Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in ghost?

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Avoid A Void
Just one of a series of questions i will pose. No answer will be right or wrong nor will you be judged for what you say here.

just answer the following questions please.

Do you believe? Yes/No

Why did you answer this way?

Have you experienced any abnormalities in regards to the question above? If Yes, then, In what way?

Can you say for certain that any of the questions above has changed your views on how your life is to this point?

There will be a simple yes or no post with each of these threads i post with also a couple of generic questions in there also.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

yes i do believe

simple. because i believe and that is all that concerns me.

yes i seriously have experience and encounter with ethereal apparations.

my life has not changed with my beliefs.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Yes I do believe in ghosts though I have never seen one.
I believe they are real because I have experienced poultergiests before as a child.

When I was 6 years old my parents bought an old house on a farm from on old woman who later passed before we took possession of the property. Several weird things happened at this site.
One day while cleaning out the upstairs my mother was pulling old stuff out of a closet. I was having fun throwing the stuff out of the upstairs window to a site below where we then were to load it in a truck for diposal. This of course we did only after the usual regiment of killing all of the clustered flies in the three upstairs windows which always returned.
One of the objects was an old photo framed with glass. It was approx an 8x10. Well like most young boys, I enjoyed throwing anything out of the window that would break, so I happily took the photo and tossed it from the window watching it spiral downward and subsequently smashing to the ground below. The glass shattered, the photo separated from the frame and all layed in a scattered pattern in the grass.
We didn't load anything that evening and just left it for the next days to do's. The next morning I ran up the stairs and upon entering the room was shocked to see the upstairs windows were all full of flies again and there in the middle of the floor was the photo! It was back in the frame and the glass was flawlessly in place over it!!!
I promptly pointed this out to my mom who totally freaked out and thought that I had found a duplicate and placed it there as a joke. She went and looked out the window for the broken one and it was gone!!!! Somehow this photo was repaired and replaced in plain site as a warning not to be touched again. We made the mistake of throwing it away again however.
A few days later my sister and a friend of hers who were both 14 at the time, and I, were all in the front yard playing while my parents were working inside the house. My sister and her friend were cheerleading off to one side and I was playing in a central area so they could keep an eye on me.
I was playing with a hula hoop when the wind began to blow furiously! Out of nowhere a force kind of like a whirlwind picked me up off the ground and began to hurl me toward a barbed wire fence at the edge of the yard!!!
Luckily, I screamed and my sister and her friend rushed to me in time to each grab a leg and the two 14 year old girls struggled at great effort to restrain me from being thrown into the fence. They stood there for a long moment with all their effort for what seemed like five minutes but was likely only maybe 30 seconds. The force had carried me nearly 100 feet before the girls reached me.
Finally the force relinquished it's grip and let me go and we all collapsed on the ground.
Now I realize that wirlwinds are mini tornados but I have never heard of one being strong enough to pick up a 6 year old child, not to mention having enough force to wrestle with two fourteen year old girls at the same time. I believe that the ghosts in that house were seriously pissed at me for breaking that photo and then after repairing it we still threw it away. Nor did the spirits of the house like the thought of the house being occupied by someone out of the previous family lines. Now I want to be clear, I never saw any apparitions that I remember, but I have no doubt that something evil existed in that house.
A few weeks after that incident took place, my other sister who was 10 at that time got seriously ill of a mysterious and yet unidentified nature and passed away despite being treated at childrens mercy hospital which was the best care available at the time. I also blamed the entity of the house for that.
Mom and dad soon thereafter sold the house without us ever having lived there and sold it at a loss just to be rid of it.
Four families traded the property after that, each swearing that the house was haunted. Finally, a member of the original family, of the same name as the old woman that my parents bought the property from, bought it back and took up residency there and have lived there unmolested for 15 years now.
To date, thats the only story I have concerning hauntings and such but that is one too many.

I can't say that the questions here have changed my life but those experiences sure did without a doubt. Ever since being touched by the evil of that place, I have experienced several changes and character aspects that I contribute to the incident.
I often have dreams that come true, I seemingly communicate with animals (especially dogs), I have an errie ability to understand what others are thinking and the rational behind their actions, I have extraordinary tone and strength despite a relitively small frame and lack of body building(my friends in school called me spider man) and directly after the incidents or encounters I began to display higher IQ functions like reasoning, artistic abilities, communication skills and so on.
I'm not trying to brag on myself and this is true and yes...I know it sounds completely like BS but it's not. It all happened and every single word is the truth!!!!!!!
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

No, in so much as the term Ghost is IMHO a wrong label for a class of spiritual creature known as a DEMON. Contrary to Hollywood movies and most written material Demons are not physical beings but are pure spirit, and as such can appear as anything they choose. They have no positive object in mind except to torment, confuse and destroy.

The other class of supernatural being which popular fiction classes as Demons are in fact Fallen Angels and while spiritual have a physicality. They are I think rarely encountered by humans but can be.

I have had experience with the first type but not to my knowledge the second type either....would not good. The first was a real problem.

The one class of phenomena that fits in with hauntings, that I don't understand frankly is the repeat actions type whereby the ghost ? follows a mindless series of actions over and over again and never varies. Some claim that this is like watching a video recording being replayed....I can offer no explanation for this.

However all other are Demonic and I guess the second type could just be the same.

Birdmans experience was Demonic IMHO/E.

So do I believe in Ghosts NO.

Regards D S D L
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Yes, why not.
I've not "personally" met a Millionaire or a Murderer either. As with UFO's, this "you not seeing it" is equal proof for and against.
Does an ant, flea, bee (other lower forms)(and you would be a lower form to a UFO that came all the way here, or an ascended/transformed? Ghost), see you as YOU? A threat, a meal, a miracle, an apparition, a dream/hallucination perhaps, but not as you see you.
Why not the same in reverse, or do we know it all?

"If you find yourself agreeing with the majority, it's time to pause, sit back and reflect on what you believe.":D
(something like that)
Mark Twain

Nothing has changed. I know there are things I don't know, and I'm open to revision without (stifling/petrifying) fear in my beliefs.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

No, in so much as the term Ghost is IMHO a wrong label for a class of spiritual creature known as a DEMON. Contrary to Hollywood movies and most written material Demons are not physical beings but are pure spirit, and as such can appear as anything they choose. They have no positive object in mind except to torment, confuse and destroy.

The other class of supernatural being which popular fiction classes as Demons are in fact Fallen Angels and while spiritual have a physicality. They are I think rarely encountered by humans but can be.

I have had experience with the first type but not to my knowledge the second type either....would not good. The first was a real problem.

The one class of phenomena that fits in with hauntings, that I don't understand frankly is the repeat actions type whereby the ghost ? follows a mindless series of actions over and over again and never varies. Some claim that this is like watching a video recording being replayed....I can offer no explanation for this.

However all other are Demonic and I guess the second type could just be the same.

Birdmans experience was Demonic IMHO/E.

So do I believe in Ghosts NO.

Regards D S D L

I'd sure go along with the idea that my experience was demonic. The SOB was E.V.I.L.. The only curious thing in my mind was the entities connection with the photo? The photo had a name written on it and was one of the original family members. He was actually the son of the old woman that sold the property. In fact he was deceased many years prior having been killed. I never knew the details of his death however.
I do differ with the opinion that all hauntings are demonic, I think that some are and some aren't and the ones that aren't are just disturbed spirits that couldn't move on fo whatever reason. But who knows for sure.
P.S. thanks for reading the story and not making fun!
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Hi Birdman

No problem. I would certainly not laugh at or say anyone was nuts. Many have odd experiences and either dismiss out of hand or file away, as not sure what happened. In your case it would have been impossible to dismiss as it was very dramatic and no-doubt very frightening.

However and with respect, lots of it, it is a mistake to believe anything learn't from the supernatural or to accept what you think certain events may mean or not, or even the ultimate source of those events. These forces are the very embodyment of lies, half truth and deception. Please trust me in this.

Believe me and I know you have no reason too, but most hauntings (excluding the video play back type which I can't put into a context, yet) are most certainly the work of Demons. These spiritual powers are while limited, not without the ability to mislead and confuse those experiencing them. They have enough knowledge to tailor experience to suit the viewers beliefs. They can appear as dead relatives or the previous dead owners of a property, but and I must hasten to add they are not, because I for one do not believe in the concept of trapped spirits of dead humans. This does not happen IMHO, they pass on to where they are supposed to go. This sadly is Hollywood fantasy. All the souls of the dead move on after death, no exceptions, again IMHO. All those who say differently are being deceived by demons who can as I said earlier, fool most humans, into seeing and hearing what they want. The ultimate purpose of this activity is to do as much harm and damage as possible.

No one has ever been able to offer an explanation as to the source of these spirits, and neither can I, but one thing I am 100% certain of they are not friends of humanity.

Avoid contact if at all possible, do not seek to contact what you think is a ghost and do not try to contact the dead, you can't....what you will get is a demon pretending to be the dead person. All IMHO of course.

Ghosts do not exist, but if you rightly IMHO call them demons then they most certainly do.

Regards D S D L
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

DSDL, I appreciate your opinion and theory, I've never heard that theory before and it's interesting and also makes since. The one thing that really makes me accept what you are saying about it being demonic is that I've never heard of a ghostly encounter enparting any "gifts" upon the person that was touched. I'm assuming that a demon would have the power to cause some of the changes I attribute to the encounter. It kind of reminds me of the series "Supernatural", but my "gifts aren't as strong as Sam's by any means.
I don't know it's all so wierd, lol. SOmetimes I think I imagined the whole thing but then once in a while my sister says, "hey do you remember that day in that yard when..." Then a chill runs up my spine, lol.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Hi Birdman

I often have dreams that come true, I seemingly communicate with animals (especially dogs), I have an errie ability to understand what others are thinking and the rational behind their actions, I have extraordinary tone and strength despite a relitively small frame and lack of body building(my friends in school called me spider man) and directly after the incidents or encounters I began to display higher IQ functions like reasoning, artistic abilities, communication skills and so on.
I'm not trying to brag on myself and this is true and yes...I know it sounds completely like BS but it's not. It all happened and every single word is the truth!!!!!!!

Gifts....ummm. Its hard to say if what you think you have are anything other than someone who is empathic towards animals and humans. This need not be supernatural but just part of who you are as a normal human. There are many normal people who just seem to have away of understanding. The other things you mention may just be abilities that would have come about anyway. Bear in mind that boys tend to develop later than girls and at age 14 you where perhaps just on the verge of gaining all of this and would have, despite what happened to you. Anything dramatic like, what you experienced would certainly have some effect on you but I suspect its just a coincidence. Its also the case that just because someone is small that they can't be strong, is wrong thinking.

You may possibly be reading a lot into this and not coming up with the right answers. Please don't think that I don't believe you, but consider the possibility.

Did these happenings have any effect on the rest of your family ? Obviously the death of your sister did (and I am sorry to hear about that), but I don't think its going to be clear cut that that had anything to do with the house etc.

I think you need to discuss this with your family (and maybe you have) just to get all the facts clear. The world view of a 6 year old is a lot different to someone older. I am not in saying this, changing my mind about what you have written its just that many bad things can happen in a short space of time, with out it being supernatural.

The photo incident is certainly remarkable.

If you know when the whirlwind incident happened you could check local weather reports/records to see was there any extremes of weather on that day in your area at the time. The reason I am suggesting these things, is that perhaps only a few odd things happened and the other things are just coincidence ( and one a tragedy )and nothing more.

Its hard here on a forum to discuss these things and without meeting you in person I really can't comment much further. I live on the other side of the Atlantic in the UK, so I can only offer so much help. However I am willing to continue talking and if I can gain some further insight fair enough but I might not be able to do so.

Demons do not have creative power, they like fallen Angels are limited beings. They can only destroy, cause harm etc. The problem with dealing with the dark side (sorry Star Wars)is that all experiences are at best fairly worthless. These spirits are liars and deceivers and will and do bend the truth to reveal only half truths and distortions. So it is in their nature not to reveal much of worth in their activity. Only patterns gained out of experience, your own and that of others can be useful, but must be treated with great caution. It is 100% my best advice not to pursue this or think to much about it. I think you need to sort out what happened using my above suggestions and then move on. I would not look back at it, after you have done this.

I could go into more details but I don't think here is the best place to do that. PM me if you want to talk more. Or if you don't then this level of info is OK in the public domain, I think. My main concern is that this discussion is perhaps of topic (though the thread question asks for an explanation of what you think ) and a sci-fi forum may not be a suitable venue for this type of discussion. What do the Mods think ?

I hope the above is of some help.

Regards D S D L
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Depends on what you mean by "ghost".

There is no doubt that many people have perceived something which they can't explain, but which seems to take the form of an insubstantial person or animal. You can call that a ghost if you like.

But that does not mean that there is any objective reality to their perceptions, let alone that they represent the spirits of dead people. The human mind is fooled amazingly easily, and "ghost sightings" have been produced in laboratory experiments just by stimulating people's brains in the right way.

Human perception is a fascinating subject, with lots of research going on. If you study the results, you will never again believe that an "eyewitness report" has any validity at all.

This article gives you a glimpse: Body illusions: Body swap
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Do you believe? Yes/No
Why did you answer this way?
I don't know if the "ghost" is the exact word I would use for me as much as a persons "energy" that is in all of us.
Have you experienced any abnormalities in regards to the question above? If Yes, then, In what way?
Not directly. It would be comforting to know that our essence continues on after our physical bodies have ceased to function but I believe that even a persons energy, that separates from their body at the time of their death, eventually dissipates into nothingness. For a brief time we might feel those energies around the persons or spots that had the most meaning for the deceased and over time that feeling goes away as the energy gets weaker and eventually is gone altogether.

Can you say for certain that any of the questions above has changed your views on how your life is to this point?
No. One of the greatest things about being human is that we all have our own beliefs. There are billions of people on this world shaped by a huge number of factors and those many beliefs could turn out to be all totally wrong or some may be correct but in the end it does not really matter because we can choose our own beliefs.

{We now conclude Kevin's Zen Moment of the Day.}
Do you believe? Yes/No

Why did you answer this way?
Because through my paranormal research which began in the 1980's, I've discovered that there are only two things that can be responsible for ghostly apparitions:

1. DEMONS: The Devil loves to perpetuate a lie, especially if people strongly believe in it. He wants us to waste our time dabbling in the occult rather than bettering ourselves mentally and spiritually.

2. ALIENS: There are some types of other worldly beings that can easily fade in and out of our dimension. Without any foreknowledge of this can lead some people to perceive aliens as ghosts.

Have you experienced any abnormalities in regards to the question above? If Yes, then, In what way?
Yes, but I can't disclose any information. I promised people that I would never talk about anything that I have witnessed.

Can you say for certain that any of the questions above has changed your views on how your life is to this point?
Yes, since I experianced something when I was a child (I won't elaborate).
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

I agree with Kevin in the sense that I wouldn't classify ghosts as spirits in the traditional way but as energy released when some one dies. If that energy can haunt us or not that is another question but that they exist I believe that they do.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Yes I believe in ghosts, this is from personal experience with one. My family owns a house in the Adirondacks in upstate New York... my Grandfather bought the house and property in 1972 from the family of an elderly man who lived and died there... the man was a hermit, never left the house. Soon after my Grandfather bought it the ghost sightings began... the most profound one was from an electrician who refused to return to the house. He was pulling wires when he said someone or something started pulling the wire through the wall but he was the only one there... Figuring it was an animal or kids (though there are no homes in the immediate area, the house sits on 300 acres of land) he turned to go up the stairs from the basement... at the top of the stairs he said was your standard white ghostly figure... his partner picked him up from the top of the mountain on the far side of the property which is where he ran leaving all his tools behind, never to return. Growing up we'd visit the house on long weekends and holidays, we always sensed we were sharing the home. We got the feeling that the entity there reluctantly approved of us since we treated it with respect but obviously were not family... Picture frames would move, lights sway, unexplained shadows and lights would dance across the walls... and funny thing is there would always be black flies in the house... we'd vacuum them up and 15 minutes later it would look like they were all back with no apparent point of origin. Over the years things quieted down and for the last 5 or 6 years we think he has finally 'moved on' but we know what we saw... and even heard one time. I never got the sense of 'evil' from this spirit so I'd be hard pressed to say it was demonic in any way- it truly just felt like someone didn't want us there but understood our right to be there. Also since the presence left the house there are virtually no flies anymore.
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

I have believed in ghosts ever since I was five and it all started from my Grandparents old house.

It was summer and I was running up the oak staircase in the oldest part of the house. Now, old farm house have like five foot think stone walls, so it keeps the house at a nice level of heat. I got to the top of the stairs and I swear that I felt a cold breeze pass right through me and down the stairs. I thought that there was a window open, so I went for a walk around to see. All the doors were shut so no draft could've come through and the windows were closed too.

I've had experiences with spirits in the past, but for me at the age or five to remember that and have other freaky experiences not only in that house but in others kinda makes you think that death is not the end...
Re: Do you believe in ghost?

Ghost, Demons or Aliens, which? I say it can be either, depending on circumstances. The photo-plasma image can be generated by thought alone and gives credence to any possibility. You really are.. what you can accept or believe in. Free choice has been given to all to choose to accept or reject anything and everything. What one becomes is based on what one is and on what can be accepted. Nothing is impossible to a growing open mind thats only restriction is what it accepts as fact with reservation to other possibles in all equations. Never close the mind to anything but weigh all things with a grain of salt. A solid footing must never be lost. My quick answer is yes, I believe.
Ghouls and Goblins and Ghosts are real, like the tooth fairy. If you want to believe, you can. Otherwise it is some weird subconscious felgercarb that you have fooled yourself into. Dead, Alive, no in between. Hooooray frog!
Ghouls and Goblins and Ghosts are real, like the tooth fairy. If you want to believe, you can. Otherwise it is some weird subconscious felgercarb that you have fooled yourself into. Dead, Alive, no in between. Hooooray frog!
Would it be safe to assume that you're not much of a fan of organized religion as well? :o