DESTINY - 1st Season

Ep 114

Friday, February 11th 2005 00.00


The Senator’s Security took very seriously the assassination threat on Palmer. Right now, and ever since the Security heard of this, The US Senator he’s being isolated. No one – and they mean it – may come near the headquarters. Security said the attempt could occur at any time of the day. “We are never careful enough” was saying Special Agent Jack Bauer who arrived as soon as he could, about 1.00 AM.
Agent Jack Bauer must have in mind that David Palmer is a black man and seems the only one to compete with very successfull Lex Luthor. We may be talking about white house here. Palmer could become the first black President, although neither Luthor nor Palmer have ever talked about the white house.
Anyway, it’s been now hours since David Palmer is highly protected in his LA headquarters. The investigation is going very slowly, but as soon as the agents got further information, they told us that they “will be willing to share it”.

Ep 115

Friday, February 11th 2005 12.00


As the investigation is moving forward, CTU boss Jack Bauer, who’s in charge of the mission, said Lex Luthor could be the ‘puppet master’. An information unexpected which some take with hindsight. But if CTU boss feels he has to share it with the press, that means he may have been leading an important thread over here.
Nevertheless, Luthor is not fully accused. Well, not yet. He may be considered thus in the following hours as primary suspect.
David Palmer is still at his headquaters with very high protection.

Security has not yet talked about any moves for the moment.

Ep 116

Friday, February 11th 2005 14.00


Lex Luthor “couldnt believe” he was being accused of trying to murder Senator Palmer. “It feels like betrayal” Luthor even said. “Im being accused of something horrible. Im being accused of murder. The murder of a man I highly consider. Im going right now to see the man who’s in charge and ask him how the hell did he come up with such pure allegations.”
Luthor seemed determined to claim his innocence. He even added “Once this is over, that people have understood I got nothing to do with it, I’ll be ready to help. Senator Palmer is a good man and very important for this country. I will not let anything happen to him.”
Right after talking to the press, Mr Luthor headed to the airport to catch a flight which will lead him to California.

Ep 117

Friday, February 11th 2005 18.00


It is a reluctant Jack Bauer who welcomed Luthor. CTU boss didnt reveal to the public what led him to consider Luthor as a suspect. Obviously, Bauer doesnt have sufficient proof. That’s probably why Luthor was welcomed as a free man. But Bauer seemed indeed astonished when Luthor told him what he intended to do in California right now. “Im here to see David Palmer”.
After one hour of fight, it is David Palmer himself who got against all of his security crew, including friend Jack Bauer. At about 19.00 the two men David Palmer and Lex Luthor went into a room to talk. On Senator Palmer’s orders, he and the governor were left alone.
Was Senator Palmer out of his mind ? Anyway, security remains more than ever ready for any moves if needed.
It’s been half an hour Palmer and Luthor are talking.

Ep 118

Friday, February 11th 2005 20.00


Jack Bauer seemed relieved when seeing David Palmer and Lex Luthor coming out from the room where they have been talking for two hours. The Senator went to talk to Jack Bauer, who’s apparently still suspicious about Luthor, and asked him to withdraw all accusations that have been made about Luthor.
“Senator, this is too soon to tell” “Jack, he’s not the man you’re looking for.” “Senator, he may be withholding inform....” “Agent Bauer. Trust me on this.”

Everyone seemed surprised when hearing a female voice coming from the hallway. It was Lois Lane’s voice, the famous journalist from Metropolis Daily Planet.

Bauer : ” Mrs Lane, what are you doing here ?”
Lane : “Mr Luthor flew me from Kansas. He said it was important and told me to come down here”
Bauer : “Sir, with all due respect, what the hell are you doing ?”
Luthor : “Agent Bauer, I understand you’re doing your job and that you’re pretty upset, but you have to let that woman get in. This is bigger than you can imagine. Lois, I need to talk to you. In private. I think its time.”

As Lex and Lois are about to enter in the conference room, Jack yells at them.

Bauer : “What the hell is going on ?!”
Palmer : “Jack !!”

Luthor : “ Ask the Senator, Jack.”

Lex closes the door.

Ep 119


“Would you like another glass of water Lois ?”
“No Im fine, thank you Lex. (...) When you said its time, why did you exactly mean ?”
“Sit down Lois. (...) Do you remember talking about Rambaldi’s message, from the artifacts ?”
“Yeah, I recall it perfectly. I remember also you saying Freddie Mercury has something to do with Rambaldi’s code.”
“Thats right. Here, Im gonna show you. Look”

7195 Red Cury Die Ferm !
Sophie Bad Harmony

“What is it ?”
“Come on Lois, someone like you, you shoud be able to break it at once !”
“(...) It can’t be ?”
“You got it ?”

1975 Freddie Mercury
Bohemian Rhapsody

“How could Rambaldi know this ?! He lived in 15th century !”
“Lex, what is it about ?”
“ (...) Rambaldi meant to deliver an ultime message which only the chosen one will discover.”
“Freddie ?”
“Yes. Milo Rambaldi didn’t had child on his own. But he had a sister who did. And ever since his death, he made sworn his offspring to spread in their family this message, as when the day comes, they will contact Mercury. That’s what happen in the band Queen”
“Like how ?”
“ (...) Brian May. “
“ Noo, you dont mean...”
“Brian may is from Rambaldi’s family. All over these years, they kept the secret. They told it inside their family. Brian was the last to know. If Freddie, born Farroukh Bulsara, and Brian met, it wasnt by random. But Brian had to wait the right time before he was sure Freddie was the chosen one. Like Rambaldi’s prophecy was saying, Farroukh chose the name Freddie Mercury and, in 1975, he wrote a song named ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. That’s where Brian told Freddie.”
“So the biggest hit ever in the world is part of Rambaldi’s prophecy ?”
“Why do you think it is the biggest hit ever made ?”
“I can tell. But, you talked about an ultime message Rambaldi wanted only Freddie to be revealed.”
“Yes I did.”
“However you did manage to find out what this all was about, didnt you ?”
“Im sorry, but I gotta ask. How the hell did you find out about this stuff ? It was so secret !”
“I always knew I was destined for great things Lois, I already told you that.”
“What do you mean by that ?”
“Only what Im saying”
“(...) Anyway. What’s that ultime message ?”
“Rambaldi left a box. This box could only be opened by Freddie Mercury’s hands. If you see Rambaldi’s handywork, you’ll realize the man was ahead on his time.”
“Last time, you also talked about a Truth. A Truth of the Origins. Is this linked to that ?”
“Somehow....yes. (...) Lois, are you sure you’re ready for this ?”
“Lex, what was inside that box ?”

Ep 120

20.45 SD-6
Jack Bauer : “Those files speak for themselves, David. Look. (...) Lex Luthor was part of a terrorist action, SD-6. These documents shows clearly that right after he left the democrats, he created SD-6 with a man called Arvin Sloane, who is currently highly pursued by the CIA. SD-6 has been working for the Alliance, one of the biggest terrorist group.”
David Palmer : “(...) I know Jack.”
“What do you mean ‘you know’ ?”
“Jack, I appreciate what you’re doing for me but, Lex is not the man you think he is. (...) When Lex created SD-6 with Sloane, he was perfectly aware of Sloan’s intention. He was also aware of the Alliance, although Sloane never mentionned a word about it to him.”
“And that’s supposed to defend him ?”
“Sloan thought he was foolin’ Luthor. He wanted to use him. Sloane is a smart man, he knew Luthor’s influence and skills would be very helpfull to achieve his own purpose.”
“Which was ?”
“ (...) Rambaldi.”
“Rambaldi ? Like Milo Rambaldi ?”
“Yes. Sloane told Luthor it was a secret mission. He made him clearly understand that Rambaldi was a huge priority. His mission was to collect all the Rambaldi artifacts. At the time, the CIA was not aware of Rambaldi’s action. It’s Lex who came to them.”
“Are you trying to tell me that Mr Luthor ran to the Intelligence to take down Sloane ?”.
“Indeed. Luthor told everything to the CIA, but he wasn’t firstly taken very seriously. But the CIA quickly understood with what kind of man they had to deal with. Arvin Sloane is not the type of man you should get a drink with.”
“Yeah, I’ve read some reports about his actions. But I’ve never heard that part of the story.”
“Of course you haven’t. (...) The CIA gave Luthor the authority to run a mission which would eventually bring down not only SD-6, but also every single group in the Alliance, and finally, the Alliance itself.
That’s where Agent Bristow began to play a crucial role.”
“Sydney Bristow ? The woman with whom Lex Luthor is getting married ?”
“There’s only one Sydney Bristow. Agent Bristow was recruited by Arvin Sloane when he created with Lex SD-6. But, as all the members of the SD-6 crew, she was told a lie. She was told she was working for the government. It was very hard for Lex, but he couldn’t tell anyone. Not till the mission was a success. It was a sacrifice he had to made. But things got badly. Sydney’s fiancée had proposed to her. As she accepted, she told him she was working for the government. Sloan found out about that and got her fiancée killed. Lex, who wasnt told at all, could not stop it. He decided to tell Bristow the truth. He thus decided, when putting in charge of dismantling SD-6, to work with Sydney as a double Agent.”
“Well David, this story is magnificient. But, from what I’ve heard, nothing tells me that this Lex Luthor couldn’t be the one who’s trying to murder you. It’s been almost a day I’m on it, I’ve got the most brilliant crew working with me, and this lead is the most believable one we got. And a very believable one.”
“Jack. That’s not him.”
“And how can you be so sure ? I mean, it’s not like you have a ten-years relation-ship with him”.
“For those kind of men, this is not necessary.”
“Well, unless you can give me another lead, or a name, he’ll remain the primary suspect and, as I’m in charge of the mission, I will arrest him !!”
“Jack, Lex is not trying to murder me !!.......Sloane is.”

Ep 121


Jack Bauer “What do you mean Sloane is trying to kill you ?”
David Palmer “I mean exactly what Im saying.”
“But, I have evidence here that...”
“Face the reality Jack ! Sloane fooled you. After he found out Luthor betrayed him, he made sure with that assassination threat Lex would be considered as a suspect.”
Jack’s phone rings. He answers the call.
“Hello ?”
“Hello Jack.”
“ (...) Who is it ?”
“ Arvin Sloane.”
Jack to Palmer “Its Sloane !!”
Palmer “What ?!!”
Sloaen “I think now you must have finally found out that Lex isnt trying to murder the Senator. Tell me Jack, do you like your wife ? And your daughter ?”
“ (...) What have my wife and daughter got anything to do with that ?”
“Well, from now, everything Jack.”
Wife and daughter over the phone “Jack, whatever he’s saying don’t listen to him....”
“Oh my god !!”
Palmer “ Jack ? What’s going on ?!”
Sloane “Listen carefully, Bauer. It is not in my intentions to kill your family. But if I have to, I will not hesitate to do it.”
Jack “What do you want ?”
“For now, I just want you to keep what we’ve shared for you. If you report this conversation to anyone, your daughter and wife will die in the second. Don’t even try Jack. I made sure I could be aware of everything that happens in this building.”
“You son of a bitch !”
“Save your strenght Jack, I will need it. I’ll get back to you.”
Palmer “What the hell happened ?!! Why did he call you ?!!!”
“He...he just confirmed he was the one who wants to murder you.”
“Is that it ?”
“Jack, are you sure there’s not something else ?”
“Yes. I’m sure.”

Ep 122

21.15 PAGE 47

Lois Lane “So Sloan he’s behind that assassination attempt ?! Why would he do that ?!!”
Lex Luthor “He made everything so I could be the primary suspect. Knowing the man, Im sure taking me down had become a full-time job.”
The cell of Lex is ringing. He takes the call.
“Good evening, Lex.”
“ (...) Arvin ? What a pleasant surprise. How have you been ? I missed you. Truly.”
Lois to Lex “Sloan ?!!”
Sloan “Im fine, thank you for your concern.”
“I must congratulate you Arvin. Well done.”
“You should have known you wouldn’t get away so easily.”
“Yeah, I knew it.”
“Look, Lex. You know if Palmer dies, you’ll have no evidence to prove your innocence. I took care of this. Believe me.”
“Oh, I do.”
“Im willing to let it go.”
“Oh you are ? This is too much Arvin. What happened to you ?”
“In exchange of...”
“Ah, there you are !”
“...the page 47, and the flask.”
“ (...) You know I can’t do that.”
“It’s up to you Lex.”
“And what proves me that you won’t kill Palmer awyway ?”
“You should know I’m a man of my word. I let you think about it. For now, get Agent Bauer on the phone.”
“Jack Bauer ? Why do you want to talk to Bauer ?“
“This is none of your business, Lex”.
“ (...) I know what you’re doing Arvin. Leave Bauer out of it.”
“Just get me Bauer on the phone.”
“ (...) And if I dont ?”
“I think you will be on Bauer’s list Lex, and believe me, Bauer is the kinda man that gets what he wants. And you’ll be responsible for the lives of innocent people, how is that ?”
“ (...) Hold on.”
Lois “What’s going on ?”
Lex “He wants to talk to Jack.”
“What ?! Why ?!”

Lex gets in the hall where Senator Palmer and special agent Jack Bauer are.
Lex “Agent Bauer.”
Jack ‘Yes ?“
“This is for you.”
“Who is it ?”
“ Arvin Sloan.”
Jack “Jack Bauer.”
Sloan “Hello Jack. It’s nice to hear you again.”
“Cut the felgercarb. What do you want ?”
“ (...) I want you to kill Senator Palmer.”

Ep 123

Sloane “Unless I call you back to cancel, I want you to take down David Palmer or I will shoot your family. I’ll get back to you very soon to give you the exact time. Am I making myself clear ?”
Jack “Perfectly.”
Palmer “Jack, what is going on ?!!”
Jack “Well, heu, nothing, he just....”
Lex “Sloane is going to make the attempt by the end of the day.”
Palmer “How the hell you know that ?”
Lex “I talked to him a while before put Jack on the phone.”
Jack “If you’ll excuse me, I need to rest a while. I’ll go in the conference room.”
Palmer “Jack, you’re ok ?”
Jack “Yes. I’m just tired.”
Jack enters in the conference room. Palmer is about to join him, but Lex stops him.
Lex “I’ll talk to him if you don’t mind.”
Lex enters in the room.

“I know what you’re going through Jack.”
“You don’t know anything.”
“He’s got your family, hasn’t he ? And he wants you to shoot Palmer yourself. And if you do not cooperate, he’ll kill your family.”
“I dont know what you’re talking about.”
“I assume he also told you not to report any of this. It’s ok Jack, he knows I’m aware of this.”
“(...) You’re sure of it ?”
“I’m telling you, I know Sloane very much. But we can’t tell anyone, even the Senator. Sloane must have put some microphones or small cameras. Did he give you a time to do it or anything ?”
“He told me he would get back to me to tell me the exact time when I have to do it. Oh god, I dont know what I’m gonna do.”
“I’ll help you.”
“You’ll help me ? How ?”
“I know the man. We’ll just have to wait for the right time to strike. He’ll show a weakness.”
“Look Mr Luthor...”
“Look, Lex, I know I gave you a hard time but I...”
“No hard feelings. In your place, I might have done the same.”
“(...) Lex, can I ask you something ?”
“Of course.”
“David talked me in about SD-6 and what you have done in the CIA. But, he didn’t tell me how it ends with Sloane ? And what about Rambaldi, what was your interest in his work ?”
“I see. As you must have been told, I began to work with Agent Bristow as double agent. I persuaded Sloan that she had to help me collecting all the Rambaldi artifacts. Sloan is an intelligent man. Its him who made Sydney come to SD-6, he had noticed his skills. And so did I. She was the only one of the crew who was aware that SD-6 was not part of the CIA.”
“I heard you went to LA to buy Rambaldi artifacts from the CIA.”
“Yes. That was my idea. I wanted to lure Sloane. I knew he’d go for it. I thought the faster we’d know what Sloane’s intentions are really about, the better it would be.”
“So you convinced the CIA to sell all their artifacts to SD-6 ?”
“Yes. I started to work on it with Arvin after that. We discovered it was about a Prophecy, which would eventually lead us to a Truth.”
“A Truth ?”
“Yes. But we hastily understood there were lots of elements we didn’t had. Like some missing artifacts. I had though sufficient ideas of what Sloane was up to. That’s where I broke the deal with Arvin. I said to CIA agents it was time for a move. It was time to dismantle SD-6. After that, Sydney and I had to get away for a while, because Sloane would be hunting us.”
“You left with the artifacts ?”
“(...) Yes we did.”
“When you got away, I heard it was in Europe, a 3-week trip. You also got there to collect all the missing artifacts ?”
“ (...) Yes.”
“So, you too were also very interesting in Rambaldi’s work ?”
“Yes. What are you suggesting ?”
Senator Palmer enters the room.
Palmer “Jack, I need to talk to you. It’s urgent. Lex, can you excuse us ?”
Lex “Of course.”
Jack “What is it ?”
Palmer “It’s Teri’s mum. She couldn’t join you so she phoned me. She said Teri was supposed to show up tonight at her home, but she didn’t. She’s worried.”
Jack “No it’s nothing, euh, Teri and Kimberly went out tonight. They called me two hours ago to tell me there have been a change of plans.”
Palmer “But why wouldn’t she tell her mother ?”
Jack “She probably forgot. You see, she hasn’t had the best time with Kim lately, so tonight was a great opportunity. And she’s not 13 anymore, she can’t go out without her mother’s permission.”
Palmer “Well, I guess you’re right. But she really did sound worried. She was expecting the worst.”
Jack “Every mother is expecting the worst, no matter what. Im telling you, I know my wife better than you.”

Somebody knocks at the door.

Jack “Yeah, come in.”
Palmer “Lex ?”
Lex is showing the phone to Jack.
Lex “Its Sloane.”
Jack takes the phone.
Jack “Bauer.”
Sloane “Jack, I need you to take care of what I asked you in 25 minutes. So at 21.50. I hope our deal still stands ? I have your wife and daughter just next to me. Jack ?”
“Yes. Our deal still stands.”
“Wonderful Jack. After the job is done, I’ll let you know where your family is. Now put Lex on the phone, will you ?”
Jack “Lex, he wants to talk to you.”
Lex “Luthor.”
Sloane “So Lex, I guess you had enough time to think. Now, whether you give me the page 47 and its flask, or I’ll let Jack kill Palmer. And you know that if you prevent Jack from doing his duty, I’ll kill his wife and daughter. How will you feel about that, Lex ?”
“ (...) Allright Arvin. You won.”
“Good Lex. I want those documents in 15 minutes in Beverly hills. Don’t come with anyone or Bauer’s family will pay the consequences.”
Jack “So ?”
Lex “Sloane wants something from Rambaldi’s artifact. A very important piece. If I deliver it to him in Beverly Hills in 15 minutes, he’s willing to...spare the Senator’s life.”
Palmer “What the hell is going on here ?!!”
Lex “I’ve got to go.”
Jack “Im coming with you.”
Lex “No you’re not. I have to be alone otherwise he’ll kill your wife and daughter.”
Palmer “Can someone please fill me in ?!! Jack ?!!”
Jack “But Lex, are you sure its safe you go by your own to Beverly hills ?”
Lex “Don’t worry for me Jack. Beverly Hills is not where I plan to go.”


Ep 124


Palmer “Jack, you need to talk to me. What is going on ?! Let me remind you I hired you to help and protect me. How can you do that if you withold information from me ?”
Jack “(...) Im sorry Senator, but for both of us, its better you don’t know everything.”
Palmer “Jack....”
Jack “Please David don’t make it harder than it already is !!”
Palmer “For cryin’ out loud, Jesus Jack !! If this concerns me, and if consequences have to be faced, I’ll take the responsabilities. But you can’t keep this away from me while handling this with Lex Luthor !!”

Lex arrives in a dark shed. We hear gun fires which make recoil a man. The man shows himself. Its Sloane. And Lex is facing him. With a gun.

Sloane “Lex ? (...) How did you get here ?”
Lex “You thought I’d fall into your trap like a blind man Arvin ?”
“What are you sayin’ ?”
“Come on Arvin, we both know a nice committee is waiting for me in Beverly Hills, ready to kill me and take the precious document over my dead body.”
“(...) How did you locate me ?”
“I knew you’d show a weakness. Too many phone calls Arvin, you should have known. After the last call, tracking you was just a piece of cake for CIA.”
“I see. I under-estimated you, Lex.”
“Its a common mistake.”
“Well, what can I say. Well done.”
“Spare your energy.”
“What’s next move ? Killing me ?”
“(...) You don’t let me no choice, Arvin.”
“I see. (...) One last thing, for old time’s sake me the page. I know you’re carrying it all the time with you. Please Lex, before I die, I have to see see if I was right.”

Lex hesitates. But then takes a paper out of his coat, and a little flask. He spread the liquid on the paper. Drawings and Writtings appear. Sloane smiles.

Sloane “Its good I saw it before I die...then I was right. No doubt I lost. You’ll have to carry on Lex, nothing can stop you now. And nothing will. Its your Destiny.”
Lex “(...) And yours is about to end. Farewell, Arvin.”


Jack “You see David, I had to keep it from you. My wife and daughter’s lives were at stake !”
David “I understand it Jack, but still, you should have told me sooner !”
“Im sure Sloane is the kind of man who has made everything so he can be be aware of what is going in this room ! I could not take that risk !! (...) Im sorry David, but in eight minutes....Im gonna have to shoot you. I cant afford to lose both my wife and daughter.” Jack takes his gun.
“Wait a second Jack. I understand how you feel, I totally do. But there’s gotta be another way !”
“Im sorry Senator, but there isn’t.”
“And Lex ? He said he could deal with Sloane and maybe spare my execution, didn’t he ?”
“All I know, is that if I don’t kill you at 21.50, my wife daughter will be executed. And what about that Lex anyway ? How much do you trust him ?”
“Lex ? I know you suspected him at the beginning, but all he has done is help. And as far as Im concerned, he has made everything to help you, hasn’t he ?”
“(...) Yes, it’s true, I can’t deny it. But still there’s something that bothers me. The man says SD-6 has been dismantled thanks to him.”
“But let’s think about that in another way. Lex couldnt have achieved his goal without the help of the CIA, and not the other way around.”
“What do you mean ?”
“With Sloan and the CIA, he managed to have what I think has been his ultimate purpose from the very beginning, Rambaldi’s artifacts. I think he cares about it as much as Sloane does. Dont you see ? He couldn’t have created on his own SD-6, Sloane had the influence he didn’t have at the time. And even though he knew about the link between Sloane and the Alliance, he didn’t care about creating this section, SD-6. He then went to the CIA to dismantle SD-6 so he would be the first one to obtain the answers of Rambaldi’s work. His european trip was then perfect to collect all of the last artifacts he didn’t have.”
“And then what ? It makes him a distrustful man ? You know Sloane is pure felgercarb. I can’t believe this is what you think about this man after all we’ve been through for the last hours. The man is currently dealing with this Sloane felgercarb so your family and I could stay alive.”
“(...) Maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re wrong. Still, I have this feeling Luthor is not saying everything.”
“People have the right to keep some secret of their own. He doesn’t have to share everything with us.”
“Unless it is our concern.”
“(...) Jack, come on, lower that gun now. Jack ?!”
“I’m sorry Senator.”


Ep 125


Previously on DESTINY


Sloane “One last thing, for old time’s sake me the page. I know you’re carrying it all the time with you. Please Lex, before I die, I have to see see if I was right. (...)
Then I was right. No doubt I lost. You’ll have to carry on Lex, nothing can stop you now. And nothing will. Its your Destiny.”
Lex “And yours is about to end. Farewell, Arvin.”

Jack “And what about that Lex ? How much do you trust him ?”
Palmer “All he has done is help.”
“Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. Still, I have this feeling Luthor is not saying everything. (...)if I don’t kill you at 21.50, my wife and daughter will be executed.”
“Jack, come on, lower that gun now. Jack ?!”
“I’m sorry Senator.”



This is in an hotel room. There’s Lois Lane, Sydney Bristow and Lex Luthor. Lex is pointing a gun at Lois who’s down on the ground, on her knees..

Sydney Bristow “You know this is not your Destiny Lex....don’t fall into this Dark Side.”
Lex Luthor “(...) All I’ve tried to do these last months is to fight against this Destiny. I had to lie, to pretend I was someone else...and in the end, what do I get ? Everybody deceived me...why trying to fight something you can’t avoid ?”
Sydney Bristow “Lex, Im begging you...don’t do this.”
Lex Luthor “(...) There’s no escape...“
Lois Lane “Lex nooo !!”

One hour earlier. 21.50

Lex enters in the conference room in a hurry.

Lex “Jack !!! Put the gun down, dont shoot !!!”
Jack “What ??!! No way, I cant take the risk to see my family executed !!”
“Jack its ok, its ok...I got your family.”
“You...what ?”
Teri and Kimberly Bauer show themselves.
Jack “Oh my god....”
Teri “Jack !”
“I am so sorry, I swear I’ll never let anything happen to you again. David, I am so sorry, I don’t know what to say...”
“Don’t say anything. In your position, I would have done the same. You don’t have to explain yourself. Lex, I guess I owe you a thank you. We all owe you a thank you.”
Jack “What about Sloane ?”
Lex “ (...) Dead. I had to take him down.”
Palmer “Lex, you’re a man of honor. Now this is over, I have to face the media if you don’t mind.”
Jack “ Lex....I wanted to thank you for what you’ve done. I mean it.”
“It’s the least I could do.”
“(...) I know I put you in a difficult position in the beginning, so, I owe you an apologize also.”
“Please Jack.”
“(...) But, as far as my gratitude go, I have the feeling you’re hiding something, Lex.”
Kim “Let’s go home Dad. Thank you again Mr Luthor.”
Lex “Jack, just one thing, where is Lois ?”
Jack “She’s having some rest in the next room. (...) Take care of yourself Lex.”
“You too Jack.”

Lex goes to see Lois.

“Lois ?”
“Oh Lex, I thought I heard voices.”
“Its over, Lois.”
“Do you mean....”
“Yes. Sloan is dead. And everyone is allright”.
“Well, thanks to you I bet.”
“I tried to help.”
“ (...) Is everything all right ?”
“(...) Its hard sometimes. Bearing so much you can’t tell. Having to live a lie. Fighting against your Destiny. Sometimes I feel like I have mountains over my shoulders...”
“What’s wrong, Lex ?”
“ (...) I never told you this Lois, but, you’re amazing. I never thanked you. You always have been there for me, you’re always there to listen to me. That means a lot to me.”
“(...) Is there something you want to tell me ? Do you want to finish our previous conversation ? Are you willing to tell me what was inside that Rambaldi box ?”
“I didn’t tell you last time because I did not think you were ready.”
“Am I now ?”
“(...) You might be. (...) Anyway, it’s been too long since I’ve carried it all along on my own. (...) Do you believe in God, Lois ?”


Ep 126



Lois “What do you mean by ‘do you believe in God’ ?”
Lex “I mean exactly what it says. (...) Do you believe in what you’ve been taught ? I mean like Satan & God, Evil & Good ?”
“Well, sure. In a way, yes.”
“(...) You’ve been fooled. This is all about a game. Freddie Mercury was the only man to know it at the very moment he opened that box that his own hands could open. We can suppose he told to only one person: Brian May.”
“And what shall be that ‘game’ ?”
“(...) Millions years ago, God and Satan made a bet. They created life on a planet which was called the Earth. God bet on human beings. He said humanity will be their greatest creation and that they will all turn up in good ways. Satan claims that it was a non-sense, all he saw in it was chaos. That’s where the bet begins.”
“But Satan is the evil one, right ?”
“(...) That’s where we’ve all been fooled. As Time passed, God came to realize he was about to lose his bet. It was an evidence that all human beings were bringing to another was chaos. He then cheated on the rules that Satan & him set. No influence was supposed to be used. It became a personnal thing. God made human beings believe that God, him, was good, and Satan evil. He even made human beings build church for him. He made them very religious about him all over the world. It was only a game for him. But in fact, in the Universe, Satan is not more evil than God is. In this Universe, evil & good does not exist. But at the minute God brought it on Earth, Evil & Good spread in all this Universe.”
“But how could Milo Rambaldi know about that ?”
“(...) Some people consider Rambaldi as a prophet. He was way more than that. Milo Rambaldi was a formerly a God’s angel. But he couldn’t take this game anymore. He actually had some faith in humans, he thought there was some good in them we could not deny. Therefore he decided to leave the God’s World and become a human.”
“But why did he care so much about leaving such a message to Freddie Mercury ? Why him ?”
“After using his influence, God realized it was just making things worse. Humans were now killing each other about this religion. God realized too late he had made a very big mistake. A mistake that could lead this Universe him & Satan created to its destruction. He then decided a last attempt. In order to win his bet, he interfered in the human world by giving to a human skills he could never obtain as a regular human. He broke another rule. That is why Freddie Mercury had such sensibility and talent. That is why he was unique.”
“It can’t be....”
“Freddie learned in 1975 about the Truth. In his songs afterwards, he left lots of references. Like in the Prophet’s song ‘oho people of the earth, listen to warning, the prophet he says....’, he was talking about Rambaldi. The album ‘The Game’ is a total reference to this Truth. ‘Is this the world we created’ was a reference too, ‘if there’s a god in the sky looking down what can he think of what’ve the world that He created’. And of course in Bohemian Rhapsody. ‘is this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ? Look up to the sky and see...’”
“But didn’t Satan do anything about God’s cheating ?”
“The Mercury thing was too much. Satan decided he couldn’t let God get away with this. And his sanction will be severe. And God couldn’t deny it.”
“(...) What’d he do ?”
“Rambaldi was the main God’s angel. Before leaving for the human’s world, he knew about God’s plans. He knew about Freddie Mercury. And he knew what will be Satan’s sentenced. He wanted at least one man to know this. And he felt it should be Mercury, who has been used the most. He then left in this box everything. No wonder Rambaldi was a genius, he used to be the most powerful and most wise angel.”
“Lex, you still haven’t said what the sentence was ?”
“(...)The last artifact was the hardest one for Freddie. It was a simple date. 24/11/1991.”
“What’s that ?”
“The date of his death.”
“(...) What ?”
“Satan decided after God’s cheating, the game was over. He won the bet. He then felt human beings had no need to live anymore. He decided to end it. It was written that 100 years after Mercury will die...the world of human beings will no longer exist.”
“Its not...possible...I mean....”
“Its what the Prophecy says. Freddie knew from this very moment he would die on november 24th 1991, he just didn’t know how. But when he was told he was HIV positive in 1984, he knew how it would end.”
“My God...”
“Yes. Freddie had a difficult life. It is likely to believe he told everything to Brian May. They both wrote songs about all this. The song ‘Dead on time’ speak for itself. ‘Save me’ was a desperate song. ‘It’s a hard life’. ‘Who wants to live forever’, and also ‘Miracle’. He was waiting for a miracle to change his Destiny. But it did not can’t change your Destiny. And above all, he expressed everything in ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘is this the real life ? is this just fantasy ?’, ‘I dont wanna die, I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all...’, ‘belzebub has a devil put-a-side for me’, ‘nothing really matters, anyone can see...’. Before dying, he wrote with Brian May ‘The Show Must Go On’. (...) It feels good to have talked to you about that. I feel a little relief not being the only one to know now, except for Brian May. But Im sure this man knows how to keep a secret. You have to promess me not to tell anyone, Lois.”
“You can count on me Lex, you put your trust in me and you will not regret it. I appreciate what you did.”
“(...) Well, I guess you must be tired. I checked a room for you in the hotel nearby.”
“Wow, thank you Lex, that’s very thoughtful of you. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok ?”
“ok. Bye.”

Lois leaves. (...) Lex’s phone rings. He picks it up.

“Lex, it’s me.”
« (…) Sydney ?! Where you ?”
“Im in LA.”
„What ?!!“
„Look, I know you’re in LA too, and I know Lois lane is there too.“
“Yes of course, I made her fly here.”
“Listen carefully. Don’t talk to her. Don’t say anything to her.”
“What ? Why is that ?! “
“(...) She is the mole for Sloane.”


Ep 127


“There you go Mrs Lane, room 666. Do you need anything else ?”
“No, that’ll be all. Thank you.”

Lois packs her stuff.

“Hello Lois.”
“Jeez !!....Lex ?! How did you get here ? You scared me.”
“I did ? Oh, Im sorry. Already packing ? Going somewhere ?“
“No, not at all. I just figured that it would be something done for tomorrow morning.”
“Ah, I see.”
“(...) Is everything all right Lex ?”
“(...) How could you do this to me ? I put my trust in you.”
“Lex, what are you talking about, I don’t...”
“Don’t bullshit me Lois !! Your little game is over.”
“Lex I....”
“For how long have you been working for Sloane ? (...) Since when ? The end of SD-6 ? How money did he offer you ? Answer !!”
“(...) Im sorry Lex, I didn’t know what kind of man Sloane was. I never meant anyone to be hurt.”
“Because of you people could have died today. And don’t tell me you weren’t aware of what sort of man Sloane was. You acted just like a greedy journalist who jumped on the occasion to learn about the Prophecy of Rambaldi !! I bet Sloan told you everything he knew, that must have helped. I was wondering about the interest you had in interviewing I can see. Im sure you were about to release it in one of your articles. Sloane being dead, you had everything going for you. Well done Lois.”
“Lex, I swear....”
“Don’t you talk to me.”
She’s sobbing. “I am so sorry....I wish I could go back, but I can’t...”
“That’s right. You can’t.” Lex shows a gun.
“(...) What are you doing ? No Lex, know I never meant anything of what happened....”
“Should have thought about that earlier.”

Sydney Bristow jumps in the room.

Sydney “Lex no !!! put the gun down !!!”
Lex “Step back, Sydney.”
“Look, we found that Sloane threatened her, he would have killed her parents if she wouldnt cooperate.”
“Why do you mean by ‘we’ ? “
“(...) Im still CIA. I never quit. It was just a cover. (...) After the dismantling of SD-6, they had suspicions on you. Well, nothing serious, but they wanted to keep an eye on you. So....”
“....they asked you to watch me.”
“(...) Im sorry, Lex.”
“So, does everything that happened to us was...fake too ?”
“No Lex, I swear to you no !! I didn’t realize how much I loved you...but I couldn’t tell you either. Lex, please, put that gun down.”
“(...) You see, after all, the Prophecy is true in all its aspects. We can’t change our Destiny.”
“You know its not true.”
Lois “What are you guys talking about ? Is this....was Sloane right ? (...)It can’t be ? (...) That’s why you always told me that you had something that ‘cant fail you’, that ‘you were destined for great things’....because of what that page 47 says...isnt it ? (...) God interfered in the human’s world by giving Freddie Mercury god skills, and Satan...thus interfered also”
Lex “(...) The Prophecy says that there shall be a man who will come to discover the Truth of Origins. As a sentence to God’s cheatery, after the death of Mercury, during these 100 years, before the end of Earth, this man will be given remarkable inner skills and will show his Dark Side to conduct the Earth to its end. He will have to face his Destiny, no matter what.”
Lois “ (...) It all makes sense now.”
Sydney “You know this is not your Destiny Lex....don’t fall into this Dark Side.”
“(...) All I’ve tried to do these last months is to fight against this Destiny. I had to lie, to pretend I was someone else...and in the end, what do I get ? Everybody deceived me...why trying to fight something you can’t avoid ?”
“Lex, Im begging you...don’t do this.”
“(...)There’s no escape...“
Lois “Lex nooo !!”
Sydney « Lex…do you remember our time in Paris ? »
Sydney come closer to him.
Sydney “When we used to walk along the streets of Montmartre, and lay down in the Luxembourg while the sun was setting down...we had good times, hadn’t we ? (...) It wasn’t fake at all, you know that. (...) If you take this dark path, you shall never get out of it.”
Lex “Sooner or later, you know that this will have to happen.”
“(...) I believe in you.”
“And what if you’re wrong. What if...this Dark Side is inevitable ?”
“Every Dark Side doesn’t have to be evil.”
“(...) Mine does.”
“(...) Give me that gun, Lex....”
Sydney slowly reach her hand towards the gun. She makes him drop the gun. She hugs him.
Sydney “This is over Lex, this is over...”
Lex “(...) I’m afraid it has only begun.”
Lois “Please, Lex, I’ll ask you only one thing...don’t tell my husband.”
Lex “(...) I’m willing to forgive you. For what you did.”
Lois “So...Im gonna go to jail ?”
“(...) You may not. I’ll use my influence.”
“Oh Lex...”
“But don’t get confused. After that, don’t ever come to talk to me. Ever.”
Lex and Sydney leave.
Lex “Oh, and don’t worry about your husband. What was his name again ?”
“(...) Kent. Clark Kent.”
Lex “Come on Syd, let’s go.”
Sydney’s look crosses Lois’s look. Lex & Sydney leave.


This in the Lex & Sydney giant hotel room.

Sydney “Im so proud of you. And I swear I’ll never lie to you again.”
Lex “Neither will I.”
“So I guess the wedding’s still on.”
“More than ever.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“(...) Well, Im gonna take a hot bath, it will be the first good thing of this very exhaustive day.”
“Ok dear.”

Hotel phone rings.
“Mr Luthor ?”
“Someone is here to talk to you.”
“(...) It’s 11.50 PM.”
“He says he’d really like to talk to you to thank you if you don’t mind.”
“Who is it anyway ?”
“A Clark Kent sir”.


Ep 128


Clark knocks the door.
Lex “Come in. (...) Oh, Mr Kent, what a pleasant surprise.”
Clark “Please call me Clark.”
“All right, but do me one favour in return and call me Lex.”
“(...) What can I do for you ?”
“I think you know why I’m here. About Lois. I know what she did to you and...I wanted to thank you for helping her out after what happened.”
“How did you get here so fast from Metropolis ? Have you super-speed ?”
“Aha, no I...I was near LA so, I figured out I could come by and say thank you, Lex.”
“Well, you did right. I was joking Clark, of course. But please, have a seat. Do you care for a little cognac?”
“Im sorry Lex, I don’t drink. But thanks. (...) Look, I have to apologize for Lois...she’s not what she seems to be, she’s just so curious and so much involved in her work that...”
“And Sloane had threatened her family. I know Clark, I know. But that’s past. That’s history. Let’s put it behind.”
“(...) We’re lucky to have you as governor in Kansas.”
“Oh please.”
“Pete told me about you. He admires you.”
“Pete ?”
“Pete Ross.”
“Oh yeah. You know him ?”
“Yes I do, since high school actually.”
“Oh that’s funny...yes, Pete is a great guy. He totally deserved his Senator title in Washington.”
“So we have a common friend.”
“Yes. See, how small the world can be. (...) Do you believe in Destiny, Clark ?”
“(...) I try not to.
“Do you think you can run away from it ?”
“I think you can try but, in the’ll catch up with you.”
“Can you imagine how hard it is to fight everyday your Destiny ?”
“(...) I might have an idea.
Well, Lex, I won’t bother you any longer. Im gonna take off.”
“You don’t bother me at all.”
“It was nice talking with you, Lex.”
“Well, take care. And, anyway, I’ll see you in Metropolis.”
“Of course. With great pleasure.I believe this is a good friendship starting.”
“(...) Don’t worry Clark, our friendship is going to be the stuff of legends.”

