Politics Donnie Darko...Terrorist?

Donnie Darko director Richard Kelly could be forced to miss the Cannes Film Festival because his passport is being reviewed by the US Government. Homeland Security is investigating 31-year-old Kelly, reportedly because there is a James Kelly on the terrorist watch list. Fearing he will be unable to attend the premiere of his new movie Southland Tales at Cannes later this month, Kelly has contacted a US senator and has recruited his mother to hunt out documents to help him prove his American citizenship. The Virginia-born writer/director fears the issue could be connected to the plot of his new movie, which is in part about security measures taken by the Us Government following 9/11. He says, "The paranoid conspiracy freak inside me is starting to think this has something to do with the film."

At least the terrorists haven't won...

Oh frack...
I saw this on the huffington post the other day. Give me a break. Does our government not have better things to do with their time? :rolleyes: