan Keene pushing open double doors as he is walking down a corridor accompanied by for armed soldiers.

Back in the lab, we see Sydney putting on a set of protective gloves. Sydney opens a refrigerator and then the lid to a plexiglass box containing ten metal vials of Ice 5. She takes a picture with her cell phone camera and then places two vials into a small carrying case.

The scene cuts to Keene’s hand swiping his pass card across the card reader beside the security door to the restricted area.

Inside the lab, Sydney hears the sound of the keypad being punched. So she closes the closes the refrigerator.

When Keene opens the door, the lights to the room are switched off as they should be. He switches on the lights and says to one of the soldiers in Serbo-Croatian “I made sure Yegor gets special treatment. A separate room. Away from the guinea pigs.” The men walk to another door and enter that room. We see Sydney is couched on the floor behind a counter, hiding. She turns and reads the writing on the compressed gas canister next to her. In Cyrillic lettering is the label “Ice Five”. Syd rises to peek through the Venetian blinds covering the observation window to the isolation ward. Inside, she sees a legless man lying motionless on a gurney on the far side of the room, and a second patient laying strapped to another gurney being attended by two men dressed like surgeons. Keene and his guards walk through the room towards another door. However, Sydney’s attention is drawn to the two doctors in the room spraying the human guinea pig on his chest with Ice 5. They hold the man down as he writhes and screams in agony as his chest turns blue, accompanied by the crackling sound of his flesh freezing.

It is daytime at the hospital as Sydney is making a cell phone call to the other APO members. She reports “Not only has Keene developed Ice 5, he's testing it on humans. I saw a room full of test subjects.” In Los Angeles, Sloane and Jack are teleconferencing from the APO briefing room. Sloane says “I'm more concerned by the pressurized canisters. It means Keene's found a way to make it airborne.” Dixon and Jack are participating in the teleconference from their hotel room. Dixon types into his laptop computer and says “Here are the photos Sydney took.” At the APO, a series of digital pictures that she took show up on the computer monitors. Syd says “I thought the tanks were full of propane or liquid nitrogen. Then I saw the Cyrillic stencil.” We see a closeup of Cyrillic writing that says ‘Ice Five’. Jack says “Ice 5 released into a city ... the damage could be in the tens of thousands.” Sloane asks “How many tanks in the lab?” Weiss calls out “I'd say 14.” He and Nadia enter the conference room with a computer printout.” Weiss says “We found a buyer in Damascus (Syria). That's what they're expecting” pointing to the paper that she passes to Sloane. Nadia adds “They want it fast. Less than 48 hours.” Sydney says “We have to shut Keene down.” Jack replies “I don't disagree, but you lack the manpower. You aren't a tactical squad.” Vaughn suggests “We can do it without a fight. We can use Kiera MacLaine.” Dixon explains “After we learned she was Keene's sister, we re-ran her info.” Dixon is heard typing into his laptop computer and moments later, Kiera’s mug sheet appears on the APO screens. Dixon says “Her real name is Meghan Keene. She's former IRA as is her brother. They were involved in several bombings in the early 90's, including one that killed a father and two boys.” Sydney joins in, saying “The MacLaines conflicted, (she) has issues with her brother. We think we can turn her (against her brother).” Dixon says “She's the one person that could get Keene alone, away from his men. It could give us a chance to grab him without a fight, shut down the lab.” Sloane likes the idea and asks “Have you determined how to approach MacLaine?” Vaughn replies “Yeah. In confession.”

The scene cuts to nighttime at the Tavern Nikolai. A waitress brings a fresh glass of whiskey to the table where Vaughn is sitting in his guise as Father Michael. He says “Thank you” and sips the drink. Kiera enters the tavern and smiles when she sees Father Michael looking in her direction. She joins him at his table, so he says to the waitress “I'll have another one of these for my parishioner.”

Sydney and Dixon are sitting in the back of a surveillance van, listening in on them. They hear Kiera say “I don't know what I'm doing here” and Vaughn reply “I'm glad you came.” They hear them toast ‘Cheers’ to each other.

Back in the tavern Father Michael/Vaughn sips his whiskey. After several seconds of silence between them, the ‘priest’ asks “Is it that bad?” Kiera smiles and asks “Is what that bad?” He replies “I don’t know. You tell me.” After several seconds of hesitation, Kiera confesses “I suppose I'm feeling a bit trapped.” Father Michael/Vaughn asks “At the hospital?” Kiera replies “Yeah” and smiles weakly. He presses for additional information asking “Trapped by your brother?” The smile drops from Kiera’s face and she stares at him in suspicion. The ‘priest’ explains “I do this for a living ... Not the drinking. And it doesn't take a priest to notice how angry you were when you saw him yesterday.” She accepts his explanation, then says reluctantly “It's complicated ... ‘Love the sinner, hate the sin.’ Isn't that what they say?” She has a smile on her face, expecting his agreement. Father Michael/Vaughn says “Something like that” with a slight nodding of agreement. Kiera reluctantly explains “A long time ago, he saved me. I owe him.” The ‘priest’ adds “But he scares you.” She wistfully says “You don't know Fintan. He's done some awful things. We both have, I suppose.” She looks downward in regret. After several seconds Father Michael/Vaughn points out in an optimistic tone “You could always leave.” Kiera smiles at the optimistic thought for a moment, then says pessimistically “Like I said, you don't know my brother.” She sips her glass of whiskey.

Back inside the surveillance van, Sydney tells Dixon “He can do it. He can turn her.” He nods in agreement.

At their table, Father Michael/Vaughn tells Kiera “I know what it's like to feel trapped ... to have a past you despise, that you can't escape. We all have secrets, Kiera. I was married, for a short time.”

In the surveillance van, Sydney listens to this part of the conversation intently. She hears Kiera ask the ‘priest’ “That being your secret?” And he reply “That ... being part of it.”

The scene switches back to Father Michael/Vaughn saying “Now obviously it was before I had the collar. The woman I was married to betrayed me. She betrayed a lot of people. And when I found out what she had done, I let my hate for her consume me. And I began to wish the woman I loved was dead.”

Sydney hears this revelation of Vaughn’s true feelings in the van with sadness. Dixon looks at her with a concerned expression. They hear Vaughn confess “I woke up every day, imagining how I'd do it ...”

The scene switches back to Father Michael/Vaughn saying “... what was the best way, what was the most efficient way. I mean, that's all I wanted.” Kiera looks on intently as he bares his soul. The ‘priest’ continues after a long pause “That woman was evil, and deserved to be punished, so I killed her.” Kiera has a sad expression at hearing this. Father Michael/Vaughn continues “And although that woman was the worst kind of evil, I also know that killing her was wrong. After a long pause, he wistfully says “I don't sleep much, I ... I mean, I can't close my eyes without, without seeing it. That ... that moment.” Kiera looks heartbroken from hearing his pain. He continues “That look on her face. She won't leave me. She won't.”

Sydney also looks heartbroken, but she feels the additional burden of hearing about the pain that Vaughn couldn’t confide with her. She then gives Dixon a look that conveys that she feels badly for their friend. Dixon has a serious expression for Syd, then he turns his head to resume listening to the conversation.

The scene switches back to Kiera who sadly says “Forgiveness is a tricky thing, isn't it? Even God can't do it if you won't let him. I've never been able to say no to him ... to my brother. I'm not alone in that, but ... it's my shame. It's the one thing I can't forgive myself for. I understand what it feels like to wish someone was ...” She can’t force herself to complete what she wanted to say. After several seconds of silence, Kiera says “I just wish there was a way out” and takes another sip of whiskey. She sits in silence, clearly disturbed at the situation she finds herself in. After a few seconds pass Father Michael/Vaughn says “There are other ways ... to keep him from having power over you, to make him go away.” She smiles as if what the ‘Father’ told her is impossible and replies “You underestimate my brother.” The ‘priest’ says forcefully “Or maybe you underestimate me. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you can leave.” Her expression changes to one of worry and she asks “What are you?” Vaughn insists “You deserve another chance.” Kiera is still worried and her eyes dart around the room before she says in a hushed tone “ I can't even think about doing something like that.” He impatiently asks “Why not?” She seems to be convinced and asks “When?” (it can be done). Vaughn replies “Tonight.”

Sometime later, it is nighttime at the APO as Nadia enters Sloane’s office with a folder in her right hand and a book in her left hand. She reaches out with the folder and says “Here”. Sloane is at his desk writing something that he wants/needs to finish, so he raises his forefinger and says “Just” (a moment). He finishes writing a moment later, and then looks up with a smile for her. Nadia smiles back and hands the folder to him, explaining “Freight manifest from our contact in Damascus (capital of Syria). Her father takes it and puts it on his desk, saying “Thank you. And that?” pointing at the journal. Nadia is slightly hesitant, then opens the book saying “I thought you might know something about the picture. Who the baby was.” Sloane reaches for the journal and says “Hmm” as he looks at the photo inside. He smiles briefly and nods in apparent recognition of the picture of young Irina holding the mystery baby. Sloane softly says to himself “Yeah.” He looks up at Nadia with a blank expression and says “Well ...” Sloane closes the book and continues “Your mother was a very private person, Nadia. And as you know, my relationship with her was ... brief.” Sloane is implying that he doesn’t know who the baby is. Nadia is disappointed, but says “That's okay. I just thought maybe you'd seen it before.” He looks like he considering if he should say something more, but he just gives her a weak smile. Nadia extends her hand so Sloane can hand her the journal back. Sloane momentarily hesitates before handing it back. Nadia smiles and says “Thanks.” She turns and leaves. Sloane has a concerned expression, then he sighs silently and his shoulders slump.

Sometime later, it is nighttime as we see the surveillance van pull to a stop outside of the Hospital Sava. From inside a dark office, we see Kiera unlock the door and enter the room with Father Michael/Vaughn following her. She asks him “What are you? SAS? (UK’s military Special Air Service) MI5? (UK’s domestic Security Service).” He doesn’t tell who he is with, but replies “I meant what I said. I can make your brother go away.” She says “Well, whatever you are, you're sweet.” Vaughn urges her “Kiera, I need you to listen. Whatever your brother's done in the past pales compared to what he's doing now.” She shakes her head and turns away saying “I wouldn't know.” He grabs her by the arm and says “Yes you do. You've seen it. You know he's been testing it on your own patients.” Kiera protests “I have nothing to do with that.” Vaughn tells her “You're a party to it. That's enough.” She protests “There's nothing I can do about that!” He appeals to her conscience “Thousands of people will die if you don't say no to him now. Do you want that on your conscience? Could you ever forgive yourself?” Kiera considers what he’s said, then asks “Who do you work for?” Vaughn continues pressuring her “You've been afraid of your brother for too long. Help me, and I swear I will protect you.” She has a worried expression on her face. From behind Vaughn, Fintan Keene presses a semi-automatic pistol to the back of his head and cocks it’s hammer. He says ironically “I can't wait to hear the details.” Vaughn stares at Kiera for betraying him. She has a look of regret and guilt as she looks back at him.

Fintan Keene has Vaughn strapped down on a gurney in an operating room. Keene says “Did you really think my sister would betray me for you, after everything she and I have been through?” Vaughn replies “Nothing really surprises me anymore.” Keene tells him “You'll discover that isn't true” and then punches him in the mouth. Kiera flinches and has a guilty expression. Her brother picks up a syringe and draws some Ice 5 from a vial as he continues “You know, the trouble with Ice 5 in its liquid form is it's too unstable. It’s too hard to mass-produce. I've made people drink it, breathe it. I’ve applied it topically. I’ve laced it into food. The one thing I've never tried, though, is to inject it directly into the brain.” Keene grabs Vaughn by the hair on the back of his head and then threatens to plunge the syringe needle into his left eye. Vaughn breathes hard and then braces himself for the end. Keene pulls away and continues “Mainly because it's not cost effective.” Turning towards his sister, he says “I think you should do it. It's your fault he's here.” Keene holds out the syringe for her to take. Kiera looks on indecisively. Vaughn looks on as her brother’s stare causes her to walk forward reluctantly. Kiera has a guilty expression as she takes the syringe. Vaughn looks at her and says “You hate him. You hate what he does.” Kiera is in tears as she orders “Shut up.” Vaughn insists “I could have helped you. I would have.” Keene says “My sister may look like an angel, but her heart is as black as yours, and mine.” Vaughn insists “I don't believe that. I know you want out. Everything I told you was true. I can still help you. You know it. You can feel it!” Keene interrupts “Show this fool he's wrong.” Kiera sobs and hesitates, so Keene grabs Vaughn’s head and orders his sister “Inject it into his eye. I want you to be the last thing he sees.” Kiera obeys and cries as she brings the needle towards Vaughn’s right eye. Suddenly the door bursts open, which causes Kiera to stop and turn towards the noise. Sydney tackles Kiera to the floor and then kick Keene in the gut with her right foot as he rushes forward to help. Kiera is laying dazed on the floor as her brother grabs a bone saw for a weapon. Holding the saw in his right hand, Keene says to Syd “I don't know how you got in here, little girl, but it was a big mistake.” Sydney grabs a surgical tray and swings it towards his head, but Keene leans back to dodge. She then has to use it as a shield from his stabbing attempt. Keene manages to kick Syd in the abdomen which sends her falling back. He tries a spinning backhanded slash to her head, but Sydney is able to lean back to dodge it. Her counterattack with the tray bashes the left side of Keene’s head and she follows up with a right side kick to the ribs which sends him flying over an empty gurney. Sydney rushes forward to try to bash him with the tray again, but leaves her exposed Keene’s right side kick to her gut. Keene rises to his feet and tries to chop at Syd’s neck. But she blocks him with an arm lock and counters with a right footed kick to the gut. Sydney forces him to drop the saw and then gives an upward elbow jab to the head. She swings the big surgical spotlight into Keene’s head, which leaves him lying dazed on the floor. Sydney then rushes over to free Vaughn from the gurney. She picks up a scalpel and cuts at the binding on his right wrist. Keene recovers and sees the syringe on Ice 5 on the floor. Having freed his right hand, Syd give the scalpel to Vaughn. He uses it to cut at the chest restraint. Keene grabs the syringe and Kiera is starting to recover too. Just as Vaughn cuts though the restraint, Keene is sneaking up on Sydney. But she turns around and sees him coming, so she manages to dodge him swinging the syringe. She reaches over for another tray, but her throwing it at his feet is ineffective. Vaughn is trying to cut through his leg restraints so he can help. Keene and Sydney watch each other for an opening to attack. Vaughn has cut through his last restraint and hops onto the floor. Sensing that someone is behind him, Keene spins around and jabs the syringe that the person. Kiera gasps at getting stabbed and injected with the Ice 5 in the chest. Keene looks on in disbelief as she falls backwards. Vaughn rushes forward and catches her. Kiera has a horrified expression for her brother. Keene backs away and shakes his head in guilt. She gasps and pulls the syringe from her chest. He just manages to notice Sydney throwing a spinning roundhouse kick an instant before it hits him in the head. He flies into a glass case and drops to the floor unconscious.

Sydney turns around and sees Kiera is gasping and starting to turn blue in Vaughn’s arms. Kiera looks Vaughn in the eyes, struggling to whisper “For ... give ... Forgive ...” Vaughn looks at her with regret and says “Kiera ... You know I'm not really a priest. I can't do that.” Kiera shakes her head weakly and whispers “No ... I ... I forgive ... I forgive you.” Her eyes roll back and head tilts back. Vaughn stares in disbelief as he sees a teardrop well up and then freeze along with her eyes. He turns slowly to look up sadly at Sydney. Syd is in tears. Vaughn turns back to stare at the tragic woman.

Sometime later, it is night time at the APO. Nadia is at her desk working on some papers when Jack walks in. He informs her “Fenton Keene's in custody, and the Ice 5 has been acquired. Sydney's safe. Our whole team made it.” Nadia is relieved at hearing the news and says “Good. Thank you.” (for putting her mind at ease). Jack pauses and then asks “May I see that photograph?” Nadia thinks for a moment and then opens her desk drawer. She takes out the journal and opens it. Jack removes the photo and studies it for several seconds. He looks up with a slight smile as he explains “Irina told me years ago that this is a picture of her holding her niece. She told me that holding this baby filled her with a longing and hope to have children of her own.” Jack smiles as he continues “The next day, I asked Irina to marry me. I wanted my child to be loved like the baby in this photograph.” Nadia’s expression shows that she is pleased at seeing this warm side of Jack’s personality. But her smile fades as Jack adds “Of course, the story could have been a total fabrication. Another one of the countless lies designed to draw me in. But I choose to believe it was the truth. When we had Sydney, Irina held her in this exact same way, and I can only imagine she did the same with you.” Tears are welling up in Nadia’s eyes at hearing this. Jack looks her in the eyes as he adds “So, for me, I choose to believe. But then I suppose each of us needs to find our own sense of closure.” Jack hands the photo back to her and gives her a little smile, then leaves. Nadia is in tears as she turns to look at the picture of Irina and the mystery baby again.

The scene switches to a Learjet flying in the twilight red sky, returning the APO team to Los Angeles. Inside we see Dixon is sleeping near the front. In the back, Vaughn and Sydney are sitting in adjoining seats. He is trying to get much needed sleep. Sydney is still awake, looking over at him. She reaches over with her right hand and strokes his hand, wanting to talk. Vaughn stirs, opens his eyes for a moment and strokes her hand in return. He rubs his weary eyes, closes them and returns to holding Syd’s hand. Sydney tells him in a hushed tone “Listening to you talk to that woman ...” After a few seconds Vaughn responds quietly “I know.” After a few more seconds Sydney says “I just wanted you to know ... you can talk to me ... whenever you want.” With his eyes still closed Vaughn smiles and says “Thanks.” Thinking for a few seconds, Sydney suggests “When we get back, maybe you should spend the night.” She looks up hopefully for his response, but Vaughn doesn't answer. Syd calls out “Vaughn?” She realizes that he is asleep and remembers that Vaughn told Kiera that he wasn’t getting much sleep due to his guilt from killing Lauren. Syd adjusts his blanket with her left hand, tenderly touches his chest and then his cheek. Sydney removes her right hand from his and closes her eyes to sleep.
