Earthbound - Surfing the Apocalypse

You can now read or download the full 'Earthbound' story at Thanks to everyone who've been following the project, and keep your eyes open for new music being released - some is from within this project, but we also have some brand new and exciting stuff in the pipeline. For further updates on releases and exhibitions related to 'Earthbound', please check in on or drop by the 'Earthbound' Facebook page or the Love OD Facebook group. Have a great Easter holiday! (If it applies to you, wherever you are...)
'Earthbound - Surfing the Apocalypse' is now available in various formats from Smashwords.

You can also get it for your Kindle at the Amazon Kindle Store.

'Earthbound – Surfing the Apocalypse' is a 'transmedia novel' that uses text, artwork, music and various internet-based channels to tell the whole story. It is a tale of paranoid big city life during the apparent 'end-times', the internet, electronic music, magic, post-apocalyptic visions, the future, travels deep into the Arctic, free energy and the environmental crisis - and a whole lot more.