Double Agent


I watch cable TV ( Asia-Astro). The latest episode was Phase One. It ended with Sark telling Sloane that his plan worked. Cia brought down all SD cells. That guy who took over Sloane's place found out from Sloane's typing in his computer that both the Bristows are double agents. Did he know it all along and playing his game? :thinking:
So many times that they were almost caught. Sloane must be really cunning and smart. :blink:
Sark tipped Sloane off to the fact that Jack and Sydney were double agents. That was the paper that Sark showed Sloane when he came on board at the end of "Counteragent."
Oh, so it was only then that Sloane knew about it. I thought he knew much earlier. That Sark and his ways :angry: But, then i still like Sark. :lol: :angelic: