Drinking Game

Azhria Lilu

Choose your favorite drink (it can be alcoholic, but non-alcoholic is fine too). 1 drink = 1 sip. You can also use cookies, skittles, M&Ms, etc. (use as 1 drink).

Slightly updated for season 2 (december 19th 2002)

uses a device made my Marshall = 1 drink
is in another discuise = 1 drink
tells someting to Dixon through earpiece = 1 drink
Dixon answers back = 1 drink
is on mission with Vaughn = 2 drinks
is on a mission with her family = 5 drinks
takes lie-detector test = 3 drinks
fails lie-detector test = 10 drinks
tells a guard she was looking for a bathroom = 2 drinks
a guard lets her through because of her looks = 2 drinks
uses an accent = 1 drink
speaks another language = 1 drink
saves Michael’s life or Michael saves Syd’s life = 2 drinks
kisses anyone but Michael = 3 drinks
kisses Michael = CHUG
talks to Jack = 1 drink
has an emotional conversation with Jack = 3 drinks
must gain access to a computer = 1 drink
meets her mother (in person) = CHUG


Sydney and Vaughn talk, while pretending not to = 1 drink
is jealous = 1 drink
briefs Sydney at the garage = 1 drink
goes on a mission = 2 drinks
somone tells him that he is too “emotionally attached” = 1 drink
he agrees = CHUG


is at a breifing = 2 drinks
takes lie-detector test = 2 drinks
see him out of the office = 2 drinks
dosen't seem to trust somone = 1 drink
mentions a “secure line” = 1 drink
is late or dosn’t show up = 1 drink
says something sweet = CHUG
disobeys SD-6’s rules = 1 drink
disobeys SD-6’s rules to help Sydney = 2 drinks
gives Sydney a gift = 2 drinks
somone else mentions the gift = 1 drink
says “not now” (or something similar) = 1 drink
enables a device so that their conversation can’t be recorded = 1 drink
their conversation is recorded = 3 drinks
yells at Vaughn = 1 drink
Vaughn yells back = CHUG


demonstrates gadget = 1 drink
we see his inflatable furniture = 2 drinks
the gadget doesn't look like an ordinary object = CHUG
makes some remark un-related to gadgets = 1 drink
the remark is about a TV show or movie = 1 more movie
says a good line = 1 drink
almost (accidentily) blows Sydney’s cover = 2 drinks
Is a double = CHUG


meets with Vaughn = 1 drink
is on the phone = 1 drink
Jenny says “That was Syndey” when Will hangs up = 2 drinks
makes a move on Syd = 2 drinks
talks with syd = 1 drink
gets recruited = CHUG


is doing something besides sitting in the van on a mission or getting briefed on a mission= 3 drinks
covers up for Syd = 1 drink
shows trust in Syd = 1 drink
shows ditrust in Syd = 3 drinks


shows some photos and video, and the camera zooms out showing that
the pics/video is beig shown on computer screens in front of empty
seats = 1 drink
gets mad at Marshall = 1 drink
recieves a telephone call = 1 drink
has somone killed = 1 drink
talks to Sydney alone = 1 drink
talks about his past or Emily = 1 drink
mentions himself “feeling like a father” to Sydney = 1 drink
sits in Marshall’s inflatable chair = CHUG


asks Syd about her trip = 1 drink
everyone is quiet when she walks in the room = 1
is working = 1 drink
gets recruited = CHUG


Mission briefing = 1 drink
Rambaldi is mentioned = 1 drink
Sydney is at the CIA Operations Center = 1 drink
We see a surveillance camera = 1 drink
We see Weiss’ yo-yo = 1 drink
Weiss’ yo-yo “is sleeping” = 3 drinks
We’re in a hospital = 1 drink
A gun is fired = 1 drink
Someone dies = 2 drinks
We see the Credit Dauphine sign = 1 drink
We see a Rambaldi artifact = 1 drink
There is an explosion = 1 drink
Syd and Vaughn hug = 5 drinks
Syd and Vauhgn kiss = CHUG
We find out that somone besides Jack is Syd’s father = CHUG AND KEEP CHUGGING!
ok, i printed this out a while ago..and i was just reading it yesterday before Phase One aired. ok whoa..this list was like psychic i swear..
1. Syd kissed Vaughn
2. Jack says something sweet (i thought that when he called Syd swetheart, that was pretty sweet..)
3. well i would say Dixon was doing ALOT more than just sitting in a van or in a briefing..
4. does getting KILLED count???? and what about this francie look-alike?
5. the Alliance (and SD-6 as well i suppose) is apparently destoryed, does that count?
oh man..Phase one kicked ass..i kept thinking about that list though..craziness..and THEY KISSED!!!!!! aaaaahhh!!
if someone actually did this drinking game while watching phase one, they would be out of drinks because all of the chugging they had to do!! i agree with double agent, this list was psyhic, maybe an ancient rambaldi list!lol(sorry couldn't resist!!!)
Don't we need to add "Disobeys CIA rules" for Jack--especially now that SD-6 is no more . . .

Oh, how about for Irina:

Points a gun at a good guy = 1 drink
Gives Sydney advice = 1 drink
Gives Jack advice = 1 drink
Brings up something that happened when she was "Laura" = 2 drinks
Tells someone to trust her = 1 drink
Actually lets a fact slip = CHUG!
hahaha, this is great. although if i actually followed any of these, i'd miss half of alias because nature would be calling. what can i say, i've got a small bladder. :D
Got these in an email:

reminds Danny = 1 drink
talks to her professor = 1 drink
makes a switch = 2 drinks
is taken by surprise by guards = 3 drinks
shows some fighting tricks = 1 drink
takes the box with her mother's photoes and articles about her death= 3 drinks
works for KGB = CHUG

talks to Weiss = 1 drink
visits CIA Director Devlin = 2 drinks
quarells with Haladki = 1 drink
is at SD-6 = 5 drinks
gives Syd a Christmas present = 5 drinks

talks to Sydney about her mother = 1 drink
visits CIA psychiatrist according to the order = 2 drinks
visits CIA psychiatrist to his own will = 3 drinks

is on mission = CHUG
is in a business suit = CHUG


comes to a jail = 2 drinks
mentions Eloise Kurts or Kate Jones = 1 drink
learns the truth about Sydney's job = 10 drinks

is wounded = 3 drinks
sends a message to CIA = 5 drinks

is on the Alliance meeting = 2 drinks
is tortured = 3 drinks

we see names of the cities where Syd comes = 1 drink
K-Directorate is mentioned = 2 drinks
we learn who "The Man" is = 5 drinks
we see Dixon's wife = 2 drinks
we see the red light of SD-6 elevator = 1 drink
Charlie said:
talks to Sydney about her mother = 1 drink
visits CIA psychiatrist according to the order = 2 drinks
visits CIA psychiatrist to his own will = 3 drinks
Personally, I think that last one should be chug, but that's just me. These are so hilarious. I'm gonna do that with skittles.
ok sorry im kinda slow i kinda get it. but tell me if im right. is sumting hapens that sumone worte you take how ever many sips that it says? bu these are reruns we already know whats gonna happen. so do we just wait for season 3? sorry im confused!!

lauren vartan
okay basically you watch an episode of alias. If any of the things listed above to the characters you take a sip (or two or more as accordingly) or eat a skittle or whatever. It's all in the fun! :D
--Mandy :angelic:
lol, I totally want to try this, but with Phase One, I'm thinking I'd pass out immediately afterwards. ;)