Do you ever feel like...

You're fighting your computer, or the server you're playing on, rather than the monster you're currently at melee with? More times than I can count, I've had to blame lag, be it server lag or graphical (local) lag, with my character's lack of prowess in combat.

While I'm sure HJ won't be lacking in this department, I'm really just curious as to how many of you feel cheated, in your own MMORPG experiences, by no fault of your own, but rather the fault of a crappy engine, a cheap server, or a less-than-expensive video card... for something that otherwise would have been a routine victory.

Sometimes, yes, you should fail, but when it's the fault of something you can't control, be it your computer, or the computers in charge of the game you're playing, it just seems unfair. Am I just ranting? Or are there others out there who feel like I do?
The best example of this that I've experienced was playing a feral druid on WoW before they really worked out all the bugs.
In this case I am specifically referring to the old attack range problem in cat form. Blizzard constantly said that there was no issue and yet druids around the world would be embedding themselves inside of their opponents and still receive the dreaded 'out of range' error. Lag was sometimes blamed, as was everything else under the sun... but honestly, when I was sitting there with a flawless connection speed, a decent computer, and my kitty was sticking through a stationary opponent and was told that he was out of range... I wanted to hit something. Just as you say, it should have been easy, and yet I was denied victory because of something systemic, not due to personal skill or character abilities.

I've experienced other examples but that is the most notable (and extended). I literally cheered when I returned to WoW a year later and discovered that the problem had been mostly or totally fixed.
There are some instances where it is loss of victory that is a result to my crappy computer. More than that though is plain embarassment. It will take me ages to get somewhere because of graphical lag and people target me with malicious comments.

~Ashvirenza Stormhood