Season 2 dixon and jack

a thought just occurred to me - when did jack recruit dixon? before sydney was recruited, right? (remember in "q&a" when sydney bumped into dixon during her first visit to sd-6.) so wouldn't that mean that dixon knew jack was an sd-6 agent before sydney knew? and if he knew, then why didn't he tell sydney? the only possibilities i can think of is that jack either lied to dixon about his last name or failed to give one. i highly doubt jack would lie about his last name to dixon because that would just cause more problems, but how could he just withhold his last name from dixon? i mean, it would have been bound to come out sooner or later. i'm sure most people called jack "agent bristow" instead of "jack."

my only other guess is that while jack recruited dixon, he just wasn't around enough for dixon to interact with so dixon never got the chance to learn that jack was sydney's father. i mean, jack didn't even join the credit dauphine headquarters until the second episode or something.

still just bugged me. i mean, IF dixon knew that sydney's father was an sd-6 agent (and that's still a big if), then how could he have been so upset at sydney for not telling him the truth about sd-6 when he didn't tell sydney the truth about her father?

did i just confuse everyone? :blink:
Hey, you're not the only one--when Jack said that, I said, now wait a minute. I mean, Bristow's not the most common name around. Besides, you'd think that Dixon would have reacted in some way when he was reintroduced to Jack in season one, but nada. And I agree, you'd think he'd be at least as angry with Jack as with Sydney because Jack knew all along. What, did Jack recruit him by anonymous email?
at first, i liked the idea that jack felt so responsible for dixon because it showed a more compassionate side of jack.

but it also seems a bit contradictory. not to say that jack is a heartless man, but allowing dixon to stay in active duty knowing full well that the man was on some self-destructive vendetta just doesn't seem very...professional. and while jack hasn't always followed the rule book ;) , it just doesn't seem right for him to be that unprofessional.

and then there's the whole time discrepancy with dixon's recruitment.

maybe the writers should've just left that little tidbit out...
As usual, they're just showing the surface of the dark, deep, pool that is Jack. Wait for me to post my thoughts and I think you'll see an extremely compelling reason for him to behave as he did.
I think the writers are not being careful enough about such things as this. They don't pay enough attention to what they have done previously, and they're not making connections between that and what they're doing now. It drives me nuts, because it makes it impossible to use what has already happened to try to work out what will happen next. This business about Jack and Dixon is a perfect example.
i'm inclined to agree with you ophelia. although i really hope vh is right and the writers AREN'T being this careless. hopefully, there's a deeper meaning to this... :thinking:
i agree with both crazy spinster and either htey didnt talk much or he sent a letter with no name..<;)
Yeah, but in the dialog Jack says he's "worked with Dixon for 12 years." It really doesn't compute very well. They need to do some 'splaining.
Wow, months late here... but Cherry and i were just talking about this...

Maybe Dixon did know Jack, and the introductions were a front. Maybe Syd didn't have clearance to that info... since they were all big about clearance at SD-6. So Dixon had to keep the info from Syd.